Quadruple split

Chapter 1340 Straight ball

Facing the sweet and fair-skinned petite girl who he had only glanced at from afar in the player preparation area yesterday, who had already combed her beautiful silver hair into three braids, Mo Tan smiled politely at Teresa. ·Tarosa said hello.


Teresa was stunned for a moment, then she shook her head with a red face, and said softly: "I should be the one to say this. Pastor Heifan, your achievements in Misha County and Sumir are not as good as mine." Academics who have always lived in a comfortable environment are far incomparable."

After saying this fluently, even Teresa herself was shocked. You must know that she could hardly communicate with strangers in the past, but it turned out to be the 'first time' between the two of them. It's a bit incredible that he behaves so naturally in the dialogue.

"Forget it about Misha County..."

Mo Tan rubbed the tip of his nose nonchalantly and said with a wry smile: "How come it's even spread here that I went through all the trouble in Sumir?"

He admitted simply and neatly, out of some kind of intuition and resonance, that he didn't think his business excuse would have any effect on the girl in front of him.

"It's just a guess after reading the battle cases over there...well, it's just a guess."

Teresa lowered her eyes and murmured softly: "There shouldn't be many people who can tell, and I will keep it a secret for you, ah! I accidentally told Senior Foster and Senior Lian before... I'm sorry. .”

Mo Tan shook his head and waved his hand: "Actually, it's not a big deal. It doesn't matter if you don't care. I'm just curious why the person I'm playing against today is not Foster, but you, Ms. Teresa. He's So you want to win against me?"

"Just call me Teresa!"

The girl first inexplicably emphasized the matter of address, then nervously looked down at the toes of her shoes, and said with a blush: "Actually... this was not Senior Foster's idea, but I asked him to help arrange it. Because... I want to fight you, Pastor Heifan."

Mo Tan blinked and pointed at the tip of his nose in confusion: "You want to fight me? Why?"

"This...this is because...because...I read the information about Pastor Hei Fan from your previous two commands before, and I thought you were very powerful...but because I didn't sign up before, that's why..."

The girl stammered a lot, then cautiously raised her head to glance at Mo Tan, who had a delicate expression, and asked timidly: "Do you believe it?"

"In theory I should believe it."

Mo Tan twitched the corner of his mouth and said helplessly: "But after listening to your last sentence... I feel like there is something hidden in it."

Teresa pursed her lips, and her beautiful silver-gray eyes gradually began to become misty. To put it simply, she was about to cry.

[Ah... could it be that I said something bullying... Why do I look like I'm about to cry again! Is this girl a little too slender? ! 】

Mo Tan was sitting on the wax at that time, and then he thought about it. Compared with the lot of troubles he was currently facing, why this seemingly innocent girl wanted to have sex with him didn't seem to be very important, so he coughed lightly. , prepare to talk about something casually to put this topic aside for the time being.

Although there was no basis for it, Mo Tan always felt that if this topic continued, something more terrifying than Theresa's crying would happen.


"because I like you!"

Before Mo Tan could change the topic, Teresa suddenly yelled this sentence at the highest volume. Of course, given that this girl's voice was really sweet, even if she used 'roar', it would not make people laugh. It feels harsh, but inexplicably has a refreshing feeling.

But if the content of this sentence is taken into consideration, then for Mo Tan at this moment, this concise and comprehensive sentence with a huge amount of information is not as simple as refreshing the heart, and the magnitude is directly reaching the heart and lungs. !

The air was frozen this second, still frozen the next second, and still frozen the next second.

They remained frozen for a full five minutes. During this time, both Mo Tan and Teresa fell into a state of immobility that was infinitely close to downtime.

Finally, five minutes later, the girl's legs weakened because she was shaking so hard that she couldn't support her body. She knelt down on the ground and broke the silence with a gesture that seemed like a gesture of worship.

"That something... Although I really want to tell myself that I must have heard wrong, but..."

Mo Tan, whose back was almost soaked with cold sweat, smiled with a complicated expression, then walked to the side and pulled over a chair, holding Teresa's arm and letting her sit on it, speaking in a dry voice to someone who looked almost already The lost girl said: "I think there should be some misunderstandings here."

The girl curled up on the chair shivered and muttered something in a voice that was inaudible to humans.

Mo Tan blinked: "What?"



"No misunderstanding!"

The girl on the chair bit her lower lip, stared hard at Mo Tan's eyes filled with little question marks, and said word by word: "I! Just! I like you! Pastor Hei Fan!"

[Very good, it seems that there is really no misunderstanding...]

Mo Tan sighed in his heart, and then he became stupid.

We can't blame him, even though Mo Tan's other two characters are surprisingly popular in this game, especially a certain scourge with a bunch of vests in his hands, which has ruined the lives of countless young and old girls. Wife, but under the current personality, this is the first time Mo Tan has experienced this situation.

The [Witch] in front of me, named Teresa Tarosa, who had been praised so highly by Fiari before, and who actually had amazing strength, actually fell in love with herself as the 'Black Brahman' in the world of innocence. .

And he even got an A straight away!

For a moment, Mo Tan, who could handle daily events that did not involve Yu Chen calmly and calmly, was really frightened.

There is one thing to say, under the current personality, it is pure nonsense to say that Mo Tan does not feel a little bit happy at this moment, or such positive emotions.

It has been emphasized many times before that under the "absolutely neutral" personality, Mo Tan is actually a very popular person, even though he has very rare troubles, even though he has an extraordinary reserve of knowledge, even though he is an individual The field does have some kind of unique talent based on this 'popularity', but no matter what, the person named [Black Brahma] in the Innocence Realm is indeed very 'ordinary', even if this ordinary may need to be put in quotation marks. , but still can't make him special.

And most people in this world will hardly have any negative emotions when faced with the confession of an excellent member of the opposite sex. In fact, even if he has made up his mind to reject the other person from the beginning, at that moment There will still be a feeling of excitement.

This throbbing may have nothing to do with love, but its existence is difficult to erase.

As for the girl Teresa Tarosha, she undoubtedly meets the condition of 'an excellent member of the opposite sex'. Not much to say about her appearance, whether it is her sweet and lovely face, dignified and delicate facial features, and lovable... Both her temperament and her almost dazzling fair skin are full of charm, and her personality is much better than that of Futaba, who is also petite. If they both keep their mouths shut, they may still have their own merits, but as long as they speak, the two of them will The comparability between them may disappear in an instant.

After all, most girls are particular about the sugar content, and Teresa's painting style alone deserves at least three plus signs of sweetness. As for Futaba... I'm afraid the unit of measurement does not have to be the sugar content.

All in all, under Teresa Tarosha's watery gaze, Mo Tan, who already felt like he belonged to her, was still unsatisfied for a moment, and his heart rate and blood pressure also increased slightly.

And then... there is no more. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, at least when he is under the 'absolutely neutral' personality, Mo Tan's 'heart belongs', and throbbing never means 'shaking' '.

"What if Ms. Teresa... uh..."

After catching the hint of resentment in the girl's eyes, Mo Tan finally smiled bitterly, changed his words and said to the girl in front of him who confessed that he liked him: "If Theresa, you are not kidding me, I'm afraid I can only say 'honour' Two words to express my current mood."

Fighting with the command... or even casually discussing the battle situation were completely different. At this moment, Teresa Tarosha's pretty face was almost red to the point of bleeding. It took a long time to stop. He turned his head and muttered in a low voice: "It's not what I want to say...it's...you forced me to say it."

[Who knows it could be for such an outrageous reason! 】

Mo Tan roared at the top of his lungs in his heart, but he didn't think that the girl in front of him was lying. After all, he liked someone before... and even now he still likes that person. He is familiar with this feeling, plus he is with another person. He had coaxed countless girls during his career, so Mo Tan believed that Teresa's love for him was most likely sincere.

But even if this feeling is sincere, it may not be mature and rational. After all, young people are more or less love-minded, and girls are generally more emotional, so in Mo Tan's view, the girl in front of him It can be basically concluded that this kind of love for myself is impulsive, the kind that goes straight to the head when the head is hot.

And 'impulse' and 'top' are never complimentary words.


Mo Tan shook his head slightly and put all those things behind him. He regained his subtle smile, took a deep breath, and said calmly: "I'm sorry, I'm not a good person."

Rather than handing out good guy cards to others, he felt it was more appropriate to hand out bad guy cards to himself, even though there was no such thing in the world.

There is no need to mess around with problems that can be solved straightforwardly, and there is no reason to disconnect the bad relationships that can be ended straightforwardly. Since you know that you have only one choice from the beginning, you only need to practice it efficiently and decisively. No hesitation required.

Compared with never having the courage to say goodbye and being "not yet satisfied" with someone, this is the most correct approach in Mo Tan's eyes, the one that minimizes the cost of pain.

Since he won't be hurt in this one-sided relationship, at least he shouldn't make the girl he has a crush on too uncomfortable. This is what Mo Tan is thinking at this moment.

After all, the point is actually [since I won’t be hurt in this relationship], that’s why I can be so rational and stand up and speak without pain to do the right thing, and once it comes to that, it will make me In the area where he is injured, this man named Mo Tan will behave badly...

Unintentionally hurting himself again, and feeling that this was exactly what he deserved, the pastor laughed to himself. He was obviously doing the 'right' thing, but he became more and more self-loathing.

Theresa, who was sitting in front of him, showed the same smile and hugged her knees tightly.

"If you want to refuse, there should be as many reasons as you want."

The girl who was smart enough to instantly analyze all the information in the other person's sentence sniffed, and then smiled in a brisk tone that was obviously fake: "No, actually it can't be said to be rejection, because I just told you 'I like you' 'This matter does not require you to enter into a romantic relationship with me, does it?"

In a form that was definitely not what she expected, Teresa Tarossa regained her composure, at least on the surface.

"Of course it is, and I am not qualified to refuse you."

Mo Tan laughed softly and distantly, spread his hands and said, "Actually, I'm just telling you that I'm not a good person. Let's put it this way, if one day a [worst person in the world] suddenly appears, scum], then I will definitely vote for myself without hesitation."

Teresa frowned with some dissatisfaction, while gently touching the braid that finally returned to her shoulders with her small hands, she whispered in a slightly helpless tone: "I should have said it before... Pastor Hei Fan You can obviously find many reasons, so why do you have to lie?"


Mo Tan laughed dumbly and waved his hands: "No, no, no, I'm just self-aware enough, I..."

"You are not a bad person, you are not evil, and you are not a scumbag."

Teresa was not very angry and interrupted Mo Tan, protesting in her voice as thin as a small animal: "Although you have no ambitions, are not handsome, hate pressure, have an ordinary personality, and are afraid of trouble, Love escapes..."

In the next five minutes, Teresa almost listed the shortcomings of the text to Mo Tan, which was close to half a chapter, and except for the inhumane misunderstanding of 'poor health', almost all of them were on point. .


The girl breathed a sigh of relief, raised her little face and showed a shy smile to Mo Tan: "This does not mean that you, Priest Heifan, are a scumbag..."

"Well, I already feel like I'm almost no longer qualified to be a human being."

Although there was a bit of a bad atmosphere, Mo Tan, who was ashen-faced, still took the opportunity to complain.

"I like your delicate and silent tenderness."


"I like your tolerance as the sky."


"I like you."

"I'm very sorry."

Chapter 1331: End

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