Quadruple split

Chapter 1422 Shadow and Dream

【There is something hiding in your shadow! ! ! 】

The moment Patty's scream rang out, a figure shrouded in a black robe quietly appeared in the shadow behind Gawen and rose up, raising his hand surrounded by black mist. Press on the latter's shoulders.


Accompanied by a muffled sound, although Gawen reacted as soon as he heard the prompt and jumped forward without even looking back, he was still caught by the black mist in the latter's palm. , and then flew out out of control, hit the window of a poison store not far away, and sat helplessly on the ground.

She was too weak. Although the price of the resurrection just now was the lowest in theory, and the resentful spirit that was supposed to be a side effect even stood on her side, Gawen's condition at this moment was still quite bad, otherwise it would not have happened. He was directly injured internally by the not-so-remarkable palm just now.

The reason is very simple. Gawen's current highest-level profession is the high-level profession [Liar Priest]. This is a profession with great potential. It has the specialties of cunning and divine magic, and it is no less than the mainstream priest profession. It can be said that the physical growth of the character is all-round except strength. It can be regarded as a comprehensive development of morality, intelligence and physique. Although it is more difficult to upgrade, it is not as rare as Futaba's [Dharma Controller] and Mu Xue. There are special professions such as the sword's [Sword Crazy], Gu Xiaole's [Onmyoji], Yidong's psychic, etc., but there is absolutely no doubt about their future.

But the problem is that this profession is very excellent, very comprehensive, and the growth is very comprehensive!

[Paddy's Cursed Doll] describes it very clearly. After resurrection, 20 levels will be deducted from the highest-level profession. If it is less than 20 levels, it will be deducted as negative. And for each negative level, the corresponding basic level will be deducted. Attributes will be reduced by twice the theoretical benefits each level brings you.

To put it simply, after being resurrected through this thing, the attributes deducted by your negative level are twice the attributes you add by normal level up.

The level of Jiawen's [Liar Archbishop] profession is level 6. After paying a full 20-level resurrection price, he has lost a total of 14 levels, which is a direct loss of 28-level attributes compared to before.

As we all know, in the World of Innocence, there is a huge gap between the upper limit and growth of the professions at each stage. Take the warrior profession system as an example. The most basic low-level profession [Warrior] has an upper limit of level 20, physical fitness, and strength. The growth value is about 1.5, while the mid-level [Shield Warrior] and [Great Swordsman] have a growth value of about 1.8 in terms of physique and strength respectively. The other side is not less than 1.5, and the upper limit is increased to 30 Level, not to mention high-level, the upper limit is at least level 40, and the growth value of each attribute must also be improved to a higher level.

Of course, this is just a very simple calculation. Considering that Innocence is not a game with fixed professions, it is not too common for a thief to work part-time as a ranger, a ranger to work part-time as a priest, and a priest to work part-time as a Crazy Fighter, etc., so it has a certain A very complex calculation method that even large-scale studios and clubs cannot crack. In short, what stands out is a 'logic' and a 'reasonableness'. With these two premises as the basis, ordinary Players will have no objections.

Ordinary players have no objections, but your club and studio cannot have any objections, because any leader with brains knows not to quarrel with the people for nothing. In other words, if the people find it acceptable, you can't deal with it yourself. Understand and don't make any mistakes.

Threaten employees, send hackers to steal data, etc. The cost-effectiveness is almost negative. The operability is so low that it is easy to bear legal liability. It is easy to be scolded on TV in 2049, let alone in reality. bingo.

Taking a step back, even the genius girl Futaba who independently developed the artificial intelligence NAVI and Mo Tan, who has the mysterious advanced hardware, cannot break through the outermost layer of the 19 firewalls of the Innocence Company. Others want to do it. There is no use in making a moth, it is nothing more than humiliating oneself.

Let's get back to the subject, anyway, everyone only needs to know one thing, that is, according to the above algorithm, Gawen's combat effectiveness at this moment has been greatly reduced, and even the ordinary mid-level peak panel is more beautiful than her.

Jia Wen knew this very well, so after she was slapped away by the other party, she did not show the slightest shock or surprise. She just shook her body and stood up with great difficulty.

But the person who succeeded in the sneak attack didn't know about messy things like level reduction, so when he found out that he had directly knocked the opponent away, he froze on the spot. Lu, actually already a little confused.

So there was a situation where the person who was attacked calmly stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and then bowed to the other person in a very decent manner.

The person who succeeded in the sneak attack stood there awkwardly. After a while, he tugged on his hood and covered his already airtight face more tightly.

"Excuse me, your Excellency?"

Gawen re-transformed into the flower elf's true form that she had shown Mo Tan before. She did not immediately run away or make any other alarming move. She just covered her shoulders and asked in a soft voice.

[Thousand Faces] itself does not have defense or healing capabilities, so even if Gawen changes into something else, it will still not have any positive impact on the body's injuries. The two DEBUFFs [Bone Crack] that were just added ] and [Black Curse] showed no signs of fading away at all, and they still hurt when they should.

"It's just a transaction."

The man shrouded in black robes smiled silently, and then replied with a slightly distorted low voice: "The only purpose of my appearance here is to keep you here. As for the question just now, I have no reason." I have no obligation to answer, so please forgive me.”

"Leave me alone..."

Gawen looked at the other party without surprise, then turned around and looked around the surrounding environment, and asked lightly: "In a place like this?"

"Yes, it was well thought out."

The man nodded slightly and chuckled: "Even in Academy City, there will be some places where dirt needs to be hidden, such as this dark painting street that covers an area of ​​3,000 square meters. As far as I know, here The number of deaths every year is nearly 10,000. On average, there are nearly 30 murders every day. But as long as students or teachers are not involved, whether it is the Presbyterian Council of Academy City or under the leadership of the captain, It has grown stronger in recent years and has developed into an independent law enforcement team that will not interfere too much."

Jia Wen, who also knew something about this area and even had a good impression of it, nodded slightly, and slowly swept his eyes across the figures with indifferent expressions, walking around quickly, or sneaking around on the street, and said helplessly: " It seems...that is indeed the case, but do you think I will really surrender?"

"If I think about it from my perspective, I don't think so."

The man shrouded in black robe shrugged and said in a rather brisk tone: "But I have no intention of asking for your opinion."

Gawen narrowed his eyes slightly, raised the [Shadow Gun] that appeared silently in his hand, and steadily pointed the muzzle of the gun at the small half of the face under the hood of the man in front of him: "Are you sure you can do it? "

"Whether I can do it or not, your real thoughts now are only about how to escape from here, rather than killing me for extraneous reasons."

The corner of the man's mouth raised slightly, but his tone remained calm: "By the way, although your current strength is far beyond my expectations, I am still not sure about keeping you."


Almost as soon as the man finished speaking, Jia Wen pulled the trigger and sent a pitch-black bullet directly between the man's eyebrows.

Although Gawen knew very well that things would never be that simple, after confirming that the opponent's level was indeed just that, she still took action boldly!

The other party has plenty of time to chat with me, but now whether he is begging for death or survival, he can no longer delay it!

So, without thinking or hesitating, Gawen just silently aimed the [Shadow Gun] that had just been loaded with a round of special ammunition at the opponent and pulled the trigger.

And this expensive bullet, which is capable of penetrating, tearing, armor-breaking, and highly poisonous at the same time, may not even be able to cut within three meters of Mu Xuejian's body, but it is enough to kill the Kaiser who has obviously compromised his strength. Wen completed the sneak attack, but the man was slightly injured.

Even if you can't kill him, it's still good to inflict heavy damage!

Even if he can't inflict serious damage, it's still a good thing if he has no time to stop him!

It wasn't that he couldn't think, but that he didn't have time to think. Gawen took a deep breath and went straight to kill him.

It is true that her attribute panel has declined, but the [Shadow Gun] and Merlin's special bullets will not be discounted for this reason. The power of this gun is still enough to kill most people below the high-level peak. .

Gawen was sure, and so was Patty, who was living in the doll around her waist. The man shrouded in a cloak was not a thorny idea.

They guessed correctly, because the other party really couldn't block the bullet. If they took one bullet, most of them would be dead.

It’s not like they guessed it completely right, because in the next moment——


The man didn't dodge, he just whispered lightly.

Boom boom boom boom boom! !

As two dazzling sparks suddenly appeared in the air, the two strings of bullets were far inferior to Gawen's [Slaughter Bomb α] in terms of quality and power, but they hit it almost at zero distance and directly hit it. It was broken in mid-air.

At the same time, a petite girl wearing a gray cloak, a black sleeveless jacket, shorts and boots of the same color, with a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes, but the lower half of her face was covered by a black cover, suddenly emerged from the air. , there were still wisps of smoke remaining on the two dark, half-moon shaped gun blades.


The white-haired girl named Ying firmly locked on Jia Wen's aura, while holding the gun blade in her hand behind her back, she said softly to the man she was guarding behind her: "You can take action now, Ying has her eyes on her." .”

"Even if I can no longer sneak into her shadow to guide you, and she still has the ability to transform into other forms at will?"


"Then do it."

"Yes, sir."

After a simple response, the girl's figure suddenly swayed, and when she reappeared, she had already appeared behind Jiawen. The next second, pouring blood rose into the sky, and Jiawen's legs, arms, and sides of her waist were covered with blood. At the same time, there were scars that were deep enough to see the bones. His health dropped from 87% to 12% in an instant, and he fell helplessly into a pool of his own blood.

Immediately afterwards, the white-haired girl squatted down expressionlessly and applied some pungent-smelling light yellow ointment to the wounds, quickly stopping the bleeding.


After doing all this, she turned around and smiled faintly at the man who was always watching her: "Sir, Ying has completed the instructions."

"Thanks a lot."

The man smiled, raised his right hand, gently pressed it on the head of the girl who walked quickly in front of him, and rubbed her hair lovingly: "You did a good job."


Ying narrowed her eyes happily, and took the initiative to shake her little head and rub the palm of the other person's hand: "Ying is very happy to help Mr.... be careful!"

"That's too late."

Just before the girl finished speaking and the gun blade in her hand was only half raised, the man's body slowly fell to the ground, and a smooth and melodious female voice sounded softly behind Ying.

The girl turned around suddenly and found that the person whose aura had just been locked by her had changed her image again and turned into a tall and beautiful woman.

She has dazzling blond hair and wears the robe of a high-level priest of the Dreamland Theocracy. She is like a spotless flower on the high mountains. She has a noble and holy temperament, but the arc on her face is so exaggerated that it is scary, and there is a coldness in it. With a strange smile, he looked steadily at the girl named Ying in front of him.

"Let us go."

The woman walked slowly in front of Ying, stretched out her right hand that was extremely cold due to excessive blood loss, and gently stroked a strand of hair by the latter's ear: "I am the last saint of the Dream Kingdom, the Dream Goddess I promise in the name of Ishara’s last Favored One, Patti Halsatz, that your husband will be fine.”

"I do not believe you."

Ying looked coldly at the other party's green eyes filled with coldness and madness, and said solemnly: "You let sir return to his original state, and I will let you go."

"Let me go. In ten minutes, he will wake up on his own."

Dream Saint Patty Halsace narrowed her eyes and said softly: "In fact, I can only let you, this gentleman, indulge in dreams for ten minutes at most. If you are really the person he trusts most, then You should know that he does not belong to our world. I am too weak now, especially for people like him. Most of the magical skills will be greatly reduced, so there are only two endings for him. He is killed by me, or ten minutes later. When I wake up, I can't even torture him, nor can I peek into his inner world."


"Choose, you have no time, and we have no time either."

"Okay, but if you don't keep your promise..."

"I had no reason to do that."

"You go."

"Thank you, I promise, he won't sleep for long."


Chapter 1,413: End

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