Quadruple split

Chapter 1535 Be honest (III)

five minutes later


Ji Xiaoge turned around and glanced at Mo Tan, who walked back to sit next to him (separating a seat), and asked with a slightly tangled expression: "Did you say something harsh just now?"

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, then asked with a slightly strange expression: "Which sentence?"

"The ogre he's going to fight later is the weakest in the past few days."

Ji Xiaoge pinched his eyebrows and muttered with a worried expression: "You said so. If he gets beaten like before, it will be a bit troublesome. Cordoba has been in trouble for the past two days. There seems to be something wrong with his condition, and I am always afraid that he will be beaten to autism by those guys."

[The promised nerves are great! ? 】

Mo Tan, who originally thought there was no clue about Ji Xiaoge's character, was immediately shocked. After a while, he nodded lightly and said helplessly: "I also think it's a bit cruel."

"Then you still say that?"

Ji Xiaoge rolled his eyes at him and said angrily: "I think he has worked very hard, but those people came up bit by bit from below. They are experienced players. What difference do strengths and weaknesses make? Not to mention that Cordoba has no experience in dealing with such opponents. Even if he had, it would be difficult to defeat these people."

Mo Tan continued to nod: "I know."

"I shouldn't have said that if I knew you!"

Ji Xiaoge turned around and poked Mo Tan's shoulder, and asked with a slight frown: "Even if I change you, and I give you the same strength as Cordoba, can you guarantee that you can defeat those who are qualified to reach the fifth level?" Someone from the arena?”

"Nine times out of ten you lose."

For some reason, Mo Tan's originally gentle and gentle tone suddenly became a little irritable.


Ji Xiaoge's eyes widened immediately, and he flapped his wings twice as if he had discovered a new world. His eyes were bright and he asked, "Are you angry?"

To be honest, the girl's tone at this moment was like asking, 'Did you win the lottery?' or 'Did you just draw SSR?', which was very surprising.

"I am not angry."

Mo Tan frowned and immediately replied.


【you are lying! 】

The next moment, a majestic, thunderous voice that Mo Tan had only heard once since entering the pit suddenly sounded in his ears. It was his own voice, but it had no emotion.

Immediately afterwards, a terrible sense of separation came from his limbs. It took less than half a second to drain 99% of the power from Mo Tan's body, causing all four of his basic attributes to drop to a pitiful 1 %.

【Oops! 】

Mo Tan only had time to think of such a thought, and then he slumped directly on the chair, and considering that his current sitting posture was not very upright, his body that could hardly bear the weight of the equipment due to lack of strength could be said to be hit straight up. He slid onto the back of the chair and made a "clang" sound.


Ji Xiaoge, who was startled, immediately moved forward to support him. While supporting Mo Tan's shaky body with great effort, he said in shock: "What's wrong with you?"

"I don't really want to say it."

Mo Tan gritted his teeth and propped himself up, and sighed deeply when Ji Xiaoge suddenly showed a look of astonishment on his face. He took off his heavy armor, which was far beyond his strength, and put it back into his bag with difficulty.


Ji Xiaoge, who had already realized what was going on, stuck out his tongue, let go of Mo Tan's arm that was no longer weak (although it was by no means powerful), and whispered: "I didn't expect to trigger you. 'honesty'."

Mo Tan breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head and said, "I don't blame you, it's my fault for speaking without thinking..."

At this moment, he is naked with a relatively strong upper body (male characters can take off their tops, but the default linen pants that are forced to be issued by the system cannot be taken off ※Except Anthony Dabbs※), shoulders, ribs and forearms It is also decorated with some dark purple dragon scales, which not only does not look ugly, but is even quite fashionable.

"So...you were really angry just now?"

Ji Xiaoge asked subconsciously at first, and then immediately covered his mouth and added: "Ah, if it's something hard to say, you don't have to say it, otherwise it will be bad if I add more BUFFs to you!"

Mo Tan first took out a Jadeka robe from his bag and put it on his body, then tapped his forehead with a headache: "Personally, I don't think I'm angry."

By the way, since Lao Jia and Yaya don't have space equipment, the former's luggage, change of clothes, and fitness equipment are basically temporarily stored in Mo Tan, while Yaya's things are stored in Ji Xiaoge's.

"But you were obviously a little angry just now~"

Ji Xiaoge immediately shook his finger seriously and said seriously: "I heard it right away!"

Mo Tan continued to tap his temples and murmured in confusion: "But I have absolutely no reason to be angry. It can't be... eh!"

At this point, he suddenly stopped strangely.

And Ji Xiaoge immediately asked subconsciously: "What can't you do?"


Mo Tan took a deep breath, looked away unnoticeably, and speculated in a question: "You can't be angry because you misunderstood that I was adding more money to Cordoba, right?"

Ji Xiaoge blinked his eyes, tilted his head and said, "Are you so petty?"

"I don't know, maybe I'm just a narrow-minded person?"

Mo Tan still replied with a question, then coughed slightly and changed the subject without leaving any trace: "Actually, I think Cordoba is about to reach his limit. If he can really make a breakthrough, this opponent should be perfect. That’s right, if this method doesn’t work, it might not be a good thing for him to give up this harmful and useless special training as soon as possible.”

Ji Xiaoge, whose thinking was a little one-dimensional, immediately nodded vigorously when he heard this, and Lian Sheng echoed: "That seems to be the case. Alas, it's all Mr. Lu Wei's fault. How could he be so counterproductive?"

"Master Lu may have his own considerations."

Mo Tan smiled brightly and shrugged: "Actually, I asked him about this issue once before, but Master Lu said that he believed in Cordoba. I thought he might have his own reasons, so I didn't say anything more."

Ji Xiaoge held her chin and thought for a while, then said in a rather affirmative tone: "Yeah, I think there must be some reason, don't look at the fact that Cordoba and Teacher Lu Wei always quarrel on the surface. , In fact, the relationship between the two of them is quite interesting. In my opinion, they are just like a father and son. No matter what the reason is, the teacher will definitely not trick him...well, he will definitely not harm him."

"Same feeling, so we'll just wait and see."


ten minutes later

[Death, death, death...]

Cordoba stood at one end of the entrance to the arena with his shoulders slumped, and his whole person exuded an aura of extreme decadence. It could be said that he was as depressed as he wanted.

In the past three days, except for the first few battles, he had behaved like this before almost every game. He could still cheer up and joke in front of Mo Tan, Ji Xiaoge and others, leaving only himself. It immediately became like this.

As Mo Tan expected, Cordoba at this moment was gradually losing its strength due to excessive pressure.

"How about this..."

He shook the monitor and suddenly muttered something like this in a low voice. The hand holding the Punisher's Staff loosened and tightened, tightened and loosened again, and murmured in a very self-defeating tone: "I'm not a very capable person to begin with. The worst case scenario is just to randomly mix up rewards, and when everyone else catches up, Lu Wei won’t be able to update the hardware for me and then it will be ruined. Anyway, the game will be broken, and everyone doesn’t know who I am.”

Noyce's overly loud voice came faintly from outside the thick rune door, and it was already starting to warm up.


Cordoba, who knew very well that it was almost his time, played with his staff twice, and said in a deep voice just like when he made up his mind to abandon the game of Innocence several times: "Then the last one. Damn it! After this beating, I will destroy it! Damn it, after being beaten so many times in the past two days, I have done my best to be benevolent and righteous. Even if Lu Wei is old and immortal, there is nothing more he can say. Yes, after the beating... Just mess it up!"

For some reason, when he said the last few words, his volume suddenly dropped.

A few seconds later——

"If you lose, you will be destroyed!"

Córdoba renewed his determination.

After a while——

"If it's really ugly to lose, just show off!"

The display in Cordoba showed the symbol ( # Dis # ).

And then--

"It's just ruined without any progress!"

Cordoba angrily set a limit for himself.

Finally, the rune door in front of him slowly opened, and Noyce Warsaw flying in the air, the bustling audience in the stands, and the tall and muscular figure behind the opposite door came into Cordoba's field of vision.

[If you can’t even touch it, the grandson will be ruined! 】

Cordoba, who modified the bad conditions for the last time, took a deep breath, then turned off his sound-generating equipment and slowly walked into the brightly lit arena.

At the same time, Noyce’s high-pitched and resonant voice also sounded——

"Ladies, gentlemen, and monsters of unknown gender! Welcome back! Thank you for not leaving! This is the fourth level of the Tianzhu Mountain Arena! I am your loyal Noyce Hua Shao!"

The golden-robed half-orc man in mid-air introduced himself quickly, and waved his hand violently after polite cheers: "I believe everyone already knows that a promotion battle is about to begin. Without further ado, on the left is the player from this promotion competition, who combines strength, calmness, stability and madness, with a record of five hundred wins, seventy-nine draws, and three hundred sixty-two losses. [The Hammer of Wrath] ]! This is his sixth promotion challenge. Please give him your most sincere blessings!"

Polite blessings sounded from the audience, but they were not enthusiastic.

Tataru also raised his hand and waved politely, but not enthusiastically.

"Unfortunately, the vacations of several contestants are still going on, so we officially sent out cute and cute 'test robots'!"

Noyce suddenly raised his hand and pointed at Cordoba and said loudly: "Please believe that this seemingly harmless artificial body contains amazing power, even though its companions have continued to attack it in the past few days. But I can assure you that as long as our challenger is careless at all, the test machine will definitely teach him an unforgettable lesson, do you understand what I mean? Dear [Hammer of Wrath]?"

Tataru smiled and waved to Noyce, indicating that he understood completely, but he was quite disapproving of it. You must know that he had observed this so-called test robot a lot in the past two days, and the conclusion was- -This thing is probably a half-finished product.

To put it simply, his speed, strength, impact resistance, and reaction ability are all okay, but other than that, he is completely useless and very unintelligent.

Although Tataru doesn't think he is very smart, he also thinks he is no dumber than a metal head.


[Rational Fury]!

As Noyce's high-pitched "Game begins" exploded above his head, Tataru's body instantly burst into a cloud of blood mist. Bathed in this scarlet haze, he not only was not weak, he was already developed enough. The muscular body swelled again, waving the battle ax in his hand and rushing straight towards the opposite side.

"Oh haha! Reason is furious!"

Noyce whistled at the same time and said loudly: "Everyone should have noticed that our [Wrath Hammer] did not activate [Rage] after closing the distance as usual, but started Then we entered [Rational Fury], which although the effect is biased, helps to maintain a clear mind! A very smart way of playing!"

[I see, this is blatantly bullying me because I don’t know how to fight... Well, although he was really right to bully me. 】

Cordoba muttered something in his heart, and then stepped forward to meet him straight up. He raised the Staff of Punisher in his hand high, and the gust runes on his legs and the giant power runes on his arms glowed at the same time, and he swept out a strike. A powerful horizontal slash with a large attack range.


As a result, he adjusted his rhythm as early as the moment Cordoba raised his right arm. Tataru, who was prepared in advance, suddenly grinned, and his huge figure stopped steadily at the moment Cordoba took out his staff. After the ground gave way to this powerful and heavy blow, he jumped up high and struck Cordoba head-on with two rough and thick battle axes!

【grass! 】

Cordoba, who was unable to withdraw the move, suddenly cursed in his heart and fell to the ground in embarrassment following the inertia of the Punisher's Staff. He rolled on the spot for three full circles before narrowly completing the evasion.

Then he found that his field of vision was blocked by the smoke and dust in front of him.

Knowing that he had no time to hesitate, Cordoba immediately got up on the spot, held the Punisher's Staff in front of him and stepped back quickly, trying to escape from this extremely dangerous area, and then saw a black shadow tearing apart the smoke and heading towards Come by yourself!


Cordoba subconsciously swung his staff and accurately smashed a battle ax away.


Then, the ogre who followed behind the stone ax hit his chest with his shoulder, and his whole body was pushed up into the air uncontrollably.


Tataru, who was directly below him, smiled innocently and clenched his other weapon with both hands as if preparing for a home run.

The fierce gleam in his eyes!

Chapter 1526: End

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