Quadruple split

Chapter 1549 Skolke

at the same time

The Northeastern Continent is located in the northern part of the Gray White Plains, somewhere in the wilderness southwest of Guillotine Cliff.

In the center of the huge stockade, a particularly tall lizard man, more than two meters tall, was sitting in a simple tent, looking at the brazier in front of him in trance.

The brazier is just an ordinary brazier, not a medium for divination or witchcraft. The only two functions are lighting and heating.

The reason why the lizard man stared so absorbedly at the silent burning pot in front of him was because he simply wanted to use it to concentrate.

His name is Elgar Yale, and he is the supreme leader of this gathering place. Rather than his given name, everyone prefers to call him ‘Skolk’.

The meaning of Skolk in the native language of the lizard people is 'Rebel'. For example, the name of the walled city he is currently in is called Skolk City, and everyone here calls themselves Skolk. , this title will make them feel proud and proud.

After all, in this environment, any rebel can be proud of the fact that he is still alive. Of course, for those who died in the battle, it is also a happy thing to sacrifice in the name of Skolk. .

All in all, it is not difficult to see that the people gathered here are a group of believers, and among these people, only those with the strongest beliefs and noblest characters, that is, those in the position of leader, are qualified to use Skoll. K instead of his original name.

It was a great honor, and Elgar knew it very well and was grateful for it.

Although he also likes his original name, if as 'Skolk' he can give his companions courage and allow everyone to continue to persevere in this extremely bad environment, then he is happy to become one of them. 'Skolk' in the mouth.

Anyway, I don’t know how long I can be here. If I’m a bit unlucky, it might not take long for ‘Skolk’ to be replaced again.

Elgar shook his head, rubbed his brows a little tiredly, then picked up an equally dirty cup from the dirty low table at hand, and took a big sip of the unintelligible water in it. He was intoxicating, but he could drink bad wine that made people spit out. Then he glared and suddenly pulled out the broken arrow stuck in his arm.

From this scene, we can see that the man named "Skolk" is not a sharp leader who has no blood or tears and has almost lost his pain nerves. His nerves are far from that tough, and even Even to pull out an arrow, I had to take a sip of wine to numb myself, and I was grinning.

It is enough to show that this lizard man, whose strength is at an epic level, is not as pain-resistant as the Guan Erye outside the game.

However, Elgar is not a coward, nor is he a speculator. After all, in this place, the word "leader" never represents power and wealth, but almost makes people breathless. The pressure comes and the danger of death may occur at any time.

Elgar was not the first 'Skolk', nor would he be the last. Before him, hundreds of people with the same name had died on the battlefield.

The first 'Skolk', who was also the first to organize these rebels, did not leave a name. There is only a very brief sentence in the relevant records - 'The first to wake up from a nightmare and 'Skolk' trying to wake up other victims. ’

It is said that the first generation died shortly after escaping to this wasteland with dozens of compatriots. After that, the original right-hand man of the first generation, the second Skolke, who was said to be a congenitally disabled man, stood up and led people in the desert. During the encirclement and suppression, he struggled in embarrassment, while desperately calling on potential partners, until he died in the battle.

Then came the third, fourth, fifth...

Until now, more than a hundred Skolks have appeared in Elgar. The longer-lived ones can live for a few years, while the short-lived ones may die in a few days.

And Elgar, who has been a 'Skolk' for nearly three years, feels that he may have exceeded the average, and is considered to have a rare longevity compared to his predecessors.

Of course, this is nothing to be proud of.


Elgar shook his head vigorously and tried to regain his consciousness. Elgar threw away the broken arrow and whispered in as smooth a low voice as possible: "Batu."

"I'm here, Skolker."

A sturdy lizard man of similar stature to Elgar strode in and asked directly: "What's the matter?"

This black-scaled lizard man with half his tail missing and one eye blind doesn't look very respectful, but that's not because he doesn't know etiquette, but because there's no need for etiquette in a place like this, leader. Although worthy of respect, this respect does not need to be modified with 'etiquette' and 'respect'. Those unnecessary actions will only waste everyone's time.

Elgar smiled, picked up the glass of bad wine with less than half a sip left on the table and handed it to Batu: "What else can happen? Where is the grain that came from the south? "

"People from the escort team sent a message before. If nothing else happens, it should take another two days."

Batu stepped forward to take the wine glass and drank the wine in it with an expression that was almost greedy. Then he licked the corner of his mouth with unsatisfied content and frowned: "Also, the assassin who tried to kill you just now escaped. Well, if we look at the direction, we should be heading towards Dullhead Cliff."

Elgar nodded slightly and said nonchalantly: "Very good, according to this attitude, there should be no Gray Lizard Hunters coming to trouble us recently. From today on, the patrols will resume normal rotation and each team will have a rest. The time has increased to six hours, and there is not much food left, so we have to use it sparingly."

"I'll make arrangements later. The two teams I just replaced are having dinner at the moment."

Batu sighed and said in a low tone: "If you tell them now, they should probably stop eating."

Elgar stood up a little tiredly, moved his shoulders and walked to the old map hanging on the left side of the tent, with a bitter expression: "Over there at the Blood Feather Terrace... it seems that a new queen has been elected."

Batu looked at the upper right corner of the map with a serious expression and said solemnly: "Yes, according to the inside information, the chaos in the Blood Feather Terrace ended about three days ago. This is not a good sign."

"That's certainly not a good sign."

Elgar, who is not very smart, but at least once served as an officer in the Gray Lizard Hunt, nodded with a wry smile, his expression as ugly as possible: "The main reason why we have a chance to take a breath during this period is Because those from the Holy Religion Union severely injured the Lacerated Queen, causing the Bloodfeather Terrace to fall into chaos, and even the Brokenhead Cliff, Gray White Plains, and Steel Teeth Tribe Nation also settled down, but now..."

Batu wasn't the kind of person who was very opinionated, so he didn't respond. He just cast a trusting look at 'Skelk' next to him and waited for the next step.

Elgar, who originally didn't expect the other party to say anything, sighed and said with a solemn gaze, "The Blood Feather Terrace side has already paid a sufficient price, and according to past practices, the other three forces will not do anything to them. They will kill them all, and if the new queen wants to make up for the losses, she will definitely use her tribe's high mobility to harass southward. During this period, the other parties headed by Guillotine will probably teach us a lesson... …”

"I have to bite the bullet and carry it."

At this moment, a half-orc woman from the cat tribe with shoulder-length short hair, delicate facial features and a charming figure slowly walked in and said lightly in her magnetic voice: "We no longer have enough resources and detours. There is no space, large-scale migration is too unrealistic.”

Elgar turned to look at this woman who joined the resistance two months ago and never mentioned her identity but had excellent co-ordination skills. She nodded vigorously: "I think so too. By the way, You’re late, Moonflower.”

"I left a mark on the man who almost killed you."

The young catwoman known as Yuekui raised her little hand, showed the two people the inverse pentagram that was quietly burning on the back of her hand, and said calmly: "Although there is no way to track that person, if there is no way to track that person, if there is someone over there at Sleeping Head Cliff, If you continue to send him to deal with you, I can at least get an early warning."

Upon hearing this, Elgar said nothing more. He simply nodded and continued to look at the map in front of him with a solemn expression.

The cat-eared girl, whose nickname in the game is "Chaoyue Aoi" and whose main profession is [Pain Warlock], walked over slowly and studied the current situation side by side with two burly lizardmen who could almost hold several of themselves. .

The painting style of this Moonflower girl is not in harmony with the environment. First of all, she is very beautiful and looks very abrupt between the two humanoid lizards. Secondly, her outfit is very fashionable. To sum it up briefly, it is - tailoring A decent, exquisitely crafted dark dress with black silk stockings and tie.

Elgar and Batu, on the other hand, each have a set of rough and weather-beaten heavy armor. Although they look very wild and beautiful, at least 90% of them must be wild, leaving less than one tenth. 'Beauty' also depends on the individual.

However, both of them had expressions of familiarity, and they were obviously used to this mysterious companion.

It can be seen that although she is a player, Moonflower has still won the trust of the Skolk resistance, and she seems to have a high status and voice.

"I don't think Guillotine Cliff wants to completely annihilate us. Even if they have this intention, the other three forces will not do anything. We, the only group of rabble who can relatively contain Guillotine Cliff, were easily killed."

After a while, Elgar suddenly said this, then turned to look at Batu and Yue Kui behind him, and said in a deep voice: "But Gray Lizard Hunter will not let me go, a traitor, so..."

"So, you plan to lead a group of death squads and use your own death to satisfy the false king of Guillotine Cliff and buy time for everyone?"

Yue Kui interrupted him with a sneer, shook her head and said: "Give up, Mr. Skolk, now is the largest number of people in this resistance army in history, and it is also the most vulnerable time. If you, the leader, die, At this juncture, there is probably no need for Duolingya to take action, as the internal turmoil alone is enough to destroy everything."

Elgar shook his head irritably and waved his hands: "I will not be the last Skolk."

"I don't deny this, but if you die at this time, I'm afraid you will really become the last Skolk."

Yue Kui turned to look out the window and narrowed her eyes slightly: "We are now short of food, medicine, equipment and safe areas. Everyone wants to do something, but they don't know how to overcome this difficulty. Those freight costs are higher than Food with a price that is 20% higher is just a drop in the bucket. Everyone is already confused enough now, and your death will definitely be the last straw that breaks the unlucky camel's back."

Elgar frowned: "What is a camel?"

"A beast of burden with extremely poor load-bearing capabilities."

Yue Kui made a random joke, and then said seriously: "In short, if you die, Skolke will cease to exist. I want to find another person with enough authority in a short time who can be trusted by most people." Agreed, Skolke, who leads everyone on this journey, is simply a fool."

Batu nodded and echoed angrily: "I think Yue Kui is right. In this situation, no one can replace you."

"Who said that?"

As a result, Elgar suddenly laughed, and then put his hands on the shoulders of Batu and Yue Kui respectively, and said with a smile: "I think you two are good, no matter who plays Skolk, he will be good."

Batu was immediately stunned, and then shook his head vigorously: "Stop joking."

"It's not as bad as you. Batu is too impulsive. Even with my help, there's no guarantee that he won't cause some trouble on impulse. My words... do meet the conditions. After all, during this period, everyone is also I'm familiar with it, but the problem is that I don't like being a leader. It's okay to plan occasionally, but I'm really not that good at it if I work for a long time."

Yuekui retorted slowly, and then when Elgar was about to say something else, she suddenly raised her hand and said seriously: "I have an idea. Although it may not be feasible, it is very good. Might save us temporarily from this predicament.”

Elgar's eyes suddenly lit up, and he urged quickly: "You say it."

"I will go to Doumbouya City on behalf of our group."

Yue Kui raised her hand and pointed to the aerial view of a quarter of the city in the corner of the map, and said seriously: "If possible, I hope we can reach cooperation with the people of the Holy Religion Union. I asked someone to investigate their Bishop Jost. After that, although he has no ability, his character is relatively noble, and he can still provide some simple support no matter how bad he is."

"Are you crazy?"

Elgar immediately said this loudly.

"She's crazy."

Batu immediately agreed without thinking.

After that, the two of them said in unison——

"When did the Holy Religion Union ever take care of our life and death?"

Chapter 1540: End

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