Quadruple split

Chapter 1482 Yama kills ghosts

The sword flashed and the head fell to the ground.

Ji Xiaodao, who would not have any psychological burden from attacking an acquaintance, was inevitably stunned at this moment. After all, she had considered countless possibilities before, but she did not expect that the other party would be attacked by her. Such an outrageous thing as cutting off the head with a sword.

It is true that the skill effect of [Void Flame Sword Wheel·Scorching Bones] has not faded, but the problem is that Ji Xiaodao used a sophisticated dagger that was no more than a consumable to her to perform this move, and she slashed at Gu Xiao Le's sword used [Ye Yu].

Of course, after countless upgrades, both the short sword [Ye Yu] and the long sword [Lonely Return] have already reached the 'unique epic' quality. Although it is not outstanding at the same level, it is definitely better than ordinary weapons. It's much stronger, but it still doesn't change the fact that the girl just made a 'flat slash'.

Even if her weapons are extremely sharp, even if her strength is unfathomable, even if she is ranked third in the combat power rankings, she will never be able to kill a strong person like Gu Xiaole instantly with just one ordinary attack.

So after being stunned for less than half a second, Ji Xiaodao pulled out the long sword [Jigui] from his waist. Instead of being careless because Gu Xiaole had his head chopped off, he became more cautious.

And at the same time, the beautiful head that had already rolled into the room shouted out loudly——

"Master! Help, the woman I saw when I went to inquire about the situation has already arrived!"

The head that belonged to Gu Xiaole... or maybe only the face belonged to Gu Xiaole, but in essence it was the shikigami 'Origami'. The head spoke quickly, and then floated up out of thin air and floated into the house.

Ji Xiaodao naturally rushed into the room without hesitation, trying to suppress Gu Xiaole, who had already leaked a breath in the room.

However, the moment she stepped into the room and met the eyes of Gu Xiaole, who was lying on her side on the bed and just looked up at her, the surrounding environment suddenly changed drastically.

A strange chill hit from all directions, making Ji Xiaodao, who felt as if someone had suddenly poured a basin of ice water on her in the sweltering heat, subconsciously feel in a trance. But after she regained consciousness, she found that she was no longer in the room watching. Instead of going up to a high-end hotel room, you are in a forest with a pleasant scenery.

However, Ji Xiaodao, surrounded by lush greenery and the fragrance of birds and flowers, did not enjoy the scenery leisurely. On the contrary, the surrounding natural scenery, which modern young people rarely appreciate, seemed to choose people and devour them at this moment. The bottomless maw made her feel horrified.

You must know that if the word "creepy" is applied to Cui Xiaoyu, Yu Ying and others, it will not be too normal, but for Ji Xiaodao, it can be said to be an extremely novel experience. After all, she has been apart from... Apart from the incident of my sister cooking, I have almost never been scared by anything. Both my mental endurance and mental toughness are frighteningly high. I can tell at a glance that I will become a major fighting force in the world of horror movies. Cruel person.

But at this moment, Ji Xiaodao, who was obviously just appearing in a pristine forest with beautiful scenery and pleasant climate that was obviously fabricated by some force, felt an extremely clear "fear" in his mind.

It is not caused by the surrounding environment. After all, as we have said before, this is not the kind of place where you can tell at a glance how many massacres that happened many years ago. There are no bridges, no running water, no houses, only old withered vines. A deserted forest of trees and dusky crows, it is an A-level scenic spot that is particularly suitable for camping, vacation, sightseeing, and spiritual practice.

So the source of this 'fear' is undoubtedly Ji Xiaodao himself.

She was frightened by herself, and the reason for this was probably——

[Are they filled with this ‘natural’ yet extremely ‘unnatural’ dirt? 】

The girl narrowed her eyes slightly, a smile as red as blood flashed through her eyes, and the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously.

The next moment, Ji Xiaodao activated a continuous active skill that was by no means low in consumption without finding any enemies——

[Sword Posture·Zhan Wu]!

Active skills

Requirements for mastering: Have a profession [Sword Yama], have a talent [Sword Heart], be female, and have dexterity \u003e 200

Consumption/limit: 50 acuity/second

Effect: Enter the [Sword Stance·Zhanwu] stance, reset all [Sword Yama] professional skills with a cooldown time of less than ten minutes, remove all current movement restriction effects, and gain +3 one-handed weapon proficiency and +10 dexterity during the duration of the stance. %, strength +10%, cannot be used with other posture skills at the same time, cooling time is 30 minutes.

Trait [Dance]: During the duration of the stance, the range of the passive skill [Sword Domain] is expanded by 100% and cannot move with the user. When the user is in [Sword Domain], the range of all active skills cast through the one-handed sword is increased. 100%, the effect is increased by 10%.

Trait [Man Dance]: slightly

Traits [Zhan Wu]: slightly

Trait [Lotus]: slightly

Traits【Only one person's heart】: abbreviated

[Remark 1: Omitted]

[Note 2: Since this skill has a very long text of nearly 900 words, in order to save space, only the key points are mentioned here. If necessary, other characteristics will be explained separately in the corresponding scene. 】

[Remark 3: Remark 2 is a one-time remark only open to God’s perspective]

[Note 4: Note 3 is the same, so am I. 】

An invisible wave spread, and in the state of [Sword Posture·Zhanwu], Ji Xiaodao's passive skill [Sword Domain], which had almost lost its influence at some point, instantly exerted its original effect, and it will be Everything within a radius of ten meters centered on the girl was covered.

It is necessary to mention that the values ​​in [The Boundary of Innocence] are not ‘absolute’, so many times, even the numbers that seem very intuitive are not actually true.

For example, although the passive skill [Sword Domain] under the amplification of the trait [Frenzy Dance] has a radius of ten meters at this moment, when Ji Xiaodao activates this posture, its range of influence is not simply five divided by two. meters, but was weakened by the surrounding environment to the point of almost non-existence.

Because some things cannot be perfectly explained through data. For example, the environment Ji Xiaodao is in at this moment. Before her [Sword Domain] is not powerful enough to reach a certain threshold, its practicality has been affected to the point where it is useless. However, with the blessing of [Sword Posture·Zhan Wu], the [Sword Domain] that has broken through the environmental threshold will not only not be affected at all, but will even in turn eat away at this weird place.

"I'm sorry...Dad...Mom..."

"Makoto-kun, come to hell with me..."

"As long as I die here, that bitch Miki will be here for the rest of her life..."

"What's wrong with liking two-dimensional beautiful girls..."

"The school gate will be blocked again tomorrow... I have no money to give them..."

"Eh? Why does this place look familiar? Have I been here just now? Am I...lost?"

"Ah...ahhhhh! No! No!"

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die! Someone come and save me!"

"So lonely! So lonely! So cold!"

"Turn right, turn right, turn right, turn right, turn right!!!!"


At the moment when [Sword Domain] unfolded, although the surrounding scenery did not change at all, the atmosphere of chirping birds and the fragrance of flowers disappeared in an instant. The originally fresh fragrance of earth and grass suddenly became rotten and filthy, and that The not annoying chirping of cicadas was replaced by bursts of roars that gradually turned into howls.

Scenes of invisible hell on earth are being staged within a radius of ten meters with Jixiao Island as the center. Within a few moments, everything around them is destroyed by something that can scare at least three naughty children or a third of Cordoba. It was replaced by a chilling sound.

But Ji Xiaodao didn't feel any discomfort. In fact, at the moment when [Sword Posture·Zhan Wu] was turned on, the fear gradually took root in the depths of his thoughts, which was called 'fear' but was not Ji Xiaodao's. The resonance of 'fear' among the islanders has disappeared without a trace.

The reason is simple and metaphysical.

Everyone should remember that the two high-level professions Ji Xiaodao obtained are [Shadow Rakshasa] and [Sword Yama], and [Sword Posture·Zhanwu] is the signature skill of [Sword Yama], just like Shuguang. The priest's [Light Condensation], the thief's [Stealth], the warrior's [Charge and Thrust], and the mage's [Fireball] are the same skills that are very representative of the profession.

It is worth noting that the three characters [Sword Yama] contain ‘Yam Luo’.

In most cases, the word "Yam Luo" refers to the well-known "King of Yama", who is in charge of the underworld, that is, the leader of our Eastern ghost world, and Hadi in the Western underworld. His professional title is equal, and he has a lot of horses under his command, such as Ghost Judge, Black and White Wuchang, Bull-headed Horse-faced, Meng Po, You Xing, City God, etc. They are in charge of the life and death of all things in the three realms, and they are the well-deserved masters of the ghost realm.

Although in many records, King Yama became the fifth palace among the ten palaces of Yama in the underworld, and there were also King Qin Guang, King Chujiang, Emperor Song, King Wu Guan, King Bian Cheng, King Taishan, King City, King Ping Ping, There are nine colleagues like the King of Chakravartin, but in early Buddhist and Hindu legends, King Yama is the only big daddy in the underworld.

As for ordinary people, most of us recognize this Lord of Hell, so even if we start from the aspect of 'power of faith', Lord of Hell is the well-deserved boss.

And what does this have to do with Ji Xiaodao?

The answer is - it doesn't matter.

After all, [Sword Yama] is just a professional name to put it bluntly. The focus is still on the aspect of 'sword'. The main function of the two characters Yama is to highlight the fashion value.

It's okay to call him Jian Yanluo, and it's not impossible to call him Jian Tianzun.

But [Sword Yama] is an official title after all. To put it bluntly, it is a title recognized by the world view. Therefore, under certain circumstances, even though there is no specific explanation similar to 'can scare undead creatures to piss', it is There will still be some effect due to metaphysics.

‘Yam Luo’ is the supreme being in charge of life and death, and those half-dead souls wandering between the yin and yang worlds will be suppressed fundamentally.

So when Ji Xiaodao strengthened her passive skill [Sword Domain] through the profession's signature skill [Sword Posture·Zhanwu], the evil spirits hiding around her who constantly interfered with her through resonance suffered a lot.

Of course, these are bastards who are not very powerful and can only do bad things by scaring people. As for truly powerful spirits, they can completely ignore this level of metaphysics, such as——


Boom! ! !

Accompanied by a scream, two rather delicate-looking fists poked out of the air silently, and made a loud noise after hitting the intersection of [Lonely Return] and [Ye Yu], and with the help of Ji Xiaodao, whose talent [Combat Instinct] could barely block the blow, took several steps back and was directly pushed to the edge of his sword field.

"Hunter ghost!"

boom! ! !

The red flash exploded directly beside Ji Xiaodao. It was obviously the same move as the dog ghost, but it was more than ten times more powerful. It directly lifted the girl several meters away and forced her to squat on the edge of the sword field. On the branches of the tree, his eyes were slightly focused.

In the center of the sword field under the tree, two small figures were slowly emerging from the smoke.

Standing near the front was a black-haired shota wearing cloth clothes, who looked to be about seven or eight years old, with a timid expression, and a tattered ax stuck in his waist.

Standing at the back is a lolita who is also wearing commoner clothes and has beautiful short pink hair. She is also about seven or eight years old. Her pink face is very cute. She is the one pointed steadily at Ji Xiaodao. The middle finger is a bit distracting.

"Let me introduce~"

Gu Xiaole, who didn't know when he appeared between the two children, raised his head and smiled at Ji Xiaodao, and then said cheerfully: "These two are my shikigami, and their nature is similar to that little fool whose head you chopped off just now." , but in terms of strength, they are much stronger. The boy is the former ghost, and his name is Shan; the girl is the latter ghost, and her name is Miao."

The ex-ghost boy named Shan immediately bowed politely to Ji Xiaodao, while the post-ghost named Miao raised the middle finger of his other hand and winked at Ji Xiaodao provocatively.

Then, a cold light that could not be caught by the naked eye passed through his body, and he fell to the sky. His face was astonished and disappeared as if it turned into sand.

"Now you have one ex-ghost left."

Ji Xiaodao jumped down from the tree as Gu Xiaole watched in astonishment, and asked coldly: "What were you exploring before? Where is this place?"

Gu Xiaole twitched the corner of his mouth, then covered his mouth with the snow-white five-bone bat fan in his hand and shouted softly: "Ex-ghost, beat this beautiful young lady to death with all your strength."

The next moment, the former ghost boy's body shook, and a large number of dense blood-red lines lit up on his two arms!

Then, a cold light that could not be caught by the naked eye passed through his body, and he fell to the sky. His face was astonished and disappeared as if it turned into sand.

Ji Xiaodao, on the other hand, nodded expressionlessly to the pretty and pale Gu Xiaole——

"Your ex-ghost is gone."

Chapter 1,473: End

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