Quadruple split

Chapter 1370 Super Spiritual Body·Possessed Body [II]

Scored twice!

Without any psychological preparation, Futaba had already thought about the matter to the point of no return, but suddenly discovered that the undead Yinna who was 'controlled' in front of her could actually speak. Futaba inevitably fell into the second world. Downtime.

We really can't accuse her of not having a strong psychological quality. After all, even if we only look at the last round of blows, it would be enough to cause someone else to collapse for ten days and a half, and Futaba just lost control. It only took a second. After that, although her reason was overwhelmed by anger and she exposed her trump card [Space Magic] to escape from the battlefield, she still maintained the most basic calmness. Not only did she not give the assassin anything to take advantage of, When dealing with his former companions, he used his insane control to perfectly stop them without harming them at all.

Before Yinna spoke, Futaba had only one thought in his mind, which was to immediately subdue the four members of Fenrir's team, then kill all the enemies in sight as quickly as possible, and bring his friends to safety. No matter if we ask Diana or let the unfathomable [Sage of Tuning] help, no matter what, we must get Ned and others out of control and let them return to their graves.

Well... Hei Fan never had the chance to pay homage to them. He happened to be in Academy City this time. Maybe he could be called here when they were burying everyone, so he could have a drink with everyone and say goodbye.

As for Tan Mo, Futaba consciously did not think about him, because she knew very well that her current state was already very dangerous. If she was disturbed by that disgusting bastard, she might really face a trap, let alone Fenrir. The team and Frank were separated, and even she might not be able to protect herself.

So she forced the hatred as hot as magma deep into her consciousness, trying her best to focus only on the current situation, and then...

Then Yinna spoke, a very simple conversation.

"Sister Yinna, why can you talk!?"

"Little girl, why do you treat me like a mute!?"

When the astonished Elf Ranger frowned subtly and shot the arrow at Futaba, the latter really didn't react. Even the instinct of self-protection was thrown away, and he was just abruptly killed. 'Scrape' an arrow.

The damage caused by this arrow was a full 30% of Futaba's health!

Obviously, in the absence of many defensive methods such as magic shields, the undefended Futaba's defense and health are horribly low, so much so that Yinna, a poor first-time high-level player, can hit the vital point without hitting the target. In this situation, one arrow could kill her half-life.

One thing to say, if Yinna had charged up the arrow just now for half a second, and had not been disturbed by the extremely small elemental storm around Futaba, the latter would have been very, very, very likely to be shot by someone. Carried away by waves.

But that's not important!

Not important at all!

What really matters is -

[Oh, you don’t think that I will really give you a chance to think about it, please ask me clearly, right? ah? 】

Obediently being held less than half a meter above the ground by the hand of the earth element, Frank Hughes, who was bewildered, laughed wildly in his heart. At the same time, two messages were sent out by him at the same time——


In the shadows at the corner of the street, a young man wearing a uniform of a comprehensive college student with a nervous expression suddenly turned his head and said this to the funny masked woman behind him who was wearing dark purple tight leather armor and playing with a steel wire.


The latter nodded silently, then took a step forward and disappeared from the sight of this 'Harlequin's outside informant'.

at the same time

‘Use 90% of your strength to gank her, don’t close the message box, now. ’

A friend message suddenly jumped out of the corner of Yidong's field of vision.

"Tsk tsk...I knew it."

Yi Dong smacked his lips and shook his right wrist slightly. The short sword [Crane Rainbow] that he had shown Mo Tan before, which was gray-white and covered with cracks, appeared in his hand, filled with a smell that he had never seen before. The pale white mist.

Although not the most important, but the cooperator who knows the situation, process and even the cause the best, Yidong knows very well that one of himself and the Miss Queen of Hearts in [Harlequin Card] will appear as the last link, and Although Mo Tan said that he would decide which one to activate based on the situation, gay friend A felt from the beginning that unless something unexpected happened, he would definitely be the one to take action.

The reason is very simple. If you want to cooperate with the person named Mo Tan, then in terms of tacit understanding between each other, the corresponding value of any personality between Yi Dong and the former is MAX, and any detail in this may cause In situations of huge consequences, if you want to minimize the risk, there should be no factors that can reduce the precision of the plan.

Therefore, Yi Dong felt from the beginning that although he was far inferior to Lian in terms of quality as an assassin, and the time he could stabilize to the epic level was only five minutes, Mo Tan would still choose him. Therefore, he had already made complete preparations and adjusted his physical condition to the most suitable level for [Super Spirit Body Possession Fusion]. From the moment Fenrir team and others left, he took out the short knife and entered into a certain state.

As he said to Mo Tan before, the profession of [Psychic Medium] is different from regular spellcasters like [Necromancer], and the corresponding talents and skills are also weird. This can probably be understood as the confusing and confusing character of many Chinese cuisines. Recipe, so if you want to get a perfect state, the step of adjusting the state is essential.

Fortunately, Ito-san is... very talented in this area.

So even though he only concentrated on adjusting for five minutes, he still felt that he had indeed entered the 'best state' after receiving the news from Mo Tan, and activated it without hesitation in the next moment. Although the effect was not stated, the price Extremely heavy——

[Possessed Body·Super Spirit Body]

Active talent

Restrictions on use: Possessing the profession [Psychic Medium], possessing the skill [Original Ghost], possessing the natal tablet is not in a cooldown state, possessing any super-spiritual medium/basic attributes not less than 50% of the target spirit

Effect: Within a certain period of time, relying on oneself, the target spirit body will be extradited into the body and the corresponding ability will be obtained. Cooling time: None

[Note: Anyone who can see spirits is not a bad person~]

Although it is a talent with a very brief explanation and a vague description, it is the strongest skill of the character [Lin Dong]. I saw that gray-white mist spreading from the short blade and directly blending into Idong. body, and at the same time, a dark light spread from the latter's left eye.

The next moment, with a faint blue soul fire lighting up in the center of Idong's left eye, this young man with a fresh and sunny temperament outside of Zombie form, and a handsome appearance suddenly hunched over, and there was a burst of something unhuman from his vocal cords. He could let out a low roar, and then he straightened up suddenly like a puppet on strings, and moved his body with a dull expression.

Then more than twenty bones were broken directly.

That's right, just by shaking his neck and shaking his shoulders, [Lin Dong] had more than twenty bones in his body 'broken' by himself. Obviously, at this moment, with his body And the awakened consciousness was not very adapted to the current weak body, so although he only loosened the muscles and bones subconsciously, he still caused heavy damage to Idong's "muscles" in a physical sense, and almost killed his buddy.

But before 'it' started to make the next move, an obscure and dark mist rose from Idong's chest, and in an instant it condensed into an entity behind it, turning into a person with the appearance of [Lin Dong] The man has exactly the same character, but he sees that this 'born ghost' from Yidong has an expressionless face, a black Yintang, and an ashen complexion. He is wearing a suit that is constantly 'flowing' like mist. The moment the black robe appeared behind the body, it took a step forward and became one with Idong.

After that, his right eye, which was originally relatively normal, also changed. Although it still looked clear, a dark soul fire was ignited in it, which was different from the faint blue flame in his left eye. Complementing each other, the fashion value is simply off the charts.

Yidong also regained control of his body at the same time, and it was a relatively advanced body control.

Where exactly is the advanced level? We can give a simple example -

For the vast majority of normal people, such as you who are holding a mobile phone or facing a computer, or me who is typing on the keyboard with empty eyes at this moment, controlling the body means...controlling the body, through the thalamus, brain and forehead. Things like the lobe, striatum, and cerebellum complete the intention, planning, command, control, and execution of movements. You can raise your hands if you want to, and stretch your legs if you want to.

Yidong's current so-called advanced control state adds an additional function to the above, that is, he can use his thoughts to direct his actions.

To be more specific, when we are thirsty, we need to control the body through a series of actions such as getting up, walking, opening the door, unpacking, getting water, twisting the bottle cap, twisting the bottle cap, twisting the bottle cap, tightening the bottle cap, smoking. Cover the bottle cap with a tissue, adjust your breathing rhythm, twist the bottle cap with great force, and drink.

Now, Yidong can only use the thought "I am thirsty and want to drink water", and then his body will complete the above series of actions on its own, and it will 100% follow his own habits. Although the process Similarly, he was the one walking and twisting the bottle caps, but it liberated his mind.

This may sound mysterious at first, but it is actually not difficult to explain.

First of all, Yidong's body at this moment has a total of three levels of control. The highest level is his ontological consciousness, which is not to mention, just like the relationship between us and our own body; the lowest level is the instinct of the super-spiritual body. There is no specific consciousness, but the embodiment of experience and memory. There is no crying, no fuss, no fighting, no grabbing. The middle layer is Idong’s natal ghost, which is responsible for helping the ontological consciousness to strengthen control over the body, and is also responsible for suppressing it. That instinct in the super-spiritual body.

The 'advanced control' described before means that Yidong lets go of his body control and lets his natal ghost come. Naturally, his own natal ghost will not fight against him, and his actions can be exactly the same as his real body.

All in all, until now, Yi Dong has finally fully entered the super spirit mode, and less than two seconds have passed since Mo Tan sent him the message.

That's right, even though we spent a lot of space describing the previous scenes, the passage of time only lasted about a second and a half.

The next moment, under Yidong's will, the natal ghost who had gained control of his body directly controlled [Lin Dong] to rush out of the window and shoot away at the quiet 'battlefield' at an incredible speed. By the way, he was still there. In the process, he took out a funny face mask from his bag and put it on himself.

As for Yidong's body consciousness, he opened the system menu while letting his body move on its own, and took a cursory glance at his character panel——

[Winter·Superspiritual Body: Bene Crow]

Race: Eternals

Sex: Male

Occupations: Frost Mage level 40, Demon Warlock level 40, Cold Scourge Mage level 5, Necromancer level 40, Necromancer level 6, Medium level 27

Superspirit profession: Rogue level 20, Shadow Dancer level 40, Shadow Master level 40, Slayer level 45

HP: 3460/3460

Physical fitness value: 1730/1730

Magic value: 3270/3270

Sensitivity: 5160/5160

Spiritual power value: 100%

Talents: Eternity, boundary between life and death (locked), super-spiritual body, super-spiritual body·possessed body, soul vision, channeling, and ghostly sound

Superspiritual Talents: Cunning, Bloodthirsty, Evil Will, Carnival, Calm Thinking, Pharmacist, Torturer

Basic attributes: Strength 49+100, Dexterity 68+190, Wisdom 267+50, Constitution 73+100

Combat attributes: Undead Knowledge level 39, Demonology level 28, Water Element School level 39, Fire Element School level 25, Spirit Summoning Specialty level 43, Bone Control Specialization level 19, Flesh Specialization level 15, Plague Specialization level 11 .

Combat Attributes: Super Spirit: Lockpicking Level 9, Double Blade Specialization Level 50, Cunning School Level 50, One-Handed Weapon Specialization Level 50

Arcane skills: slightly

Frost skills: slightly

Demon skills: slightly

Bone control skills: slightly

Flesh and blood skills: slightly

Plague skills: slightly

Spirit-calling skills: slightly

Super spirit skills: sprint, disappear, eviscerate, choke, shadow step, heart stab, gyro chop, flesh splitting chop, marrow cutting chop, spinning snake blade, shadow piercing, bloodthirsty sharp knife, critical strike, attack Shadows become twins, souls are broken apart,? ? ? ,? ? ? ,? ? ? ,? ? ?

Equipment: slightly

Main hand weapon: Can Hong-Special-Epic

Off-hand weapon: Soulbinder's Cursed Sphere (Enchanted: Gathering Circle) - Set - Excellent

‘This is my current character panel, no matter how good it is! Let me ask you whether you are awesome or not! ! ’

Yi Dong grinned and copied the character panel intact to Mo Tan.

‘I’m afraid you’re not a big fool, how long has it been since you’ve had the time to copy data for me? ! ’

Mo Tan also responded to the message immediately to save face.

And at the same time that he had just sent the message, a sharp cold light fell from the sky, pointing directly at Futaba's back heart.

Blood splashes——

Chapter 1,361: End

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