Quadruple split

Chapter 1558 Returning favors

September 8, 2049 AD


Tanhua University, Medical School Laboratory Building, Ward No. 716

"Hmph ~ hum hum ~"

Yu Chen, who was sitting by the bed, was smiling and humming a sweet and soothing tune while peeling the apple in his hand. He seemed to be in a very happy mood, while Mo Tan was lazily leaning on the bedside and scrolling through his phone, bored. Browsing the forum of Innocence, the picture looks... to be honest, it doesn't look very coordinated.

Although the place is very clean and quiet, and the sunlight streaming in from the window is beautiful, from an objective point of view, this scene does not look like a painting, but two independent character sketches.

They were a cute girl in a white coat peeling fruit, and a man with a lazy temperament who was sitting on the bed and scrolling through his mobile phone.

"Recently, there has been a lot of talk about [controversy over guilt]."

Mo Tan muttered in a low voice, then continued to browse the forum homepage at high speed, straightened his arms and stretched his body, and said feebly: "As if this is the only thing worth paying attention to."

Yuchen smiled and replied softly without raising his head: "Actually, it's normal. After all, this is the first large-scale event organized by the official. Now that the Innocence World is so popular, everyone will definitely want to talk more. Well."

"That's the truth, but these messy analyzes are really a bit nerve-wracking."

Mo Tan smacked his lips and said with a wry smile: "Let's open a post at random. Look at this thing called "My Opinion on the Controversy of Condemnation and Controversy". It is a two-hundred-word lyric at the beginning, and then the content of the official announcement is left intact. I copied it for a while and finally made a summary of less than fifty words. The general meaning is that everyone should work hard to improve themselves to a high level before starting the game. It is really nothing but a waste of time."

Yu Chen smiled and put down the fruit knife in his hand: "But you are right. Since you can sign up for the intermediate level, there must be a high-level profession that has a better chance of winning."

"Well, you're right. I have to pick up this post and don't let such an exquisite article sink."

As Mo Tan spoke, he quickly replied, ‘Great God NB! ', brought the post that had been dumped to the seventh page back to the homepage, and then grinned: "Ah, the apple is cut, then I will..."


Yuchen casually picked up the small bowl with the apples and said with a serious wink, "It's just been cut, so you can't eat it yet!"

Mo Tan twitched the corner of his mouth, looked at the two rows of apple chunks on the plate that had not yet been oxidized and were currently in their best condition, and asked with a subtle expression: "Are you afraid that I... will be burned by the freshly baked apples?" Up?"

Yuchen nodded seriously: "It's possible!"

"Well, I think it does make sense. After all, Adam and Eve suffered a lot because of apples."

Mo Tan, who actually didn't have much fondness for Apple under his current personality, smiled and gave Yu Chen a thumbs up: "It's always good to be careful."

Obviously, Mo Tan is not under the "Absolute Neutral" personality at this moment, and Yu Chen's attitude is completely different from the attitude towards the "Black Brahma" in the game. Although he is still very kind and gentle, it is limited to normal. friends and the extent of the doctor-patient relationship.

This did not make the atmosphere between the two become tense. In fact, the atmosphere around Yuchen always made people feel very comfortable. There was no trace of alienation or deliberateness in the interactions and jokes between the two. Even before When Cui Xiaoyu and Wan Yang came to visit, they didn't notice any problems at all.

Not to mention the two of them, even someone like Yi Dong who has a complete grasp of the inside story would have a hard time seeing through Mo Tan's disguise under his 'chaotic neutrality' personality without being informed in advance. One of Chen's best friends couldn't tell the subtle changes in this girl's attitude towards Mo Tan at different times.

The only ones who can truly capture the difference are the two parties themselves.

In the past half week, Mo Tan's body has recovered well. It can be seen that what Yu Chen said before was not wrong. The senior who performed the surgery on him was indeed very professional. The appendix was cut without leaving any trace. The wounds were healed with the powerful technical skills of the medical school until they were almost invisible to the naked eye.

Not only that, the cast on Mo Tan's slightly fractured right arm has also been removed. Although in theory, he can't use too much force, but since he usually doesn't have much physical work to do, at most he just plays with his mobile phone or something, it's basically done. It can be understood as being cured.

All in all, in terms of physical condition alone, Mo Tan's recovery was quite good. This was obviously due to the fact that he didn't talk too much with the system that day. Otherwise, God knows what other parts besides the appendix would have failed. After all, at this time At this moment, he has completely 'believed in evil', so he has no doubt that he ended up like this because of the so-called 'retribution'.

And the aspects outside the body...

The most noteworthy thing is probably that what Mo Tan has been worried about has become a reality, that is, Yu Chen has a certain understanding of his situation.

Although most of these understandings are based on daily life outside the game, this is still not a good sign.

There is nothing that can be done about this. After all, in the past few days, Mo Tan, who is Yu Chen's internship partner, has no way to distance himself from the former, and it is impossible for him to control himself from changing his mental state. In this case, even if It takes a little effort to hide it from ordinary people, but it is simply a fantasy to completely fool Yuchen who is so sensitive in certain situations.

However, Mo Tan, who was well aware of the seriousness of the matter, did not treat it negatively, so whether he was under the 'Lawful Good' personality or the 'Chaotic Neutral' personality, he tried not to express his personality. Although he no longer had a love brain or a small mind, he He tried hard to make himself look consistent with Mo Tan's external persona.

Yidong, who knew the situation, also tried his best to cooperate. He came over in the name of visiting patients to make jokes when nothing happened, and tried his best not to give Yuchen too many opportunities to get to know Mo Tan.

But...it had little effect.

Although there seemed to be no change, Mo Tan could swear that Yuchen had definitely gained a deeper understanding of herself in the past few days, so much so that she no longer gave herself apples to eat. Although this The apple is 'peeled' for yourself.

[Damn it... I really don’t know whether to cry or laugh. 】

Even under his current personality, Mo Tan had no choice but to face such an unsolvable and thorny problem. He could only mutter something in his heart, shook his head, and continued to browse the forum.

As a member of a strong team who is qualified to impact the rankings, although Mo Tan complains that the whole Internet is discussing the "criminal debate", he is actually also concerned about this matter.

It is true that the 'Hei Fan' side is not very competitive. Although there are two teammates, Yu Chen and Yu Ying, the combat effectiveness of Her Royal Highness the Saint and Yu Ying is basically at the T1 level. They can't cope with ordinary scenes. Okay, it's actually not very impressive to be placed in the top column, and the strength of the character 'Hei Fan' itself is negligible, and the strategic level command he is best at under an absolutely neutral personality will also be lost due to team competition. The hard conditions for the five people were greatly reduced.

In terms of horizontal comparison, among the three characters under the name of Mo Tan, the one with the strongest team combat ability is definitely 'Mo'. We can see this from the style of the Wang Wang team. As the glue of the team, Mo Tan It is very powerful in small-scale conflicts, and its combat IQ is also frightening, even comparable to a certain scenery party who is firmly ranked third in the personal strength rankings.

From a strategic perspective, compared to the 'Hei Fan' who is good at large-scale conflicts, the role of 'Tan Mo' is actually more handy. Not only that, his team can also perfectly support dual-core operation, although the nominal thugs are only Mu Xuejian is the only one, but in terms of formulating strategies, both Mo Tan and Futaba are perfectly capable. After all, the combined effect of these two people is by no means as simple as one plus one equals two.

As for Hei Fan, who has an absolutely neutral personality, he has no advantages. Even if there will probably be no problems in the auditions and the first few rounds of the regular season, he thinks it will be difficult for him to win in the subsequent rounds as he lacks core combat power and cannot use his own advantages. To stand out from the competition, if you want to get good enough results to get a ranking, you also need to see if your teammates are strong enough.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, although Yu Ying's strength is pretty good, in front of strong men like Mu Xuejian and Shuangye, if you say it's nice, you won't get any advantage, and if you say it's unpleasant, you'll probably be killed immediately. , as for Yuchen, although she is quite powerful with the twin gods of Dawn and Darkness, she is still outside the rankings and it is difficult to change the situation of the battle.

As for the last two vacant positions, although the candidates have not been finalized yet, given that the choices of 'Hei Fan' are relatively limited, the teammates that can be found in the end may not be much stronger than Yuying, or the level of Kevin, the Great Light Knight. The possibility is rather high.

To sum up, Mo Tan has been paying attention to the "Condemnation of Crime" from the perspective of 'Mo' and 'Tan Mo' recently. As for 'Hei Fan', if Yu Chen had not decided to participate with him at that time, I am afraid that he They wouldn't even consider signing up, so they were already prepared to be eliminated after just a little dawdling.

Of course, when his personality is in a state of absolute neutrality, Mo Tan will still actively prepare for the battle. After all, he does not want to embarrass himself in front of Yu Chen, who has chosen to be on the same team with him, let alone lose ugly.

As for the most critical question, that is, whether there will be an unsolvable situation where 'oneself' matches 'oneself', Mo Tan is not worried at all now.

There is no other reason, mainly because Mo Tan has already dealt with the 'system' before, and although the latter maintained a three-no state throughout the whole process, it still conveyed a very critical signal to him, that is, the 'system' versus 'himself' Participating in the [Crime Debate] is a positive attitude, and the fact that you can freely choose your role during the simulated battle is a very critical piece of evidence.

So even if the other party didn't talk to him even half a word about the competition system and matching issues, Mo Tan still felt that the 'system' would do a good job.

To this day, he is very suspicious of the so-called "Innocent Company"'s control over the game "Innocence". Although this suspicion is groundless, they have recently held a very sensational "Innocent Debate". official competition, but as of now, Mo Tan still feels that the existence of the 'system' has more influence on the game than the person in charge of that company.

But having said that, the person who can create such a game probably has a good background, and among Mo Tan's many assumptions, those so-called 'marginal people' are the most suspect.

But judging from the current situation, he didn't think that the system that God knew how intelligent it was would abide by the "Three Laws of Robotics".

After all, the first rule of that thing is - 'Robots are not allowed to harm people, nor are they allowed to stand idly by while people are being harmed. ’

Mo Tan felt that the highly intelligent system Jiang Gao Bo was considered a robot. As a result, not only did he fail to protect himself in the event of a rainy day, it even became the main reason why he lost his appendix.

Therefore, since the system fails to comply with this core principle, there is no need to even mention the rest.

Although I don’t know if this situation was within the official expectations, for Mo Tan, this is indeed a real good thing. Although exposing one’s secrets to artificial intelligence may not be better than exposing it to humans, at least it is At this stage, the system is still friendly to itself. Not only does it protect its secrets, it even provides a certain degree of convenience in this [criminal debate].

The purpose is unknown for the time being, but since the opponent can do all this, he naturally intends to achieve good results for himself. Even if it is for the purpose of reciprocating a favor, Mo Tan also intends to face the future competition well.

It's a pity that there are too few things that can be investigated online. After all, most of the big names on the list, including Cui Xiaoyu and Gu Xiaole, have no relevant information. As the top of Mo Tan's core intelligence sources, Boss Jun's The Traveler Inn can't be of much help in this matter.

As for those who were talking non-stop on the forum, Mo Tan glanced over and felt that most of these people must have been lost in the audition. He felt that those guys were basically rubbish with a strong sense of offense...

[If that doesn’t work, I’ll sort out my network after I’m discharged from the hospital tomorrow and see if I can bluff some reliable insiders...]

Mo Tan shook his head and secretly made up his mind to involve himself in criminal cases.


"Hey! They're all here!"

Kang Lan, who opened the door and walked in, greeted the two of them cheerfully, and walked in with Yi Dong behind him. He opened his mouth and said: "I chatted with some friends who have been playing professionally for half the night yesterday, tsk tsk, I heard that everyone in the industry is gearing up, and they are really frustrated these days."


Mo Tan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately turned to look at Kang Lan: "Let's talk!"

Then someone stuffed an apple into his mouth.


It took a full two seconds for Mo Tan to realize that he seemed to have become an 'absolutely neutral' personality unknowingly. Not only that...

Yu Chen, who looked absent-minded next to the bed, even noticed this a few seconds earlier than he himself!

Chapter 1549: End

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