Quadruple split

Chapter 1330 Interview with Teresa Tarosa

"If i remember correctly……"

[Yali Bao] The most outstanding reporter among the younger generation, a dwarf girl named Miranda Shorthand, sat neatly on the small round stool in front of the bar. While flipping through the small notebook in her hand, she said: "You originally The final stage of that game delayed His Excellency the God of War for more than twenty minutes."

"That's right~"

Behind the bar, a beautiful girl with long silver-white hair, who looked to be in her early twenties, with delicate and pretty appearance, dazzling fair skin, and endearing temperament, smiled and blinked her beautiful light gray eyes. Gently pushing a cup of fragrant coffee in front of Miranda, he said softly: "But I still lost in the end, and I lost completely."

Miranda was stunned for a moment, then shook her head vigorously, trying to drive out the other person's smile that almost broke her body. She picked up the cup of coffee and took a sip with a feeling of pilgrimage. Finally, she was satisfied with this delicious cup of coffee. , magical, mellow and silky magical drink and regained calmness.

"Thank you, Ms. Tarosha, I've never had such delicious coffee."

Miranda put down her cup without being satisfied, and smiled sincerely at the woman in front of her who looked to be only a few years older than herself. She was almost turned away when the other woman returned the same smile.

There is a saying, even though she has dealt with immortal species a lot, Miranda, who had just finished an exclusive interview with [Iron Lion] General Richard Lane not long ago, still had feelings for her in front of this lovely lady. A 'sense of time and space confusion'.

As one of the only two people with the highest authority in the command system of the Grand Alliance Army at that time, the woman in front of me was the only woman with the same name as [Military God] and the resounding nickname of [Witch], although she was the youngest in the command system. One', but that's only a few years younger than [Sly Fox], [Iron Lion] and others, and the younger sister of the pair of [Ghost Twins] is even less than two months older than this lady. That’s all.

However, General Batty, who was said to be extremely handsome when he was young, has turned into a handsome old man. Although he is still handsome and has a very cool temperament, the years have still left indelible marks on him.

As for General Richard, who was said to be a handsome man back then, but was already gray-haired and extremely old when he was last interviewed, he just wrote a letter to Miranda not long ago. In addition to some simple and sincere care, He also mentioned that his recent appearance was completely different from before, and by the way, he also conveyed the invitation of the 'Head of the Family'. Simply put, Hess hoped that Miranda would be a guest when she was free.

Seeing the vigorous fonts on the letter, Miranda was sincerely happy for General Richard who seemed to have regained a new lease of life, but to be honest, she felt that even if the old lion no longer had pain in his waist and legs, I can go up to the fifth floor in one breath, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to regain my youth overnight.

And the person in front of me...

To be honest, Miranda doesn't think there is any need for Ms. Teresa Tarosha to return to her youth, because 'youth' has always been in her body and has never left her for even a minute.

She was willing to bet all her belongings, if this small shop located in the Central District of Academy City was not usually managed by shop assistants, and if not for the fact that the [Witch] Highness, the proprietress, wore a hat and a mask most of the time. and glasses, this place has long been crowded with countless enthusiastic suitors.

However, the person involved seemed unaware of this matter. In the final analysis, the core reason why Theresa rarely worked in the store in person was just...


Theresa was standing on tiptoes, trying to reach a can of beans on the shelf. Just when she was about to say something, she lost her balance in an unbelievable way. She fell to the ground awkwardly, and then got up in a panic. She hit her head on the bar counter, fell backwards in a daze, and hit the cabinet with a bang, knocking off the can of beans that had just been out of her reach.

All in all, after a series of dazzling and dizzying magical operations, this petite lady who was holding her head and squatting in defense was completely in a mess.

"Ah this..."

Miranda jumped down from the chair in shock, ran around behind the counter and squatted in front of Teresa, who was shivering, and asked cautiously: "Are you... okay?"

One of the top commanders of the Grand Alliance Army in the past, the well-known "Witch"; the legendary Teresa Tarot, who served as the dean of her alma mater "Danu Military Academy" for three years after the war, then retired early and opened a cafe Sha raised his little face with tears in his eyes, shook his head slightly, pursed his lips and sniffed. He carefully stood up while holding on to the bar, and whispered with a red face: "No...it's okay! I'll clean up a little." one time!"

"I'll do it! I'll do it!"

After belatedly realizing the truth of the words of the big boss, Fairlee Graham, before she left, Miranda shuddered, and then turned into a naked eye. The indistinguishable Xunying used his memory to restore the mess that was so close to ruins at an incredible speed. The whole process took less than twenty seconds in total.

Teresa, who sat back at the bar politely, covered her mouth in surprise and whispered: "Wow, is this generation's Five of Spades already so powerful!"

Miranda: "..."

The girl who walked back to the chair almost had her head stuck on the ground after hearing this.

"Haha, it wasn't Feiyali or Richard who told me."

Teresa seemed to see Miranda's shock and confusion, and smiled shyly: "Actually, I have been a plum blossom for a period of time, and I have secretly provided you with some help over the years."

Miranda: (⊙.⊙;)

"Well, let's not talk about this for now. It's not an important thing anyway~"

Teresa shook her head and said softly: "Little Miranda, you should want to continue the interview, right?"

"Ah...oh yes!"

The girl who finally came back to her senses slapped her forehead and said with a smile: "Sorry, sorry, because you are so... young and beautiful, and your style is completely different from General Batty and General Richard, so I always feel that there is no real sense. .”

Teresa waved her hand shyly and said softly: "I look relatively young just because I have a little bit of elf blood. In terms of lifespan, I'm actually about the same as everyone else, but I don't look older."

"Haha... I always feel like I've been hit in a subtle way."

The girl laughed dryly twice, then picked up the quill and started to get down to business, asking: "I heard that you seemed to have agreed to Master Foster's request back then, which was to let you lose to Lord Hei Fan in that game, and you The loss in that game did feel a bit out of the blue, so..."

Teresa interrupted Miranda with a smile and said with a smile: "So you want to ask me if I lost to him on purpose?"


Miranda opened her mouth, and finally nodded vigorously and said honestly: "Yes."




"Really are!"

"Well, no."

"I'm really curious if you really lost to the God of War on purpose."

Miranda was completely stunned.

"I know, so didn't I tell you the answer~"

Teresa Tarosha touched the braids on her shoulders and said softly: "The answer is - no, I didn't lose to him on purpose. Of course, strictly speaking, it's not really that I gave my all. .”

Miranda frowned and asked curiously: "But...since you don't really go all out, isn't it just a waste of time?"

"That was not a fair confrontation, Miranda."

Teresa took a sip of coffee elegantly, and said with an inexplicable blush on her pretty face: "First of all, the person who served as a staff officer next to me at that time was Senior Lian. Her military background was much more solid than Sister Wangyu. Therefore, the efficiency of my instructions and the speed of delivering them are much faster."

The small and exquisite girl reporter kept nodding her head while writing furiously: "Yeah!"

"And the most important thing is that Hei Fan regards me as Senior Foster."

Teresa blinked and couldn't help laughing: "At that time, he seemed to look down on Senior Foster, so he played very casually at the beginning. You should have memorized the specific content, so just put the three The army group opened half-time or something~"

Miranda continued to nod, and then asked with some confusion: "But is that really a mistake? I remember that you did not suffer any loss in the initial confrontation."

"It just doesn't look like it."

Teresa stuck out her tongue playfully, her beautiful silver-gray eyes full of nostalgia: "In fact, because he underestimated the enemy at the time, it can be said that he completely left the rhythm to me as soon as he started."

Considering that Miranda's identity at this moment is first and foremost a 'beautiful girl reporter' rather than a 'beautiful girl military enthusiast', she did not ask specifically what the 'rhythm' was, but nodded thoughtfully: "So, madam, what you are saying is that neither party was completely serious at the time, so does it count as a tie?"

"At least I think that's the case, and we all became serious about it later on. I still remember that Sister Wangyu was so tired when she came out of the command room that she was in a daze, which made people feel sad."

Teresa nodded slightly, and then said softly: "Tell me what you think. I'm quite curious about what everyone thought of the original deduction."

"Well, then I'll just... try my best to do my best."

Miranda immediately turned back a few pages of the small notebook in her hand, and while scanning the contents she had recorded on it, she considered: "I also checked a lot of information before coming here, including some analyzes and speculations by professionals. , combined with my own views, I think from the middle of the game, that is, after the red and blue sides entered the stalemate stage, madam, you have always had the advantage, uh... right?"

"Yeah, that's right."

Teresa smiled brightly, and then encouraged: "Keep talking."

"In the end, the red side's position has almost spread across the middle boundary area, and the control area seems to have exceeded 80%, and the battle loss ratio between the two sides has gradually become more balanced. This means that as long as it lasts for a period of time, the blue side's troops will They will be completely expelled back to their absolute control zone, and will completely change from a stalemate to a passive defense."

Miranda looked at the simple diagram she drew on her notebook and frowned: "In my opinion, His Excellency Hei Fan's best choice at that time should be to take the initiative to retreat, and then change his mind to defend and counterattack. After all, the blue side still had He had a slight strength advantage, but he chose the conventional tactic of [Central Blooming] when the neutral zone was about to fall completely, and in terms of results...it didn't seem to have achieved very good results."


Teresa gave Miranda a refill of [Black Special Blend] who had unknowingly finished her share of coffee, and asked with interest: "Do you think Black Van's large-scale [Central Blossom]... Not getting great results?”

Although Miranda had vaguely realized that she might have been wrong, she still nodded honestly: "Well, I think so, because you just said that without annihilating the enemy, let alone win the red. It only takes twenty minutes to fully occupy the middle boundary area. Even if this time is doubled, you can still do it, so I think..."

"So you think Hei Fan's [Central Blooming] is neither wise nor ideal?"

Teresa pursed her lips and smiled, and asked softly: "Then how do you think I lost in the end?"

"I have no idea."

Miranda shrugged, indicating that she had given up thinking.

"Actually, you were just blinded by this possibility after hearing that Senior Foster asked me to lose the game, so you find it even more incredible that Hei Fan wins."

Teresa pointed out Miranda's true state of mind, and then she said with a pretty face: "Let's put it this way, little girl, it was the round that didn't look good and didn't even achieve much results. ], which established Hei Fan’s final victory.”

Miranda blinked: "Eh?"

Teresa smiled brightly and asked: "What do you think was my biggest advantage in that game...or should I say, advantage?"

"From a personal perspective..."

Miranda didn't hesitate much and quickly gave her answer: "To talk about that game, it should be the extremely rigorous layout planning, seamless tactical execution and watertight details, right?"

Teresa laughed dumbly, but did not refute the girl's fair comment. She just nodded slightly and said, "That's the problem."


"Think carefully about what you just said about me during that game, Miranda."


"Extremely meticulous, seamless, watertight, right?"

"Uh, yes."

"Even if I want to achieve that level, I have to concentrate extremely hard and tighten the string deep in my thoughts. You should agree with this, right?"


"And what Heifan did at that time was to completely break my tight string."


Chapter 1321: End

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