Quadruple split

Chapter 1385 The unknown (IX)

"Let me say something whimsical..."

The woman who looked like the girl at the front desk of the express delivery company when she was young, Kang Lan's mother, Liu Li, pursed her lips and suggested in a low voice: "Should we consider asking the children... not to participate in this competition?"

Bai Miaomiao, who was floating in the air, frowned and asked in a subtle tone that was not very pleasant: "How do you say it?"

"That is to say, I don't really agree with letting children take risks to get close contact with the existence that is probably dormant in the game... Well, I can't completely say that it means that."

Liu Li wrinkled her nose and said after careful consideration: "Our original intention is very clear, which is to cleanse away the sins of this generation without causing too much turmoil and without paying too much price. This phenomenon has become controllable. Of course, if possible, we do not want to see the innocent indigenous people suffer too much loss. However, during the process of this plan, due to the out of control of the system, we have been unable to use the best methods. There is a simple and direct way to solve this problem.”

Yi Nan nodded slightly and asked, "This is true, so what?"

"So the solution to the problem has changed. In Brother Ji's words, we have been ordered to withdraw from the stage and can't do anything else. After all, although we can enter the original version of the Innocence Beta server, the game body after it is online It cannot accept and carry us."

Liu Li's thoughts gradually became clearer and he said softly: "Among the known information, Brother Zhu provided the most critical point, that is, when the carrier of sin is eliminated in the realm of innocence, what will happen in the true sense? In the end, this is good news, and the only good news, under this premise..."

"Under this premise, it is very likely that we will ultimately choose to use in-game players and NPCs to accomplish our goals when it is really impossible to lock in the situation outside the carrier game."

As a being at the ceiling level of intelligence, Bai Miaomiao, who behaves like a naughty child most of the time, or even worse than a naughty child, said lightly: "In fact, even if we don't do anything, with the characteristics of [Sin], sooner or later it will He will stand on the opposite side of the entire world and is almost destined to be surrounded and suppressed. Xiaoliu, is that what you mean?"

Liu Li nodded vigorously: "Yes, yes, so..."

"So in your opinion, other players and all NPCs who have nothing to do with the concept of [sin] or cause and effect can fight it without restraint, but the younger generation here are not suitable."

Bai Miaomiao interrupted Liu Li and said faster than the latter's thinking speed: "Because the cause and effect on us is too heavy, the cause and effect on the children is also the same. Speaking of the younger ones, who's son or daughter is here? All the supernatural beings in this world, including marginalized people, psychics, wanderers, and aliens, are constantly dealing with sin and confusion. And this may become a Huge risks and pitfalls, right?”

Liu Li could tell that Bai Miaomiao probably didn't agree with her idea, but she still nodded and said: "Yes, Miaomiao, you also know that the entanglement of cause and effect is not that simple. If ordinary players encounter the carrier, it actually doesn't matter. But if Kang Lan and the others..."

"It is very likely that they will be involved in a crisis that leaves them half alive? Or even affect them in reality? Will their fate be significantly changed, and they will have to bear risks that are not virtual?"

Bai Miaomiao narrowed her eyes and gritted her teeth: "So in this kind of activity that is very likely to attract the carrier, why not let them participate? According to Xiaoliu, what if that existence becomes a public enemy of the innocent world? Why don’t we just let them quit playing?”

Under the girl's questioning, Liu Li nodded with a reddish face, and said in a low-decibel but extremely firm voice: "Yes."

"Ridiculous! Why don't you just get them a cage and lock them up, just because they have been unlucky for eight lifetimes and become the children of you 'heroes'!"

Bai Miaomiao rose up angrily, and there were even two blushes on her fair and almost transparent face: "Protect! Didn't we all die when no one protected us back then? Don't tell me that the situation is different. The situation is different. Who caused the same thing? I watched Xiaoge and Xiaodao grow up. Xiaoge’s potential is not as bad as Ye Xi’s back then. If Xiaodao’s child had been raised correctly since she was a child, she would definitely be better than us at her current age. The vast majority of people in the country are stronger at the same time! You have deprived them of the possibility, and now you even want to deprive them of their right to play games freely!?"

Yao Qianhan covered her head at the side and sighed in a low voice, sighing in her heart that this scene was so similar to the scene that appeared in Tanhua School Director's Office before this scene.

If nothing else goes wrong, the furious Bai Miaomiao may have been able to continue his rampage for two hours, and he may not be able to reach a consensus with everyone until the end, which will completely freeze the atmosphere.

This ghost has been like this since the past. He is the most popular, the smartest, and the most willful and troublesome to everyone.

So if she continues to be so violent...

【Well, impossible~】

Yao Qianhan suddenly laughed and glanced at Bai Miaomiao, whose anger gauge was already full. She felt that this girl was actually not easy.

I'm afraid Bai Miaomiao has been holding these words in his heart for a long time. The little complaint he made to himself before was an accident, but it was not without reason that he chose to burst out at this time.

The reason is that this eternal ghost loli knows that there is someone who can subdue her, so she dares to vent so unscrupulously.

For this guy with an awkward personality, even if he is 'sensible', he will choose such a roundabout way to make his 'sensible' less obvious.

This can be said to be a kind of 'tsundere', but generally no one can handle this kind of tsundere.


"Are you done?"

Soon enough, Ji Wutong suddenly grabbed Bai Miaomiao's head, held the ghost that was constantly venting his emotions directly in front of him, put it under his elbow and slapped him, and sneered with empty eyes: "Girl, are you very arrogant?"


Followed by another slap.

"Ji Wutong, what the hell are you..."


"What did you say?"

"I said you fucking..."


"Can't hear it~"

"I'm warning you, I..."


"Tsk, your touch is not as good as before."

"Pervert! Hooligan! Don't stink..."


"It's a joke. Who here doesn't know that I am a perverted hooligan, and you, a fool, remind me?"

"I'm older than you..."


"It doesn't matter if you are older than me. If you are older than me, you still wear a bear pattern? Are you childish?"

"What I want to wear is my own..."


"You're free ass, I'm wearing a bear pattern today, who told you to wear the same style as me!"

"Can you fucking order...?"


"don't want!"



"Are you still arrogant? An old leftover who has never even been a mother!"

"Who do you think is the leftover..."


"The remaining ghosts, leftover ghosts, leftover ghosts, leftover ghosts, leftover ghosts! Just a little, a little, a little, a little bit~~"

"Fuck, can you be more mature!"


"Then you should be mature and set an example for me. For example, keep your mouth shut and discuss it with everyone calmly."

"How can I ask for it if I shut my mouth..."


"How dare you talk back!?"

"Why don't I stop talking?"



"Okay, you still hit me?"


Ji Wutong blinked his eyes twice, and then put the 'waist drum' he was holding on the ground with some embarrassment. He put his hands behind his back very shyly, rubbed the floor with his toes, and said coquettishly: "I was wrong, I Didn’t respond.”

Bai Miaomiao gave the other party an angry middle finger, but said nothing because she knew very well that if she opened her mouth again, she would probably be picked up and beaten up by the scumbag in front of her.

"Okay, the instability has been resolved, let's continue talking."

While Ji Wutong rubbed Bai Miaomiao's head, he winked at the old friends around him who looked blank and said, "What are you so dumbfounded about? Why, have you never seen someone playing waist drum?"

The man with a handsome figure whom Liu Li called Brother Zhu sighed sadly: "Is Lao Ji playing with his waist drum? You are just a simple pervert."

Ji Wutong sneered and said with no meaning: "Are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid of your third uncle! There must be something wrong with you! Who are you really praising you for?"

Brother Zhu's mentality collapsed at that time.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

As one of the earliest onlookers to hang out with Ji Wutong, Bai Miaomiao and others, Yinan finally brought the topic back on track with his unique temperament of a cold-faced cool guy: "What do you think of Xiaoliu's proposal? Well, Miaomiao, you No need to jump around, I know you object."

Everyone looked at each other in shock. Because the news came so suddenly, they were unable to make an immediate judgment.


"I object too!"

Accompanied by a refreshing and clear laughter, everyone's expressions suddenly froze, and then they all looked at the guy with his hands raised in the air and his face full of innocuousness with black lines on his head, and they all began to try to kill him with their eyes.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Ji Wutong slowly put down his arm and said with a hurt look on his face: "Miaomiao also objected just now! What's the matter, she is the only one who can object, and I am not allowed to object? You are still being unreasonable, you are all Lolicon! "

Wan Yang's father, the cool silver-haired young lady Wan Teng, glared at him and said dryly: "So why did you go out of your way to beat Miaomiao even though you were opposed to it?"

"Why, do you feel bad? Because she is about the same height as you?"

Ji Wutong laughed narrowly and glanced at Wan Teng with a bad look: "You are a married person, so this is not good."

The next moment, an icy blue light suddenly lit up, and the entire sky was dyed golden red at the same time -

[Ice Dragon Yin - Zero Frozen Ten Directions]

Ice elemental school active skills

Requirements for mastering: Level 750 of the Ice Element School, Level 750 of the Water Element School, possessing the profession [Marginal Man], possessing the title [Water Plasticizer], and having the symbolic power trait of water.

Consumption/limitation: 2% of current symbolic power, 5,000,000 magic value, activated skill [Water Dragon Roar], skill [Water Dragon Roar] in [Freeze] state

Effect: Centered on two ice dragons, it causes extremely terrifying frost damage to the designated area, and permanently replaces the terrain characteristics within the skill range with [Ice Crown Glacier]. If the total attributes of the units affected by the skill are lower than the user's 85 %, skip the damage settlement link and kill directly. Cooling time: none

Traits: If you are in the [Demon Fighting Domain], the damage of this skill is increased by 300%.

[Remarks: The signature starting move of [Water Plasticizer], one of the strongest fringe figures in the contemporary era, the Three Demon Envoys, is a cost-effective technique that integrates damage and environmental control. 】

[Yangyan falls - burning and swallowing everything]

Fire elemental school active skills

Mastery requirements: Level 800 of the Fire Element School, possessing the profession [Marginal Man], possessing the title [Yangyan Envoy], and having the symbolic power trait of Fire

Consumption/limitation: 2% of current symbolic power, 5,000,000 magic value, activated skill [Sun-Blocking Sun], remaining health of skill [Sun-Blocking Sun] \u003e 80%

Effect: Actively drives [Sunfire] to fall, causing extremely terrifying fire damage to the designated area, and permanently replaces the terrain characteristics within the skill range with [Apocalyptic Scorched Earth]. If the total attributes of the units affected by the skill are lower than the user's 90 %, skip the damage settlement link and kill directly. Cooling time: none

Traits: If you are in the [Demon Fighting Domain], the damage of this skill is increased by 300%.

[Remarks: One of the strongest fringe people in the contemporary era, the signature move of [Yang Yan Envoy] of the Three Envoys of Demons, is designed to incinerate a large number of targets with absolute high temperature, and guide the battlefield to a direction more suitable for [Yang Yan] It is a very cost-effective technique that can create an environment where it can be used effectively. 】

In an instant, the frost wind that can freeze the soul suddenly rises, and the roaring ice dragon bursts into pieces, turning into an irresistible cold current and spreading all over the sky. At the same time, a blazing sun tears apart the clouds, as if the doomsday is coming. Falling, and then...

The two sides with the same goal canceled each other out with a 'pop'.

"It's okay to take action if you don't agree. What I'm afraid of is you who have no brains and like to take action."

Ji Wutong, who was completely unscathed except for a few strands of hair blown up by the airflow, and whose oily skin was not even scratched, twitched the corner of his mouth, shrugged and said, "I don't know how different the power compatibility between you two is. Counting? Never heard of water and fire? Never heard of conservation of magic? Haven't read the theorem of elements? Save it. Fortunately, your little Wanyang didn't really inherit half of it, otherwise he might have been created. I've already been entertained by you two before."

Wan Teng and Yang Rui looked at each other, and then suddenly turned to Ji Wutong, who was constantly sarcastic, with murderous intent in their eyes.

And then--

Boom! ! !

A skinny body covered with black smoke fell from the sky, and directly slapped Ji Wutong, who was still screaming, to the ground. Then it disappeared into the air in a gust of wind, leaving only a big palm like a Tathagata. A small herringbone-shaped pit within a large pit.

"Cut the nonsense."

Yi Nan walked to the edge of the pit expressionlessly, with ghostly shadows behind him——

"Hurry up and convince everyone, and then do whatever you have to do."

Chapter 1,376: End

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