Quadruple split

Chapter 1597 Ominous Voice

Same day

Game time AM07:39

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, lawful and neutral Gaheres, will soon be loaded into the realm of innocence, I wish you a good night]

Southwest Continent, Eastern Border of Griffin Dynasty, Almola Town, [Bronzebeard] Tavern Room 204


Gahres, who felt a little uneasy, but somehow mixed with a touch of excitement, slowly opened his eyes, and then saw a beautiful white, pink and jade-carved little fist getting bigger and bigger in his field of vision, and below it For a second, he was lightly slapped on his forehead, and then he saw that delicate and cute little face just a short distance away.

The expression on the little face is not beautiful.

"Forty minutes!"

Because Gahres said he should try not to walk alone in crowded places, Wenqiu, who had been waiting for the former in the tavern since he got online, puffed up his cheeks and stared with a pair of big eyes full of sorrow. Not only did he not do as promised Brother Lei, who was stuck on the server opening time and was even nearly an hour late, waved his little fist in grievance: "Brother Lei, you are forty minutes late! You made such a lovely lady wait for you for forty minutes. ! A super-super-super boring forty minutes!”

Considering that Wenqiu is currently in the state of [Innocent Heart], even for Gaheres, who is not considered powerful at all in the character panel, the girl's small fist is no different from a massage. In fact, even if Wenqiu is activated The talent of [Flawless Evil], which is powerful enough to be on the top of the rankings, is not enough to increase her strength to the point where she can knock out Gaheres with her fists.

As the saying goes, spells have specializations. For the most orthodox spellcasters, strength and physique have never been attributes that are valued and cultivated. Therefore, even the orthodox spellcasters at the legendary level usually have no way to compete with others. He defeated a mid-level warrior in a nonsensical exercise, and compared with the latter's physical strength that was comparable to an ordinary body armor, the undefended spellcaster was not much harder to kill than a chicken.

Of course, this does not mean that knights are better than mages. Again, there are specialties in the arts.

To sum up, although Wenqiu looked fierce with his teeth and claws, he did not intend to hurt Gaheres, nor did he want the latter to have a taste of his power. He was just acting coquettishly and out of anger.

Gahres also raised his hands very cooperatively, and while letting the girl's small fists, which were as dense as raindrops and not much more powerful than raindrops, fall on his chest, he meekly admitted his mistake and said: "I'm sorry, I didn't. If I can comply with the agreement and go online on time, I..."

"He's a big liar!"

Wenqiu stopped his fists, put his hands on his hips and pouted.

"Yes, yes, brother Lei is a big liar. Brother Lei knows he was wrong."

Gahres, who had absolutely no intention of explaining himself and knew that he had broken his promise, had a very upright attitude: "Brother Lei apologizes to Xiao Wenqiu. As long as I can do it, I will try my best to satisfy you."

Wenqiu rolled her eyes cutely: "Brother Lei, please help me kill all the people in the town. They get up so early and they are so noisy and annoying."

Gahres smiled bitterly and shook his head, trying to use a gentle yet strict tone and said: "First of all, brother Lei can't do this at the level of ability, and we shouldn't judge others just because they got up early and made a little noise. Kill them all, that’s not right because human life is precious.”

"Then let me go and kill them all, okay? I can do it at the level of ability!"

Wenqiu flattened his mouth and muttered: "Brother Lei doesn't have the ability, so Wenqiu does..."

Gaheres shook his head vigorously and emphasized seriously: "Didn't I say that human life is very precious!"

"Wen Qiu doesn't think so."

The girl trotted to the bed and sat down, shaking her body slightly while retorting: "Aren't there many people who say that everything is equal before nature? If human beings have feelings, many animals also have feelings. They will still be treated lightly. Kill them to make clothes, food, etc. If everyone is of the same kind and shouldn't hurt each other, wouldn't it be humans who hurt the most? Miss Mantis ate her husband because she wanted to provide nutrition to the baby. On the contrary, we often Killing and hurting people for some weird-sounding reasons, right?"

"That's not the case. Qiuqiu listen to me..."

"Wenqiu has never been to school, but there are many stories on TV and in books. When it comes to morality, the concept itself is very strange, because obviously no one really wants to abide by it. Spitting on the ground and killing on the ground are both unethical, but the real difference between them should be difficulty and consequences, right?"

"Wen Qiu, your idea is wrong. Many things are not..."

"Many things are not what I think. Brother Lei, you may be right, but I still think that the reason why people don't kill people like spitting is mainly because it is very difficult and the consequences are very serious. I have seen some Stories from the war period, in those concentration camps or massacres, the difficulty and consequences of killing became very low, and the result..."

"I don't want to discuss this matter anymore, Xiao Wenqiu."

Gahres sighed, walked to the girl and touched her head gently: "I just think that as a person, even if it is for your own good, you should exercise some self-restraint as much as possible on certain issues. "

Wenqiu narrowed his eyes comfortably, tilted his head and rubbed Gaheres' hand: "Brother Lei, maybe you are right, but Wenqiu doesn't think he is wrong."

“Everyone has a different idea of ​​what’s right.”

Gahres looked at Wenqiu who was leaning on his arm dotingly, and said softly: "But I hope you can grow up healthy and happy."

"It's a pity that Wenqiu is not a healthy child no matter how you look at it. If he grows up..."

Wenqiu hugged Gaheres and tightened her hands. She did not continue talking. She just raised her little face and changed the topic cheerfully: "But Wenqiu will try hard to listen to brother Lei, because he is very happy to be with brother Lei. ,Yes, it is like that."

Gahres, who somewhat knew that the physical condition of the girl in front of him was not optimistic, and who sincerely hoped that she would be happy, thoughtfully did not continue to preach. He just pretended to kneel on one knee in front of Wenqiu and held her hand. The little hand smiled and said: "It's an honor to be the knight of Princess Wenqiu."

"Hehe, Wenqiu doesn't want a useless knight like Brother Lei. Well, Wenqiu doesn't need a knight at all."

The girl giggled and pinched Gaheres's cheek: "And brother Lei, you don't look like a knight at all. You have a dull personality and a bit of cowardice. You look like the villager A. suits you."

Naturally, Gaheres would not be angry with this little girl who was like his sister. He even laughed along with him: "Village A sounds pretty good too."

"Brother Lei..."

Wenqiu suddenly blinked his eyes, lowered his head suddenly and looked closely at the other person's smiling face: "There is something wrong with you today! You are usually more gloomy. Although you will still dote on Wenqiu, it will not be like this now. joke."

Gahres also blinked: "Yes?"


The girl suddenly jumped off the bed, wrapped her arms around Gahres' neck like a koala and shook her: "Tell Wenqiu what happened!"

The latter tilted his head and thought for a moment in confusion, and then said sincerely: "It's nothing..."

"Well, brother Lei, why are you late today?"

Wen Qiu shifted the focus slightly and asked curiously: "Did something happen? Brother Lei has obviously been very good during this period."

Gaheres picked up Wenqiu and put him on the bed. He sat next to him and said coquettishly: "She is a senior sister from the school. She accompanied me to buy clothes in the afternoon and had a meal together in the evening. Unexpectedly, she came to the dormitory. It’s very far from the cafeteria, so…”

"Ah! Brother Lei, you went to have dinner with a girl! You even bought clothes together!"

As a result, the girl interrupted Gahres very excitedly, raised her little face with stern eyes and asked: "In the end, did you run away to someone else's dormitory?!"

Gaheres chuckled, waved his hand and said: "What do you mean by running away to someone else's dormitory? I just sent my senior sister downstairs to the dormitory. Although it is getting dark late now, the sky is still a bit dark, and she is still a girl. "

"Brother Lei..."

Wenqiu sighed, raised his head like a young adult, and said earnestly: "Next time something like this happens again, it doesn't matter even if you let Wenqiu Pigeon go completely."

Gaheres: "Huh?"

"Is Brother Lei's senior sister good-looking?"

"Well, senior sister is pretty good-looking."

"Brother Bi Lei, how old are you?"

"Two years old, maybe three years old..."

"What's your personality like?"

"Haha, senior sister and mentor have very good personalities and are very good at taking care of others."

"I love my tutor so much, but here I am talking about my senior!"


"Senior, does your family have money?"

"Although it's hard to tell, the conditions should be particularly good."



“After all, it’s hard-earned luck, so you must make good use of it!”


"Because Brother Lei, no one will like you. It's not easy to find a senior who is willing to go shopping and eat with you, and has a good personality, good looks, and money at home. You can't just let him go." Run away! Well, it’s decided. If things have to do with senior sister in the future, it doesn’t matter even if brother Lei doesn’t keep his promise to Wenqiu, I will definitely not be angry, lose my temper or show off my temper!”


For two minutes, Gaheres was stunned like this for a full two minutes, and then he raised his hand and flicked Wenqiu's smooth and beautiful forehead in a dumbfounded voice: "What nonsense are you talking about? Who taught you this? ?”

"Why are you talking nonsense!"

Wenqiu patted his thigh angrily and said anxiously: "Brother Lei, don't believe it, it's really hard for a boy like you to find a girlfriend!"

"It's not that I don't believe this..."

Gaheres shook his head in confusion, and said helplessly: "I just think you are thinking too much, Xiao Wenqiu. Senior sister and I are from two different worlds. It's not what you think at all."

Having said that, Gahres did not wait for Qiu to continue to express his views and opinions, and immediately summarized his experience today briefly. Putting aside the academic questions that girls could not understand, the main thing was that the tutor was more caring. Responsible and returned the meal card, the considerate senior took him out to work for a long time. Not only did he buy clothes, but he also helped buy a lot of daily necessities. In short, he was flattered.

"what the hell……"

As for Wenqiu, as expected, he showed a disappointed look and said hummingly: "I thought your spring had come, Brother Lei."

Gahres asked in a rather brisk tone: "Isn't this spring?"

"I don't know, it's pretty boring anyway."

Wen Qiu shook his head and bumped his head on Gaheres' shoulder: "But now Brother Lei does seem to be a little less covered in shadows. Well, even though it's just a little bit, it's still a good start. Bar."

Gahres looked confused: "Shadow? What shadow?"

"It's just a feeling, it shouldn't be anything important."

Wenqiu, who had lost interest in this topic, lay down on the bed and stretched out: "Hey, brother Lei, let's go on. It's so boring here, it's not interesting at all."

Gahres frowned immediately after hearing this and asked, "Still going south?"

"Yeah, let's go south!"

Wenqiu nodded with a smile and said happily: "It seems like something fun is going to happen in the south. Wenqiu is very interested, so I want Brother Lei to take him there to play!"

Gahres hesitated for a moment and said with a somewhat troubled expression: "But I read on the forum before that the country to the south seems to have some conflict with Griffin, and it seems that there may be a war. Although I don't know whether it is true or not, but still……"

"It doesn't matter. We're not going to fight. We're just watching the fun. It shouldn't matter~"

The girl shook her little hand openly and said with a smile: "And even if there is danger, I can protect Brother Lei. Even if the protection is not good, your role is of little value. As for me...hehe, If something happens to me, brother Lei won't have to worry about me continuing to do evil, right?"

"...Do you really want to go?"

"Yeah, I have to go!"

"Okay, then let's go take a look, but you have to be obedient."

"Please try your best to be obedient~"

"Oh... let's go then. I said hello to a caravan owner yesterday. They set off this morning and should be able to take us a ride."

"Yeah! Brother Lei is the best!"

Just like that, the two left the room, and then left the town about an hour later, heading east with the caravan.

Along the way, Gahres has been thinking about why Wenqiu always has some inexplicable inspirations, and claims to be unable to see many incomprehensible things, such as 'shadows' and so on.

In the end, he blamed all this on the profession of necromancer.

But the real reason is actually more 'metaphysical'...

People say that the more pure a person is, the more they can see things that others cannot see, such as babies or children. Although Wenqiu has been out of childhood, she has always been very pure with little contact with society, so she can There are many things to see.

In addition, there is another saying...

That is, when the boundary between "life and death" becomes blurred in a person, the more "mysteries" can be seen. The closer one is to the concept of "spirit", the stronger the "inspiration" of a certain aspect has become. .

In other words, if nothing else happens, this girl might be able to hear some kind of ominous countdown sound now.

Chapter 1588: End

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