Quadruple split

Chapter 1356 Advance Remuneration

"Tsk, tsk, it's my first time to visit my secret little stronghold, I always feel a little excited."

Under the guidance of the boss behind the counter, the mass-produced Four of Hearts, Scarlett sneaked underground through the trap door inside the wine cabinet, and found the 'dressing room' specially prepared for herself at the end. , walked in with a rather excited expression.

Joining the [Harlequin Card] was an accident within an accident for Scarlett Diesel. She really didn't expect that she was just going to the Violet Empire to visit her mentor, Fernand. The Grand Duke 'Mercury Core Fernand' was somehow involved in the coup of that empire.

However, even though she did not understand the ins and outs of the matter, Scarlett, who went to the royal capital Salamoun with Archduke Fernando at the time (at that time, the Archduke thought he really wanted to discuss the plague issue, so he took her there to play) was not very enthusiastic. Not only did he join the investigation team as a member of the Fernando family [Irongate Guards], but he also appeared as a guard of Archduke Fernando in the Marshall Territory crusade. The Grand Duke who had a few hairs left was messy.

And just after the battle, I don't know who I heard it from, but the man named Anthony Dabbs actually found me in private and sent out an interesting invitation.

To put it simply, I hope that Scarlett Diesel will become a member of a charity organization, which does not require many obligations, and can also receive a lot of benefits every month. The most important thing is that it is fun and not boring.

It has to be said that this proposal is exactly what Scarlett wants. After all, this girl is not an easy-going person. This can only be seen from the fact that she is obviously a direct member of the Diesel family, but she is always thinking about where to go. Just run outside the grassland and you will know.

Unlike Liadrin, although Scarlett is a very talented knight, she does not have a strong sense of responsibility and honor. Even if she is not as rebellious as Jadka, she can still be regarded as a weirdo. What she usually likes the most is making trouble, and she can't sit still. She was allowed to leave the grassland to study in the Fernand family. The reason was not only that Scarlett was indeed talented in playing shield, but also that she was too noisy. You can change the method every day and torment people.

To be honest, this girl's personality is more suitable for opening a tavern or nightclub in a place like the Free City or Anka Market than being a glorious Diesel Cavalry in the Cassello Grassland.

All in all, Scarlett, who had already finished the war and was about to return to the Cassero grassland, could not withstand the temptation at all. She was blocked in the room by the man who called himself 'Anthony Dabbs' and chatted for less than three minutes. I agreed to the other party when I was little, and accepted the [Seven of Clubs] card half-heartedly.

A few months after that, Scarlett returned to the grassland and established a stable relationship with [Harlequin Card]. However, regrettably, the person who contacted her later was always a person who called himself [King of Hearts]. Cadres are not the 'ghost cards' that make you laugh evilly and please yourself.

That's right, although that person's code name in the organization should technically be [King], Scarlett still likes to call him by another name, which is 'Ghost Card'.

She felt that the latter was more in line with that man's temperament than 'King'.

After that, Scarlett, who couldn't rest, naturally got a place in an exchange group, and followed Galahad to Academy City, and saw the [Heart Peach] on the day she arrived here. K].

Foster Ward, although Liadrin and the others were not familiar with this name, Scarlett, who had been actively absorbing information from the outside world, knew how great this man was. In addition to being surprised, she was also fascinated by that photo. It was astonishing that Guipai could recruit such people into his staff.

Inexplicably, Scarlett's sense of belonging to the [Harlequin Card] has become stronger.

Many people seem to have this situation, that is, when you find that a person who you think is very powerful and formidable is actually a member of an organization, and you happen to be in it, no matter what your previous impression of the organization was, you will soon The impression score may go up suddenly within a certain period of time.

And when the matters related to the [Comprehensive Knight Fighting Competition] were finalized, Scarlett actually received another contact from the K, and found that the other party not only knew the tactical arrangements of the Diesel delegation, but even specially prepared some for herself. The 'backup means' can just make up for several possible hidden dangers in the original plan.

‘Win the team finals’, Scarlett Diesel never expected that this would be the first task she received since joining [Harlequin Card].

To be honest, even though she was a formal member of the exchange group, Scarlett probably couldn't muster the energy to fight for the honor of her family. But after the King of Hearts contacted her, this The girl was on fire at that moment.

People who find the mysterious organization interesting are not just players like Mu Xuejian who are a little bit good at it, but there are also NPCs who can't stop thinking about things all day long.

All in all, Scarlett Diesel rarely went all out, which is the core reason why she rushed to Liadrin's side in the finals to cover her retreat.

It is true that she likes her sister Leia very much, but this reason is not enough for Scarlett to use 120% of her strength to save her in a situation that does not harm her life. To be honest, she finds it troublesome. .

However, Scarlett was still unable to use the 'backup method' after all, because the direction of the battle was too tightly controlled. Even though the Paladin Academy was very tenacious, and even though Mu Xuejian was so strong that it was suffocating, she was still defeated by Brother Mo. The arrangements were made clearly, and there were no unplanned situations until the end.

After that, everything was quiet for a while, until three days ago, Scarlett, who was bored, received contact again, and it was outside of routine communication.

It was a rather interesting anonymous commission. [Harlequin Card] had already accepted it, and after studying and discussing the 'ghost card' and the King of Hearts, it was agreed that Scarlett was very suitable to participate in this task.

The content is very simple, that is - 'Kill an official member of the Miracle City delegation'

To be honest, even with Scarlett Diesel's psychological endurance, which is far above average, she was so frightened when she received the specific task content that she hit her head on the bed board. , the whole person was a little confused.

She knows that there are a lot of bad guys in the organization, but she also knows that [Harlequin Card], as an emerging evil force...well, a charity organization, actually doesn't have a very strong foundation, so this is really a bit outrageous. !

Assassinating a person is not a problem. As long as it is a stranger whom she does not know, Scarlett's three views are not so correct. If the other person is not a good person, there is nothing to say. Even if the person is not a heinous person, it is just because of different stances. It's not like she has never done anything to kill her.

Assassinating a person from the City of Miracles is somewhat problematic. After all, the existences that can be included in the sphere of influence of the City of Miracles are basically oxen, either people standing at the top of the pyramid of the mage world, or their apprentices and others. relationship person.

And assassinating an official member of the Miracle City delegation is really a bit too much.

You must know that most of the forces are different from the Diesel family who treat the exchange meeting as a big vacation (plus horse trading). Take the Holy Religion Alliance as an example. There are only seven people in the entire exchange group, including Mo Tan, who is a trainee member. .

Among these six people, in addition to Yi Zuo, even the three trainee members are respectively the Holy Maiden of Dawn, the Holy Son of the Sun, and the new generals of the Dawn Sect. Their compositions can be said to be quite good.

In other words, the situation in the City of Miracles is not much different...

Uh... it should be about the same?

Before revealing the details of the mission, Scarlett actually had a bit of luck.

Well, it was gone after I opened it.

The information sent by the King of Hearts was very clear. The City of Miracles only sent a total of three people this time. One of them was the [Tuning Sage] from the Parliament of Truth, and another trainee member was from the Artificial Magic Eye family. The eldest lady Evie Lehman, and then... is the target of this mission, a high-level mage named Futaba. Although his strength and qualifications are not enough, he still relies on a paper to let [Kiritsuki Ken Author] Kenneth A. Azizolti became its sponsor and became a formal member of the delegation as a 'Miracle City Scholar', a real rising star and rising star.

Not only that, according to the reality in the data appendix, that Futaba is even the sister of [The Sage of the Mist Moon], the apprentice of the great astrologer Diana A. Azizolti. The latter also came here, although the representative It was the Archizolti family, not the City of Miracles, but the two of them had been living together since they came to Academy City.

Was he actually entrusted to participate in the assassination of such a person?

Scarlett was dumbfounded at the time. She always felt that no matter whether the deal was successful or not, she might not have a place for her on the entire continent the next day.

The Diesel family is really awesome and is undoubtedly the number one family of knights, but one of its members assassinated a scholar from the City of Miracles for no reason, and he was also a scholar with such a strong background. Once this matter was exposed, Darien would be afraid It can't cover him either.

It is true that the Diesel family has powerful legends, and they are probably the most powerful lords in the world, but there are even more legends in the floating city. Those [XX Sages] in the Parliament of Truth are all real people. The [Sage]! A sage who has the same meaning as the great lord!

To be honest, if it weren't for the more than ten pages of detailed plans and risk assessments attached to the information, Scarlett would have torn up the stack of things brought by the person who sent the K of Hearts on the spot.


It has to be said that [Harlequin Card] really put a lot of effort into this operation, and after carefully reading the operation plan, Scarlett found that as long as she strictly followed the above content, no matter whether the assassination was successful or not, Scarlett ·The chance of Diesel being discovered is infinitely close to zero. Even if he is exposed, the King of Hearts also implicitly revealed that the law enforcement team will do their best to help clear the relationship and even create evidence...

Put at risk, he is just an assassination target of a high-level peak mage, and the information in this area is also extremely detailed. Not only does it mention that Futaba is a mage of the whole system, but the assessment of all aspects of abilities is also very detailed, and even The character of the other party was written into it, as if... a roundworm in Futaba's belly had rebelled.

Gan! Still don’t do it! This is a problem.

And when Scarlett started to think about this question seriously, the answer was actually self-evident.

"Really, it's a bit too exciting anyway."

Her strength is also at the peak of high-level. Scarlett, who has studied in the Fernando family for seven full years and is the true successor of the current [Imperial Iron Gate] Mercury Core Fernando, is not weak. In fact, in one-on-one battles, Scarlett In the case of picking, she has surpassed most of the professionals who are also high-level peaks. Even Liadrin may not be able to get benefits in front of Scarlett who is going all out.


If the information provided by the King of Hearts is true, the Free City scholar named Futaba, who is at the same peak as himself, is probably... in terms of combat effectiveness...

"Big monster level."

Scarlett, who had already changed her outfit, sighed deeply and put a gray cloak on herself.

Now she has put on a set of silver-gray full-body armor, which is very slim-fitting. Two sets of magic scrolls and dozens of magic gems are stuck in the two huge wrist guards with somewhat uncoordinated proportions. There was a black one-handed war hammer hanging on it, which looked quite fierce.

But these are not the main point. The most important thing is a dark purple diamond-shaped shield stuck on Scarlett's right arm.


Category: One-handed shield

Quality: Unique Epic

Defense: strong

Attributes: Strength +20, Constitution +80, Dexterity -25, Shield Specialization +5, Critical Hit Rate -25%, Critical Hit Damage -25%


[Liberation]: When you use specific skills, the shield can be split into up to 4 [Remaining Scenery] parts. Each part is combined with each other, and its independent attribute is 1/4 of the [Fan Scenery] attribute.

[Spin]: When the shield is driven out of the body, the attributes are regarded as 120%, the defense is promoted to [Strong], and the effect when using related skills is increased by 30%.

[Spin]: When the [Spin] effect is correctly triggered, [Scenery] will be easier for you to control.

[Reconstruction]: The separated [Remnant Scenery] can be combined freely. The attributes will be 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of [Fan Scenery] according to the degree of completion. The combination method is not limited.

[Fragile]: The durability consumption is 200% of similar equipment, and it cannot be repaired after the durability is completely consumed.

Equipment requirements: Strength\u003e100, Constitution\u003e130, Shield Specialization level 40

[Remarks: In the Holy Calendar, 8203, on the 8th day of the Lanzhi month, the Fernan family gave this gift to the current patriarch of the Marshall family as a thank you for the large amount of disaster relief funds given free of charge. 】

"I love getting paid in advance~"

Scarlett gently stroked the shield on her arm and placed a gentle kiss on it——

"I love [Harlequin]~"

Chapter 1,347: End

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