Quadruple split

Chapter 1542 Time Lost

【What? 】

Mo Tan, who had just pulled out the sword from his waist, was shocked.

【What is this? 】

Ji Xiaoge, who had just risen into the air and took out two pancakes, was also stunned.

[What the hell is this? 】

Cordoba was even more shocked when he was pushed to the ground with a slap and almost sunk into the frozen soil.

The answer is simple -

[Lujiang-Behemoth Beast Form]

Race: Silver Elf

Gender: Forced to be female

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Occupation: Ancient Druid level 40, Mountain and Sea Walker level 40

HP: 4600/4600

Physical fitness value: 2400/2400

Rage value: 15/100

Talents: True boss, girlish heart, forest girl, silver bloodline, on the verge of extinction, showing off, giving up treatment, narcissism

Talent - Behemoth: bloodthirsty, brutal coercion, golden spirit, ancient species, getting braver with each battle, high-speed recovery, regeneration, god-given body, original rage

Basic attributes: Strength 210, Dexterity 210, Wisdom 50, Constitution 230

Civilization attributes: Eloquence 0 (15), Charisma 5 (50), Knowledge 45, Leadership 1

Combat attributes: Ancient Bloodline level 43, Natural School level 40, Natural History level 39

Combat Attributes-Behemoth: Fighting Specialization Level 40

Skills: Ancient Druid Shape (Advanced), Deep Resonance

Skills - Behemoth: Steel Claw Gale, Golden Cannon, Exciting Cannon, High Jump, Exciting Leap, Trample, Exciting Killing, Exciting Roar, Exciting Explosion, Ground-shaking Slam, Exciting Shock, and Giant Polarization


Head: Blessing of Prosperity - Set (Enchantment: Clairvoyance) - Only Fine

Shoulder: Light Feather's Blessing - Set (Enchanted: Flying) - Only Excellent

Phi: Blooming Colorful Clothes - Set (Enchanted: Halo of Thorns) - Only Excellent

Chest: Iridescent Dress-Set (Enchanted: Elemental Absorption)-Only Fine

Waist: Broken Leopard Ribbon (Enchanted: Greater Agility) - Only Excellent

Legs: Dragon-binding armor (enchanted with: Greater Wisdom) - Only Excellent

Shoes: Bear Trample (Enchanted: Greater Stoneskin) - Only Excellent

Wrist: Behemoth's Fist (Enchanted: Greater Strength) - Only Excellent

Main/off-hand: Cane of Blessing-the only epic

Ring 1: Bailing-Set-Only Excellent

Ring 2: Beasts-Set-Only Excellent

Talisman: Gushen Sachet-The Only Excellent Quality

Special Equipment: Ten Thousand Volumes of Spirit Traces - The Only Epic

The above luxurious panel is the character data of Lu Jiang at this moment. It is not difficult to see that this girl... the young man has changed from what he used to be. Not only has he completely crushed 'Mo' in terms of basic attributes Compared with the likes of 'Tan Mo', even the equipment is first-class luxury. Needless to say, this configuration is definitely inseparable from the support of Tianzhu Mountain. After all, for those big guys, it is difficult to compare this person with only high-level strength. The level is related to the young people... It is not difficult to be armed to the teeth.

We mentioned a long time ago that the reason why Lu Jiang came to Tianzhu Mountain is because his brother in reality also plays this game, and he is also a disciple of the high-level observer Hao. It takes even longer to integrate into Tianzhu Mountain than It's still early for Cordoba. If nothing else happens, the man named 'A Sang' should be the first player agent, that is, Cordoba's senior.

The result came out unexpectedly. A Sang was accidentally involved in the turbulence of time and space when he was exercising in a place similar to the 'Time Room'. Since then, he has been flowing through the history of various eras, and this This phenomenon cannot be explained even by a well-informed high-level observer like Hao. Although he can barely contact the other party through some means, he can only contact the other party. In many cases, he even gives advice on how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Even if he couldn't do it, it could be said that he was heartbroken for this child.

One thing to say, although there is no concept of 'once a teacher, always a father' outside the game, Hao is actually a very responsible person, so even though he disappeared not long after he met A Sang, he still worked hard. Fulfilling his obligations as a mentor, he has been trying his best to help his apprentice from another world for more than half a year.

This help is definitely useful. After all, the player named A Sang can now be said to be a 'different-dimensional traveler', and he is also a traveler who knows nothing about the history of the Innocence Realm. Who knows when? If you don't have any cheats or plug-ins, you can easily die at any time and anywhere.

So when he thought of this for the first time, he immediately transformed into a cheat. Not only did he try to contact A Sang every day to understand his situation, but he even paid a lot of money to send him a history book. It was not the ordinary kind. It is a history book, but a 'work' composed by the narrator Diakad himself. The specific content... Let's put it this way, it is similar to the database Luvi wanted to install for the Rune Body.

All in all, with Long's careful help, Ah Sang finally survived the days when he was most likely to die young. Although he might not have been playing single-player if he had died quickly, this man was really in pain. I am happy and insist on flowing in the wave of time, persisting in single-player until now.

As we all know, all players exist in the 'now' of the Innocence Realm, just like we all live in the 'now' in the real world, even if Motan and Futaba are playing in the Academy City Library. Copy', which is also the 'present', they walked into the inherent enchantment of the book spirit's 'present', just like when we sit in front of the computer and play war games, no matter you are playing the Three Kingdoms, Warring States or Rome, you are always in 'Now', only the past you will exist in 'history'.

To put it in simpler terms, we now do not belong to the past, and we in the past will never belong to the present.

This is an ironclad rule that most people will default to as fact even if they don't understand it.

In some works, whether they are games, comics, novels or anything else, 'traveling through time' is often used as a gimmick. The reason is that those things are basically impossible to happen, and if these things can be taken seriously, even To justify it (very few people can do this), it is completely understandable that it is so popular.

As a result, Ah Sang subverted this iron rule. Although it was just an accident, in terms of results, he finally overlapped his 'present' with the 'past' in the objective sense.

The ending, in a nutshell, is - a single-player game, at least with no interaction with other players.

At least at the beginning, both Hao and Ah Sang thought so. After all, although he was pushed back to the present by time, he basically stayed no more than half a second each time before being sent back. I don’t know what time it was and I continued to go randomly.

At first, I thought that A Sang should have fallen into the false history of "looking back". To put it simply, it was a super dreamy enhanced version of Shu Ling's inherent barrier. All history of the first year of the calendar year.

After all, it is a bit illogical to truly travel through time, and facts have proved that no matter what A Sang did in the timeline he experienced, he could not make any changes to the current history.

But based on what happened later, especially the mage tower that Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge found at the end of the dragon, and the missing one from the Dragon King's tomb, it was later confirmed by Wang Badan that he had been swept away. Judging from the treasures that have been lost, I am afraid that the time point that A Sang is in is the 'official history'. Although he cannot change the 'history' that has been correctly understood by the vast majority of people, he can still go into the 'blind spots' in people's understanding. Doing tricks.

For example, almost no one knows that there is treasure buried in the Dragon King's tomb, and Ah Sang's emptying it has become a 'reality'. For example, no one knows whether there is a book called "The Iron Mane Book" in the broken mage tower. , then Ah Sang can enchant a blank book on the spot, and effectively modify it before Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge confirm the content inside.

It is true that based on the randomness of Ah Sang's teleportation, it was just a coincidence with a very low probability of occurrence. The specific operability and utilization were zero. It was almost impossible to make profit from it like that time, but it was still It proves that Ah Sang can indirectly affect reality, although there are huge limitations.

After realizing this, Hao continued to update his ideas, trying to get his unlucky disciple out of the turbulence of time. In this process, Lu Jiang played a decisive role, that is, the bridge between the two parties. .

You must know that it is extremely difficult for Long to communicate with Ah Sang himself, and he will pay a high price every time. However, Lu Jiang, who is from the same world as Ah Sang and is also a brother, can communicate with Ah Sang every day after going offline. , I can communicate with my brother casually before going online, and he is like a perfect sounding board.

Since the top management of Tianzhu Mountain attaches great importance to A Sang and what happened to him, Lu Jiang's status has naturally increased. Not only has he been mentored by several high-level observers headed by Hao, but his treatment is also first-class. , for example, his current equipment can basically be regarded as the upper limit of the current level of the 'Druid' professional system. Not only is the fit very high, but the strength is also quite online. If it is sold out, it can be conservatively estimated to sell for five digits of RMB. , if the star player of a big club or studio is a 'Druid', it would not be surprising even if it sells for six figures.

In this case, even a pig can probably evolve into Bajie, not to mention that Lujiang himself is also a fairly smart young man. Being outstanding doesn't count, and it doesn't mean he is gifted, but he definitely doesn't. A fool.

Therefore, it is completely normal to have the ability to directly reach the fifty-plus rankings after putting on the equipment.

And the existence she transformed into at this moment is one of the few that can compete with the dragon race, and is even slightly better in the field of combat - the Behemoth beast.

However, unlike giant dragons, Behemoths are considered a kind of 'warcraft' in the eyes of the world, because although they have strong combat power, they are not as smart as mainstream races. In other words, Behemoths are easier to understand. In reality, the behemoths have at most the same level of intelligence as orangutans, while the ogres are at the level of ape-men at the lowest level, and can even study astronomy and geography at the upper limit.

Therefore, ogres and even bugbears can be regarded as intelligent races, while Behemoths are Warcraft.

With the changes of history, the number of Behemoths, an extremely bellicose and destructive race, has been decreasing year by year. Finally, around the year 3400 of the Holy Calendar, it completely faded out of the world stage and became a mere existence. legends in the records.

But now it seems that this race is not extinct. At least in Tianzhu Mountain, there are probably Behemoths.

The reason is very simple. A druid cannot transform into a creature that he has not communicated or come into contact with. Even if Lujiang can DIY himself at will based on slime, at most he can only make a similar appearance based on the image data. The combat effectiveness is still that of a slime.

But at this moment... the strength he displayed was truly genuine, not watery at all!


The completely transformed Lujiang let out another explosive roar, and his huge body suddenly jumped nearly ten meters high. Then the manes on his body suddenly burst out with a burst of dazzling golden light, and finally——


A brilliant golden light beam fell straight from the sky and hit Cordoba directly, forcing down the snow-covered ground by nearly one meter. The aftermath alone lifted Ji Xiaoge in mid-air. A somersault.

[Exciting Leap] + [Exciting Cannon]!

Two skills that were extremely taxing on the body, had extremely long cooldown times but were the most powerful were just handed over by Lu Jiang. It’s not that he had any personal grudges with Cordoba, it was mainly because this kid was really Obediently, Lu Wei's previous explanation was, 'You don't need to hold back at all for people like Cordoba who don't feel sorry for dying, just let go and fight with all your strength.' Lujiang obediently used his full strength as soon as he came up.

That is to say, it turns into the theoretically strongest Behemoth, and directly bombards it with the theoretically strongest [Exciting Cannon] after transforming into the Behemoth.

The effect...is acceptable.

"It hurts."

As early as the moment Lujiang leaped high, he made a defensive move and directly activated the protection of [Rune·Dragon]. Cordoba stood up from the pit with smoke all over his body, holding the sanction tightly. The right arm of the Zerg's Staff is emitting a large amount of electric light. It is not an electric spark that indicates a malfunction, but——

Bang! ! !

Accompanied by a burst of dazzling white light that was no less dazzling than the [Exciting Cannon] just now, Lujiang, who had no time to adjust his posture, was hit by Cordoba who activated the [Rune·Wrath of Titan] during the fall. The blow hit his body hard, and he was blown up by the volley before he even had time to say a word.

Immediately after, two arcs of light flashed. Cordoba, who had originally planned to pull out Lujiang's true form, was forced back by Mo Tan who quietly approached with a sword. Then he barely raised his staff to intercept the second sword. The result was an instant. His body was covered by the [Angry Red Lotus]. Although he did not suffer any damage, his field of vision was covered by the bright red sword shadow.

As a result, before he could think of a way to break this move, Mo Tan, who was in an advantageous state, suddenly withdrew and flew away, leaving Cordoba alone with a confused look on his face...

And two [high-explosive tea eggs for the city]!

Chapter 1533: End

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