Quadruple split

Chapter 1588 The Bad Word Formation

Have you swallowed such nonsense? ?

At this moment, many people subconsciously let out a scream, and then began to look for the arms and legs around them that looked more pleasing to the eye to pinch. It was not until they heard the familiar screams that they gasped that this was not a dream. He was angry, and then screamed in agony at those who looked down on him, and took a second breath of cold air.

No one can blame them for not being calm enough. After all, what happened in front of them was really unbelievable. You must know that the difference in strength between the two teams has been perfectly proved just now. To say that Team A can melt Team B, I'm afraid there are not many people who believe it, but it's a bit outrageous that Team B can swallow up more than one-third of Team A's front-row soldiers in one encounter.

You know, there is only one difference between this game and last time, and that is that team B replaced a guy named Hei Fan.

It's not that everyone wasn't mentally prepared, but no matter how fully prepared they were, no one would have expected that after this kid joined, Team B would overwhelm Team A, which was much stronger on average, in just one meeting!

However, after everyone observed carefully, they discovered that things were not as simple as they first seemed.

Those A team soldiers who looked like they were directly melted were not killed, but were put in by the 'enemies' that were supposed to be blocking them.

From a God's perspective, the members of Team A who disappeared from most people's sight at this moment actually did not suffer any casualties. In fact, if they had not subconsciously slowed down because they did not encounter any resistance, they might even have been killed at this moment. It completely pierced Team B's sparse main formation.

"What are you doing?"

A few seconds ago, the orc berserker, who had plunged headlong into the opposing formation with his comrades, and almost turned the panda monk on the opposite side into a dumpling in the last round of competition, blinked, and raised the battle weapon in his hand in confusion. Ax: "No fight?!"


As a result, the moment he finished speaking, the dwarf shield warrior who had been smashed into the ground jumped out from the side, and without saying a word, he hit the former's big face with a [Shield Slam].

At the same time, Team B's originally wide-open formation suddenly became strangely 'twisted'. To put it simply, everyone moved a certain number of steps in a certain direction, and then the formation that was originally as sparse as the Chinese character '工' The formation suddenly turned into a 'king'. Seven or eight templar warriors who were blessed with a large number of auxiliary magics all rushed out. Led by the shield warrior, they directly divided the more than ten people who rushed in from the middle. Separate it.

This was not over yet. Immediately afterwards, the neat "king" formation was twisted again, sealing the mouths on the left and right sides, and directly turned into an angular "field", which covered those who looked at it. The Templars of Team A, who seemed to be at a disadvantage, but were actually suppressing the surrounding enemies and pursuing them fiercely, were divided again, into two and four.

This is not an impossible task, because although the individual strength of the soldiers is much lower, Team B is full of fifty people, and as the vanguard of Team A, the Templar warriors who were let in are less than two. Ten people, in this case, even if the clergy of Team B who are theoretically not good at close combat account for about 50%, it is enough to complete the division task.

It is worth mentioning that the word ‘not good at melee combat’ here actually needs to be put in quotation marks.

As we all know, there are generally two types of priests who cast spells. One is relatively pure priests like Mo Tan and Yu Chen, mainly believers in the Dawn, Sun, Knowledge, and Melody sects. This kind of priests and priests are different from everyone else. The more familiar healers have a similar image. They mainly focus on healing, assisting and occult magic attacks. Their bodies are relatively fragile. According to the information summarized by some large clubs or studios, players who mainly take this route have better strength. The growth coefficients in terms of physical fitness and dexterity are very low. Just like wizards, warlocks and other professions, there is a ceiling for intelligence attributes and sewers for other attributes. Anyway, they are quite extreme.


These stereotypes have little to do with the priests and priests of the Justice, Fertility, Wealth, and Mist sects. In fact, although those priests also like to show off with holy scriptures, their main weapons are gavels or maces, and Things like non-instruments and crosses are not exciting at all when hitting people, and the growth coefficients of these professions' physique, strength, and dexterity are not low at all. Of course, correspondingly, their spell intensity will be higher than those above. Not even close.

By the way, the so-called cross that does not hit people hard refers to the kind of cross that Mo Tan can usually hang around his neck, hold in the palm of his hand or wrap around his wrist when casting spells, and has special bonuses. The shape is similar to a necklace. , rather than Xia Lian's cross that looked like it was broken off from the roof of a church at first glance, and could be directly defined as a two-handed polearm.

By the way, the [Battle Sister] of the Dawn Sect is not a specific profession. Their superb physical skills are mainly derived from high-intensity training and cannot be generalized with mainstream clergy. You must know that Xia Lian's serious profession is [Priest]. Divine magic is her specialty, and her liking to open people's heads with crosses is purely a personal hobby.

To sum up, although there are about half of the priests in Team B, there are only a dozen of them who have no melee ability like Mo Tan. The remaining priests and priests are actually quite capable.

Therefore, the Templars who were forcibly separated by Team B's numerical advantage were really unable to make any waves for a while. Although they were slightly better in terms of individual strength, this advantage was not enough for them to break the game in the first place.

However, this level of disadvantage is nothing in the eyes of most people. After all, the other members of Team A are not dead, but only a small half of them were divided and surrounded. They just need to be rescued. Can kill the game early.

But some people think it's not that simple.

"Gather together!"

Just when most of the audience and the rest of Team A were relieved after seeing the situation clearly, Mino's somewhat anxious voice suddenly sounded in the ears of all members of Team A. At the same time, the thunder with mist flowing around him Meng had already taken the lead and rushed forward, holding up the big sword in his hand to indicate that he was the gathering place.

[The response is quick...but not fast enough. 】

Mo Tan, who was standing at the back of the team, smiled, and then continued to unhurriedly bless his teammates within sight. In front of him, there was a picture outlined by soft light. At first glance, The gorgeous sand table like a star map is slowly unfolding.

At first glance, the painting style of this thing is very close to the divine art of Dawn Sect, but in fact, it is something that Mo Tan has already acquired but has never had the chance to use——

【Commander Hei Fan】

Category: title

Quality: Excellent

Attributes: Casting distance extended by three meters

Passive traits:

[Authority]: Civilization attribute: Leadership +20

Active traits:

[Loud]: It comes with low-level amplification magic effect after activation.

[Inspiring]: Select an area of ​​10 meters * 10 meters, dispel up to 1 abnormal state of up to three friendly targets within the range every minute, and increase the damage caused by them by 5% for 10 seconds.

[Tactical Map]: You can create a magic sand table, revealing the terrain within a diameter of 100 meters centered on you, and marking the positions of all units within the range. The duration is 30 minutes and the cooling time is 15 minutes.

[Remarks]: Omitted

Yes, this is the world mission reward that Mo Tan received in the battle of Misha County. It is currently a [title] that only a few people in the game obtain by completing special missions. It is a pity that although this thing is rare, Mo Tan has since I haven't used it a few times since I bought it.

This is not difficult to understand. After all, the scale of the battle in Sumir is too large. The high priest can definitely help with the effect of [Loud], and it will only be better. Although [Inspiration] has a bonus effect, it can only affect up to three targets. The dispersion and amplification are not even considered as mosquito meat. As for the [tactical map], it is even more useless. There are almost no enemies within a hundred meters of Motan, which is protected by the elders as a treasure. The location is not marked. It's better to stand up and see it yourself. In short, it's very useless.

As for Academy City's [War League], I'm sorry, this thing doesn't work on machines, no matter how expensive the machine is.

But this time it was different. The scale of this practice battle was not large, and it was fully able to fully utilize the active trait of [Tactical Map]. It also allowed Mo Tan to grasp the central battle situation from a god's perspective on the battlefield. and make remedial measures when necessary.

But now it seems that this is not necessary.

Although the members of Team B were in a daze before the battle, their performance so far has been impeccable, and Mo Tan couldn't help but secretly lament that the people in this place are indeed highly skilled in combat.

At this moment, in the central area of ​​the sand table outlined by soft light in front of Mo Tan, there are densely packed light spots. The total number is a hundred without guessing, and a little further away, there are side by side. The ones representing Avery, Philip, Yi Zou and Shalia respectively are spots of light. As for the places further away, there are densely packed other garrison soldiers.

"What a shame, I wish I could have been smarter."

Mo Tan rubbed his forehead, murmured in a low voice, and then began to use his own consciousness to color the light spots on the sand table. In view of the fact that the other forty-nine members of Team B have very strong execution ability, it took him almost no effort. He dyed the "field" shape that was not very square, but still quite obvious, into the black color that he customized as [friendly unit], and the remaining ones bumped left and right in the four grids, and The light point without a stable logic is dyed blue and is customized as a [neutral unit].

Immediately afterwards, those light spots headed by Raymond, who were preparing to collide with Team B as a whole, were also marked in blue, and the total number inside and outside was exactly fifty, no more, no less.

At this moment, Mo Tan took a deep breath, then raised his hand to pinch a strand of hair in front of his forehead, suddenly took steps forward, and at the same time walked towards a certain Templar warrior who was waiting at the forefront. Dumped [Law Order·Shield].

With Mo Tan's strength at this moment, it is almost impossible for this law to be of any help to that warrior, especially in front of Raymond who is approaching him at high speed. The shield with hazy halo cannot resist the latter at all. Even one move.

Fortunately, Mo Tan, who had already reached the center of the main formation [Field] at this moment, had no intention of letting this move have any tactical effect.

Strategic role is his goal!


The moment the layer of [Laws and Shields] lit up on his body, the Templar immediately let out a low roar, attracting the attention of surrounding enemies and his own people as his fighting spirit exploded.

The enemy didn't react at all, but the other members of Team B who noticed this scene took action immediately. Except for those who were currently fighting against the Templars of Team A, the others were not in those groups. The people at the core of the small battlefield immediately began to move, and just as Raymond led people to rush to the front of the formation, a formation formed——

[The 'Omen Formation', also known as the 'Omen Formation', is one of the most commonly used basic tactics by the Military God during the stalemate stage. The upper limit of the number of combatants in this battle formation is extremely high. According to reliable information, the Military God once used it in' In the Battle of Red Cloud Terrace, more than 30 regular legions were invested at one time to compete head-on with the 'Calamity Princess' and the 'Catastrophic Legion', which was the largest among the six amnesty legions under her command, and defeated more than ten regular legions in a seven-day fierce battle. There are 70,000 advanced undead creatures. Many war experts believe that it was precisely because of the 'Battle of Red Cloud Terrace' led by the Military God that the 'Catastrophe Legion' became the first [Forgiveness Legion] to be officially delisted in the later stages of the war. .

※There are also rumors that the main reason for the collapse of the 'Catastrophe Legion' was the unexplained disappearance of the 'Disaster Princess'. Although this statement is quite popular, students are advised to pay attention and refer to 'unofficial history', 'legends', etc. in the exam. The recorded answers will not earn any points※

At that time, the tactic used by His Excellency the God of War was the ‘Ok Word Formation’.

※For detailed battle reports open to senior students, please refer to the "Flowers of Omen" section of this semester's accompanying textbook※

To sum up, we can think that the 'Omen Formation' is the basic battle formation with the highest maximum troop capacity so far. What is even more commendable is that although this battle formation seems complicated, the requirements and overall view of the user are relatively mild. , so it is classified as a basic battle formation, and is ranked as the ceiling of basic battle formations together with Her Majesty the Witch's 'Luohua Battle Formation'.

※The final stage of the 'Battle of Hongyun Mesa' was based on the intervention of Her Majesty the Witch with her main army group. It was also the first time that the 'Evil Formation' and the 'Luohua Formation' appeared on the same battlefield and fought together, so the public battle report of this battle is Named [Flower of Omen]※

Note: According to the legend, the God of War seems to be able to perfectly execute the 'Oxy Formation' with a small legion of a hundred people, but contemporary war scientists cannot simulate it under perfect conditions on the [Hundred Battles Nine Types] when the unit is limited to Less than five hundred people.

※According to the relevant regulations of the academy, any student who can complete the ‘Oxword Formation’ with less than a thousand units on [Nine Types of Hundred Battles] and execute two changes perfectly can receive extra credits. ※

——"Violet Imperial Military Academy Standard Textbook·Second Grade (Part 1)\

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