Quadruple split

Chapter 1486 You are great

Game time AM09:49

Main office on the second floor of the main house of Keyworth Manor

"Lesa actually gave this place to you~"

Mo Tan, who quietly appeared in the room, smacked his lips and smiled at the petite girl who was studying several reports with lowered eyes: "She must be too comfortable as a hands-off shopkeeper."

Xiao Ai, who had just reacted, immediately stood up and saluted Mo Tan in a panic: "First... sir! I'm sorry, I didn't know you..."

"I don't blame you. I didn't knock on the door. Sit down."

Mo Tan smiled at Xiao Ai, and then he went to sit on the large sofa on the side of the office, and suggested in a brisk tone: "Even if it is my order, there are priorities. Remember to balance work with rest, but Don’t exhaust yourself to death at this young age.”

The girl who did not sit down obediently but trotted to the cabinet skillfully brewed coffee and replied with a slight smile: "I didn't work very hard, and Ms. Lesa is not a hands-off shopkeeper. There are many things that Mr. explained." With her help, er, I mean those things that Miss Lesa can know."

"It doesn't matter, you can tell her most things from now on."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, and while squinting his eyes contentedly and inhaling the aroma of coffee, he said nonchalantly: "Last night... well, she should have told me this morning that she wanted to climb higher in this place. I’ve told her about the street committee.”

Xiao Ai showed an unsurprising smile and said without looking back: "Miss Lesa will definitely choose to let the Kevos family continue to grow bigger and stronger. After all, this is the only way to keep up with Sir."

"Ok, I know."

Mo Tan also laughed and said in a rather playful tone: "It would make me feel strange if she didn't do this. All in all, everything is expected."

Xiao Ai brought a cup of coffee to Mo Tan and smiled sweetly: "Yes."

"If you are dissatisfied, you can express it. Don't be like that kid Cole."

Mo Tan took the coffee, took a sip happily and then shrugged: "As a girl in the sentimental age, you have countless reasons to be dissatisfied with my thoughts, practices and statements. It is obvious that I took advantage of Lesa Keyworth's feelings for me, and this is under circumstances where it is absolutely impossible to give her the slightest bit of reciprocation."

Xiao Ai blinked and looked at Mo Tan with some confusion: "Is love something that must be reciprocated?"

"Ah...sorry, sorry."

Mo Tan gently patted his forehead, made a playful face at Xiao Ai, raised his eyebrows and said, "I asked the wrong person."

Xiao Ai did not continue the topic, but sat respectfully on the sofa opposite Mo Tan and said with a smile: "And I don't think Ms. Lesa has anything to lose. If there are people like you, sir, who are willing to help, yes It is something that many forces in the Free City dream of. In my opinion, the Kaivos family is very lucky, and Ms. Lesa is also very lucky."

“There is nothing lucky or unlucky, it’s just what you need.”

Mo Tan waved his hand nonchalantly and asked casually: "Has Harlequin Brand's office taken root here? I remember you have been busy with this during this time, right?"

Xiao Ai immediately got into work mode and answered without hesitation without any information at hand: "It has begun to enter the trial operation stage. Although there are only a few small cards with cards below five in the Free City, it can already be slightly I’m going to handle some small tasks, but it may take some time before the real results are achieved.”


Mo Tan nodded calmly and asked, "Where's the Angel of Death?"

"We were given a lot of trivial tasks with low difficulty and low rewards on the grounds that we were busy."

Xiao Ai answered immediately, and then added: "They said they would take a commission equivalent to 30% of the total remuneration, and they also asked us to be responsible for the docking work after the task was completed. On the surface, it was a bit bullying."

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows noncommittally and asked leisurely: "Actually?"

"He's helping us."

Xiao Ai gave his understanding categorically and said softly: "The Deathly Angels are an old gray organization. Logically speaking, there is no need to leave the matter to an unknown new force like the Harlequin Card. The reason why they will do something A small part of the tasks that I use to train new people are assigned to us, and we are even asked to be responsible for the connection. In fact, we are basically telling others that the [Harlequin Card] is covered by them."

Mo Tan nodded slightly and smiled approvingly at the girl in front of him: "Very good, the summary can be said to be quite insightful."

Xiao Ai shook his head shyly, wrung his little hands uneasily, and whispered: "Actually, these are not summed up by me. Information such as the mode of training new recruits of the Angel of Death was basically told to me by Mr. Jun Wu of."

"No, no, to be precise, this is not what Boss Jun told you. After all, I have never asked him for such a thing."

Mo Tan raised a toast to Xiao Ai and said in a brisk tone: "The reason why you can understand things so clearly is ultimately because you asked. You found it with your own ideas without any instructions from me. I found the most suitable person and asked him the most suitable things."

If it were Cole sitting here, he would probably apologize to Mo Tan at this moment and feel guilty for being arbitrary, even though he knew very well that he just did the right thing.

But Xiao Ai is not Cole. Although she has the same background as the latter, and is even half a year younger. She is undoubtedly a "country child", but she knows very well that what her husband needs now is not an apology, but an apology. My own affirmation of this compliment.

So the girl didn't say a word, she just continued to smile shyly, perfectly explaining what 'silence is better than sound at this time'.

Mo Tan also smacked his lips with great satisfaction and sighed: "To be honest, you are much better than I thought. Although it is human nature to ask for help when encountering problems, this matter It's not commendable in itself at all, but it still can't hide that you already have the most important quality of a superior person - that is, 'knowing people and making good use of them'. To be honest, putting aside the clown card, what do you think of that person? The utilization of Eva’s housekeepers is simply amazing.”

"Sir, you are overly complimentary."

Xiao Ai's face suddenly turned red, then he lowered his head in embarrassment and smiled coquettishly: "Actually, I'm just a little... willful."

Suddenly, Mo Tan looked at her with more admiration, because the girl did not apologize directly or make excuses, but frankly admitted that she had simply 'allowed herself to be' and showed no sign of repentance. .

This means that the country girl knows her own value very well, and she also knows the value of Eva the housekeeper, so in this private conversation, she does not put both parties on the same scale, but takes it for granted. I feel that I have this right to be willful.

And this does not mean that there is anything wrong with her loyalty to Mo Tan. In fact, Xiao Ai, whose life was saved by Mo Tan, is even higher than Cole in terms of loyalty. After all, even the latter himself I have to admit that Lorna Yuehui, who is still in the [Soul-inducing Bottle], is one of the driving forces behind Cole Shuren's desperate efforts.

"Alas, you have to throw it away when you compare goods, and you will die when you compare people with each other."

Mo Tan sighed deeply, drank all the coffee in the cup, and then put on a look of "bitter wine in the throat and heart aching", and said with great sadness: "If only that brat Cole could If you are half as good as you, I don’t even have to come back in person, it’s enough to rest assured that I can leave this place to you two.”

"Ah! No...it's not like that!"

After hearing this, Xiao Ai suddenly found it difficult to maintain the style of painting just now. He hurriedly waved his little hands and explained: "I...I think Cole is already very good! He is much smarter than me. He can learn things." He is also the fastest among our group except...Dave, the person who gave his soul to the evil god, he is just...just..."

"Just what?"

Mo Tan did not follow Xiao Ai's words to excuse Cole. Although he knew the reason very well, he still continued to put pressure on the girl: "Tell me?"

Xiao Ai pursed her lips and was silent for a while before saying with a blushing face: "He is just easy to get into trouble, and he can't calm down because of Lorna's matter... I, I think if Cole can relax, he will definitely be better than I’m much more useful.”


Mo Tan narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled: "You are hinting to me that if you want Cole to become as useful as you, stop nagging and hurry up to help resurrect the little girl named Lorna. right?"

When he said the last two words, Mo Tan's tone suddenly turned cold, and a frightening fierce light flashed in his eyes. Some kind of mixture of madness and chaos filled the air quietly, directly making people feel uncomfortable. The girl on the sofa opposite subconsciously hugged her shoulders.

"I...that's not what I meant...no...I just wanted Mr....well..."

After all, Xiao Ai is just a childish girl. Although she has real potential, potential is just potential after all, and it cannot directly transform her into a Futaba who can violently confront her husband, so this The child immediately became frightened after being so frightened, and said stammeringly: "But I definitely didn't...I didn't mean to rush you. I know it's very difficult to resurrect a person, so..."

"Pfft hahaha~"

As a result, Mo Tan suddenly smiled and waved his hand. The crazy aura that made the girl shudder instantly disappeared like an illusion. He winked and said with a playful smile: "Indeed, for most people, this kind of thing is unheard of. It's been a year, even if it's been ten years, you may not be able to get a clue, but if it's you... you should know very well that the reason why I haven't come up with a solution now is entirely because I don't take the matter of resurrecting that little girl too seriously. ?”

Xiao Ai bit her lower lip lightly and said nothing.

"You know very well that if I want to rescue Lorna, even if I can't resurrect her so quickly, I won't make any progress like now."

Mo Tan grinned, stood up and walked to Xiao Ai, raising his hand and placing his hand on the latter's slightly shaking shoulder: "Although the serious damage to the body is indeed a bit troublesome, if I am willing, I can find a friend to take good care of her. , asking Lorna to say a few words to you, it’s probably possible, after all, my friend who likes to deal with dead people is very good at psychics.”

Upon hearing this, the girl immediately raised her head and whispered: "Then why..."

"On the one hand, I've been busy recently. Although I bumped into that person when I went to Academy City this time, we were busy with more important things, so we had no time to talk to your friend in the jar."

Mo Tan took away the hand on the girl's shoulder and rubbed the latter's hair: "On the other hand... do you think this is really good?"


Xiao Ai's figure suddenly froze, and his slightly raised face gradually lowered along with his voice: "Sir, what do you mean..."

"You are a good girl, so you hope that your good friend, the kind, simple, pitiful, innocent, and wasted death, Lorna Yuehui, can return to being a human being and continue to enjoy her life that was just beginning. Of course , and maybe there will be a sweet love.”

Mo Tan said with a smile and a very provocative tone: "Believe me, even if that lovely lady didn't have the slightest thought about Cole during her lifetime, as long as she knew what happened after her death, she would know that Cole Whatever I have done for her, she will definitely fall in love with that boy. There is no other possibility. After all, our Cole's character is there. He is also quite handsome. After being manipulated by me for nearly a year, in terms of temperament It has also improved dramatically, and there is no reason to get a cold butt."

Xiao Ai smiled, nodded slightly and said, "I think so too. After all, Cole has done so much for Lorna, and they are very..."

"But, my dear Xiao Ai, but~"

Mo Tan suddenly leaned down, raised the corner of his mouth and whispered in Xiao Ai's ear: "Even if you are an undoubted good girl, everyone has another side. For example, there is a certain person in your heart. In the corner, there will be such a voice, praying day after day that the husband will not be so anxious to put the resurrection of the child on the agenda, hoping that everything will not go so smoothly, and even...occasionally feel that even if something goes wrong during the resurrection process If something goes wrong... it'll be fine, right?"


Xiao Ai looked up with a pale face, her beautiful eyes filled with fear and grief, and said in a voiceless voice: "I didn't... I didn't think about it that way... I..."

The next moment, she suddenly buried her face in her hands and burst into tears.

But Mo Tan just looked at the girl who was crying out of breath, and finally even had difficulty breathing. After a long time, she said softly: "I said, everyone has another side."


"You could hear that voice, but you didn't follow it. You even found the opportunity to urge me today. Isn't this enough for you to forgive yourself?"


"You are great~"

Chapter 1,477: End

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