Quadruple split

Chapter 1408 The Herrscher’s Determination

Real time PM19:51

City B, Dexin District, Mo Tan's apartment, living room

Boom! !

With a muffled sound, Mo Tan, who had just come out of the kitchen in relatively loose pajamas with a glass of water in his hand, suddenly rolled his eyes, lost consciousness, fell forward, and fell heavily after about a second. It fell to the ground. Although the cup that came out of the hand was not broken due to its high quality, the water inside was spilled all over the floor.

Then, Mo Tan woke up the moment he touched the ground. Mo Tan, who regained consciousness, did not quickly get up from the ground to clean up the mess. Instead, he suddenly covered his head with force and curled up in a ball on the ground in pain.

It was not physical pain, but a huge mental burden.

This is not something difficult to explain, because the moment Mo Tan woke up, in less than a second, a large amount of information divided into three perspectives and existing in the same time period suddenly appeared in it. In his thinking, he fell into a kind of extremely severe pain almost instantly, and this pain became more intense as his consciousness slowly awakened.

To give an inappropriate example, Mo Tan at this moment is equivalent to a data line with a transmission upper limit of about ten megabits per second, and for some reason, it is continuing to transmit at thirty megabytes per second at this moment. The content from the three aspects is transmitted at a speed of about 100 seconds, and the content is compressed and organized at the same time.

On this basis, whether it was the huge amount of information that poured into his mind in an instant or the sense of dislocation caused by three perspectives, they all caused Mo Tan a huge amount of pain.

Especially the latter, which obviously happened at the same time, but was split into three situations. No matter the perspective, perception, thoughts, and behavior patterns were all divided into three equal parts, and there were also huge differences in somatosensory information. It's as if we are trying to create three files with the same name and format in a folder, and anyone with some common sense knows that this is absolutely impossible.

It's like Mo Tan can have the memory in his mind that he was eating at 12 noon and Yidong was playing games at 12 noon, but it is impossible to have the memory that he was eating at 12 noon and that he was playing games at 12 noon. The memory of feeding the cat at 12:00 and buying groceries at 12:00 noon is broken at the most fundamental logical level.

But at this moment, Mo Tan has to accept this kind of collapse, which often lasts for less than half an hour. Not only that, he also has to process these contents harmlessly in his own mind. This kind of thing is not allowed to happen to ordinary people. It is absolutely impossible to complete it. It would be easier to go crazy or semi-crazy.

In other words, if a normal person were to experience it, he would probably have to spend the rest of his life in a mental hospital.

However, Mo Tan is not a normal person, and his mental state has never been healthy in the true sense.

So he could bear it, especially since Mo Tan's dominant personality at this moment was the 'Lawful Good' camp that he had just converted before he fell into coma, and in this situation, his mental toughness was self-evident. Metaphor.

You must know that most of the 'talents' given to players by [Innocence Realm] are real 'talents' possessed by players, such as Hei Fan's Affinity, Tan Mo's Faithless, and Mo's Iron Spirit!

And under his current personality, Mo Tan's mind, which even Ji Xiaoge can withstand, is called perseverance, so even in this painful illusion that almost gave him the illusion that his head will explode in the next second, he still He didn't even scream, he just covered his head and huddled on the ground. In a situation where others could hardly think normally, he forcibly handed over those pieces of content with broken logic and a huge amount of information. Digested.

Total time taken - two minutes and seventeen seconds


Finally, after the tide of pain gradually faded, Mo Tan stood up slowly. With a slightly dull expression, he first picked up the rag under the coffee table and wiped the floor clean, then picked up the cup that had fallen not far away and put it away. On the TV cabinet, he then took two staggering steps forward and landed on the hatch of the game cabin, his eyes gradually regained their clarity.

"Fuck, why..."

Under his current personality, Mo Tan uttered a rare expletive, then took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Why do you have to keep playing the story of "Xunqi Xiangli" in your head while we are talking about business? Damn it!"

Obviously, there is no reason for Mo Tan to lose control and curse under his current personality. In fact, the reason is not too sufficient. Well, it is the literal meaning of the previous paragraph, so there is nothing to explain.

It's a pity that at this moment, Mo Tan can no longer make the direct action of cracking his fingers like before. After all, after leaving that place similar to the consciousness space, he was pleasantly surprised to find that he was still the same 'Mo Tan' as before. There were no instances of multiple mental states being active at the same time.

In other words, I am not crazy yet!

Congratulations, congratulations.


Finally, with superhuman willpower, he completed the information integration and completely integrated the thoughts of the three states of pajamas, black windbreaker, and sportswear in the space just now. In perfect condition, but still very energetic considering his mood factors, Mo Tan suddenly stood up, pressed the switch, and opened the hatch of the game cabin. There seemed to be a deep flame burning quietly in his eyes——

"The game continues!"

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Thank you for your hard work, Lawful and Good Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, I wish you a good night]

Game time AM08:50

Academy City Central District, default location A07, alley entrance

With a flash of imperceptible white light, Mo Tan's figure appeared in the middle of the alley that had been completely sealed off from any NPC prying eyes. This was where he had shown off to Jia Wen before and pretended to let him go after simply completing the test. On the other side, Jadeka and Yaya guarded the exits on both sides respectively. The law enforcement team secretly monitored the [default location A07] on the periphery, which is one of the eighteen locations in total that can trap Gawen in Mo Tan's setting. .

"very good……"

After entering the game, he searched the message bar twice immediately and found that everything was going on as usual. Mo Tan breathed a sigh of relief, with a faint smile on his lips: "It's still in the absolute control zone with the lowest alert level. It's really... As expected of that person... If I had to do it again, it would be difficult for me, even as a Black Brahman, to win again."

After a little movement of the reassuring body named 'Mo', Mo Tan quickly sent a few messages after complimenting him casually, and then took a step forward.


A crisp notification sound suddenly sounded in Mo Tan's ears——

[System prompt: Your talent [Brave Will] has been reset to [Premonition]. 】

"Eh? Come again?!"

[System prompt: You have permanently lost the pseudo-advancement talent [Brave Will]. 】

"Wait a minute, what is a false promotion talent..."

[System prompt: You have unlocked the talent: Herrscher’s Determination]


After standing there stunned for about two seconds, Mo Tan came to his senses from the series of system prompts, and then subconsciously opened his status bar.

【The Lawyer's Decision】

Active talent

default exclusive

Usage restrictions: none

Effect 1: It can be actively activated when [Premonition] is triggered to offset a forced offline. It can also actively disconnect at any online time before the character is 'silently' offline, and restart the forced offline offset by this effect. The cooling time is The online time after this effect is activated * 50 + 24 hours of game time. The cooling time is calculated separately for this effect. In the cooling state, it does not affect other effects under this talent.

Effect 2: It can be actively activated when [Premonition] is triggered, delaying the forced offline time for 3 minutes + the buffer time under [Premonition] talent. When logging in again, this effect will enter a cooling state of 12 hours of game time, and the cooling time will be calculated separately. , it does not affect other effects of this talent in the cooling state.

Effect 3: Can be actively activated when [Premonition] is triggered. The delay is equivalent to the forced offline time under the [Premonition] talent. During this period, your all attributes will be increased by 30%, and your physical value will not be reduced below 30%. Log in again. , this effect enters a cooling state of 12 hours of game time. The cooling time is calculated separately for this effect. The cooling state does not affect other effects of this talent.

Effect 4: Each debuff effect or abnormal status will increase your all attributes by 5%, increase the maximum physical value limit by 5%, increase the physical value recovery speed by 5%, and stack up to 10 layers. During the duration of this effect, immunity All mental attacks and interference.

Effect 5: When Effect 3 is not in the cooldown state, you can actively activate this talent. In the next ten minutes, your all attributes will be increased by 50%, your strength and constitution will be increased by an additional 150 points, and your dexterity and intelligence will be increased by an additional 100 points. When using a two-handed weapon with one hand, the physical value will not be reduced below 50%, the cooldown time of all skills is shortened by 50%, the effect of all skills with an initial cooldown time \u003c five minutes is increased by 100, and the cooldown time of all skills with an initial cooldown time \u003e ten minutes is increased by 100 30% reduction. During the duration of this effect, all talents and skills you activate are considered to have no negative effects. After the effect ends, the talent will enter the cooldown. The cooldown time is 720 hours of game time. If there is any talent that is not lower than level 40 during the cooldown period, If your occupation or specialization is increased by 5 levels, the talent will be reactivated immediately. During the cooldown period, all your attributes will be reduced by 10%. The amount of experience gained from all occupations and specializations will be halved. The amount of allocable experience gained will be halved. All loads will be reduced. None will be reduced by the system.

[Remarks: You never hesitate, never hesitate, never shrink, and never waver. You are willing to lend a helping hand to anyone, and you are willing to be tolerant to anyone. You are not a saint, but you have achieved the ultimate in mortal form. , your will is indestructible, and your decision is undisputed, but have you forgotten that a complete person will always leave a little tenderness for himself at the end of the creed? 】

"Huh, so that's it."

After memorizing the talent effects, Mo Tan breathed a sigh of relief, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and murmured in a low voice: "I'll tell you why the talent that sometimes doesn't exist is different from the other two characters. It turns out that this is the complete body...it's really...a bit of a surprise."

After that, he closed his character panel and continued to walk forward with brisk steps, leaving behind his doubts about the note.

Leave yourself a little tenderness... Although Mo Tan could understand this at this moment, he didn't understand it.

All in all, mastering a new powerful [talent] is a good thing no matter what.

In fact, after the character Hei Fan unlocked [Wise Man's Foresight], it didn't take long for Mo to unlock a talent called [Brave Will], which seemed to be an upgraded version of [Premonition], but the effect was not the same. It's simply out of place. To put it simply, it doubles the delay and forced offline time after activation, and then doubles the cooldown time. Other than that, it has no other effect.

Although he didn't think it was anything at first, just recently, after Mo Tan unlocked [The Arrogance of the Turbid Man] and discovered that that talent was similar to the [Wise Man's Foresight], he increasingly felt that his talent was not worth it. It was so right, but there was nothing he could do. In addition, the character Mo was already very strong, and his daily game time was quite limited, so he didn't study it too seriously.

It was not until today, after he had been subjected to a round of inhuman torture, that he finally obtained the talent that was unique to the character Mo, and whose personality could finally match that of the other two characters——

[The Herrscher’s Determination]!

I have to say that this talent came at the right time.

at the same time

Academy City Central District, somewhere

【No...can't escape! 】

Gawen transformed herself into a half-orc female teacher and walked quickly on the street, gradually becoming anxious in the burning feeling that always lingered in her body.

In the past half hour, she had made several large-scale moves, and even walked to the outer ring area twice, but the burning sensation on her body, that is, some kind of embodied sight, still lingered firmly around her. , showing no signs of fading at all.

Not to mention testing the range, distance and other data as originally planned, Jiawen couldn't give herself a passing score even with the most basic containment.

As time went by, it became clear to her that there was not much time left for herself.

Although she didn't know how many pairs of eyes were around her, after putting herself into the other person's position, Gawen had to admit that her current actions were beginning to contradict her previous explanation, but she couldn't use the normal method. resolve this conflict.

The reason is simple. What she represents is not just herself, but also a formal member of the Chauvin Empire delegation - the Sin Lord.

Considering that she had been careless before and approached Liuli Pavilion with a clear goal, Jia Wen believed that as long as Zui Jue did not show up at the meeting tomorrow without clearly forcing her to leave.

The consequences could be disastrous!

Chapter 1,399: End

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