Quadruple split

Chapter 1334 Black Fan’s Trap

The second one! ! !

With only about half a legion in number and the same frenzied fighting style, this temporary mixed force that was fighting with the enemy in front of a medium-sized position not far away a few minutes ago was unexpectedly defeated by the vast majority of spectators. It swooped out like a ghost from the blind spot of attention, and in an instant directly defeated the red side's blocking force with its combat power that was several times higher than before!

Behind them, the elite blue team that had been engaged in a long-term fierce battle did not even enter combat mode, because when they arrived at the combat zone, the red team that was originally preparing to engage the enemy had already killed more than seven people. After success, they began to 'retreat'.

After nearly half a minute of silence, everyone struggled to complete the interpretation of the battle situation on their own while the two commentators were silent at the same time. The audience, who finally understood what had just happened, exploded!

The unprecedented noise swept through the entire [War League] venue, and even spread to Danu's playground, teaching building, dormitory area and even the blocks not far away!

That was the cheers that were enough to scatter the cumulus clouds, that was the howl like a drawing of hell, that was the applause that resounded from all directions, that was the cheers that were as warm as thunder!

The guys have finally waited. In this exciting confrontation that was almost intense from beginning to end, the first ultra-high-end operation that was enough to make my own ability to accept things gradually increase, I felt my heart stop and my scalp become numb. Moreover, it is also a typical counterattack launched by the weak side in the scene!

In the eyes of knowledgeable people like Richard and Andre, if the blue team's previous round of impeccable Tibetan Soldiers → Burst Operation had already amazed them, then when the second team's size and The intensity was not inferior to the former, and after the troops entered the scene with almost no warning before baring their fangs, most of the surprise seemed to have turned into panic.

Of course, the fear here does not mean that they are inferior to Mo Tan in terms of command, but that they are frightened by the latter's ability to control the battle situation itself and his ability to withstand pressure and endure under extreme disadvantages.

The first reason is quite reasonable and tenable. After all, it involves Mo Tan's personal characteristics under his current personality. To put it bluntly, it is his extremely tolerant (otherwise he would have gone crazy) personality adaptability. Very strong, which makes him almost impossible to target in any situation.

It's not that there aren't any 'unexpected situations' in his eyes, it's that he has long been trained by himself to be able to stay calm and analyze calmly in the face of any unexpected situation, and can even hum a song and make himself a cup of coffee.

As for the second reason that makes the big bosses feel a little nervous, which is the so-called 'stress resistance' and 'tolerance ability', those of you who have been watching this must have laughed (those who are not laughing should laugh quickly), After all, strong adaptability is due to strong adaptability, but the psychological quality of Mo Tan under the "absolute neutral" personality and the "Black Brahma" in the realm of innocence is simply difficult to describe.

That's right, it's hard to describe how bad it is, and it's probably hard to change this natural flaw in the future.

But having said that, after seeing countless storms and waves, and sending away countless enemies and comrades with his own hands, even if Mo Tan's psychological quality has not improved, it is really difficult to be nervous about this kind of competition. .

No one will die, no one will be hurt.

The most important honor in the eyes of Batty and Richard happens to be the thing that Mo Tan needs the least and despises under his current personality.

in this case……

"How could I be nervous~"

Smiling at the girl next to him who was looking at him with concern and holding a large pile of command cards, Mo Tan finally said the first sentence besides orders during this period, and said to her After showing a reassuring smile, he lowered his eyes again and said softly: "Go get it."

Yuchen, who was about to go out, stopped curiously, tilted his head and asked, "What are you taking?"

"Go and take the victory I offer you."

Mo Tan blinked, then suddenly raised his right hand to cover his cheek: "Ahhhh... such a shameful line!"

Yuchen couldn't help but chuckle, shook his head with a blushing face, and then said seriously: "It's not shameful at all! It's better to say it's a little cute!"

"It's... cute..."

Mo Tan twitched the corner of his mouth, then made a fierce expression exaggeratedly, and feigned anger: "Go, go, go, if you continue to waste time like this, we will probably lose completely because of the lack of rhythm! "

The girl immediately let out a short exclamation, and then ran away holding the crumbling pile of command cards in her arms.

A few seconds later——

"What the hell is cute?"

Mo Tan curled his lips and muttered in a somewhat resentful tone: "Can't he be handsome, intellectual, and profound..."

He sighed angrily, with a hint of bitterness in his eyes.

[No, the ideal situation is actually to make her think that I am a terrible, hopeless bad person. 】

Pastor Hei Fan, who had no idea how much of a sensation he had caused, rubbed his forehead and was distracted by his own personal matters.

On the other side, Teresa Tarossa was frantically trying to make amends with unprecedented attention and concentration since her birth, trying her best to make up for the mistake she had just made.

No, to be precise, it was not my own mistake at all, but a game that the other party was probably preparing for from the beginning of the stalemate!

My prince, I am afraid that he gave up the option of defeating himself through frontal tactics as early as the beginning of the stalemate stage. Instead, he relied on a more clever and invisible means to continuously exert influence on himself and guide himself to the direction of the stalemate. An irreversible defeat.

That is not a tactic that can be effectively recorded in any textbook, it is a very targeted attack on the heart!

That was a trap designed entirely for Teresa Tarosha!

After the second blue team with outrageous combat power came out, Teresa had completely seen through everything Mo Tan had arranged. What was desperate was that the reason why she was able to see through easily was because the opponent at this moment I have no intention of hiding it anymore.

Pastor Heifan has completed the layout, and he has been cooperating with the other party's guidance until now, reaching the final moment when the other party has completely revealed his trump card, and there is no need to have any scruples anymore.

It's not a very complicated plan, but it's one that's nearly impossible to pull off.

From the beginning to the end, Pastor Hei Fan was actually doing one thing, and that was training soldiers——

The time when he made this decision was probably within a few minutes after he showed his dominant tactical practice ability.

Learned from Richard Ducasse's extremely precise and watertight command style, rooted in countless battle cases and the perfect tactical system in textbooks, after the two are integrated, it should be able to form the most threatening to the Black Van Priest. Rhythm, this is your own judgment.

It is said that because the opponent's foundation is not solid, they plan to accurately use various tactics to teach them in actual combat. This factor may exist, but the proportion will never exceed one percent.

Ren would stupidly believe it because Teresa Tarosha was indeed a girl with this kind of personality.

But what Lian doesn't know is that the [Witch] who is completely in the state won't think so much about her sweetheart. What the latter expects wholeheartedly is simply for the other person to look at her, stare at her, pay attention to herself, speculate on herself, and look at her in her eyes. My heart and brain are filled with myself!

The offensive that can implement the above ideas must be the most uncomfortable, incomprehensible and overwhelming for the Black Van Priest. It must be a desperate situation that makes him rack his brains to seize a glimmer of hope or no hope at all. !

Teresa Tarosha is undoubtedly a genius. Although she only learned about the existence of the 'Black Van Priest' last night and only looked at the common ones that Foster could find so far, she still keenly captured them. Understand the opponent's characteristics and try to turn them into shortcomings in actual combat.

The results, in theory, should be gratifying...

In Theresa's view, the scariest thing about Priest Black Van is that he can adjust his strategies to almost every style. In other words, he can quietly target the enemy's various habits and tendencies. Carry out extremely sharp targeted processing, and often forcefully break the enemy's plans, unknowingly determine the opponent's rhythm through his own actions, and then respond in advance.

Lamorlock's previous deduction against Richard was based on this theory.

In the final analysis, the truth that Black Van Priest is able to predict the enemy beforehand is not simply due to calculation power, but because of his 'guidance' to the enemy time and time again based on his own actions.

To give an inappropriate example in the way of playing chess, take the relatively easy-to-understand backgammon as an example. Priest Hei Fan may often create a series with two pieces on the left and right, leaving a blank space in the middle, or only one side is defended. Fourth, force the other party to forcefully fall into the position determined by you in the next step.

Of course, war itself is not chess, and is much more complicated than chess. There is a huge difference between the above statement and the facts, but Teresa still keenly grasped its essence and found the most efficient way to crack it in theory. Law.

Since the premise for the Black Van Priest to create a winning potential is to use and guide according to the opponent's style, then it is better not to show any style at all.

All of them are the most orthodox standard solutions, all of which are tactical applications that are exactly the same as those in the textbooks. They abandon any tendencies and styles and are completely transformed into a sophisticated machine, without any unnecessary operations or missing any loopholes. Even the strategic thinking is the most mediocre and practical, splitting moves and pushing forward, completely locking the opponent's strengths, forcing the opponent to fight for the basics with her at a disadvantage of being the first mover. This is Theresa's choice.

A perfect choice.

It was really perfect, simply too perfect, everything from the plan to the facts was impeccable.

Then this perfection was exploited.

When she pushed back, Teresa was surprised to find out how simple the other party's logic was.

First of all, since I have chosen the most sophisticated style, I am also destined to have to put in a lot of effort to keep this rhythm going. This difficulty is very high, even for a [witch] like myself, it is by no means easy. .

Secondly, in order to always maintain the 'perfection' that can limit the black priest, every step he takes must be the best choice without any emotions, and the other word 'best' is the whole Yes is 'single'.

Based on these two premises, Priest Heifan directly chose to engage in an aggressive confrontation with himself in the central theater. Although at first glance it seemed that he had no other solution due to being at a disadvantage, it does not mean that he did not choose more cleverly at that time. All of this is actually to expand the intensity and rhythm of this deduction.

As a bargaining chip, Priest Heifan took the initiative to enter a dead end at the beginning, a dead end in which he would never win unless he performed abnormally.

What he paid for was an extremely tight mental state and unprecedented concentration in order to avoid abnormal performance.

As time went on, a delicate balance gradually emerged between the two sides, and the battle situation gradually stabilized after reaching a certain scale, maintaining his mental state at a peak that was acceptable even though the consumption was high.

At this point, the only thing that the Black Van Priest, who seemed to have fallen into a passive position, could hope for was to make a tactical mistake and reopen the situation through that unwarranted breakthrough.

And what he has to do is naturally to do his best to maintain the rhythm and not give him any chance.

But this is a trap! A trap specially created for yourself!

When the word 'maintain' appeared in his heart, Pastor Hei Fan had already succeeded, because 'maintain' did not require any super-level performance, and he had already put in too much energy before and subconsciously did not do it. I have considered this option, after all, excessive concentration will also increase the possibility of errors.

After that, Priest Heifan began to consciously devote his attention to more than a dozen small battlefields scattered everywhere, and through small-scale normal dispatch that was almost imperceptible, he fixed a certain number of the troops he needed to always be in a state of combat. And in the process, it is secretly covered with the skin of normal rotation to protect it.

Because the battle situation was too fierce and they almost never came to the line of fire, it didn't take long for those units that were secretly designated to begin to advance in large areas and become the highest-level varieties outside of the system rations!

The Black Van Priest cleverly hides this, taking advantage of the characteristics of high-level units that are not outstanding in terms of specific combat power, and disguises them as normal offensive troops. It seems that they are just carrying out ordinary central flowering tactics. In fact, the position adjustment has already been carried out from a certain period of time, and finally——

Accompanied by Lian's gasp, a terrifying force that was at least the size of most of a group army and composed entirely of high-level units completed its final assembly in the center of the battlefield!

The next second, they started to charge!

In the perfect [wolf pack] appearance!

Chapter 1,325: End

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