Quadruple split

Chapter 1416 Sword Cage

As mentioned just now, Jiawen was in the best condition at this moment, and she was in the best condition when she met the girl with long white hair and straight hair who seemed to be in good condition and seemed to be chewing something in her mouth. , the whole person was a little out of shape.

Of course she knew the girl in front of her. In fact, even though she was not a professional player in the studio or club, Gawen had a basic impression of most of the people who had a stable seat on the ranking list, and the girl in front of her had never broken into the personal strength ranking list. Mu Xuejian, who had never fallen off in the first twenty years or so, would naturally not be unknown to her.

In fact, Jia Wen not only knew about it, but also watched Mu Xuejian's previous matches, especially the team battles of the comprehensive knight fighting competition with her as the core. Jia Wen almost never failed in a game.

In the process, she also gained some preliminary understanding of the girl in front of her.

To be more careful, this girl with long white hair who looks to be about the age of a high school student and has just entered college is very good at fighting. She can play with a big sword very well. Although her strength is high-level, she may have glimpsed her realm. The threshold of epic, in the field of combat...especially in the field of duel, whether it is mentality, consciousness, ideas or skills, they are among the best. And if the opponent uses sword weapons, whether it is a one-handed sword, a two-handed sword or Regardless of the weird sword, her combat effectiveness will be increased by at least 50%. If she is willing, when the enemy is an ordinary high-level or ordinary high-level peak, she can even achieve 100% destruction of the group with just one person and one sword. The following battle groups.

To put it simply, you can't beat it, and you can't beat it to death.

Gawen is a person who is rarely blind and remains absolutely rational in most situations. After being calmly suppressed by Brother Mo before, she has no idea about the difference in combat power between herself and the girl in front of her. It already counts to a certain extent. To sum it up, it is 'killed by quacks'.

Admittedly, Gawen herself knew that the other party's arrangement was by no means simple. It would not be surprising if she encountered something before she was completely captured or escaped. But in the end, she still could not imagine that this person was probably the strongest in Academy City. A girl who is one of the player's combat powers will appear in front of him at this time.

She didn't understand when this girl, who had obviously joined the Holy Spear Military Academy temporarily for money and food expenses reimbursement, and whose temperament was both middle-class and aloof, got involved in this siege.

Of course, even if she didn't understand, Jiawen didn't intend to think about it carefully, nor did she narrow her eyes and say with a smile, "It's all a misunderstanding." After all, the opponent's sword was about to penetrate her body. Jia Wen herself didn't believe it if they came here to kill people for no purpose.

But having said that, the chatter should still be said. Jiawen nodded kindly, raised her hands meekly, took a step back, and said with a smile: "Miss Mu Xuejian is joking, everyone is You are a player, how could I not know you, this famous female swordswoman?"

"Eh? Female sword fairy?"

Mu Xuejian was stunned for a moment, then showed a faint smile, seemingly intoxicated.

After all, although this girl is not a middle school student in the traditional sense, she has often dreamed of martial arts since she was a child. A girl would imagine that she is a princess waiting for a prince in a castle, and she would naturally also be a swordsman who hoes the strong and supports the weak. Dream, and she had never joined the [Second Class 2 Club] with a large number of like-minded people like Teacher Tian and Cholera, so when she was caught off guard and suddenly heard someone call her the female sword fairy in her life, she felt a little bit carried away at that time.

However, while her eyes were blurred and her face was flushed, she did not forget to change the position of the long sword [Wushuang] in her hand, and let it rest suddenly about three meters beside her, that is, Only a clone was left on the spot, beside the neck of Jiawen... whose body had entered an invisible state.

"I'm far worse than a swordsman or something."

Nodding to Jia Wen who was gradually falling out of the air, Mu Xuejian raised his left hand and rubbed it with some embarrassment: "But thank you for complimenting me."

[If you want to thank me, why don’t you just let me go? 】

Unable to help but vomit in her heart, Jia Wen sighed helplessly, then cut straight to the subject and asked tentatively: "So, Miss Mu Xuejian, you are here because..."

"Get a hold of you."

Mu Xuejian answered briskly. After the smile faded, the expression on his face was as dull as ever. In fact, if the cream on the corner of the girl's mouth hadn't been wiped clean, her temperament at this moment would be simply high. Leng: "Someone asked me to do this and gave me a lot of benefits, so I agreed."

When Jia Wen heard this, he immediately said without thinking: "I don't care who the person is asking you to do. I will give you three times the same benefit. If you can help me, I will give you ten times. It can be converted into gold coins." If so, I can pay now!"

"Thank you, you are very generous."

Mu Xuejian blinked in surprise, then shook his head slightly: "But I don't like to go back on my word, so I'll forget it. I'm sorry."

Although she didn't have any expectations, Gawen still sighed with a wry smile and struggled to continue asking: "Can't you... think about it again?"

At this moment, her image is that of a human girl with a similar figure to Mu Xuejian and a quite friendly appearance. She looks very pitiful and can arouse the sympathy of others. So if Cordoba were here, she might really I'll hesitate a little bit...two times, three times, four times.

But Mu Xuejian was not Cordoba, so she shook her head without any hesitation and said calmly: "I won't consider it anymore, and the feeling you gave me... is actually not very comfortable. It's a bit like the person who asked me for help. picture."

"If it makes you uncomfortable, why don't you consider my proposal? For people like us... uh, evil heretics, it doesn't matter even if we are not moral, right?"

While Jiawen was desperately thinking about a way out, she asked this question calmly. In fact, she no longer had any hope of persuading the other party, and almost chatting was just to delay time.

But Mu Xuejian wouldn't care, because Jia Wen knew very well that compared to herself, the other party was the one who cared less about delaying time.

Sure enough, the girl seemed to have no intention of taking action at all. She just pondered for a moment and asked curiously: "Can I not be moral?"

【Any drama? ! 】

Jia Wen was overjoyed and nodded immediately: "Okay!"


Mu Xuejian blinked and asked again: "If I pretend to promise you first, collect your money, and then don't let you leave, does it not matter?"

Jia Wen: "...Miss Mu Xuejian, are you serious?"


Mu Xuejian answered immediately, with a rather brisk tone: "After all, you are not serious. Well, I won't stop you from thinking about things, as long as you don't leave here."


Gawen took a deep breath and asked tentatively: "What if I insist on leaving here?"

"I will attack you, but of course you can also fight back. I am actually not in full state right now. The injury on my left hand is not completely done, and the evil spirit of the demon sword has not been completely offset, so the sword's center is a little unstable."

Mu Xuejian told Gawen his situation very straightforwardly, and even gave his opinion: "So if you have any method that can make me feel dangerous, or that can make me die together, you can try it out, and I should be able to Hiding, I cherish my life.”

"Then what if I can't pose a threat to you and still insist on running away?"

Gawen continued to ask questions while staring at his skill bar.

"I have no instructions to kill you, so I will try to incapacitate you."

Mu Xuejian frowned and said sternly: "Depending on the situation, I might cut off your legs."

Jia Wen nodded slightly and then asked: "The penultimate question, why are you willing to tell me so much?"

"Because I was only asked to limit you and not asked for much, so except for some specific content, I can say whatever I want."

Mu Xuejian shrugged and said with a smile: "And it doesn't matter even if I don't intercept you, I won't be punished."

"last question."

"It doesn't matter if you're not the last~"

"How long are you going to restrain me?"

"Wait for me to check the chat history... Well, there are about five minutes left."

"In other words, there are only five minutes left for me to escape, right?"

"it seems to be like this."

"Then...are you offended?"

Gawen sighed deeply.

"It's me who's offended."

Mu Xuejian pursed his lips and chuckled.


A neat row of [Shadow Guns] appeared behind Gawen, and in the next second, hundreds of bullets were poured out at the same time, launching a series of wall-like barrages with an oppressive feeling, heading straight towards Mu Xue. The sword pushed away.

Jia Wen knew that with Mu Xuejian's strength, it might not be difficult to shoot down bullets, but with the skill of [Rain of Bullets], if the barrages were fired at the same time, no matter how top-notch swordsman, , I’m afraid there’s no way to take it easily.

This is one of Jiawen's most powerful skills. Although those [Gun Clone] can only cause less than 5% damage, it is obvious at a glance that Mu Xuejian is not the kind who relies on health and defense. For players, Gawen, who is also a high-level player, may not be unable to cause effective damage to him, and according to the fourth characteristic of the Shadow Gun [Attack], every bullet will definitely add a random negative state to the target, even if it is The negative status that has been greatly reduced by [Rain of Bullets] is more lethal as long as the amount is piled up. The most important thing is that this 'barrage' intertwined with [Evil Shadow Cursed Bullets] can obscure the opponent. vision and perception.

All in all, facing an opponent like Mu Xuejian, Jia Wen felt that the most important thing was to cause effective damage to the opponent.

However, she never thought about the possibility of killing Mu Xuejian. She just hoped to open a gap in the opponent's relatively weak defense and let the girl throw a rat weapon to create a gap for herself to escape.

Jia Wen, who has watched many of Mu Xuejian's matches, believes that she has a certain understanding of Mu Xuejian's style and weaknesses. Even if she cannot target him in a targeted manner, she can at least prescribe the right medicine.

Unfortunately, it's one thing to watch Mu Xuejian's match on stage, but it's another thing to fight in person with the [Sword Madman] on the top of the ranking list.

We must admit that there is nothing wrong with Jiawen's ideas and logic. Mu Xuejian's defense and physical fitness are indeed only at the ordinary high-level level, even when the protective sword energy is not activated, it is not as good as the Shadow Spear. The [Evil Shadow Curse Bullet] automatically generated in the weapon can indeed block Mu Xuejian's [Sword Heart] perception.

But the problem is that Gawen is not Mo Tan with a "lawful good" personality. Her fighting qualities are not bad, but they are just "not bad".

She knew what to do was right, but the facts proved that even if she knew some truths, it would be difficult to put them into practice when the gap between the enemy and ourselves was too large.


[Fantasy Sword·Irrelevant to the Wind and Moon]

The sword light flashed, and a half-moon-shaped ripple spread out silently like a breeze. The [Wu Shuang] in the girl's hand seemed to be in slow motion, bringing out a series of trompe l'oeil afterimages in mid-air. There was clearly only one sword. But it gives people the illusion of appearing at several points in space at the same time.

After a crisp sound, the countless [Gun Clone] behind Gawen were split into two together with the low-match bullets they fired. The [Wushuang] that seemed to have only been shot once had only a visual effect. It's just the [Evil Shadow Cursed Bullet] fired from the main body of the Shadow Gun.

As for the principle, it seems to Mu Xuejian that it is very simple. If the bullet fired by the gun in Jiawen's hand is real, then he will use the real [Wushuang] to cut off the bullet, and the row of gun clones behind Jiawen The bullets fired were not real, at best they were just destructive illusions, so I would use the same destructive illusions to offset them.

That's right, she thought very simply, and then easily used the improvised sword move she just made to break Gawen's [Rain of Guns and Bullets], and it seemed like there was nothing wrong with it at all.

But what Mu Xuejian just did, even excluding the most technical and confusing thing about 'creating a skill based on the current situation', is still enough to make any talent slightly inferior. I was scratching my head after seeing so few opponents.

Unfortunately, Jia Wen is one of those opponents who is slightly less talented...at least compared to Mu Xuejian. However, she has no time to wonder or scratch her head at this moment.

"excuse me!"

Jia Wen, who suddenly appeared from behind Mu Xuejian, had already put away the Shadow Spear. At this moment, he was holding a dark dagger with both hands, and launched the weapon Merlin finally succeeded in crafting after countless failed experiments. The skills on this whiteboard equipment——

[A life-threatening blow]

Chapter 1,407: End

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