Quadruple split

Chapter 1457 Maturity Period

The first acquaintance between Luke Tefero and Charlene Takeye was not pleasant, but this is actually not surprising. After all, we all know that for the former, the most beautiful age for women is in their twenties and thirties. And after he guessed at a glance that this elf he had never met before was probably the Saint Xia Lian, the divine being who had been home to visit relatives for two and a half years, he naturally would not treat this elf who was far beyond his guarding range. The woman has a little bit of basic affection.

And Xia Lian's simple and rough character (mainly rough in the physical sense) destined her to have a hard time gaining extra favor in the eyes of a precocious brat like Tifilo.

As for status, although Xia Lian Zhuye is a saint, Tyfilo, who is also a favored person of the gods and can be regarded as a saint, will naturally not underestimate her.

To sum up, this is the main reason why Luke Tefero spoke rudely to Her Royal Highness the Saint.

However, the latter did not spoil him either. Although he did not hate children as much as many people (such as Tifilo himself), as the bear child who had beaten the most children in the history of the Holy Church, Her Highness the Saint was not an economical person. Deng, after being offended, started to curse directly.

I won’t go into details about what happened next. In short, if Neva Fao and his wife didn’t come back in time, Tifilo’s white and cute little butt might have been spanked into three or even four petals. Of course, the main reason was the child. I reacted quickly. After I found out that this woman really dared to bully a child, I immediately started crying and begging for mercy. Only then did I avoid being unable to get out of bed for ten days and a half.

On that day, His Majesty Pope St. Neva Fao held a small ceremony at his home, officially accepting Luke Tefero, the youngest and most talented divine favored person of the Dawn Sect, as his godson. The witness was just now The saint Charlene Bamboo Leaf returned to the City of Light from the Forest of Elves, and the initiator was Neva Faol's wife, High Priest Carola (Priest of the Sect of Plenty).

Yes, Fao actually didn't want to accept Tiphilo as his godson, but his wife really liked this kid who was very good at pleasing adults, so she finally accepted him as her godson out of desperation. Pure, but to be honest, it doesn't matter whether he accepts Tiphilo as his godson or not, because the latter has been living with the old couple since he joined the religion. Not to mention his godson, this is almost the same as his biological son.

Therefore, the main influence of this godson is that from this day on, Luke Tefero truly entered the vision of Dawn Sect and even the entire Holy Religion Union.

Of course, this statement may not be rigorous. After all, no one would ignore a holy son who was favored by God at the age of four. Therefore, it is not so much that being adopted by Faao as his godson is a sign that Typhiro has entered everyone's field of vision. It is said that this was the beginning of his single-handedly shocking the jaws and eyeballs of others for the next ten years.

When Tifilo officially started to have frequent contact with Saint Xia Lian and formed a rift, it was three years later, when the child had just celebrated the second month of his ninth birthday.

Holy Calendar Year 9449, Moon of Shadows, Melody 2

Game time PM16:20

In the inner ring area of ​​the City of Light, on the third floor of the Dawn Chapel, [Dusk Prayer Room]

Bang bang bang~

The sudden knocking on the door startled Xia Lian, who had become the owner of this place. She waited for a few seconds before muttering "Who is it?" in an annoyed voice. She raised her hand and waved lightly, opening the door of the prayer room from the inside. .

"Gui'an, Your Highness Xia Lian."

Nine-year-old Luke Tefero slowly walked into the prayer room, bowed gracefully to Her Majesty the Saint who was sitting on the cushions, showed a smile that could make the heart of anyone who likes beautiful things stop, and said softly: "excuse me."

I have to say that this man... no, it should be said that this boy is a bit too handsome in terms of appearance. Although he is only nine years old this year, he has grown into a man who has no blind spots from any angle. Stuff, whether it's his silky blond hair or his pair of eyes of the same color that, in the words of a few young ladies, are 'hooked', they all exude an incomparable charm. Considering that he is only a child after all, this The charm can barely stop at the 'lovable' stage, but it is foreseeable that in a few years this kid will definitely become a scourge, provided that he reveals his true nature.

This is the judgment made by Xia Lian. His Majesty Fa'ao, who also understands Tifilo's nature, also holds the same opinion. Mrs. Carola, who blindly dotes on the child, is opposed to it, but that kind of obvious behavior of protecting the calf is definitely not objective. .

But except for them, no one thinks there is anything wrong with the child Luke Tefero. In fact, at just nine years old, he has become the darling of the entire Dawn Sect. For no other reason than his nature. When it was revealed, Tiphilo, who had changed his low profile in the orphanage and had no intention of hiding his clumsiness, had conquered everyone with his talent and talents. Even Xia Lian, who had always disliked this child, had to admit that, If he is a genius among the Immortals, then Tiphilo is a world-class monster!

In terms of doctrine, Tephiro, who is a favored person of God, is almost a 'walking holy book'. Not only is he familiar with the contents of the holy book, but he can even put forward many sharp, original and to-the-point arguments. Countless people who have had brief discussions on doctrine with him have benefited a lot, including several highly respected archbishops.

In terms of magical arts, anyone who lives in the City of Light knows that the Shuguang Sect has a single-digit age student who has mastered nearly two hundred low- and mid-level magical arts, and has already begun to prepare for the high-level. The monster son.

After learning that Tifilo was born in the St. Marcia Orphanage jointly run by various sects, the Popes of the Fortune Church and the Just Church even cried directly, hating themselves for being so blind and letting Neva Fa Oh, the bad old bastard got such a big advantage.

The popes of the Sun Sect and the Plenty Sect were also so worried that they couldn't sleep all night long.

In short, Luke Tefero has become a star in the entire alliance, and there are even rumors that His Majesty Faao intends to train him as his successor.

The situation is not optimistic.

At least that's what Tiphilo, who had no intention of becoming his godfather's successor, thought so. Therefore, having established a position for himself and stabilized his comfortable environment, he decided to let himself go a little bit and lower his reputation, for example - —

"Join the Sisters of Battle?"

Xia Lian smiled dryly and twitched the corner of her mouth, then she pointed her fingers like a knife and made some gestures in front of her: "Okay, but you have to let me turn you into a 'sister' first."

The young man still maintained a gentle and decent smile, and said calmly: "I have a legitimate reason, Your Highness Xia Lian, you also know that I am... very bad at magical arts. To be honest, there is no room for improvement. But my physical fitness is relatively average, and looking at my Dawn Sect, the only one that can give me proper training in this area is the Battle Sisters led by you."

"You're dreaming."

Xia Lian sneered, narrowed her eyes and stared at the harmless little handsome guy in front of her: "I know what you are planning, kid, there is no chance! Absolutely impossible!"

"You're worrying too much."

Tifilo immediately shook his head with a solemn expression and said in a deep voice: "The women I admire are in the age group of twenty to thirty-five. Believe me, you are absolutely safe."

"Compared to me..."

Xia Lian, whose eyes began to fill with murderous intent, stood up holding the cross, walked slowly to the young man, raised her left hand, which had begun to sprout veins, and grabbed the latter's head, and said word by word: "You should do it more Worried about my own safety..."

"You are a respectable elder and a devout believer."

Although his head was pinched and hurt, Tifilo still said with a smile: "So you will not kill the hope of the Dawn Sect in front of you no matter what. I am a favored one like you, right?"

Xia Lian didn't say anything, but the strength in her hands became stronger after saying 'respectable elders'.

"By the way, if there is no way to enter the nunnery, I will submit an application for further study in the Justice Church and attach the reasons."

Tiphilo still maintained a decent smile and said with a trembling (painful) voice: "At that time, I am afraid that the pressure will come on your highness, you and my godfather. After all, I personally think that no one in our sect should think See me hanging out in other sects for even a second."

Xia Lian's expression froze, and then she let go of her hand, gritting her teeth and saying, "I hate being threatened, you brat!"

"It's not a big problem. I don't think this will make my opinion in your mind any lower."

"You are self-aware."

"I'm overly praised. My greatest advantage is that I am smart and aware of current affairs."

"I can give you a chance, but I have agreed in advance that if you can't take it yourself, you will not be allowed to enter the nunnery, nor will the Justice Sect be allowed to go."

"Let's talk about the content first."

"Fight with me, whoever wins gets the final say."

"Are you crazy? How can I win?"

"I will fight you with my mid-level strength. If you go beyond the level, I will lose."

"Are you crazy? How do you win?"

"Don't regret it, kid!"

two hours later

Game time PM18:37

"Phew... I must admit, you brat has a little bit of strength."

In the center of the nuns academy, Xia Lian, who had suppressed her strength to the peak of the intermediate level, panted and waved three light wheels, picked up the Wolf Fang Cross on the weapon rack next to her, and stepped towards the windy and calm ground in front of her. The young man rushed over and shouted softly: "But you'd better not underestimate the wisdom of adults!"

"Been taught a lesson."

Tifilo nodded, and then a dense array of condensed light arrows appeared behind him, instantly tearing Xialian's three extremely oppressive light wheels into pieces, and said softly: "But if your so-called 'Sir The wisdom' is to simply consume me and then use the intermediate peak physical skills...that is, my shortcomings to make a sudden attack, so please forgive me for being insensitive."

Xia Lian became angry after being guessed. She raised her hand and smashed the remaining dozens of [Condensing Light Arrows]. She picked up the ferocious cross and smashed it at Tifilo's head: "You can still do it now." I’m so proud, you little brat who doesn’t even understand how to use the Holy Word!”

Yes, this is Xia Lian's biggest gain from the battle just now, that is, although the child in front of her can use all low- and mid-level magical arts, his mastery of the Holy Word Art is very unfamiliar. Refer to his unreasonable Xia Lian believed that this was due to the other party's lack of devotion to the goddess in his heart. Without being able to use the Holy Word proficiently, other types of low- and mid-level divine spells would not be able to harm her in close combat.

"Although your strength has declined, your experience is still there, so except for the Holy Word spell, which has almost no warning signs, you feel that you can predict any magical spell I prepare in advance, and then react in advance with your own body skills. "

As a result, the young man showed a smile that almost shocked Xia Lian to death. He slowly raised his index finger and whispered one word——


Boom! ! !

The next moment, her body suddenly lost balance due to the sudden resistance, and Xia Lian, who accidentally dropped the cross to the ground in advance, was shocked and found it difficult to move even an inch.

But her reaction was also very fast. The next moment she pulled away and flew back, she suddenly made two right-angle changes in mid-air. In an instant, she appeared behind Tifilo and raised the weapon in her hand again: "Don't be so naive. !”


boom! ! !

The cross was directly bounced off by a twisted outline, and Xia Lian, who only had intermediate strength, flew out with it.


Two golden flashes of light exploded directly under Xia Lian, lifting her body that was about to fall to the ground again.


The hard wolf tooth cross suddenly exploded. If Xia Lian hadn't still had the half-legendary ability to resist blows, her right hand might have been temporarily disabled.


As if being tightly grasped by an invisible big hand, Xia Lian's entire body was stretched tightly in mid-air. No matter how she mobilized her peak mid-level power, it was of no avail.


A soft halo of light swept over, healing the wound on the back of her hand that had just been blown up by her own cross.


Xia Lian, who had just broken free from the restraints, was shaken, and flew out uncontrollably under a powerful impact.


Xia Lian, who was about to fly out of the field, was bounced forward as if she hit a wall. Although she was not injured, her ears started to ring in the collision between the two forces.

The young man standing quietly in the center of the venue slowly lowered his hand, bowed slightly to the embarrassed Holy Lady, and smiled innocently.

It was clear that the outcome was decided.

Not to mention that Tifilo's trick was so smooth that Xia Lian didn't find any room for counterattack. If he hadn't added a "stake" at the end, Her Highness the Saint would have been kicked out of the field, and she would have been even more embarrassed. The gesture failed.

"You kid..."

Xia Lian suddenly raised her head, her aura gradually rising to the peak of the intermediate level, until it stabilized again at the level of half-step legend, and said angrily: "You are not bad at using the Holy Word! You are not good at using the Holy Word at all. !”

"Yes, all his previous Holy Word spells were fake. He just used the method of 'I say: God said -' to use the Holy Word to use laws!"

Xia Lian stamped her feet angrily and looked angrily at the two dumbfounded young people in front of her——

"The most irritating thing is that that little beast worked so hard and bravely to hide for so long! He just had the idea of ​​sneaking into the Sisters of Battle! He even guessed how I planned to make things difficult for him!"

Chapter 1,148: End

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