Quadruple split

Chapter 1591 39:50

Chapter 1591 3950

"Team Thor, assist Raymond and the others in attacking the flank at seven o'clock!"

"Team Monica! The vacancy on your side has been filled. Immediately turn back to join Team Binns and break through in the opposite direction! Be careful, don't get entangled!"

"Team Hollard, you are about to be pushed out, hurry up and push back, the magic on the opposite side is already targeting you!"

"Everyone, please press forward with me, don't mess up the rhythm, we still have a chance, the people inside are still persisting!"

"Large... large-scale healing magic can also be thrown in depending on the situation. Remember, it must be a healing magic with a single effect. It doesn't matter if you accidentally return to Team B. The other party is in better condition than us. That's all. Only then can we continue to hold on, too much time has passed!”

"Angle! Raymond tried his best to create an angle. I know you are being targeted, but we no longer have enough strength!"

Behind Team A's main formation, the sweaty Mino was giving out instructions at a very high frequency, and the others who had completely lost their temper were also executing them very efficiently, but even so, Mino's heart was still getting more and more... Liang, and facing the enemy's increasingly solid position, the physics professionals of team A, who could occasionally open a gap or two to peek in, have not opened their angles for a long time.

They worked really hard and were in very good condition. Unlike their companions who were trapped in the main formation of Team B, the soldiers of Team A on the periphery had almost no injuries, and the countless buff effects were even more impressive. It is updated every second, but it still cannot conceal the irreversible decline of the overall situation.

Because the transitional production capacity of the healers is based on the premise that more than ten teammates can't see or touch it, rather than everyone really having enough room!

Since the first companion was eliminated half a minute ago, the people in Team A have almost come to their senses. They realize that the opponent's purpose is to complete several annihilation battles while being restrained, and then use their numerical advantage to steadily engage in frontal combat. , but there is no way to curb this momentum.


[Relying on the advantage of individual soldiers, we can tear open the gap and regroup before the forward troops are completely annihilated! 】

Mino raised his hand to wipe the fine beads of sweat on his forehead, desperately following his intuition to observe the situation. He knew that he had a chance, and Team A also had a chance, because after all, the number of people on both sides was still fifty. , it is an indisputable fact that the individual soldiers on our side are strong. Even if the current situation of those trapped in it is very bad, at least on the outside, the conditions of both sides are still equal, and the advantage is still on our side!

He knew that Team B was gritting their teeth and holding on, because it was not easy to annihilate the forward troops trapped by them, so even if this process became easier as time went by, at least in Before that, the possibility of breaking the formation was always there, and it was not low!

There are only fifty people at full count. Apart from the Black Van Priest, there are still forty-nine people. They now have to suppress the internal impact and withstand the external pressure. No matter how overloaded they are, there will always be a large number of people. There are a lot of flaws, but if I catch one, the outcome of this practice battle will still tilt towards Team A again!

But the problem is that although those so-called flaws can be seen and touched, they cannot be grasped no matter what!

From an objective point of view, there are too many flaws in front of Mino. The reason has been mentioned just now. There are only fifty people in Team B. It is impossible to make it seamless in any case, and this is also the fact. Not to mention it was seamless, that extremely unstable formation was even riddled with holes in Mino's eyes.

However, as long as he tries to open up the situation through those so-called 'flaws', then within two seconds at most from the first stone he drops based on this idea, the flaw in Mino's eyes will be blocked. It's so tight that it might even turn into a trap.

With his outrageous intuition, Mino avoided almost all traps, but he could not stop the other party from making up for the flaws. Every time, he watched helplessly as his long-awaited offensive was launched before it was launched. Declared bankruptcy.

This is undoubtedly a very heavy blow to him. You must know that Mino Paladin has a gloomy personality and is not good at talking. Even if he has some talent, he is not outstanding enough to make people ignore his shortcomings, so he was sent. Coming to this place, and with no way to overcome his character flaws, Mino, who was almost broken, had almost no value to speak of for the rest of his life. He felt that except for his belief in the God of Melody, everything was empty.

However, after coming to Doumbouya City, Mino gradually discovered his value. Although he still couldn't change his personality and make himself lovable, he could use his intuition and consciousness to help his teammates win. Avoiding failure, this sense of accomplishment was something he had never experienced in the past twenty years. For Mino, who had almost nothing at the time, this value was enough for him to pay for it with his life.

I am not useless, I am not useless, I can also help everyone, I can also shine in a certain field, and I also have capital that everyone can rely on!

This series of ideas did not make Mino inflated. On the contrary, he became even more low-key than before. As long as he was in the city, he would basically stay up all night in the data room or in front of the sand table and work hard on deductions, which was actually His intuition, which was not very reliable, was honed by his almost inhuman will.

Which kind of intuition is biased, which kind of intuition is unstable, which kind of intuition is trustworthy, which kind of intuition is a flash of inspiration, which kind of intuition needs to be practiced immediately, Mino almost forcibly understands the supernatural. The incident was analyzed into a close science, and an application rule with an accuracy of up to 90% was even found.

Coupled with his deliberate study of strategies and tactics, from rote memorization to mastering various battle examples, Mino regarded all of these as his only capital and value.

However, at this moment, Mino suddenly discovered that everything he relied on and the value he had painstakingly established were being shattered at an unimaginable speed.

If this continues...

If this continues...


"Team Raymond! Go around the one o'clock direction and make a desperate breakthrough at any cost!"

"Team Patori attacks from the front. We don't want to break through the defense line, but you must contain at least twice as many enemies!"

"Team Monica and Team Binns, cover your attack counterclockwise from your current position in the eleven o'clock direction. If you encounter resistance, continue to advance. As long as someone wants to retreat, contain them. No matter what, leave me behind at least to follow you. An equal number of you!”

"All the back rows have temporarily given up blessings and gains. I will take over. You have only one task now, which is to use directional attack magic to blast inside while ensuring the healing effect. If you can't see the target, just don't look at it. Anyway, no matter what No matter how you bomb the other side, the damage will be greater than ours!"

"Team Hollard, maintain your attack angle and advance suicidal. Don't worry about battle losses. I have only one request. It doesn't matter how many of you fall, but you must pull at least the same number of people to be eliminated together!"

"Team Uriel..."

"Team Casa..."

Along with the frantic melody, the command voice that could only be heard by Team A exploded in the air at an unprecedented intensity. Mino's entire body was wrapped in a colorful sound barrier, and he was constantly throwing out the words with himself as the center. The ripples of different colors single-handedly supported the entire team A's buff mission. In less than five seconds, traces of blood began to flow from the mouth and nose.

"That kid is overextending himself."

Not far away, Avery immediately frowned, then tilted his head and asked Phillip next to him: "If this continues, we will be in trouble. What should we do? Do we want to take action?"


Phillip shook his head and pursed his lips into a thin line: "He is the soul of the entire A team, and he did this voluntarily. If he is stopped now... no one will be willing."

Avery glared and gritted his teeth: "We can't let our compatriots be crippled in a practice battle because of such things!"

"So I'll stop him before he's crippled."

Phillip narrowed his eyes, and his hands under the cuffs were gradually covered with a layer of pale yellow light. He said solemnly: "Maybe others here can't help it, but for me, what Mino is currently overdrafting is still enough." Make up for it, and don’t forget that besides me, there is Ms. Luna. I had a little chat with her two days ago. Although it was basically a nonsensical conversation, she has great knowledge in alchemy. Achievements...very high."

Seeing that Phillip was ready, Avery said nothing more and just asked: "How high?"

Philip stared at the [new shoots] that were constantly extending forward under his feet, and said softly: "It's hard to say, but I always have a feeling that even if Mino really suffers permanent and irreversible damage due to this overdraft, even I can’t handle the problem well, but Ms. Luna may have a solution.”

"You said you 'feel'?!"

Avery became anxious at that time and shouted in a high pitched voice.

"Yes, so I wouldn't bet on this feeling."

When the [new sprout] silently extended to Mino's feet, Philip turned to Avery and said sternly: "I will stop him at the last moment before I can save it."

At the same time, Mo Tan, who was standing in the center of Team B, also looked up thoughtfully... Anyway, it was not the direction where Mino really was. After a moment of silence, he showed a faint smile and whispered to himself. : "The timing was perfect, even at the critical moment, I grasped it so accurately, but it's a pity that it's still a little late."

After saying that he had given up the two backup plans to deal with the current situation half a minute ago, Mo Tan, who unilaterally concluded in his heart that the battle was over, raised his hands and activated the active trait of the title of 'Commander' [Hong Liang] , said the first words since the beginning of this battle: "Everyone in Team B, listen up, I am Hei Fan, from now on... everything will be under my command."

"All spellcasters, give up your treatment work, and do your best to interfere with the enemy's back row while ensuring continuous gains within the battle formation."

"From now on, the left wing will retreat backwards at a constant speed until you bring the enemies in the formation into the attack range. After a concentrated fire, immediately switch defenses one-on-one with the partners in the circle and exchange injuries."

"Except for Xiyue, everyone should give up guarding Raymond. The team originally responsible for blocking will move to the front. You have ten seconds."

"Futu returns to the main formation as a free man. I hope you can find any enemy who is at the end of his battle, and turn it into the last straw that breaks the camel's back as soon as possible."

"The right wing pushes out those who plan to use injuries to break through. I have ordered the treatment to be terminated. You are the best group of people now. Save yourselves."

"To all those behind me, I hope you will continue to press forward while taking into account your own tasks. Be careful with Raymond, you will be overtaken by him within twenty seconds. Once you are in position, immediately deploy suppression and prepare for the divine magic formation. Engage the enemy."

"From now on, it is forbidden to cross again. Unless you have my oral order, please regard your current position or target position as your last position. Even if you are eliminated, you must fall at that place."

"Listen, thief professionals. Forget what I just said. From now on, you can go around freely and behead Mino Paladin."

In this way, Mo Tan carried out his plan lightly, while Mino in the distance also issued high-frequency commands, dispatching all the soldiers of Team A to attack left and right, tit for tat with the former.

Three minutes later, the battlefield did not appear to be one-sided. As all the members of Team A in the upper left corner of the 'Ok Formation' were eliminated, two soldiers from Team B who participated in the encirclement and suppression were also eliminated. They originally had They had a chance to survive, but after Mo Tan ordered all casters to stop treating the clergy, their physical strength began to decline rapidly, and they were eventually taken away by the opponent's final counterattack before death.

Their fall became the clarion call that the battle officially entered the final stage. In just five minutes, the forward troops of Team A divided into four areas were annihilated one after another, and Team B also paid the price of five people. , was taken away directly by the referee who never missed.

Two minutes after the round of massive attrition, Team B launched a general attack and eliminated Team A's strongest player, Raymond, at the cost of several people including Futu.

Seven minutes later, Team B's two four-man teams who were always at the forefront were taken away by Philip, while Team A had as many as ten Templars thrown out by Avery. At this point, the ratio of melee professionals on both sides appeared. tilted significantly.

Ten minutes later, Xiyue followed the same idea as in the previous game and tried to behead Mino, but was discovered by the opponent and was eliminated by fire.

Twelve minutes later, all the Templars in Team A were wiped out.

Thirteen minutes later, Team A's only two Paladins were eliminated.

Fourteen minutes later, Team B used the less than ten remaining Templars as spearheads to pierce the remnants of Team A, and while maintaining the [Oxword Formation], they began to execute tactics - the center bloomed.

Fifteen minutes later, a total of fifty people from Team A were eliminated, and no one survived. A total of eleven people from Team B, including Mo Tan, survived.

At this point, with the collapse of Mino Paladin, the second practice match ended with the victory of Team B.

Chapter 1582: End

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