Quadruple split

Chapter 1491 Listen more, ask more, speak less

"First warning, boy Mo, don't trust anyone."

When Lu Wei said these words, there was an unprecedented solemnity in his eyes, and that solemnity almost exceeded the concept of 'adjectives' and really affected the narrow compartment where the two of them were at this time. Mo Tan was gradually recovering. His physical fitness level began to decline again, and fine beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

After about five seconds, Lu Wei frowned and shook off the oppressive feeling he had just inadvertently revealed, which a pure engineer would never have, and looked sideways at Mo Tan again: "Do you understand?"

"Maybe a little."

Mo Tan turned his head and glanced at the gate behind him that directly isolated this small area from the regular space. Then he gently pinched his eyebrows, turned to look at Lu Wei again, and said very frankly: "But I don't want to pretend to understand, Master Lu Wei, so if possible..."

"You don't need to tell me, I didn't intend to hide it in the first place. Anyone who talks half-heartedly should be put into a cannon and blasted out."

Lu Wei took out a pipe from his pocket, which was visually larger than the player's luggage. After putting it into his mouth, he lit it with the fully functional mechanical arm and slowly spit out a mouthful. The pungent, even refreshing light blue smoke said lightly: "But I hate idiots and brainless people, so I don't plan to directly instill my ideas into you, even if time is tight. , I also hope to see you thinking, because thinking is the meaning of our existence in this world."

Admittedly, Lu Wei's views were extremely subjective, but he knew very well that the other party was not looking for trouble for him. Even Mo Tan, who had a lot of good intentions, nodded immediately: "Okay, Master Lu Wei."

"Then let's get started."

Lu Wei raised the corner of his mouth imperceptibly, took another puff of his pipe, and said, "You have guessed just now that the reason why I brought you to this place is why I even went to great lengths to lock the two of us in this confined space. I want to tell you something that is not convenient for others to know, so...who do you think I am guarding against?"

"I have no idea."

Mo Tan gave Lu Wei an answer without hesitation that theoretically would not satisfy him, and while the latter raised his eyebrows, he added: "And I think you don't know either."


Master Lu, who originally wanted to curse a few words, suddenly lit up and asked with interest: "What's the reason?"

"There are many reasons, but the most important thing is the warning you just gave me."

Mo Tan smiled, but his face became more serious: "You told me not to trust anyone. In this place called the safest place in the world in Cordoba, this is enough to prove that the person you are wary of is not someone." , but a rather large group. Not only that, that group probably also has extraordinary status, such as some people who will be able to contact me very quickly, and also has powerful power, such as making you have to use this kind of blocking The ability to gather intelligence can only be assured based on the position.”

Lu Wei snorted lightly, exhaled a stream of light blue second-hand smoke, and said angrily: "After all, you have already guessed it, right?"

"You are an excellent and aloof person. Although you have an approachable side, there are not many people you will be wary of from the bottom of your heart. In other words, only those beings recognized by you will be qualified to put you on guard. ."

Mo Tan raised his right hand and pressed it on the table, leaned forward slightly, and expressed his guess with stern eyes: "So if my prediction is correct, you are not wary of a certain person, but the pillar of heaven." The only people in the Yamanaka who have the same status and authority as you, and who are also recognized by you in terms of strength... are probably the high-level observers including Mr. Obi, Mr. Lessard, and Mr. Noyce."

"Well, that's it in a nutshell."

Lu Weifeng said this calmly, and did not sigh in his heart for a hundred or two hundred words with the core idea of ​​'This kid is so smart', because according to his evaluation of Mo Tan, the latter had the ability to do it in a short period of time. He guessed the quality of this article, so he continued after casually revealing it: "So, when you came to Tianzhu Mountain this time, you must have discovered some important information that we need to know urgently, right? Is it related to the prophecy?"

Mo Tan nodded without hesitation and said softly: "Yes, in fact, I think I have mastered some very key things, and according to the content of the prophecy that Mr. Lu told me before, Tianzhu Mountain should be very concerned about it. That’s right.”

"Tsk, tsk, light and shadow apocalypse... light and shadow apocalypse..."

Lu Wei smacked his lips, leaned lazily on the chair and snorted, and said angrily: "To be honest, I just like to mess with various machines and I am not interested in this aspect at all. You should also know that no matter what People who study technology are often the least likely to believe in such illusory things as 'prophecies' and 'myths', because in our eyes, it is too absurd to take things that cannot be proven as true."

Mo Tan looked at Lu Wei in surprise and asked curiously: "Master Lu Wei, do you think so?"

"Unfortunately, that's not what I meant."

A hint of imperceptible helplessness flashed in Lu Wei's eyes, and he shook his head and said: "In fact, like other high-level observers, I firmly believe in the authenticity of the light and shadow apocalypse. Why do you think I want to waste so many words with you? If You are not the prophesied light of the apocalypse, and I will not even allow you and your friends to enter the Seventh Outer Mountain, even if you are friends of Cordoba."

After hearing this, Mo Tan did not show the slightest surprise or any resentment. Instead, he nodded in agreement and said sincerely: "I think so too."

In the final analysis, a place like Tianzhu Mountain has been incompatible with ordinary players and even NPCs from the beginning. Except for the first outer mountain that remains open to the outside world all year round, everything Mo Tan saw here was a bit too "out of the circle" It's just like when you enter a certain game in the first week and accidentally enter a super high-level map that would take at least several years to enter due to a bug, everything is wrong.

Now, nearly a year after entering the trap, the more Mo Tan investigates this place, the more he feels that it is unfathomable. It has connections with the Holy Religion Alliance, the Adventurers Guild, the Mercenary Guild, the Mages Guild, Organizations such as the Wanderer Hotel are different. Although Tianzhu Mountain does have something in common with these powerful forces from a certain perspective, it is a complete mystery.

The most important point is that there is no so-called origin of Tianzhu Mountain. Perhaps through investigation, people can know who the owner of the first Wanderer Inn was, who founded the Mages Guild, and who created the Miracle City. Who was the person who integrated the many adventurers, who was the person who founded the Thieves Guild, but there has never been any record of how Tianzhu Mountain came about in that period of history.

It seems that since the first year of the Holy Calendar, which has almost become a lost era, leaving only a few trivial records, that mountain and the people on it have existed in the northwest continent.

In addition, there are various clues that can demonstrate the transcendent status of this force. For example, Xia Lian, as a top figure in the Dawn Sect, has a deep taboo against the 'agent' that most people don't know about, although it is definitely considered Not afraid, but whether it is 'respect' or 'fear', there is a little bit of it.

In terms of deeds, there is very little reliable information that can be found. The only fact that can be confirmed is what Feimiguer told Mo Tan at that time. The arrogant Sun Dynasty in the past destroyed the Dragon Clan from the front, causing it to fall apart and turn into After a mess, someone evaporated the capital area overnight because of the idea of ​​​​Tianzhu Mountain. The method is unknown, but it feels like it should be something infinitely close to 'Meteor Escape' and 'Wanben Cannon'. , in short, it was to end the great dynasty that had a high probability of lasting for thousands of generations and even unifying the continent.

So under normal circumstances, even if a player can get involved with Tianzhu Mountain, if they don't go to the First Outer Mountain to play in the arena, it will probably take them a few years, and it also depends on luck.

As a result, Mo Tan came to this place not long after he entered the trap. If Lu Wei is considered, he has seen four people with the highest authority at the high-level agent level. All this is because of his light of heaven. ’s identity, and the importance Tianzhu Mountain attaches to that prophecy.

Even Lu Wei, a scientific research boss who is a materialist no matter how you look at it, is no exception!

"So, even if you, the light of the apocalypse, are not a native of our world, and even if you people from other worlds can appear in this world based on your own mood, I will not question that prophecy. In this regard, other The attitude of the advanced observer is the same."

Lu Wei refilled his pipe with some kind of blue plant powder and said, "But believing is one thing, but the attitude after believing is another thing. Boy Mo, I told you before." Do you remember those?"

"Mr. Ogi's words were ambiguous at that time."

Mo Tan frowned slightly and said softly: "He just roughly told me that there were two lights of the apocalypse in the prophecy, and I was one of them. In addition, there were two shadows of the apocalypse. Although he didn't listen to them all at the time, But judging from the conversation between Mr. Obi and Mr. Lessard at that time, it should be something dangerous."

Lu Wei blew out a bolt-like smoke ring and hummed softly: "To be precise, one of the shadows should be very dangerous. Note that the 'danger' here is defined by our Tianzhu Mountain. Dangerous things will appear in our cognition, so don’t compare them with small things that can kill tens or millions of people at most.”

"I don't think the risk of tens or millions of people dying is a small thing."

Mo Tan said simply, without any dissatisfaction in his tone, as if he was simply stating the facts.

"Everyone has a different view on this matter, so you don't need to be more serious with me. Of course, I don't think you intend to be more serious with me."

Lu Wei twitched the corner of his mouth carelessly, and then continued: "In short, among the four apocalypses in the prophecy, one will cause a huge disaster. No, saying it is a disaster may be too one-sided. According to the words in the language, Content, that shadow of apocalypse will cause overturning changes to the entire world."

Mo Tan's expression immediately became solemn, and he subconsciously asked: "So?"

"So Tianzhu Mountain has tried to intervene in this matter from the beginning. After all, the prophecy itself is not absolute. In other words, the reason why it appears is because there is a possibility of being rewritten."

Lu Wei stared into Mo Tan's eyes and said word by word: "And the reason why you came here this time is probably because you have some... quite important information about this, right? I mean, far better than Cole Dova's findings were much stronger."

Mo Tan did not answer, but nodded silently.

"Then, now I'll give you the second warning, Mr. Mo."

Lu Wei took a deep breath from his pipe and knocked it gently on the table: "Listen more, ask more, and speak less."

Although these seemed to be three warnings instead of one, Mo Tan did not bother with this linguistic problem. He just asked concisely: "Why?"

"That's a long story."

Lu Wei shrugged and said leisurely: "Instead of asking me directly, you might as well think about the first warning I gave you before."

Mo Tan immediately trembled when he heard this, widened his eyes and said, "Master Lu Wei, what you mean is that there is..." in Tianzhu Mountain.

"I don't know and I don't want to know."

Lu Wei raised his hand to interrupt Mo Tan, and turned his attention to the gate that separated the compartment from the outside world: "I just made a slight assumption that all fourteen people, including me, are content with the status quo and hope that this The possibility of the balance continuing to hold, but the outcome is not very promising.”

Mo Tan nodded slightly. Although he didn't know what was hidden in this matter, he had already understood Lu Wei's meaning.

"Listen up, kid."

Lu Wei was very satisfied with his reaction and said in a brisk tone: "In this world, our Tianzhu Mountain can affect too many things, but the things that can affect our Tianzhu Mountain are too few and far between. As I said just now, everyone has different views on things, so their attitude towards the same thing may be biased, especially in this extremely special situation that is rare in a million years."

Mo Tan still just listened quietly, with no intention of answering, because he knew very well that it would not be easy for Master Lu in front of him to say these words.

"My situation is quite special. I am not a high-level observer, so my perspective on things may be different from theirs. That's why I think of things that others can't think of. That's why I called you over in advance. Such a terrible warning."

Lu Wei stood up slowly, walked slowly to Mo Tan, and patted him gently on the shoulder: "By the way, that person also includes me. Of course, it is not the current one." I’m talking to you.”


"My attitude is relatively correct for now, but there is a very fatal problem."

"What is it?"

"That's the... curiosity of a scientific researcher."


"So even if you are facing me who is giving you advice, you'd better keep your mouth shut. As I said, listen more, ask more and speak less."

"Yes, Master Luwei."

"Let's go out, it's almost time."


Chapter 1,482: End

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