Quadruple split

Chapter 1405 Plans and Assumptions

Perhaps it was because no matter what mental state Mo Tan was in, he felt that he could not waste time now, so the silence only lasted for about a minute, and this discussion, full of absurdity and weirdness, continued...

"Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect you to observe so carefully."

Mo Tan, in black trench coat, walked up to Mo Tan in pajamas with a smile on his face, hugged his shoulders carelessly, and winked: "I thought you were just a worthless salted fish in this state."

Mo Tan in sportswear frowned and glared at Mo Tan in black windbreaker: "Don't talk nonsense, I think he has always been much better than in your mental state."

"You are stereotyping, and salted fish does not necessarily have to be a derogatory term."

Mo Tan, in black trench coat, rolled his eyes, then immediately turned around and said to Mo Tan in pajamas: "What should I do? He looks down on you!"

Pajamas Motan: "..."

"Don't play word games on me."

Mo Tan, in sportswear, was completely unmoved, and just said angrily: "I was targeting your 'good for nothing' statement, not the salted fish!"

Mo Tan, in black windbreaker, curled his lips and muttered in a low voice: "Hey, have you been seen through..."

"I wonder if you two are a bit too nervous."

Pajamas Motan helplessly slapped away the arm on his shoulders, with a melancholy expression on his face: "No matter how you think about it, the current situation is very disturbing."

"That's right!"

Mo Tan in the black windbreaker immediately looked at Mo Tan in the sportswear with reproachful eyes, and educated him: "Be serious, be serious."


Although he didn't speak, a very, very, very obvious vein popped out on the latter's forehead.

"Ahem, so let's talk about business. After all, time is tight and the tasks are heavy, and the situation is just like what 'I' said, which is somewhat disturbing."

Mo Tan, in black windbreaker, might have been a little afraid of being beaten, so he immediately changed the subject, but in the end he still added with a perseverance: "But don't you think this is actually quite fun?"

The other two ignored him.

"If you think about it carefully..."

Mo Tan, in sportswear, touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "Our situation is somewhat similar to the talent [The Arrogance of the Turbid One] we got some time ago. They are both the kind of thing where the flow of time in the outside world slows down. It is better to say that our own thinking speed has become faster, so that this situation similar to 'bullet time' appears."

"Bullet time bullshit."

Mo Tan, in black windbreaker, nodded matter-of-factly and sighed, "Keanu Reeves is really handsome."


Mo Tan in pajamas also completely ignored Mo Tan in black windbreaker, nodded and said: "Human thinking does not have a rigorous and clear threshold, so although this situation almost does not exist in reality, it is still true in theory. I I just calculated the time ratio and found that this level should still be within the range that the human body can bear, but this is still a pure theory and has no scientific basis to support it."

"Is it possible that we also have the potential to be supermen?"

Sportswear Mo Tan made a guess and pondered: "Just like those so-called 'marginal people', 'spiritual mediums' and the like?"

"If it's true, it's definitely one of the most useless abilities."

Pajamas Mo Tan laughed and shrugged: "After all, it's just that the speed of thinking has become faster. We can't do bullet time on our own like in The Matrix. It's just that the speed of thinking has become faster, and the body can't keep up. ah."

Sportswear Mo Tan also laughed: "That's right, and we can't actively enter this state. Talents in the game don't count. After all, they are assisted by the system."

"It's really convenient to talk to yourself."

Pajama Mo Tan raised his fist and shook it.

"I think so."

Mo Tan, who was in sportswear, punched the opponent from afar.

The two looked at each other and smiled...

"Laughing at you girls!"

Mo Tan, in black windbreaker, finally couldn't stand it anymore and said angrily: "You pretend I don't exist? You started a small group to marginalize me from the very beginning! We are all the same person, won't your conscience hurt? Chatting will help you I am the only one, this is bullying! This is naked bullying!"

Mo Tan in sportswear shrugged.

Ink Tan in pajamas spreads his hands.

Neither of them spoke, but they also knew that they didn't need to speak, because in the end, everyone is Mo Tan, and they are from the same period, sharing experiences, and sharing knowledge. In other words, they are the same person without any generation gap at all, so there are some words There is no need to say it at all.

as expected--

"Okay, we all want to talk about something serious, so let's talk about something serious."

Mo Tan, in black windbreaker, curled his lips, walked slowly between the other two people, and said in his usual lazy tone when he was under the 'Chaotic Neutral' personality: "Divide the matter into several batches for discussion, first and foremost. , that is, the response measures in 'reality'. Depending on the situation, we can separate two possibilities and discuss them separately. First, after the twenty minutes are over, we return to the situation we were familiar with before, that is, indirectness. Under the premise of being ill and having irregular and passive mental state switches, my proposal remains the same as before."

"I have no opinion."

Seeing that Mo Tan in the black windbreaker finally got into the mood, Mo Tan in the pajamas immediately agreed and nodded: "After all, this lifestyle is the most suitable for us, and it is also the least likely to make mistakes in all aspects."

"But there is one thing to note."

Mo Tan in the sportswear frowned, then raised his finger and pointed at his head and added: "That is, if this assumption is established, we should try our best to control the dangerous operation of actively changing mental states in the future. After all, even if we are lucky this time I escaped, but if this continues... you understand."

Pajama Motan trembled and nodded with lingering fear: "Yes, I won't switch if I can in the future. After doing this a few times, even if my head can stand it, my heart can't stand it."

"Ha...that's a good idea."

Mo Tan, in black windbreaker, sneered and glanced at the two of them: "Then let me ask you, what is 'don't switch if you can't switch in the future'? Don't forget, the premise of switching is that the current mental state and the target mental state are both achieved. Consensus, in other words, if we have a total of three votes, a project that requires two votes in favor can be carried out. In the more than half a year since we entered this game, have we ever voluntarily quit the game when there is room for maneuver? Switched personalities? Once?"

Mo Tan in sportswear and Mo Tan in pajamas were both silent.

"In the final analysis, we were originally 'don't switch if we can,' but the fact is that as our scope of communication expanded to include people like Yu Chen, Ji Xiaoge, and Xiuxing Ji, as we continued to move forward without guilt, There are more and more things involved in the world, and there are more and more situations and occasions that must be changed."

He brushed away a strand of hair from his eyes, stretched out his index finger and gently rubbed his forehead, and said word by word: "So the essence of the matter will not change in any way."

"you are right."

Sportswear Mo Tan easily accepted the reality and said with a wry smile: "According to this idea, all we can do is to avoid this situation in the game as much as possible..."

“And it’s not necessarily good because that’s what we’ve always done.”

Mo Tan, who was in pajamas, followed, and his face didn't look very good.

"All in all, we can only take one step at a time, and this is still based on a relatively peaceful assumption."

Mo Tan, in black trench coat, looked as normal as he said calmly: "Then... the second hypothesis is that if we wake up and still maintain the current multi-threaded thinking mode that allows us to talk to ourselves, the third hypothesis What would happen if all these thoughts were in one person’s head?”

"Going crazy?"

Mo Tan in pajamas made an unconstructive statement, which earned Mo Tan in black windbreaker a blank stare.

"I don't think it would be easy to go crazy, but there might be some chaos."

Sportswear Mo Tan carried out the analysis very rationally, and said in a deep voice: "To give a simple example, we were thirsty, and then we opened the refrigerator door when we were too lazy to make coffee. After that, 'Mo Tan''s hand was Will you reach for mineral water, Dr. Pepper or iced Coke? Personally, I definitely want to drink mineral water."

"It's definitely an iced Coke."

Pajama Mo Tan gave his answer without thinking.

"Anyone who doesn't let me drink Dr. Pepper will die."

Mo Tan, in black windbreaker, also stated his position concisely and concisely.

"That's the problem. If it's okay as before, what if the second hypothesis becomes reality, we change from 'I' to 'we', from one-third of Motan to each taking one-third. If they happen at the same time, it will easily lead to such a bad situation."

Mo Tan, in sportswear, shrugged and said helplessly: "The problem is very clear, that is, the three so-called 'thirds' of us cannot be added together to form a whole."

Mo Tan, who was in pajamas, turned pale and twitched the corner of his mouth: "Isn't that still crazy?"

"No, not exactly."

Mo Tan, in sportswear, shook his head and said softly: "Don't forget, we are discussing issues calmly now."

Mo Tan, in black windbreaker, snorted coldly and said coldly: "Don't be too naive, that's if Dr. Pepper is not involved."

"you shut up!"

Mo Tan, in sportswear, glared at the other party fiercely and said in a deep voice: "So maybe we can discuss now what should be done if that situation occurs."

"The devil knows..."

Mo Tan, who was in pajamas, looked up to the sky and sighed. Both his mood and expression were extremely complicated, so much so that they were already starting to show signs of decay.

Mo Tan, in black windbreaker, was jumping around and gesticulating vigorously.

"What are you doing……"

Mo Tan, in sportswear, looked at the other party with twitching eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it!"

"Didn't you just tell me to shut up~"

Black windbreaker Mo Tan smiled, and then said briskly: "I think no matter how we discuss it, the final result should not change, so let's just say it clearly. Mathematics is the only way to solve this problem. First, let's subtract 12 Hours of gaming time, divide the remaining 12 hours, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., into three equal parts. Each mental state is given 4 hours of physical dominance time. During the corresponding time, no interference is allowed as long as there are no unexpected circumstances. The specific distribution of the control rights of the leader will be left to you."

He showed a disgusted expression and raised his hand to point at Mo Tan, the sportswear.

The latter was slightly taken aback and asked somewhat unexpectedly: "You decided to let me do it?"

"Yes, after all, if I make the arrangements, you both will definitely be worried."

Mo Tan, in black trench coat, said lazily and shrugged: "As for a certain salted fish, whenever it comes to Yu Chen, he will fall into a state of dementia and brainlessness. As the saying goes, people in love are fools. It's definitely not a wise move to let him make the arrangements. Your words...should be able to be fair, right?"

"I still have to feel honored?"

Mo Tan, in sportswear, twitched the corner of his mouth, his expression a little subtle.

"You're welcome."

Mo Tan, in black trench coat, waved his hand in a cool manner and continued: "As for the remaining 12 hours, that is, the 24 hours of game time, it is unknown. If the dominant body state enters the corresponding character, then split it into three Eight hours... No, if you include fragments, it would be better to split it into three or six hours. We can't say exactly how to split it. It will just depend on the situation. For example, there will be a period of time in the evening. Leave it to Tan Mo, because he has to put Diana to sleep~"

Mo Tan, in sportswear, frowned: "Speaking of Diana..."

"Stop, that's not what we should be discussing right now."

Mo Tan, in black windbreaker, immediately interrupted the other party and said with a serious expression: "We are only discussing 'the three of us' now."

"Okay, then I'll do as you say."

Mo Tan, in sportswear, did not continue to insist, but nodded helplessly: "In this case, there are still about ten minutes left, let's..."

"Let's analyze our actions for a while."

Mo Tan, who had finished laying out his pajamas, sighed, rubbed his hair and said: "After waking up, there are only three situations related to the game. One is the same as before, one is that we can freely control the characters, and the other is that we can freely control the characters. God knows what kind of trouble will happen, so let’s exclude the third type from discussion and let’s talk about the previous ones.”


Mo Tan, in sportswear, nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "According to the latest round of intelligence, the target may have realized that we have no intention of simply letting him go."

"But the current situation is that the hermaphrodite is in the light and we are in the dark, so it is best to continue this rhythm as originally planned."

Black windbreaker Mo Tan also suppressed his smile and said lightly: "I personally think that the probability of catching that person is not low, but it is definitely not 100%. His ability is too convenient for disguise, lurking and running away. "

"That can't be helped. After all, the opponent is a player. Catching him is not the focus of the plan. And you should have noticed it..."

Mo Tan, in sportswear, took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Since he left our sight, he has only two clear destinations."

"That company is testing whether there are NPCs watching his [Treya] light food, and——"

"Liu Li Pavilion in Central District."

"no doubt……"

"that place……"

"has a problem!"

Chapter 1,396: End

I only wish this chapter to wish my classmate Yu Shang a happy birthday w

(PS: Although it is just an ordinary chapter and has not been updated yet, please believe in my piety~)

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