Quadruple split

Chapter 1414 Blocking

"Just like that, the battle between Red Knight Osiris and Blue Knight Obelisk has begun~"

In the large deduction room, Dannu's [Witch], Harlequin's [Ace of Hearts], Teresa Tarosha, are holding a rather exquisite-looking book called "War of the Phantom Gods" by the author named' F. The Blue Knight opposite him has a pair of indestructible divine fists that can pass through powerful shock waves..."

"Sister Ace of Hearts, the latest news~"

At this moment, 'Maleficent Lolita Specialized Type' suddenly interrupted Teresa in a low voice, and raised her little hand very seriously to report: "The target is heading to the small coordinate T12, passing by T9 and Y25, and the current image is an elf. Middle-aged male teacher, white robe, 178 centimeters tall~"

Teresa turned her head and glanced at the large panoramic view of Academy City on her desk, her eyes slowly swept over a place in the central area that had a large number of additional points marked, and she said in a brisk tone: "Send the order. , the 7th Special Task Force, blocked the small coordinate M6; the 12th Special Task Force, detoured to the small coordinate M9 at full speed; the 5th Brigade of the Law Enforcement Team, in a group of five, split up and moved to T13, T15, and T19 after two minutes. No matter which side discovers the target first, they will pretend to let the other side go and set up defenses on the spot, while the other two teams rush to the nearest small coordinate north of the encounter point."


Marlene nodded with a smile, and five seconds later clapped her hands vigorously and said, "Okay, it's been conveyed!"

"Thank you for your hard work, little Marlene."

Teresa touched the girl's head with a smile, then tilted her head and blinked: "Hey...where did I just talk..."

"Speaking of Obelisk's fists, he's pretty awesome!"

Marlene, who had been listening to the story attentively, immediately gave a reminder without thinking, and asked with shining eyes: "Then what?"

"Then...well...let me see..."

Teresa put her little face close to the parchment in front of her, and finally found the place where she had just broken it, and said slowly: "Then the Sun Princess Laraphile Nanamo appeared between the two of them, calling on them to stop, Loudly proclaiming that the two nobles and civilian leaders should coexist peacefully and work together to make the kingdom prosperous, and said that if they were willing to give up the fight to the death and have a point-and-shoot discussion on another day, then... it would be time for the law enforcement team to The Third Reserve Squadron came in and intercepted the small coordinate points O1-O5 in the southern area."

Marlene blinked her big black eyes twice, and after a while of reaction, she tilted her head and said, "Is there also a law enforcement team in the story?"


Although the order did not seem to be conveyed immediately, Teresa, who still showed no trace of nervousness or anxiety, shook her head and explained in a low voice: "It was my sister who asked Marlene to help me take charge of the first order." Send a message to the coordinator of the third reserve squadron."

As a result, the girl suddenly smiled slyly and said with a grin: "You're just kidding, I sent the message as soon as my sister finished speaking."

"Wow, little Marlene is great."

Although she was very afraid of strangers and was particularly bad at dealing with children, Teresa got along very well with this little girl who worked hard to become a "witch". Not only did she speak fluently, she even mastered the trick of coaxing children without any teacher.

Of course, it may also be because little Maleficent is a bit too precocious and too sensible, so the older Theresa is actually the one being coaxed.

All in all, under Mo Tan's deliberate arrangement, the two girls, [Ace of Hearts] and [5 of Spades], have a very good compatibility, and they get along very harmoniously, and their cooperation with each other is also very good. It's a very tacit understanding, even if it's not perfect, it can be said to be perfect.

"And then?"

After finishing the business, little Marlene rocked her chair restlessly, put on a cute expression and started urging, as if she was very interested in the follow-up of the story.

Although she could probably guess what was being said next, after all, most of these bardic stories were similar. Even if they were of different types, their later directions were basically the same. Anyway, everyone shook hands and made peace, in the name of truth, goodness and beauty, blah blah blah. , and finally a happy ending.

To be honest, little Maleficent hates these routines. After all, she doesn't like princes, princesses, warriors and the like. The reason is very simple, because they are not cool enough.

Therefore, objectively speaking, the symptoms of the relatively precocious little Marlene basically belong to the "second grade". Considering that she is a precocious primary school student, it is reasonable to directly mature to the ideological level of the second grade of junior high school. There is no such thing. Logic question.

All in all, what little Marlene actually enjoyed more than the story itself was the situation of "the witch sister telling her stories". As for the content, she was not very interested.

At least not until Teresa read the next sentence with a subtle look on her face...

“‘What a man says, it’s none of your business!’ The next moment, Duke Osiris, the Red Knight, and President Obelisk, the Blue Knight, roared at the same time, and… uh… what’s going on…”

Teresa, who was suddenly at a loss for words, swallowed nervously, took two deep breaths on the spot, and then continued to read under Little Marlene's suddenly sparkling gaze: "Use each of them with their strongest attack, that is, Osiris's [Super Electric Wave-Thunder Strike Lightsaber] and Obelisk's [Divine Fist Crush-Big Shock Wave] turned around and blasted towards...Princess Larafel Nanamo?"

Since Teresa herself had never read this story before, and the subsequent content was too shocking to the world, when she finished reading this paragraph, the tone of the last sentence turned out to be a question.

Little Marlene, who was sitting next to her with her legs dangling, stared hard at Teresa and the book in her hand with great expectation: "Then...and then!"

"Since... Princess Lalafell, who was so sentimental that she thought she was the reason for the two of them to fight, was very sad. So, infatuated, she slowly closed her eyes and prepared to die at the hands of the two men she loved deeply. superior."

When Teresa read this, she could no longer keep the expression on her face, and she made an unprecedented comment: "What kind of infatuation is it to love two men at the same time? You might as well just die like this!"

Little Marin immediately cast an admiring look at her sister, the Ace of Hearts, and sighed: "Wow, she is indeed a witch!"

"Ugh! Don't laugh at me!"

Theresa blushed and continued to look down at the shocking lines of text, and said in a trembling voice: "At this moment, the black magician lady who was supposed to be sealed in the abyss suddenly rode the royal holy beast Bruis ·Zet Doragon appeared in front of Princess Larafel, and used the holy beast's unique skill [Explosive Wind Bullet] to offset the combined blow of the two knights, saved the princess's life, and told the other party that he was actually from The members of the royal family who lived hundreds of years ago and have been alive to this day should be the princess’s ancestors and grandmothers according to their seniority. They appeared this time to save the kingdom from danger.”

Little Marlene didn't speak, but her eyes seemed to have turned into starry eyes, completely immersed in the story and unable to extricate herself.

"Ahem, if I'm not wrong...Eh...uh, has Ms. 10 of Plum Blossoms sent a message?"

In desperation, Teresa could only cough lightly and ask this question.

Only then did little Marin react and whispered: "Ah, sister, I'm sorry, I just saw it. The latest information is that the target has been..."

"Did you turn around and go north?"

Teresa smiled gently and said with a smile: "M18 or M23?"

Little Marin blinked twice and took two seconds to respond before replying: "M18..."

"I understand. Send a message to the coordinator and immediately go to the final location I asked you to send to them one by one half an hour ago to stand ready."

Teresa said something briskly, then lowered her eyes and continued to read the story to the girl in front of her: "Then, the black magician lady took the princess away like this. It was completely controlled by the two knights' respective factions, and the royal power had long since declined. The empire built a black magic tower. While living in seclusion, it released news to princes from all over the world. The most beautiful Princess Lalafell in Xuancheng has been kidnapped by the evil black magician lady. If you want to marry her, you must Come and find us!”


After hurriedly sending out the message, little Marin nodded vigorously and urged: "What's behind, what's behind!"

"Uh... let's take a look... what is written here is that time flies, and years fly by. In the blink of an eye, half a month passed like this, and in the process, there were a total of ten wise and brave princes in the entire continent. After passing the tests of obstacles, curses, monsters and illusions, I came to the Demon Tower Headquarters, and then... eh?"

Teresa's eyes widened in shock, and her hands holding the book were trembling.

And little Marlene started to jump up and down restlessly and asked loudly: "What happened next! This is the exciting part! Sister Ace of Hearts, please tell me!"

"Then they were taken hostage by the Black Magic Lady and forced their country to go to war against their own motherland."

Teresa swallowed hard, her eyes almost lost their luster, and her tone was a little dull: "Just like that, under the leadership of the black magician lady and the princess, the coalition forces from ten countries quickly surrounded the king. In the capital, they defeated the disorganized army, killed the Blue Knight and the Red Knight who had proclaimed themselves Speaker and Grand Consul, and took back their country. In the final battle, Princess Larafel and the Holy Beast Bu Ruais Zet Doragon completed the integration and transformed into the [Winged Dragon of Ra] to exert great power. He not only destroyed the rebels, but also annihilated the ten-nation coalition forces and their princes, achieving a perfect victory. Then they launched a war of aggression, attacking boldly when the strength of various countries was empty, and it only took a few years to complete the feat of unifying the continent. It’s gratifying... it’s gratifying... it’s gone..."

"What's gone?!"

Little Marlene sniffed hard, her face full of curiosity about the baby.

"The story is over..."

Teresa closed the book "War of the Illusions" that Senior Foster had given her before, saying it could effectively help Teresa get along well with her collaborators. She leaned back on her chair tiredly. , I feel as if I have lost something important.

Marlene let out a long sigh of relief and laughed contentedly: "What a good story! I thought this place was just like my world, with only those clichéd phone calls."

"You're actually right...this kind of thing doesn't look like a mainstream book no matter how you look at it..."

Teresa lay weakly on the table. This girl could be considered as someone who had read a lot of romance stories and even thought of someone as a prince at one point. She had often imagined herself as a princess since she was a child. She felt that she could no longer look directly at her. The words 'princess' and 'prince' are different.

At this moment, she just wants a pair of eyes that have never read this story, and a brain that has never memorized this story.

As for other things...

"Sister Ace of Hearts."

Little Marlene obediently pulled the chair to Teresa's side and rubbed the shoulders of this skinny little sister. She asked cautiously: "Well, although it is Marlene who is causing trouble, it really doesn't matter. Does it disturb you from doing your business?"

Teresa narrowed her eyes comfortably, and while enjoying the massage from the girl's small hands, she said lazily: "What's the matter?"

"It's just that... if you catch that person, you can transform into all kinds of people!"

Little Marin looked at the dense feedback in the friends column with some worry, looking a little uneasy: "Well, I shouldn't have to ask my sister to tell me stories."

As a result, Teresa chuckled, raised her hand and pinched the girl's face, and said in a brisk tone: "Don't worry, sister's current task is just to block that person, and it's the kind of blockade that gradually increases the pressure. Blocking?"

"Gradually increase the pressure? What do you mean?"

Little Marin blinked curiously, her expression a little confused.

"Although the core strategic purpose is to completely trap the target, under the condition of ensuring that the 'forbidden zone' is not breached, if the opponent suddenly exerts force, it is not the kind that cannot be let go."

Teresa smiled and patiently answered the girl: "You can think of it as a way to find out the target. If she has no trump cards, just end the battle. If she still has trump cards, force her as soon as possible." Come out to avoid accidents when you look back~"

"Well, Marlene understands~"

Little Marin nodded vigorously, and then said seriously: "But, if the other party really has a trump card, what should we do?"

"That's just changing from one hunting ground to another."

Teresa pointed lazily at the map in front of her, with a magical arc on her lips: "To be honest, I'm quite looking forward to that kind of unfolding~"


"Eh? What's wrong?"

"Sister Ace of Hearts is so handsome!"

"Ah? So handsome? Me?"


"Hey... don't praise me..."

"But it's just awesome."

"No, no, it's because the opponent is too weak~"

Chapter 1,405: End

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