Quadruple split

Chapter 1353 Dilemma

Team Fenrir is Futaba's first and last NPC partners since she entered the Innocence Realm. Admittedly, her current circle is not considered small, but strictly speaking, the position of her mentor Ana Ta Rasha Basically, they can be equated with elders, big or small; Diana is a somewhat short-minded and academic elder sister, but she needs Futaba's 'apprentice' to take care of her in daily life.

Not to mention others, Diana’s brother [Sage of the Brumaire] Kenneth A. Achizoltti is a sponsor, investor and leader, and the regent of the Violet Empire, Hugh Bresne, is Collaborators who have the same goals for a specific period of time.

All in all, they are not partners.

Perhaps after several copies, Frank Hughes, who has initially shown his ability and talent, is infinitely close to this position, but in fact, he has not been removed from the suspicion range by Futaba from the beginning to the end, but it is the most difficult for him to set foot in that field. people.

Unlike Mo Tan, who has a 'chaotic neutral' personality, Futaba is still more emotional after all. Although the two are equally matched in terms of intelligence and strategy, given Mo Tan's mental state, he has been in society since he was a child. He is no stranger to 'interpersonal communication', and can even be said to be an expert in related fields.

For example, suppose there is a gangster who robs a bank and is blocked in the lobby by a policeman. He is holding a gun against the head of a hostage, and Mo Tan appears as a 'negotiation expert'. If nothing unexpected happens, The following three situations may occur:

1. Mo Tan moved him with emotion and reason, and relied on his strong personality to influence the gangster and make him surrender.

2. Mo Tan empathizes with the gangsters, lamenting the glitz of the world, the ill-fated fate, and being unable to control himself, tempting them to relax.

3. Motan stimulates the gangsters to leave their ink marks, so that the hostages and suspects can be freed, and they can go to jail or be imprisoned in a mental hospital.

All in all, although he does not play according to the routine in certain situations, it does not mean that Mo Tan does not understand the routine or cannot play the cards. In fact, in terms of human relations and sophistication, this psychopath can be said to be authoritative. Yes, if one day I think of launching a program similar to "Intimate Brother" on the Internet, it may become popular accidentally.

But Futaba's experience in this area is infinitely close to zero. Although this girl's online style is lively and almost convulsive, she is almost a pure theoretical school when it comes to communicating with people. After all, she has never left compulsory education. Unlike Mo Tan, who is even an active college student now, her 'home' is almost completely hopeless.

It is common to not go out for ten days and a half. I do aerobic exercise on a homemade treadmill (the number of steps I walk every day still cannot exceed four digits). My income is basically to use dirty money. I rely on express delivery for shopping and food. They all rely on takeaways, and the hygiene at home is taken care of by the [Cleaning Robot·Change] controlled by NAVI.

Unlike many people's concept of a dead-at-home girl, Futaba's quality of life has always been high. First of all, she has a relatively stable illegal income. Secondly, she is also a relatively clean girl. This is evident from her It can be seen that there are garbage bags everywhere in the house instead of garbage everywhere, so its residence is not a smoky pigsty, but an orderly den in chaos, with the user's comfort as the top priority.

All in all, the number of times Futaba has interacted with people face-to-face can be said to be very few. It turns out that this girl can open the door and pick up takeaways after all. After researching NAVI, she has stopped communicating with those couriers or takeaway guys. .

Therefore, it is inevitable that despite being extremely rich in theoretical knowledge and having very good emotional and intellectual intelligence, Futaba still has many shortcomings in offline interpersonal communication, at least in Mo Tan's eyes, there is no doubt that they are 'shortcomings'.

It is true that everything in the game Innocence is actually 'online', but given the insane realism of this game, it is actually no different from 'offline'.

Under this premise, no matter how wise Futaba is, no matter how calm and thoughtful she is, there is no way she can be completely calm when facing her comrades who have lived and died with her.

No matter how small the disturbance is, it is enough to cause loopholes and flaws in her, and under Mo Tan's careful arrangement, any negligence is enough to make Futaba face catastrophe.

It's not that Mo Tan underestimates Futaba, but the latter has proven this with actual actions before.

You must know that Futaba is by no means the kind of character who cares about people. Even with Diana, whom she had been with day and night for several months, she only reminded him repeatedly to 'pay attention to scumbags', and her hostility towards Frank Hughes was basically the same. They were all done deliberately to test the latter, not to mention other people.

However, when she met 'Black Van' in Academy City, she still subconsciously 'cared about' and 'enlightened' this comrade who she had only interacted with for a while when she was in the trap, and had basically never seen him again after that. , and even used his own judgment to doubt whether 'Black Fan' could not get out of the shadow of the team's total annihilation, and expressed some vague relief.

To be honest, this kind of thing wouldn’t be surprising if it happened to other people, but when it happened to Futaba, it was very serious...

The iron tree blooms and the mute speaks at a serious level!


Yidong frowned and took a sip of the coffee, which was actually sweet enough, and said with a bad smile: "How should I put it? Listening to what you said, I always feel that your SUN is actually a good girl. There is so much friendship."

Mo Tan shook his head and said dryly: "First of all, that SUN girl is not from my family. Secondly, human nature is inherently multi-faceted. There is no absolute good girl or bad girl. Is Xiao Ge classmate good? Okay? Think about the scene when she cooked a large table of dishes and let everyone eat with great anticipation."

"……Depend on!"

After thinking about the scene described by Mo Tan, Yidong, who was suddenly speechless, shuddered hard and held it in for a long time before he cursed.

"But to be honest, if I have a choice, I don't want to use the existence of Ned and the others to kill Futaba. After all, this kind of thing is just adding salt to other people's wounds. Futaba doesn't have many friends, so for Fenri Team Er has always taken her very seriously, and although she persuaded me to come here before, I’m afraid she still hasn’t let it go until now.”

While Mo Tan gently stirred the coffee in front of him, he sighed helplessly: "But there is no way. If we don't do it here, I don't know when the next chance will be. And you also saw it, How fast are those at the top of the rankings progressing, let Futaba develop..."

"You don't think you can kill her?"

Yi Dong made a funny expression and smiled mischievously: "Are you in a hurry?"

"It can be said that, you know, Futaba is now standing in front of the threshold of the epic. In Diana's words, although the bottleneck exists objectively, with Futaba's talent, it will not be surprising at any time. Until then..."

Mo Tan pinched the purple diamond-shaped scale between his eyebrows and said solemnly: "Do you think these things I designed can control Xiao Yu?"

Yidong blinked, thinking about Cordoba's fighting power, and immediately shook his head like a rattle: "It can't be done, it can't be done. As for Xiaoyu, he can definitely escape calmly with strength and cleverness. He is a million-year-old man." Second brother, who can stop him if he starts to get ruthless?"

"Yes, Xiaoyu is very strong, very strong."

Mo Tan nodded and smiled dryly: "But if Futaba breaks through to the epic realm, with her ability to control magic like an arm and a finger, her strength will never be as good as Xiao Yu, or even... stronger."

Yi Dong twitched the corner of his mouth and said in shock: "Well, I definitely understand the truth, but is it too exaggerated to be stronger than Xiao Yu? That guy is not a human at all..."

"According to your logic, the people on the first page of the rankings don't count as people."

Mo Tan glanced at Yi Dong and explained slowly: "I believe that Xiao Yu must have an advantage in terms of attributes. Even if Futaba can advance to the epic level, it will be the same, but you must also know that spell casters are as reliable as Xiao Yu. People who eat physical hardware are completely different concepts. For the same problem, if Xiaoyu can complete one solution, Futaba will probably have no less than a hundred solutions, so the difficulty of being an enemy of these two people is completely different."

Ito nodded in understanding, and then gave up thinking: "Okay, okay, anyway, I just need to know that now is the best chance to kill Futaba, there is no need to explain so many things to me. "


Mo Tan nodded slightly and lay weakly on his back. Although his expression was calm, Yi Dong could still feel that the brother in front of him was probably a little unsure.

"I said, you must have been planning this drama for a long time, right?"

Yi Dong kicked Mo Tan from under the table, and asked with a twitching corner of his mouth: "I am in the light, and you are in the dark. Basically, the whole process is calculated mentally and unintentionally. The preparation for Academy City started a few months ago. If you do it, don’t tell me that you’re not sure yet? Or is it just because you’re ‘Mo’ now that you can’t bear to do it?”

Mo Tan picked up the coffee in front of him and drank it in one gulp. He shook his head and said: "Even now, I won't be entangled with this kind of thing. Futaba is not an NPC. Even if she is killed in the realm of innocence, she Nothing will really happen to me, and neither her relationship with Diana nor the resources in the City of Miracles will be completely cut off with the account wash. With her methods, even if she can It’s not surprising that the account completed the recovery of the network on the same day, and there is a high probability that... her special profession of [law controller] can also be easily re-unlocked. Don’t forget that Futaba is different from ordinary players, she is real I’m studying mysticism, instead of casting spells by silently reciting the skill names in my mind.”

"Who are you talking to? Are you addicted to popular science?"

Yi Dong glared at Mo Tan and said angrily: "Just tell me the conclusion."

"The conclusion is that there is no reason why I can't bear to take action, and I will never show mercy."

Mo Tan rubbed his hair and said dryly: "To put it bluntly, I'm just not sure..."

Yidong was shocked at that time and said in astonishment: "You have prepared to this extent and you are not sure yet? What the hell is that Futaba girl?"

"It's not her problem, it's my problem."

Mo Tan took a deep breath and smiled bitterly: "It's just that there was a sudden problem with the budget..."

Yi Dong took a breath of cold air and said in a shocked voice: "Damn it, you still need money for this thing?"

“It’s not a budget in terms of money.”

Mo Tan shook his head and said solemnly: "I should have told you before, I was impersonated."

Yidong was stunned for a moment, then his expression suddenly became serious, and he nodded: "I told you."

"Then you should know that the seriousness of this matter is even greater than Futaba."

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes, subconsciously clenched his right fist, and whispered: "I was impersonated by myself. In an unsolvable situation that I can't refuse, brother... you know what this means."

Yidong rubbed his forehead and said hesitantly: "It means that there is a kind-hearted person who does not want to be named and is secretly acting as a wingman for you? Like me?"

"It means that there is someone other than you who probably knows my identity, my condition, and the connection between my three characters, 'Hei Fan', 'Tan Mo', and 'Mo'."

Mo Tan ignored his friend's nonsense trying to lighten the atmosphere and said in a deep voice: "This incident disrupted my rhythm. I must catch him, and I must catch him before the end of this exchange meeting, otherwise It’s very possible that I’ll miss the truth, and in that case, I won’t be able to have a solid night’s sleep.”

"I agree, it's a real problem, a big problem."

Ito lowered her voice subconsciously and asked: "So... what does this have to do with Futaba?"

"Resource tilt relationship."

While Mo Tan was fiddling with the silver spoon in the cup absently, he said slowly: "You should know that no matter what kind of personality I am, I am no match for Futaba. Even if you and Captain Ned are included, I can't. I can't help her, so I have to devote a lot of extra resources to this matter. According to common sense, if it is just to kill Futaba, the cards in my hand are actually quite sufficient, and there is even a surplus, but..."

"But if you want to catch the person pretending to be you, you have to devote more resources to it, and it is said that the person can also dress in casual clothes, a very awesome kind of casual clothes."

Ito nodded and said: "In other words, you must split the cards in your hand into two and play them out. In this way, when you first have to do your best to find out the impostor, you can leave Futaba with The cards will be greatly reduced, right?"

"Completely correct."

Mo Tan held his forehead and said with a rather ugly expression: "Although I temporarily added some chips and tried to make a balance as much as possible, it is still unknown whether it will work. Futaba is too vigilant. If We cannot directly defeat her with the power of thunder..."

"Are you just too cold?"

"I guess so."

"Can't you go back on your word? It's not up to you whether you can honor your bet or not."

"Haha, do you think 'I' will not honor the bet? Do you think 'I' will make the other party feel that 'I' can't afford to lose?"

"I'll talk to my dad tomorrow morning..."

"With Uncle Yi? What are you talking about?"

"Ask him if there is anyone above him! Can I get some money from you after everything is over!!"

Chapter 1,344: End

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