Quadruple split

Chapter 1523 Interlude

No matter what, you have to take someone away~

This was the only request Mo Tan made to himself after deciding on the basic strategy.

The reason is self-evident. With Futaba and Mu Xuejian being arranged to adapt and get along with each other, there is a high probability that this simulated battle will turn into a situation where Mo Tan is one against four, and this star style of play is It would be okay if it were a real 'star', but based on the strength of the character 'Tan Mo', even if the opponent is just a little-known figure, it will definitely be a difficult and stomach-breaking challenge.

However, it is naturally impossible for Mo Tan to have a stomachache under his current personality. On the contrary, although he complained a few times, facing this almost impossible task, he actually enjoyed it very much, and every pore was filled with Feelings of pleasure.

Of course, pleasure is pleasure, and Mo Tan would not dare to challenge him directly. After all, as long as the other party is not too stupid or too good, he will only make others feel happy if he rushes in.

Under this premise, the idea is very clear. Combined with the characteristics of Mo Tan's current profession, what he needs to do is naturally - reduce the number of enemies in the shortest possible time!

It is worth mentioning that the 'shortest time' here refers to the 'relatively shortest time' after the battle begins, so Mo Tan still has enough time to prepare.

So he immediately put on his "Assassination"-centered [Reaper Suit] after the game started. After carefully studying the character panel, he directly found a place with good Feng Shui... and put all his cooldown time in All the skills within one hour were used.

That's right, I used them all once with great luxury. Some skills that had a cooldown of less than half an hour were even used twice. For a cunning profession, having a large number of skills in a banned state is obviously fatal. .

The premise is that he fights with others...

Obviously, Mo Tan didn't intend to fight with others in the first hour after the game started, so he used a leisurely attitude to adapt to his current panel, and then started - strolling.

It really is a stroll in the literal sense, that is, aimlessly strolling through the streets along the entire front.

In fact, it's not that Mo Tan really wants to be aimless, but the problem is that his outrageous direction fundamentally does not support the 'purpose' of his existence. You must know that this is the pride of the Dragon Clan more than a thousand years ago. , Not to mention that the landscape environment is far from the future Dragon's End, even if the two are exactly the same, Mo Tan will probably not be able to find a way out.

Unless he is given a high-precision map and the [Roadfinding Plate] tied around the neck of 'Hei Fan' at the same time, he will be walking aimlessly.

To sum up, Mo Tan chose to destroy it directly without hesitation.

However, there are different types of damage. Although Mo Tan started to move directly after leaving the refresh point, he also paid attention to the surrounding environment, conflict direction and other general information during the action, and there were also people who left only himself (or Futaba can also distinguish the marks and always ensure that he is within the 'conflict zone' of this battle.

After all, according to the background of this simulated battle, neither the war command center of the Sun Dynasty nor the hinterland of the Pride of the Dragon Clan will become the main battlefield among players. If the game can last for three, four, five, or six days of game time, Mo Tan might I would also be interested in taking advantage of the situation, but pursuing "harmony" in this kind of only three-hour duel is a bit overkill. It is better to think about it from the aspect of "the right time and the right place".

Anyway, this guy started wandering around.

While walking around, Mo Tan also witnessed a battle between Mu Xuejian and Shuangye. He immediately hid in the distance and watched with relish. After knowing that the two left, he hesitated to do what he was doing. , The attitude cannot be described as lazy.

Later, he found an opportunity to test his conjecture, which was the extent of the system's interference with NPC's cognition. The result was not beyond his expectation. Based on his several interactions with the frontline dragon, he could basically conclude that the other party was He regards himself as a fellow half-dragon resident in Dragon Pride, and he is also the kind of warrior who is willing to fight to the last moment. His favorability can be said to be quite high.

As for the warriors who belonged to the Sun Dynasty, they had no hostility towards Mo Tan, who was wearing the same uniform (Mo Tan had ripped it off from the patrol members killed by Futaba and Mu Xuejian) and the Sun emblem, and they were just asking for routine information. After looking at the number, I found out that the person involved had a very detailed grasp of this period of history, so he, a person outside the system, was able to get through it in a haphazard manner.

In this way, the interference scope of the system was basically clarified by Mo Tan.

First of all, Mo Tan, Shuangye, and Mu Xuejian should have been transformed into half-dragons in the senses of other NPCs by the system. Although in the eyes of players like them, they are still the same as each other, whether it is a giant dragon or a sun The dynasty's army sees them as half-dragons. The difference is that the former has a favorability bonus towards them, while the latter does not.

As for the four members of the enemy team, they should be more thoroughly assisted by the system. In Mo Tan's guess, the opponent is likely to be directly refreshed in a large-scale army of the Sun Dynasty, and then they will be given a highly recognizable outfit. standard equipment, or let them wear Sun Dynasty-style equipment in the eyes of other NPCs.

This is a crucial conclusion for Mo Tan, and it is also the basis for his subsequent action planning.

First of all, it is the ‘important information’ derived from the above-mentioned intelligence and balanced considerations——

There is no doubt that the dragon is friendly to the three Harlequins, but the position of the other team in their eyes is probably irreversible, because based on Mo Tan's understanding of the system, the reason is their appearance.

That's right, it's really a very simple and superficial appearance.

After all, there are very few wars based on race in this world, even more than a thousand years ago. Although this battle is a bit special, the basic method for everyone to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy is mainly by 'seeing' .

Seeing that the opponent is a dragon, there is a good chance that he is from the Dragon Clan.

If the opponent is not a dragon, then there is a high probability that he is from the Sun Dynasty. If he is wearing the standard equipment of the four main battle legions of the Sun Dynasty, then 99% of the time he is from the Sun Dynasty.

If the opponent is a half-dragon, after all, there are many half-dragons living in the Pride of the Dragon Clan who are willing to take up arms and fight, and there are also many half-dragons among the many warriors of the Sun Dynasty.

So in the final analysis, it still relies on 'seeing', and this method of judgment is still the main method even on modern battlefields with advanced technology, not to mention things like identification codes in the world view of the Innocence. It's not impossible, but during the conflict, it really has nothing to do with the grassroots. At best, you will be picked out and hacked to death when you try to sneak into the opponent's camp.

Under this premise, Mo Tan immediately revised his shopping plan. First, after Shuangye and Mu Xuejian killed the investigation team, he immediately rushed up and touched the corpse, and put the relatively 'complete' old man into his hands. The mage stripped down to only one pair of underwear, and then put on his mage robe and quickly ran to the outside of the battle line, constantly contacting the increasingly dense Sun Dynasty warriors, looking for the main force.

It is necessary to mention that although Mo Tan put on the standard robe of the Holy Miracle Thousand Curses Mage Group, the equipment could not provide him with even the slightest attribute, it just had such an appearance.

The reason is also very simple. Although the equipment in the Innocence Realm generally has restrictions, many of them are of the type that you can wear even if you do not meet the requirements. In this case, in addition to the basic defense and attack power, the equipment All other additional attributes have nothing to do with you. For example, Mo Tan cannot enjoy the [Increased Casting Speed], [Reduced Casting Cost], [Intelligence + XXX] and other high-quality attributes of this epic quality robe. You can only have it. That defense is as pitiful as paper.

Heavy armor with high basic defense generally requires strength and physique. If the relevant attributes are not enough, even if you can wear it and enjoy the safe and reliable [Defense: High] or [Defense: Extremely High], He will also be restrained by that nonsense-like burden, making it difficult to move even an inch, and become a living target.

In other words, from the perspective of the panel, looking at Mo Tan who has lost all his clothes, it's almost like running naked.

But he doesn't care about this. After all, if nothing happens, he won't be allowed to fight for a long time.

All in all, he started wandering around the Sun Dynasty side of the front line and collected a lot of useful or useless intelligence.

In view of the fact that individual strength is relatively weak, it is not uncommon for him to be a "battle-damaged version" of a reconnaissance team member like Mo Tan, so he easily integrated into the "Praise the Sun" family and was soon recognized by others. Guide the 'return team' to the largest mixed group of the 3rd Division on the front.

After "returning to the team", it only took Mo Tan less than five minutes to find two men and two women who were very far back and whose style of painting was incompatible with those around them, and successfully locked the goal of this game.

What followed was an extremely long observation. Mo Tan, who pretended to be an ordinary NPC, stood not far or close to the four of them throughout the whole process. He interpreted nearly 70% of the content of their exchanges through his lip reading skills, and locked the target on ' On the two people Wu Nian' and Yu Shang.

The core reason is that the abilities of these two girls are a bit weird. Although they did not communicate much in this regard, Mo Tan still accurately judged that the thing in the hand of the fairy girl sitting on the shoulder of his companion was mysterious and scary. , a bit like a super-fantasy Paramecium version of a low-profile causal weapon.

And that girl with long bangs and a cool style seems to have some kind of overbearing 'interference' ability, which is obviously a very troublesome factor, especially when the opponent has a numerical advantage.

In addition, there is another reason, that is, Mo Tan feels that the two men who have been fighting each other most of the time are not easy to mess with. The strong Highlander with the goblin on his shoulders seems to be particularly proficient in position selection. He unconsciously stood in a position of support, pick-and-roll, support and cover at every step. He had obviously integrated these responsibilities into his instincts. Within ten steps, Mo Tan was judged as an "all-round support master" and guessed the other positions. Career direction.

The half-orc from the cat tribe who looked carefree glanced at least a dozen times in Mo Tan's direction during the process, as the latter's position was changing all the time.

In fact, he didn't notice Mo Tan, nor did he deliberately stare at him. It's just that the position Mo Tan chose for himself every time was the most hidden and most convenient place to observe several people, and the latter was obviously the one being observed. , but he was able to complete the reverse disassembly every time, constantly paying attention to these locations. If Mo Tan hadn't used [Hundred States] to temporarily change his appearance midway, and used the simple cosmetic bag in his luggage to disguise himself several times, he might have preempted the attack. The only ones are the other four.

All in all, these two people are very difficult to deal with, much more difficult than the average level of the enemy team that I imagined, and Mo Tan was directly excluded from consideration for the first kill.

After that, it was a long wait.

Mo Tan, who made a judgment earlier than Aramis and knew very well what would happen in the early stages of the war, was very sure that this legion would definitely run into trouble, and if nothing else happened, the time should be stuck in the middle of the game.

Because in his speculation, although the system will take care of this well-deserved weak team, it will definitely give his side a chance. After all, if they stay with the Sun Dynasty team throughout the whole process, even if there are twenty more Futaba , twenty Mu Xuejian, and a hundred 'Tan Mo', if they meet head-on, they will be melted in an instant, making it impossible to fight at all.

Therefore, there must be an opportunity, such as a precise strike that can cause heavy damage to this legion.

Then Mo Tan waited. After seeing the roar of more than a hundred giant dragons that covered the sky and the sun, he almost immediately left the large army, secretly changed his equipment in the stealth state, and then Keep an eye on Aramis and the others from a distance until they run away after the dragon begins to attack.

The next thing was simple. Mo Tan first continued to use the skill [Shadow Continuous Flash] to contain the four people, and deliberately controlled his 'Shadow' to guide the movement of the place, and moved Aramis, who had the fastest movement speed and reaction speed. Lure him to the furthest distance, causing his team to disconnect. Then, while Portos was staring at his partner to finish the damage, he used a second 'Shadow' to kill Wu Nian, who had extremely poor self-protection ability, in seconds, completing a textbook zero. Change one.

Next, Mo Tan took the initiative to walk into the encirclement after distractedly observing the battlefield behind him for a while, betting that the opponent would definitely use Bodos to build a totem array to kill him out of caution.

In this process, the position that the elemental shaman has laid out unscrupulously will increase in strength and presence, which will attract the attention of the dragons who already have the upper hand.

And all they saw was four people wearing Sun Dynasty standard equipment, attacking a half-dragon thief who was very friendly. If nothing else, they should be able to help to some extent.

In the end, things still did not go beyond Mo Tan's expectations. Although the rebound of this mixed division was difficult, there was still a blue dragon that tilted its head and gave support with a breath of dragon breath.

As a result, a large number of totems that Portos had painstakingly summoned were instantly destroyed, not only losing a large amount of magic value and health value, but most of the skills that could limit Mo Tan were also put on cooldown.

Without any hesitation, Mo Tan immediately launched a smooth assassination attempt on Yu Shang, and then unexpectedly missed.


Turning to look at Yu Shang, who was already protected by Aramis, Mo Tan knelt on the ground wailing, raised his left hand and pointed at the opponent and cried: "You bully people! You don't play according to the routine!"

puff! puff! puff!

Then he stabbed himself crazily with the short blade of his right hand. The white knife went in and the red knife came out, and the red knife went in and the red knife came out again——

"Ah~ I'm bleeding all over the floor~"

Chapter 1514: End

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