Quadruple split

Chapter 1527 Cut off

Everything must start at seven o'clock in the morning.

The thing is like this. On this day, Mo Tan was woken up by the game cabin after closing the realm of innocence as usual. Then as usual, he made himself a breakfast that was full of color, fragrance and nutritional value but with almost zero nutritional value. Then he went to the game cabin as usual. I also took a hot bath, and during the bathing process, I considered that the kittens were already quite old, and it would not be a big problem even if I skipped going downstairs to feed them, so I decided to spend the whole day at home.

Everyone must have guessed after seeing this, that after "waking up", Mo Tan has a "chaotic neutral" personality, because if he is "lawful good", he will not only feed the cat, run in the morning, but also have a better breakfast. Focusing on nutritional value; while Mo Tan, who has an 'absolutely neutral' personality, doesn't run in the morning (sometimes even too lazy to get up and take a shower), he can at least feed the cat. For breakfast... he basically doesn't spend time studying it, and sometimes even Will not eat.

Only Mo Tan, who is under the "chaotic neutral" personality, will never run in the morning, feed cats randomly, and spend most of his energy on making breakfast.

All in all, everything was normal until I took a shower that day.


"Damn, there's not even a can left."

With a towel on his head and completely naked, Mo Tan stood in front of the refrigerator with a solemn expression. Looking at the refrigerator room where there was no trace of Dr. Pepper, a vein gradually appeared on his forehead.

In view of the fact that he has a lot of schoolwork recently, Mo Tan has hardly stayed at home during the day these days. After coming back, he usually takes a shower and eats and then plays games directly. There is only a one-third chance of drinking 'Dr.Pepper' after dinner), so the problem of insufficient inventory was not immediately noticed, which is why such an embarrassing situation occurred.

By the way, this kind of situation is actually a kind of "daily" for Mo Tan. After all, his mental state is quite special, so it is normal to encounter this kind of thing every now and then.

But what happened next was not ordinary, that is, when Mo Tan cursed and gave up the idea of ​​a whole can of De.Pepper, and planned to make a cup of coffee for himself, he was horrified to find that he only had instant coffee at home!

As the saying goes, what can be tolerated is unbearable. If you can't bear it, you don't need to bear it anymore. After confirming in a rage that there was no more coffee beans in the house, Mo Tan resolutely changed his clothes and put on the little genius phone that he had just repaired not long ago. Watch, gritted his teeth and rushed out of the house.

He knew that he had to hurry up, because most of the other two mental states of him would choose to take things as they come. After all, the energy drinks, plain water and cola at home are still in stock. Even if the coffee is gone, 'himself' can still rely on those things to survive .

Only De.Pepper is gone! This is so unfair!

Ever since, with such obsession, Mo Tan rushed out of the house and the community in a hurry, and then studied the little genius's phone watch for about fifteen minutes, locked the route to the supermarket closest to him, and risked his own life with a reckless attitude. Go in, and then——

Got sick.

But what is gratifying is that after getting sick, Mo Tan finally understood "himself" better, so he did not turn around and go home, but slowly started shopping, including washing liquid, mop heads, steel balls, toilet paper, etc. Starting with daily necessities, then moving on to new chopping boards, firewood, rice, oil, salt and other kitchen supplies. Finally, I replenished almost everything that was missing at home before buying a certain amount of coffee beans and Dr. Pepper. I also accompanied a child who got lost in the mall. We got lost together for half an hour, and it wasn't until the latter's mother found him that we finally checked out and left with satisfaction.

Needless to say, such a diligent and house-keeping style can only belong to Mo Tan who has a "lawful good" personality.

After that, Mo Tan carried two large bags of daily necessities and consumables and embarked on his way back. Since he is now a good and law-abiding citizen, walking on zebra crossings and passing green lights, it is naturally impossible to cause any trouble. There is no need for trouble. If nothing happens, in at least fifteen minutes and at most fifteen hours, he can go back to his apartment to make a cup of coffee and continue to think about the temporary benefits of [Choose a Role] in the public space. The benefits it can bring to yourself.

Of course, we all know that there will definitely be accidents, otherwise this guy would not show up in the hospital soon.

So the question is, under the current personality, Mo Tan, who can be said to be civilized, polite, and fully developed morally, intellectually, physically, artistically, and physically, what kind of trouble can he cause?

The answer is that he didn't cause any trouble, but trouble got to him.

Just as Mo Tan left the shopping mall, he turned right and walked onto the sidewalk according to the guidance of the little genius's phone watch. When he had walked less than two hundred meters, he heard an endless and harsh roar coming from the distance. Two people riding exaggerated and colorful motorcycles suddenly appeared on the street. They were wearing fashionable helmets, leather jackets, leather pants and flip-flops, and they were racing from the end of the street at a staggering speed. came, attracting passers-by to look at each other. The higher-quality ones cursed in their hearts, and the lower-quality ones cursed with their mouths. Obviously, they didn't like these two energetic riders very much.

This kind of people who like to ride modified motorcycles to hit the streets are quite common in many places. They are generally young people with a particularly leisurely spirit although they don’t know whether they have money or not. These people are more or less anti-social at heart. The creatures in the plot are particularly keen on causing trouble for others. Compared with those racers who race in legal places, they have a very poor impression on the general public, and they are also a thorn in the side of the traffic police comrades.

These people usually modify their motorcycles to make them extremely noisy and extremely fast (car bombing gangs have become less and less common due to the gradual intensification of crackdowns in recent years). Some of them will even do this on their cars. Add a variety of colorful, bright lights, and strive to become the most beautiful girl on the street. In addition, super tweeters and portable high-power speakers are also favored by this group of people. In Motan's era, these The cost and manufacturing cost of the gadgets are very cheap. Even ordinary working-class people can get themselves a stunningly handsome motorcycle as long as they are willing to spend a month's salary.

In fact, even Mo Tan himself once owned a motorcycle that he named [Rose Assassin]. Since there are many parts on it that are difficult to obtain by normal means, the performance can be said to be quite powerful. However, given that Mo Tan was Most of them use it to run or buy groceries, and they have little interest in 'street bombing', an extreme sport that is good for blood circulation. Therefore, the noise output of Rose Assassin is almost zero, although it neither saves energy nor reduces emissions. But its quietness is almost as quiet as a bicycle, and it can be said to be a very conscientious means of transportation.

As for why he no longer rides that motorcycle, we have to start with the entanglement after the nearby traffic police system was changed two years ago and an officer nicknamed "Barbarian Jaw Dragon" came. Due to limited space, I will not mention it here. I won’t go into details.

All in all, although Mo Tan had no experience in street bombing, he was quite knowledgeable about modified motorcycles, so when he heard the movement of the two cars, he knew that they had speeded to his grandma's house.

He had no intention of meddling in other people's business. After all, although Mo Tan was a good young man at this moment, he would not be stupid enough to reason with a guy who couldn't listen to human words at all, so he just frowned and sighed silently. Then he continued walking in the direction of his own community.

Now some people may be thinking, is this guy going to be hit?

The answer is no. After all, Mo Tan has a relatively good sense of safety and self-protection. The possibility of such an accident happening to him is almost infinitely close to zero.

So what was hit was a large truck that had just turned from the street.

That's right, it's a big truck, and it's a twelve-cylinder diesel-powered truck that's quality is very good. It can even compete with those military armored vehicles half a century ago. The maximum loading capacity is as high as nearly 300 tons. Even if it is described as It's no secret that it's an industrial monster.

Anyone with a higher IQ than the floor can see that there is no comparability between these two things, and they are not on the same level in terms of cost alone.

Soon enough, I saw the two street bombers, their men and their car collided with the big truck with lightning speed. They were flying really high, and the truck was flying too high. ...all of them turned into plural numbers in an instant and spread all over the long street.

And then...well, there was no more. Mo Tan's memory ended here. When he woke up again, the person had appeared in the window of Ward 716, Laboratory Building No. 3, Tanhua University School of Medicine. On the bed, his left arm was in a sling bottle and his right arm was in a plaster. There was an angel sitting beside the bed that prevented him from running his brain smoothly.


Mo Tan tilted his head with some difficulty, finally getting his eyes to focus, and muttered something like a dream.

"Don't move~"

The girl who noticed Mo Tan's awakening for the first time smiled, raised her little hand and gently pressed the former's forehead, and held Mo Tan on the pillow who was about to struggle, but saw that he did not continue to struggle. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said in a soft tone: "You just finished the operation, now you have to lie down obediently."

【Operation? ! 】

Mo Tan was completely frightened by this word that made people feel scared no matter how he heard it. He suddenly realized that no matter how he looked at this place, it was a ward, and he was one of the users of this ward. Mo Tan's eyes widened and he whispered softly. Said: "What am I doing..."

"Some kind person found our school's student ID card in your pocket and called the school directly."

Yu Chen gave the already weak Mo Tan too many opportunities to speak, and explained directly: "You were brought back by the ambulance of our medical school, but the situation was a bit urgent at that time. It had reached the point where it would be very troublesome without surgery. We At once……"

Mo Tan shuddered and asked with a horrified look on his face: "What's wrong with you guys?"

"We will perform surgery on you directly after Yi Dong signs."

Yu Chen took out a handkerchief from the pocket of his white coat, and while gently wiping the cold sweat on Mo Tan's forehead, he asked nervously: "Have you......did the anesthetic wear off? Does it hurt a lot? Do you want it?" I……"

"No, no, no, it's not about the anesthetic."

Mo Tan, who was obviously frightened and broke into a cold sweat, interrupted Yuchen, then turned to look at his right arm wrapped in plaster in shock, and said dryly: "So my arm...can it still be saved? "

Yuchen immediately showed a reassuring smile, nodded vigorously and said, "Don't worry, it's just a slight bone fracture. If you take good care of yourself, it will be fine in a month, and there will be no sequelae."

"Huh, that's good..."

Mo Tan breathed a long sigh of relief and turned to look at Yu Chen softly: "What you just said was that the situation was urgent and surgery was necessary. It was really scary."

Yuchen was stunned for a moment, then showed a slightly complicated smile. He hesitated for a while and then said carefully: "Well... the surgery I just mentioned was not your arm. Your right arm only has a slight bone fracture. It’s not displaced at all, it’s just a plaster to fix it for you, but you’d better eat more beef and eggs during this period, it will heal faster.”

"No, that..."

Mo Tan was completely panicked at this moment. After a long time, he asked with a stiff face: "So what exactly is the surgery..."

"It's somewhere else~"

Yuchen gave Mo Tan a reassuring smile and said sweetly: "Don't worry, the surgeon who performed the surgery on you is a very powerful senior, and it has been completely removed."


The moment he heard these words, Mo Tan felt a thunder in his mind, and his whole body turned pale. Only Yu Chen's soft and gentle voice echoed over and over in his ears——

Completely cut off~ Completely cut off~ Completely cut off~

Cut it off~Cut it off~Cut it off~

It fell~ it fell~ it fell~

"Sorry, actually what I'm more curious about is..."

About a century later, Mo Tan, whose expression was extremely distorted, took several deep breaths in succession before turning to the person beside the bed with a face as pale as earth and a calm temperament. As long as he (currently limited by his personality) closed his eyes, he could recall his eyes and smiles. The girl asked in a hoarse voice: "What on earth did you... cut?"

Yu Chen immediately chuckled, gently poked Mo Tan's extremely stiff cheek, and smiled: "What else can there be? Of course..."

"of course?"

"Of course it's the appendix."


"Yes, it's the appendix. You have acute appendicitis, and it's already perforated."


"So we arranged the surgery for you at that time. Since you have a good relationship with Yi Dong, I called him to sign. He wanted to sign a family member to be your father, but I didn't agree."

"So it was cut?"

"Yeah, cut it."

"Cut your appendix?"

"Otherwise it could be something cut!"

Chapter 1518: End

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