Quadruple split

Chapter 1455 Infancy

Holy Calendar Year 9444, Moon of Light, Prayer Day 1

Game time AM09:15

Outer Ring District of City of Light, Santa Marcia Orphanage, Third Floor, Room 019

"Happy birthday, little Tiffero~"

The kind Sister Tasia opened the door with a smile on her face, raised her hand and shed a soft hazy light, and then quickly ran to the boy who was sitting in a daze on the small bed, and rubbed his little face vigorously: "Congratulations, My little angel, you are one year older.”

The blond boy named Luke Tefero blinked in confusion, and imitated the nun's movements and pinched the other person's face, narrowed his eyes and let out a giggle, dancing and looking very happy.

But his actions made the other party's eyes dim, and he pursed his lips somewhat uncomfortably. He gently held the child in front of him in his arms and sighed silently.

It is true that this little Luke's reaction is very innocent, childish, and very cute, but for a child who is already four years old, this still seems a bit childish.

As the most beloved child of Santa Marcia Orphanage, Luke Tefero, who was sent here three years ago, is growing vigorously every day, but this growth seems to only affect his body. In fact, While other children of the same age could already chatter about what to eat for lunch and even clumsily copy scriptures, little Luke couldn't even speak clearly.

Note that the bad words here do not mean that he is unclear in speech or logically confused, but that until now, he can only express his feelings in this way, and he cannot write a single word. No matter how he taught him, he was just making talismans. Because of this, the nuns sometimes even doubted whether he could understand what everyone was saying.

To put it more harshly, everyone actually doubts whether there is some kind of obstacle in Tifilo's intelligence.

After all, a four-year-old child who can't speak and can't understand what others are saying is really too unconventional.

However, given that Tiphilo is really very lovable and has a very good personality, as long as he eats well and sleeps well, he won’t cry, fuss, or scream. Just give him something to play with and he will be happy all day long. He is not as willful as his peers, so everyone still likes him very much.

"I'm sorry, because everyone is not very sensible, so I won't celebrate you in the lobby on the first floor today. Can we just play in your room?"

Sister Tasia said apologetically in Tifilo's ear, her eyes full of distress and helplessness, but there was nothing she could do. After all, most children were young and ignorant. The first two years were fine, but after everyone As he gradually became more sensible, only Tiphilo stagnated and still behaved like a one or two-year-old child, it was difficult to avoid the situation of children bullying children.

This is just the nature of a child, and the nuns, who knew this well, could not punish other children too much for it, so they had to isolate Tyfilo from everyone to prevent him from being bullied.

And in this case, this boy who was as cute as if he had been blessed by an angel did not complain at all and just lived every day happily.

If nothing unexpected happens, he will live like this for a long time...

It's a pity that today, on little Luke Tefilo's fourth birthday, he unexpectedly came to the door.

"Listen, dear, although we can't let other children celebrate with you, in addition to cake, we have prepared other gifts for you today."

Suddenly, Sister Tasia laughed, pinched Tifilo's little face gently, and said softly: "That is definitely the most precious gift. I can guarantee that no child can... …Oh, here he comes!”

With the knock on the door, Sister Tasia immediately put the confused boy back on the bed, then quickly walked to the door and opened the door respectfully from the inside——

"Praise Dawn, thank you for taking the time to come and see this child despite your busy schedule, Your Majesty Faao."

Sister Tasia nervously bowed to the man outside the door, then turned sideways to let him into the house, her eyes full of excitement and excitement.

"You're welcome, Sister Tasia. Dean Molly is a good friend of mine. She often writes to me about this child's situation. I'm really sorry. In fact, I should have come earlier."

The current pope of the Dawn Sect, the forty-nine-year-old Saint Neva Fao smiled apologetically at the flattered Sister Tasia. He is a middle-aged man who looks unattractive, although he is not ugly. , but he is also the type that cannot be found in a crowd. If you put aside his majestic and gorgeous papal robes and just look at his temperament, some people will believe that he is a farmer.

But even so, he is still the Pope of the Dawn Sect. Even if he is not as impressive as the Saint and those knights, he is still a big shot who can make the entire Holy Sect tremble with just a stomp of his feet. The fact that she could take time out of her busy schedule to come here to see little Luke Tefero was enough to move Sister Tasia, who loved the child the most, to tears and kept saying: "Don't dare, don't dare."

"Hello, little Luke."

His Majesty Faao first said hello to the boy who was huddled in the corner of the bed and looked a little scared. Then he turned to Sister Tasia and asked: "If I remember correctly, this child should be the eldest son of Delong County." A famine survivor, right?”

The latter immediately nodded and said respectfully: "Yes, Your Majesty Fa'ao, if Dean Moli hadn't happened to go to the southeast of the mainland on business at that time and happened to pass through the war-torn area, this child would have been... blessed by the goddess. "

"Yes, Goddess bless you."

Fa'o nodded and asked: "How was the child when he was picked up? He should have been only one year old at the time. Did he receive any stimulation or... trauma?"

Tasia, who was already familiar with these things, shook her head and said seriously: "There should be no such thing. Dean Molly found him in the cupboard of a tavern. The child was sleeping soundly at the time. There are also a few pieces of dried cheese and a small bowl of water, probably left by the child’s parents.”

"Can a one-year-old child... eat and drink by himself..."

Fao turned his attention to the boy who was chewing his fingernails and smacked his lips: "You really have a strong desire to survive."

Tasia also nodded vigorously and echoed: "Yes, yes, it is truly blessed by the goddess."

Fa'ao smiled and said leisurely: "I really hope the goddess can also bless this child's little head."


Tasia was stunned for a moment, and then she said softly with some embarrassment: "Well, if possible, I still hope that Your Majesty Fa'ao can... uh, take a good look at this child."

"Haha, so the goddess's protection is only at the macro level. If we want to talk about the details, it has to be us loyal servants."

Fao shrugged, then turned to Tasia and said, "Sorry, I plan to give the child a good check-up next. Can we be alone together for a while?"


Sister Tasia's eyes immediately lit up, and then she bowed solemnly to the Pope in front of her, and quickly retreated.

Then, there were only two people left in the room.

One is the owner of the room, a naive and ignorant four-year-old boy named Luke Tefero.

One is a distinguished guest named Saint Neva Fao, the current pope of the Dawn Sect.

The Pope looked at the boy in front of him intently, and the boy was chewing his fingers intently. Both of them were so focused that they didn't even feel the passage of time. Nearly an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Finally, little Luke Tefero put down his drool-covered hands, leaned on the bed and began to sleep.

He slept very attentively, and Fao, who was watching him sleeping, was also very attentive, so another hour passed.

An hour later, Luke Tefero woke up and began to waving his little hands and babbling. His Majesty the Pope, who seemed to be able to read people's hearts, immediately took out a piece of pastry and handed it to the former's little hand.

Because it was a delicious snack that he had never seen before, the boy ate very attentively. However, this time, Faao did not continue to watch him eat attentively. Instead, he looked out the window and said lightly: "What's in the pastry?" Got my booger.”


The boy immediately and subconsciously spat out the contents of his mouth. His beautiful light golden eyes looking at Fao were full of indignation, pain in the balls, helplessness and confusion, and they became innocent the moment the other party turned around. , extremely clear.

The two looked at each other like this for a full minute. Little Luke Tefero was as innocent as mentioned just now, while the slightly cloudy eyes under the Pope's crown were completely unchanged.

Finally, Fa'ao took the lead to break the silence and said softly: "Few people know that when a person cultivates the [Eye of Dawn] to the highest level, the world in his eyes will become a different look, and he can also see See a lot of things that you couldn’t see before, such as..."


The boy muttered something incomprehensible and seemed to have lost interest in the strange uncle in front of him.

"A pastry that doesn't have a booger in it."

Neva Fao raised his eyebrows and continued to say leisurely: "Or a child who is neither crazy nor stupid, but just likes to play with others."

Luke Tefero sighed and said with a sweet voice: "You are overthinking, I am actually just..."

"It would be great if I could also practice [Eye of Dawn] to that level."

Fa'ao shook his head and sighed, then turned to look at the boy on the bed: "Huh? What did you just say?"

Luke Tefero: "..."

Faao smiled and said nothing.

After a while, the beautiful blond boy finished the pastries in three gulps and reluctantly got down from the bed. The man in front of him was not embarrassed about his age. He could be called uncle or master. The Pope bowed and greeted in a childish but extremely standard and clear common language: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty Fao, it is an honor to meet you."

"No need to be polite, kid."

Fa'ao raised his right hand slightly, and then a gleaming armchair appeared behind him. He sat on it with a smile, and smiled at Tifero in a kind tone: "Anyway, I don't believe you will do it." I respect from the bottom of my heart a man who just now wanted to make him look like a fool."

Tifilo shook his head and patted his little hands gently: "I didn't treat anyone as a fool. Your Majesty, to be honest, I was just taking advantage of the kindness and tolerance of the nuns."

"what is the reason?"

Fa'ao nodded noncommittally and asked calmly: "As the most favored child here...and probably the best child at the same time, why do you pretend to be...such a late bloomer?"

"Can you first tell me how you saw through it? Without using that [Eye of Dawn]."

The boy did not answer his Majesty immediately, but chose to let the other party satisfy his curiosity first.

"Because you were startled when you heard Sister Tasia call out the word 'Your Majesty'. Although you only lost your composure for a short moment, that was enough to prove a lot of things."

Fa'o didn't mind the boy's impoliteness, but explained in a brisk tone: "And your eyes are completely inconsistent with the image you have packaged yourself. Little guy, your eyes are too clean. I know you are trying your best to create an image of yourself." There’s a sense of innocence and ignorance, but in my opinion it’s quite the opposite.”

Little Luke Tifilo laughed and said with satisfaction: "So that's it, so even if I wasn't deceived by you just now... please forgive me, even if I wasn't deceived by you just now, you would have exposed me in other ways, Right?"

"That's right, and I just left a big hole, kid."

Faao spread his hands and said seriously: "A Dawn Pope will not throw boogers casually."

"I would if I were the Pope of Dawn."

Tiphilo also spread his hands and replied with the same serious attitude: "When encountering a nasty brat like myself."

"I'm sure you will, but I don't think you think the Pope is a good job."

Fao did not feel displeased by the other party's arrogance, but still said warmly: "Think about it, you even have to deal with annoying brats in an orphanage run by a friend."

Tiphilo twitched the corners of his mouth, but said nothing.

"Well, if your curiosity has been satisfied."

Faao took out a piece of pastry and ate it himself, and said vaguely: "Just answer the question I just asked."

"The reason for playing dumb is simple."

Tiphilo didn't press forward any more, and just said honestly: "I don't like to deal with people of the same age. Your Majesty, you should be able to guess that if I really show my true self, I will definitely be entrusted with important tasks and give those people The children are the ones in charge.”

"A very good reason, is there any more?"

“I don’t like group activities and being able to stay in my room most of the time calms me down.”

"It's reasonable and well-founded, is there anything else?"

"I don't want to copy the holy book, it's all nonsense."

"Ahem, it's not appropriate for you to say this in front of me..."

"And one last thing."

"What is it?"

"If the nuns treat me like a silly child, they can touch me casually while being held."

"You are going a little too far, and at your age..."

"How old are you?"

"forty nine……"

"Do you prefer girls in their fifties or girls in their twenties and thirties?"

"Little girl?"

"What a coincidence, I am four years old, so am I."

Chapter 1,446: End

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