Quadruple split

Chapter 1496 Lasso

As the first high-level observer of Tianzhu Mountain that Mo Tan had met, and also the most mysterious and fashionable high-level observer, Long took a sip of tea and expressed himself in an extremely brisk tone. I have the same opinion as Lu Wei.

In Mo Tan's view, Long's words were both unexpected and reasonable.

So he just nodded lightly, neither expressing his own opinions nor asking how the other party knew what Lu Wei said to him.

"Ruvi is a very pure person."

Hao sighed softly and said leisurely: "But here's the problem. He is too pure, so he lacks consideration in many things."

Mo Tan frowned slightly and said curiously: "What do you mean..."

"I mean, he actually has a lot of ways of getting his ideas across to you."

His tone sounded helpless, and he paused for a while before continuing: "But he chose to isolate you from himself in a place where even we can't sense it. This approach is really a little inappropriate. If we haven’t been friends for who knows how long, it’s really easy to cause misunderstandings.”

Mo Tan was slightly startled when he heard this. After pondering for a moment, he shook his head and said, "I don't think Master Lu Wei has not considered this, Mr. Hao."

"I see."

Hao immediately caught up with Mo Tan's rhythm. Instead of showing any doubts, he chuckled and said, "I understand. Lu Wei isolated himself from you in a secret space to whisper, and the purpose was not just to let you know." I understand something, and I also want to convey a signal to others... Haha, so to speak, my previous thinking was too shallow."

Mo Tan also laughed lightly and said softly: "I'm just guessing."

"That can only mean that your guess is much deeper than mine."

While pouring himself tea, Hao smiled in a rather relaxed and cheerful tone: "I don't want to waste too much time, so let's get straight to the point. From now on, I will temporarily give up the 'Hazy' position and stand instead. Talking to you from the perspective of the thirteen high-level representatives of Tianzhu Mountain, of course, this is just a scene."

Mo Tan took a sip of the tea, which had no way to add basic attributes to himself but was still outstanding in terms of taste, and repeated with some confusion: "Scene talk?"

"Yes, the real reason is that among the high-level observers, the only people who have had more communication with you are Lessard, Noyce and me, and Lessard's personality is not suitable for chatting, Noyce There is still work to be done at the Grand Arena.”

He leaned lazily on the back of his chair and smiled with his soft and magnetic voice: "So after everyone thought about it, we finally decided to let me have a little chat with you as a representative."

Mo Tan, who had originally planned to have a good 'chat' with these Tianzhu Mountain bosses, nodded slightly and smiled apologetically: "Although I may not say anything nutritious, I do want to know more about the situation."

Having decided to be honest, Hao lightly tapped the rim of his cup and said with a half-smile: "It sounds like we are about to have an unfair exchange of information."

"Although I shouldn't be qualified to bargain with you, but..."

When Mo Tan said this, he suddenly paused, and then showed a smile that was refreshing: "I have the same views as you, Mr. Lu, and Master Lu Wei."

He nodded calmly, and there didn't seem to be much regret in his tone: "Although from the standpoint of high-level observers, we do prefer to be relatively fair...or at least it must be the intelligence that you know everything about, Brother Mo. Exchange, but since I, who was chosen as the representative, have no objection, naturally no one will say anything more, so...do you mind if I set the pace of this conversation?"

"Of course I don't mind."

Mo Tan shook his head without hesitation.

"Then, let's start with our investigation of that prophecy."

Hao did not say any more nonsense, but immediately went straight to the topic: "To be honest, the result is not very optimistic. I think you should have guessed that in view of the importance attached to this matter, you, as the light of the apocalypse, were discovered. At the beginning, our Tianzhu Mountain has launched an operation, but unfortunately, except for Cordoba, the other agents hardly collected any useful intelligence in the initial period of time."

"Feel sorry."

Mo Tan raised his hand slightly to ask Hao, who had deliberately paused so that he could ask his question, to stop, and asked politely: "If it's convenient, can you explain to me what a proxy is?"

"Of course, if it's you."

He only thought for less than two seconds before giving an affirmative answer, and then explained softly: "To put it simply, the agent is just like its literal meaning, it is to replace 'Tianzhu Mountain' The people who walk on the mainland and do things are not servants of Tianzhu Mountain, but like-minded partners in a sense, at least for the superficial reason."

Mo Tan, who had had similar conjectures before, was not surprised and just continued to ask: "So, you...well, what I mean is..."

"There's no need to go out of your way to find euphemisms."

Lu thoughtfully stopped Mo Tan's thoughts and said briskly: "Yes, as you guessed, the indigenous people of Tianzhu Mountain cannot leave here under most circumstances, including Lu Wei. Master and us advanced observers.”

Mo Tan's face was slightly solemn, and his eyes were a little more searching.

"Strictly speaking, this is not a secret. Although not many people know about it, it is not a small number."

Lun smiled nonchalantly, and while signaling Mo Tan to relax, he casually brought the topic back: "So those agents are naturally from outside Tianzhu Mountain, and the one who is more familiar with you is Fimi. Gal and Cordoba, one of them is a pure-blood dragon who originally lived in the Dragon Pride, and the other is an outsider 'player' like you."

When he heard this, Mo Tan's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he asked in a very ordinary and natural tone: "Other than that? Fimi's joining Tianzhu Mountain should be related to the incident of the Sun Dynasty, and carrying the scientific knowledge Erdua's rune body was created by Master Lu Wei, are the other agents in a similar situation?"

"No, there are too many reasons for people to become agents. Whether they are pursuing knowledge, power, learning, or anything else, as long as their character is recognized by a high-level observer, they can be compared with Tianzhu Mountain. Sign a contract to become our spokesperson on earth.”

Hao did not hide anything and explained to Mo Tan in detail: "The content of the contract also varies from person to person. In fact, there are very few people like Fimiguel and Cordoba who run around all day. Before this, Most of the agents will generally live their own lives while protecting the secrets of Tianzhu Mountain, and then live and die normally."

Mo Tan grasped the key point keenly, leaned forward slightly and asked, "Before this?"

"Yes, before that."

Hao lightly flicked the jade cup in front of him, causing the tea inside to ripple: "Since we started investigating the light and shadow of Apocalypse, the number of agents mobilized has been dozens of times higher than before, especially half a year ago. After one of the agents died inexplicably, almost all the agents outside Tianzhu Mountain took action."

Mo Tan lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, then hesitantly said: "Cordoba once mentioned a name to me - Farah Ossis."

"Yes, the protector of the Chauvin Empire, the famous legendary sage Farah Ossis, is one of our representatives in Tianzhu Mountain. He does not know the details of the prophecy, but he was the first to discover it. Someone with clues.”

When he mentioned Farah, there was a hint of solemnity in his tone: "He died in front of Cordoba who went to confirm the situation, and he failed to convey the truth to us until the end."

Mo Tan nodded wordlessly. Although he did not know that Farah Ossis, he still felt a little sad at this moment, because if nothing else happened——

"The unknown shadow of the apocalypse is responsible for the death of Farah Ossis."

His tone was still calm, and he just said categorically: "This is the conclusion that all of us have reached, but the problem is..."

"Feel sorry."

As a result, at this moment, Mo Tan suddenly interrupted Long and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Long, I have a suggestion."

The latter was slightly startled, then nodded and said, "But it doesn't matter."

"You said before that you hold the same view as Master Lu Wei."

Mo Tan took a deep breath and said with a strange expression: "Then, I hope that from now on, you can use this point of view on me as well."

A glimmer of light seemed to flash under the thick linen bandage, and his hazy tone rarely became a little confused: "Brother Mo, although I think I know very well what Lu Wei is thinking, but what you just said What does it mean..."

"That's literally what it means."

Mo Tan nodded seriously and said with an extremely serious expression: "I know exactly what I am talking about, Mr. Hao, but please forgive me for not revealing too much about the content."

Hao didn't give any feedback immediately. He was silent for about half a minute at first, and then suddenly stood up, put his hands behind his back and started pacing in front of the table. Although his pace was neither fast nor slow, and his expression was expressionless. There were obvious fluctuations, but Mo Tan could still feel that this high-level observer with great depth and mystery was beginning to feel restless.

But Mo Tan had no choice. If it was very dangerous for him to easily release certain information to Tianzhu Mountain, then the reverse was also true.

Mo Tan couldn't believe 'himself'. Although this was a very ridiculous thing, he finally interrupted Hao who might want to leak some important information to him, and released a message to this high-level observer. Obvious signal.

‘Mo’ cannot be trusted.

Even though Mo Tan had said it vaguely enough, there was no doubt that what he wanted to convey was this news.

[After all, I was careless...]

Looking at Wu Tan who was still pacing slowly, Mo Tan drank the tea in front of him with a wry smile, tapped his forehead lightly, and then sighed deeply.

Mo Tan knew very well that after all, he thought of things too simply.

It is too naive to think that we can make progress by communicating with the seemingly omnipotent Tianzhu Mountain, and that we can break the situation early by joining forces with Lu Wei and those high-level observers.

Lu Wei's previous words shattered half of the plans Mo Tan had made on the way here.

And he himself broke the other half with his own hands a minute ago.

Tianzhu Mountain cannot be trusted, and Mo Tan has never considered this possibility before.

'You' can't be trusted. This is the main premise that Mo Tan came up with not long ago. However, even a seriously mentally ill person like him has no habit of being wary of himself. He was able to react before Long finished what he just said. It can be considered very valuable.

After all, over the years, the only people Mo Tan could trust were Yi Dong and himself.

[Is this why ‘I’ don’t care about being exposed at all, and don’t take any remedial measures even if things change? 】

When he thought of this, Mo Tan's hands were shaking uncontrollably, and he realized that it was impossible for him to discuss countermeasures with Tianzhu Mountain.

If you don't figure this step out, you are very likely to unintentionally become a pair of eyes without any awareness, continuously conveying messages to the 'silhouette' that is always hiding in the dark, and obliterate all Tianzhu Mountain's efforts. .

If you think through this step, the best result is the same as before. If you think about the worst, it may directly destroy the initial trust that the character "Mo" has finally established with Tianzhu Mountain.

Just look at Long's reaction and you will know that even an unfathomable person like him seemed a little unable to sit still after realizing the true meaning of Mo Tan's words just now.

The situation went from bad to worse in an instant, and ironically, the reason for all this was that Mo Tan caught the clue and completed a series of analyzes through the existence of Jia Wen.

At first glance, this seemed to be a good thing, a good thing that would bring him one step closer to the truth, but it was only now that Mo Tan realized that when he took this step, he was directly locked in place, unable to move forward. ,Isolated!

It was as if his neck was being tightened by several invisible nooses.

An icy chill gradually spread in Mo Tan's heart, and the suffocating helplessness made him feel like breathing was a burden.


"Calm down, Brother Mo."

The always gentle and strong hand suddenly pressed on Mo Tan's shoulder, and Long's calm and powerful voice sounded firmly behind him: "There is no need to get distracted by this small setback. Although I don't know the reason, I believe that no matter it is Neither you nor us will stop here so easily."

"Mr. Hao..."

"If the road ahead is steep, I just need to be more cautious, what do you think?"

Chapter 1,487: End

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