Quadruple split

Chapter 137 Cordoba

[You have been disconnected, please choose whether to reconnect. 】

When Mo Tan, who suddenly transformed into a "lawful good" personality, heard this sentence, he quit the game without any hesitation.

"Damn it, why is it at this time!"

When he climbed out of the game cabin, his face was full of worry, and then he washed his face as quickly as possible to wake himself up from the slightly dazed mental state after the personality change.

[I just finished cleaning up those skeleton soldiers, and I was disconnected before I could ask anything...]

When Mo Tan returned to the living room, he threw himself on the sofa. He tried hard to adjust his breathing, trying to restore his mental state to stability as soon as possible.

"Xiao Wenqiu is still there. If the danger is not over yet, it will be difficult for the two players without attribute restraint to protect her. We must go back as soon as possible..." He whispered to himself, rubbing his hands gently. forehead.

Maybe it's nothing to an adult like him, but Mo Tan would never want an inexperienced girl to be 'killed' by those ghastly looking skeletons!

It might leave a psychological shadow!

Mo Tan was a little anxious...

Most people are more or less afraid of the dark, corpses, skeletons and the like, although they are never lethal.

We are afraid of the dark because our eyes, which are used to receive external information most of the time, are restricted. In this case, the human instinct called the sense of crisis will gradually be amplified, and the fear of the unknown will lead to random thoughts and uncontrollable thinking. Wait for the situation, and then it becomes a matter of scaring myself...

In fact, darkness is just a 'lightless' state, and its only lethality on the physical level is that it makes you accidentally fall or bump into something when you can't see clearly. In addition, Gone.

As for corpses or skeletons, their main lethality is still only at the spiritual level. Also because of the sense of crisis, many creatures will become timid when seeing the corpses of their own kind. Especially in certain circumstances, we will subconsciously He brought himself in, and then started all kinds of crazy ideas, and was finally scared to death...

In fact, skeletons in reality are not even as threatening as darkness. With only their skeletons left, they do not cry, make noise, or scream. They can also be used as tools when necessary, and they can even replenish your health when necessary. Calcium is not scary at all, is it? !

But the problem is...

Mo Tan, who can make the above judgment from an objective perspective, may not be afraid, but the innocent and cute Wenqiu, who is inexperienced in the world, may not be afraid. Even if the girl is brave enough, she may not be afraid when she sees those living skeletons in the game. Even when she saw those lively skeletons or even got chopped down by them, she was still calm...

Then he was a little worried!

ten minutes later

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and character information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, the absolutely neutral Black Brahma, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Hodier Avenue, Misha County

"Xiao Wenqiu!" Mo Tan turned around anxiously and shouted immediately after getting online.

"Xiao Wenqiu is here!" The girl standing a few meters in front of him stretched out her little hands and shouted energetically.

"Eh?" Mo Tan was obviously a little dumbfounded.

"Brother Hei Fan, were you dragged out of the game room by your roommate just now?" The girl blinked her clear and bright black eyes, skipped up to Mo Tan and said with a smile: "The relationship is so good!"

Mo Tan laughed dryly: "Ha, hahaha... yes, the relationship is indeed quite good. What about those two people just now?"

"Those two big brothers just now?" Wenqiu stretched out his index finger and lightly tapped his pink lips, tilted his head: "It seems that he was afraid of monsters or something, and he ran away soon after Brother Hei Fan disappeared. It fell!"

Mo Tan used the wolf whistle to summon Xiao Bai again, then picked up Wenqiu's petite body and put it on Xiao Bai's back, frowning slightly: "Aren't they planning to run away with you?"

"I told you!" The girl shook her head vigorously and said with a smile, "But I have to wait for Brother Hei Fan to come back, so I didn't go with them~"

Mo Tan turned over and rubbed Wenqiu's hair lovingly: "That's good, it seems those two are good people."

"Yes, yes, they are all good people..."

at the same time

Black Tower City, Thieves Guild, Shadow Hall

The second-level receptionist 'Golden Teeth' Tatami is curled up in a chair and doing her nails out of boredom. She is a middle-aged female dwarf dressed in a coquettish way. She is also a senior member of the Thieves Guild in Black Tower City, although her strength is not very good. , but because she has a wide network of contacts and is not bad at getting things done, her life is relatively smooth.

She is very satisfied with herself for being able to climb to the position of second-level receptionist in this place. You must know that the Thieves Guild here in Black Tower City not only pays well, but also earns enough money. When she occasionally goes out for business, It is also face-saving enough, so Tatami cherishes her position very much.

"But it's been so boring these days..."

She muttered in a low voice, threw the dagger decorated with inferior gems on the round table in front of her, held her cheek and sighed. The dazzling big gold teeth shined near the corner of her mouth, which was particularly cool.

An orc thief who had just completed the task walked up to her and said with a rather teasing smile: "Sister Jin, listen to my brother's advice, let's sell this tooth. This thing can at least destroy half of your life." Stealth level.”

"I want you to take care of it." Tatami curled her lips and rolled her eyes at the orc in front of her: "Go away, I don't have time to entertain you."

The orc thief chuckled: "Thank God, Sister Jin, I really can't stand your 'entertainment' brother..."

"It's blocking the road."

A cold voice sounded behind him.

The orc thief turned around suddenly: "Who?"

Then he was gently pushed aside. The other party didn't even look at him. He just walked slowly to Tatami, threw a piece of paper on the table in front of her, and said in a deep voice: "A little bit." interested."

Tatami raised his head and looked at the young, handsome, cold, and uneasy-looking human man in front of him. He picked up the note in front of him and glanced at it: "This is..."

"Explain it." The other party said softly, his slightly narrowed eyes not even looking at her.

Before Tatami could speak, the orc thief who was pushed aside just now said angrily: "You impolite little..."

"Shut up!" Tatami glared at him, coughed slightly, and asked the young man in front of him seriously: "Who are you? What level are you at?"

She subconsciously felt that the other party was not simple.

"Cordoba, mid-level thief" the other party cherished his words like gold.

The orc curled his lips: "Tsk, I thought it was so powerful, but it turns out it was just a hit..."

"Shut up, Scarface!" Tatami slammed the table and said angrily to the orc, "You have nothing to do here now!"

The latter curled his lips and left in frustration.

[This young man is not simple! 】

Looking at the Mr. Cordoba in front of her, Tatami immediately judged in her mind that she was quite accurate in seeing people. Even though she only took a few glances, the guy in front of her was definitely not an ordinary person. The middle-level thief!

Although the equipment on his body is not eye-catching, it is all expensive and good goods. The appearance that seems to be looked down upon by no one is worthy of scrutiny. Even if his strength is indeed only at the mid-level level, since he can have such a temperament, it can be seen that this person The young man either had a strong background or a powerful trump card, and his slightly narrowed eyes seemed to have two sharp knives hidden inside, which made Tatami, who was also a middle-level thief, shiver all over. Anyway...

This kind of person must not be offended!

[Scarred face like a dog, you owe me once! 】

"I won't ask any more questions." Tatami breathed a sigh of relief, then raised his head and smiled at the young man in front of him: "Do you want to know more information?"

The other party nodded slightly.

"Okay, let's go inside and talk."

five minutes later

Shadow hall, small reception room

"Here's the thing." Tatami put a piece of paper in front of the other party and whispered: "Something belonging to our Black Tower Thieves Guild has been robbed. The other party is probably still in the city now. That thing is this..."

The young man glanced at the piece of paper in front of him with a small box drawn on it, and nodded: "Continue."

"There is a very important piece of information here for our guild." Tatami shrugged: "I don't know the details, but one thing is for sure, that is, except for our Black Tower Guild, others Even if you get the box, you can't open it, so the other party's purpose is probably..."

Cordoba interrupted impatiently: "The point."

"Okay." Tatami didn't mean to be angry at all, but said with a smile on his face: "In short, as long as we find any clues related to this box, as long as we confirm that it is valid, the guild will give us a reward of 50,000 gold coins. , fifty thousand gold coins of clean money.”

The other party shook his head: "Not interested."

"Of course, I have already guessed it." Tatami smiled: "What you are interested in should be the 'Quota for a certain ruins exploration team', right?"

The young man nodded.

"In fact, that relic is related to the information in that box." Tatami shrugged and spread his hands and said, "I don't know more about it."

"Okay." Cordoba nodded, and then suddenly asked softly: "So, if I help you get something back, what is the reward?"

Tatami suddenly trembled: "What did you say?!"

"Is there any problem?" The other party looked at her coldly, caressing the dagger on her waist, and murmured: "How will you know if you don't try it?"

To be honest, if the other party is really just a mid-level thief, this idea is really outrageous...

Of course, Tatami would not say these words. She just followed the instructions above and replied seriously: "If you can directly help the guild find that thing, in addition to the quota for the exploration team just mentioned, In addition, we will also give you..."

She swallowed: "Two hundred and fifty thousand gold coins, clean."

"That's all?" The young man in front of him raised his eyebrows, seeming a little disappointed in his tone.

"Yes, yes..." Tatami said with a wry smile: "That's it. Of course, we can guarantee that we will not 'trouble you' afterwards, and at the same time we will not leak your personal information. In the name of the Black Tower Thieves Guild, As a guarantee."

The implication is, don’t worry about killing you if we give you money.

Cordoba nodded slightly, stood up and said, "I understand, see you later."

Tatami bowed.

ten minutes later

Black Tower City Thieves Guild, third underground floor, a certain room

"That's what happened, Lord Muse." Tatami lowered her head and whispered to the person in front of her who was covered in leather armor: "I think that kid may have some background..."

Muse Anzhi, the vice-president of the Black Tower City Thieves Guild, waved his hand: "I understand, let's get down."

Tatami left.

"If he really gets the thing back, then there is nothing to say." Muse gently blew out the only oil lamp in the room, and said to himself in the dead darkness: "But if he fails Now...I might as well make friends with that little guy and see where he comes from..."

four hours later

Black Tower City, Room 11, Liuli Pavilion

Mo Tan, who had just come online, walked out of the lounge, glanced at Cole who was slumped in the hall with a smile, and blinked: "Is the matter done?"

The young man named Korshurun, whose previous alias was Cordoba, immediately became excited, stood up and bowed to Mo Tan: "It's done, sir, it's exactly as you expected."

"How do you feel?" Mo Tan did not get down to business first, but asked jokingly: "Is it exciting?"

"Exciting!" Cole let out a long breath and said with a wry smile: "It was so exciting. I broke out in a cold sweat after I came back and my whole body was stiff."

Mo Tan whistled loudly, threw himself on the sofa in front of Cole, and said with a smile: "Just get used to it, they must have been frightened by you, right?"

The stressed-out young thief nodded: "Yes, I have said everything you asked me to say before, and I also basically know the specific content of the reward..."

Then he recounted the previous conversation with Tatami to Mo Tan.

"Haha, they really have a way to open this thing." Mo Tan played with the small box in his hand, his elusive eyes full of joy: "Two hundred and fifty thousand gold coins, tsk tsk, it turns out to be such a valuable thing. Very good, very good, really good~~~”

Cole blinked: "So what are your next plans?"

Mo Tan grinned: "You can go to the Thieves Guild again tonight."

"Oh, I understand!" Cole nodded, and then said with a smile: "Sir, you are really awesome, you made 250,000 gold coins easily!"

"Idiot." Mo Tan snorted, his smile turned cold instantly, and interrupted: "Do you think I'm going to let you exchange this thing for a bounty?"

Cole was stunned for a moment: "Isn't it?"

"Of course not." Mo Tan shook his head and held out two fingers: "There are two reasons..."

Cole: "?"

"First, as long as the people over there are not stupid, then don't plan on coming back alive~" Mo Tan winked at Cole and smiled: "You will definitely die."

The latter was immediately dumbfounded: "Huh?"

"Second, I think two hundred and fifty thousand gold coins is a bit too little."


Chapter 134: End

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