Quadruple split

Chapter 145 Bai Fujin

The sun in winter is always lazier than at other times, but at this time there are still a few wisps of fish belly white on the sky, which indicates that the night is about to be driven away, the sleeping birds are about to eat, and the early-rising insects are about to suffer...

It also represents the beginning of a new day.

"I wish the nights were longer."

The girl tightened her windbreaker and stood up lightly. Her eyes, which almost never showed a smile, narrowed slightly, and there seemed to be a hint of sadness in them.

Her name is Bai Fujin, she is nineteen years old, she has all the conditions of a normal young girl, but she does not have a life that matches it.

In order to avoid any misunderstanding among you here, I need to mention in advance that she actively strived for this kind of life, and no one forced her to do so.

In fact, those around her who were valued and cherished by her hoped that Bai Fujin would live like a normal girl, grow up safely and healthily, complete her studies, get married and have children.

This is what those people expected of her...

But Bai Fujin is very good. We can see this from the three previous phone calls. She is really good, whether as an ordinary nineteen-year-old girl in her prime, or as the daughter of the current speaker of the Bai Group. , the same is true.

So even though she comes from a privileged background, has no worries about food and clothing, uses an unreleased custom-made mobile phone that countless people are eagerly waiting for, the gifts she receives every year can tire out a platoon of courier boys, and even Idong can only drool with desire while driving. She can touch a sports car with wheels, but she is still not happy.

It’s not pretentious, it’s just that we all want different things.

Bai Fujin has a proud family background, a smart mind, dazzling beauty, a healthy body, outstanding talents, and... an ambition that matches his talents.

This is normal, absolutely normal.

It is abnormal to drive a bus when you are capable of ranking in F1, to read palmistry when you have the ability to swindle millions in a minute, to be addicted to making free sexy mod resources despite having top technical skills. .

To be honest, if this girl is given a platform to give full play to her abilities, her future will definitely be limitless...

But this is just what if.

Reality is a twisted and cruel thing, and it is not uncommon for people to fail to appreciate their talents. Schubert's Serenade was a stunning work, but at the time, it was only a pot of roasted beef with potatoes.

Reality in history always makes people feel ironic, and the irony of the present will become new history for future generations to sigh.

For Bai Fujin, the fact that she is a 'girl' is ironic in itself.

Although she is not a homosexual, although she also likes beautiful clothes, exquisite jewelry, and cute dolls, she still does not like her gender.

Because the word 'girl' limits her abilities and talents.

The pain of being buried under the gender you were born with is even sadder than being unappreciated or simply poor.

Even though a poor writer has the dream of becoming famous, he at least has the hope of having enough to eat today.

But Bai Fujin, who lacks everything, obviously has no such expectations...

This is very sad.

Some people may be curious as to why the status of ‘female’ can become a burden for a person with amazing talents. In fact, the reason is not complicated at all...

The Bai Group is a large consortium. It is a family business with a long history, deep background and deep roots.

Yes, a family business that has been run for generations.

Although it has many advantages such as connections, qualifications, and foundation, this kind of familial thing also has some shortcomings, such as some absurd, inexplicable, old and decadent rules and ideas that have been passed down from ancestors.

For example, Feng Shui is very important, business must be done with integrity, women cannot run a house, etc...

Except for the fact that the first one does have some fascinating truth, the last two are simply nonsense.

But some people just believe this. Not only do they believe it, but they are also willing to pass on this ridiculous 'rule' from generation to generation. They feel that they have such a big foundation today all because they abide by the rules and never forget their original intentions.

Bai Fujin sneered at this...

But she could only sneer at it.

The stubbornness of her family was simply unreasonable. A few years ago, she argued with high hopes and arguments, but all she got in exchange was a bunch of blank looks and indifference.

A stubborn and rigid father, a weak and cowardly mother, and elders who are just like wallflowers...

And his brother, who although he is quite smart, has no ambition to make progress at all.

The world in those people's eyes was horribly narrow. It was obvious that Bai Fujin's abilities were far superior to her brother's from any angle, but still no one was willing to set their sights on the girl.

In fact, she didn't want much.

No one gave her the status of a senior consultant, the person in charge of a marginal industry, or even a position without real power in the company.

He grew up with no worries about food and clothing, then found a good man to marry, and lived his life peacefully and calmly.

Everyone would say this to her...

Those so-called friends even teased her, "Oh my, at least you don't have to marry a good-for-nothing young master from a rich family like in the TV series. Miss Bai, you are already very happy!" ’

Bai Fujin thinks all this is simply ridiculous...

She believed that her situation was no different from that of a painter with a broken hand, a musician with a deaf ear, or a gourmet with a disabled tongue.

She wants to prove herself.

But struggling and protesting only resulted in disappointment and frustration again and again.

So a few years ago, she changed her strategy. She no longer 'negotiated' with those stubborn elders, nor 'protested' in various forms. Instead, she persuaded her brother in private, and then changed her strategy. Became his shadow...

A chilling shadow.

Unlike Bai Fujin, her brother had already been given an influential and training position in the group at the age of twenty. Both the power and funds in his hands were far beyond what she could compare with.

That's right, what's in other people's cards is funds and budgets, but what's in Bai Fujin's cards is living expenses or pocket money...

It's not a small number either, but the concept is completely different.

However, although her brother is not a fool in this regard, he is just average. He will not annihilate everyone, but he can't stand out. He won't lose much, but he won't make much. The man named Bai Fuxi has three shining points. First, he knows how to spend money. Second, he understands women very well, at least he knows how to pick up women. Third, he is very self-aware.

Thanks to that self-knowledge, he allowed Bai Fujin to become his shadow.

Then, everything started to look different...

Although she still does not have much authority, Bai Fujin, who was only given a small amount of resources, did not disappoint her brother at all. She seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages, has a keen eye, and is cautious...

Unscrupulous and ruthless!

She knows who is a suitable ally, who is a faggot, who is bold and who has ulterior motives...

She knows how to give sweethearts, how to set traps, how to lure people into taking the bait, and how to eradicate the roots!

Whether it is human nature or people's hearts, she has an extremely accurate grasp of them, and then finds out their weaknesses, and then achieves her goals through those who are valuable, and by the way, she turns those who are not valuable into nutrients, extracting benefits or eradicating the roots depending on the situation.

Sprinkle a pinch of salt on a 'partner' who has problems with the intermediary, secretly persuade several major shareholders to divest their capital, and put it into a desperate situation. Finally, while baring its fangs and devouring it, it also kills a few uneasy or uneasy partners. People who are too stupid are eliminated from this cruel game. This operation seems to her as simple as breathing.

As for whether those who found themselves betrayed would go find someone to relieve their worries, this kind of thing was not within the scope of her consideration.

Only the winner will be remembered by others, will have a voice, and will be taken seriously!

Losers need to look at other people's eyes to even breathe!

This is the world in Bai Fujin's eyes.


That is a virtue that needs to be possessed only under the premise that being found to be dishonest will result in loss of profits.


Bad and despicable means are just tools, and tools have no virtue. When there is a difference in cost-effectiveness, all means serve the 'right', and it has nothing to do with good or evil.


It's an awesome impartial eye, so it's important to catch its 'blink' moment and learn how to make it look at your opponent. Well, the law is important, so be willing to pay for eye drops and eye patches. Cost is also important.

Under the above principles, Bai Fujin allowed the several medium-sized industries that his brother was responsible for to expand rapidly in just a few years, and wiped out those competitors that were either innocent and cute or despicable, leaving only a few remaining ones. The remaining value is available to 'Friends'.

Everything was done cleanly and neatly, making Bai Fuxi a star without leaving any clues!

A star in the mall, a star in the family!

He has been called many names such as young and promising, relaxed and relaxed, and a natural genius.

But Bai Fujin still lives as obediently as before, like a cute mascot.

She is looking forward to the day she wins...

She doesn't expect to be at the core of the family or the heir, as long as she can be recognized by the people around her, and as long as she has a small world where she can express herself to the fullest, that kind of victory is enough for her.

[It should be soon, when my brother is completely established as the next generation heir...]

She smiled lightly, then gently stretched her soft body under the morning sun, put the phone in her pocket, picked up the tea cup and walked into the villa.

"Let me do it."

A long-haired girl standing in front of the terrace smiled at Bai Fujin and took the cup and tray from her hand: "Miss, you didn't play very long yesterday~"

"Thank you, A-Qing." Bai Fujin smiled and shrugged his thin shoulders: "After all, I still have business to be busy with. Also, I have said it many times, just call me Fujin."

The girl known as Ah Qing bowed, nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, Miss, I understand, Miss."

"You did it on purpose, right?" Bai Fujin stretched out his hand and pinched the other person's little baby face, and asked while walking towards the bedroom: "Call me and tell my brother later that An'an Fund and Zhao The light will soon be settled.”

A Qing, who was following her, nodded, and then asked softly: "Are you sure that Diane won't come over to make trouble? You didn't suggest her before..."

"She has already lost all her parents' money, how can she still be in the mood to come and make trouble with me?" Bai Fujin pushed the door open and walked into the spacious bedroom. He took off his windbreaker and said with a smile: "But my good sister If you really want to talk to me, just tell her that I'm busy right now, and then ask if you have time to have dinner with her next week?"

Ah Qing was stunned for a moment: "What if she says she's free?"

"She won't be free." Bai Fujin turned around and winked at Ah Qing: "After all, Skynet is still there..."

"Uh, I understand." A-Qing gave a thumbs up to her lady with admiration: "You are really, really awesome!"

At this moment, Bai Fujin, who had taken off his shirt and was left with only his underwear on his upper body, gave a bitter smile and took the nightgown handed to him: "Really? If I were really powerful... I wouldn't be so small. Aspirational.”

"Everyone will definitely agree with you, Miss!" A-Qing said decisively, and then thoughtfully changed the subject: "By the way, Miss, I unlocked a new profession yesterday!"

"Ah~ Really? So awesome." The girl who seemed to have stepped out of the scroll threw herself onto the bed, rolled around in a very cute way, then put her chin in her hands and asked with a smile: "You are much better than me. .”

Ah Qing smiled awkwardly: "Miss, your kind of comfort is really lame, why don't you tell the truth and hit me."

"I'm telling the truth." Bai Fujin said seriously: "You are really much better than me."

"Hmph, I don't believe it." Ah Qing wrinkled her nose: "It's impossible, after all, Miss, you are so powerful."

Bai Fujin smiled slightly: "So, have you reached level 10 by now?"

"There must be people with level ten, okay!" Ah Qing sat next to Bai Fujin and gently massaged her neck, muttering: "Miss, have you already dumped me several blocks ago..."

Bai Fujin narrowed his eyes comfortably, buried his face in the soft quilt and replied in a muffled voice: "No, I'm not even half as good as you."

"Ah?" Ah Qing was stunned for a moment, and said with a face of disbelief: "Impossible, Miss, you are so good, how can you not reach level 5 until now? It's completely unreasonable, okay?"

"It's true, so don't make blind guesses. I'm very weak~"

"Then tell me what your name is?"

"Well, let me think about it..."

"Okay! I promise not to look for you!"



"Well, let's call her Jiawen..."

Chapter 142: End

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