Quadruple split

Chapter 1325 Motivation

It’s not just Teresa. At the same moment, whether it’s the ordinary audience watching the excitement on the stage, the players watching the game who were confused by the series of extreme operations of the two people just now, or the two La Yisi and Lei Yisi. The commentators, and even Richard and Andre on the judges' table, were all shocked as if some electric mouse had fired a hundred thousand volts.

There was no need for the twin sisters to mark the map. Even the amateur spectators subconsciously turned their attention to the two positions on the overlooking map that seemed to have been pierced.

A second ago, there was clearly a God's perspective, but except for a few people, most of the spectators failed to notice the two blue troops that had quietly assembled.

A second later, it was clear that the entire central area was covered in raging flames of war, and there were more than dozens of stalemate melees going on at the same time, but everyone's eyes were invariably and forcibly drawn to those two inconspicuous positions. .

Of course, the so-called inconspicuous is only for those laymen who don’t know what’s going on. In the eyes of insiders, Teresa’s two positions code-named [Nuts] and [Ribbon] are extremely valuable in terms of strategy. , but because of this, its defensive measures are also the most stringent.

Although it seems very ordinary at first glance, there are a large number of flexible troops on the periphery of the two positions that can respond to each other and alternately cover each other. They seem to be executing different tactical instructions, but whether it is the movement route or the strength of the troops, The ratio is enough to complete the return of reinforcements in the shortest time, and even lock the attacker firmly in front of the position and be attacked from both sides.

It happened that the two positions with this configuration were directly penetrated by two blue troops that appeared nearby like ghosts. They were penetrated into the hinterland without even a chance to fight back and disintegrated from the inside. As fragile and silky as a piece of butter.

You must know that the soldiers in the sandbox are not puppets on strings. Although they will unconditionally execute the commander's orders immediately, they are by no means living targets in the traditional sense when there are no instructions. When attacked, they will also use To fight back with all possible means, you can even organize many simple battle formations, and use strategic weapons such as magic cannons when necessary. Even if it is not that flexible, it is definitely not a stretch.

However, under this situation, they were destroyed without any counterattack. When the active forces deliberately placed nearby by Theresa came back to defend, they were incredibly flying kites. The two The blue team seemed to have no intention of relying on their position to block the attack. Instead, they rushed out from the other side after destroying a small amount of supplies.

Ever since, an extremely mentally retarded problem was thrown into the hands of the red commander... Theresa, who was wearing a 'Foster' vest.

Either don't give any instructions and let the nearby active forces continue to pursue the pursuit by default. This behavior will inevitably lead to two results -

First of all, the blue troops, which obviously have extremely high quality, are bound to continue to fly the former kite with their high mobility. This behavior does not even require Mo Tan’s personal order. As long as the two blue troops do not stand by or turn around directly, it will naturally happen. The purpose of flying a kite can be accomplished.

Secondly, if the effective forces on the periphery of the two positions are allowed to pursue, then the blue side's peripheral troops, who would have been targeted for confrontation, will definitely occupy the position and take into account the two relatively important strategic points of [Nuts] and [Ribbon]. If you want to get it back, it won't be that simple.

The other option is to order the troops on the periphery of the position to stop their automatic pursuit, and directly move in to recapture the position, which although it has been penetrated by the blue team except for the loss of some resources, is still intact.

Perhaps it is not quite accurate to say that it is 'recaptured'. After all, the blue side seemed to have no intention of occupying it from the beginning, so it just re-stationed a new batch of troops.

But this kind of thing...

"It's so ridiculous!"

La Yisi punched the table twice angrily, stared at the bird's-eye view in front of her and gritted her teeth: "What the hell is that Hei Fan doing! What a good opportunity, what a good opportunity wasted like this! Why not just force him to do it?" Seize the position? Why do you have to spit out the meat that has been eaten in your mouth when it has been completely penetrated!"

Lei Yisi was so frightened by her angry sister that she trembled and asked cautiously: "Could it be because the two blue troops have relatively high combat effectiveness and would be wasteful to use for garrison, so Priest Black Fan... …”

"Idiot Thunderbait!"

La Yisi interrupted her sister angrily, shook her head and said: "There is no need to worry about this matter at all! Do the troops that penetrate the Red Square position have to be occupying troops? Are the troops outside used to contain them? Is it a display? Just look carefully at the distribution of combat power on both sides and you will know. Whether it is the position above or the position below, as long as the two blue troops stay for about five minutes after attacking, they can join the friendly forces. Kill the red side's mobile troops rushing to help, and then just change the defense! Just change the defense simply, and the two positions will change hands directly!"

Raisi shrank her neck, apparently frightened by her inexplicably irritable sister. You must know that Raisi is definitely more emotionally inclined to 'Foster', a native of Academy City. Fang failed to seize the opportunity and reacted like this, which was really beyond her expectation.

"Don't look at me like that, Lei Yisi."

La Yisi sighed softly, her eyes softened when she looked at her sister, and she said helplessly: "Actually, I'm so angry just because I can't guess what that person wants to do."

Lei Yisi blinked, but as Bingxue was smart, she quickly figured out the content of this sentence, and hesitated: "Does sister mean that the Blue Commander...that is, the Black Van Priest is not Simply made a mistake?”

"Yes, I don't think so. We have all seen that guy's strength. To be honest..."

La Yisi touched her bangs with a bitter look on her face, then her expression became solemn, and she said in a deep voice: "I have watched every match, but if we only focus on the excitement and technical content, including Lamo Locke as the officiant The previous games combined may not be as good as the first fifteen minutes of this game, and compared with the current stage, the opening game between the two sides is just like... a warm-up."

Lei Yisi also put on a small face, nodded slightly and said: "Sister is right, to be honest, although Lei Yisi thought the previous competitions were very exciting, at least he could keep up, and Pastor Hei Fan and Fu This contest between the seeded players, Senior Stern... To be honest, Lei Baisi has tried his best just to keep up with their pace."

"So I don't think a player who can play such a scene can make such a stupid mistake."

La Yisi said this bluntly, not caring at all that thousands of people were listening to her BB at this moment, and smiled to herself: "But I can't tell what the Black Vatican Priest is thinking at all, and I don't know. What is the hidden purpose behind his seemingly stupid move?"

Lei Yisi smiled apologetically at Crystal, who was acting as the camera, and said, "It was the fault of the two commentators."

A burst of cheers of encouragement erupted from the audience, not directed at the players, but towards the commentators.

La Yisi, on the other hand, shook her hair, raised the corners of her mouth and hummed: "But you can actually see these two super beautiful girls, La Yisi and Lei Yisi, you already feel that you have earned it, right?"


There was a louder noise. Although most people were booing, it could be seen that everyone still liked the two sister commentators. And it had to be said that even though Lei Yisi's attitude had always been very humble, even La Yisi, who has a fiery personality and a very venomous tongue, admitted that she had "remissed her duty", but to the audience and most of the players, the level of these two was already quite high.

Even if they get stuck on a certain issue at a high level, without them, many people wouldn't even be able to understand the basic things, and they won't be able to grasp the key points when they go out to brag to others in the future.

However, the focus now is not on these two commentators, and the passage of time will not stand still while they sigh.

There is only one reason why the situation on the field has not changed, and that is because the players on both sides... no, to be precise, Teresa Tarosha in the red team's command room is thinking.

But thinking cannot be endless, because neither the opponent nor the situation will wait for you.

"Although bystanders know better, in many cases the people who can really grasp the situation are often those in authority."

Lamorlock laughed happily, and a red light flashed faintly in the black eye behind the lens. It was a pure and primitive impulse, which was cruelty and madness enough to scare most intelligent creatures. It was madness that was so cold that it penetrated into the bone marrow. While he could hardly suppress the blood in his eyes, his expression was still calm and soft, and his magnetic voice was still soothing and sweet: "But because of this, Foster is even more... It’s difficult to make a decision because he knows exactly what the other person is going to do, but he has no idea what the other person is going to do.”

Jia Wen frowned and asked nonchalantly: "Playing riddles?"

"Haha, sorry, sorry."

Lamorlock smiled coquettishly and explained in a brisk tone: "To put it simply, Foster probably guessed the moment the blue side destroyed the two positions through borrowing positions and hiding troops without stopping. When the other party has ulterior motives, in other words, he knows what kind of reaction the other party expects from him, and he also knows that this is a naked trap, but he has to jump."

Jia Wen nodded and asked again: "If this is the part he knows, then what he doesn't know...is the trap you just mentioned?"

"Relatively true, but not quite."

Lamorlock smiled playfully and shrugged: "Let's put it this way, according to my observation, Foster Ward definitely has the ability to see through this trap, whether it is its nature or lethality, I am afraid this will My son already knows it in his mind, but the problem is that even if he knows the content, he doesn’t know the time and place.”

Gawen glanced at the red sand table on the right side of the big screen and asked with some confusion: "Time and place?"

"Yes, it's time and place. Just like you know that you have some tumors in your body, you also know their nature, and you even have the means to resolve them, but you don't know where they are specifically, nor do you know When will they explode?”

Lamorlock leaned down, looked at the huge sand table in the center of the screen with his fingers crossed, and murmured in a low voice: "There are seven points in total, two of them are disguises, how many of the remaining five are decoys, how many are It’s true, even I, who have a God’s perspective, have to put some thought into it. How far can you go, Mr. Foster Ward… I don’t have much time left for you.”

His eyes grew brighter.

Gawen, on the other hand, silently shifted her gaze to Lamorlock, silently staring at this player who was also a player like herself and the most dangerous person in the Dreamland Theocracy.

After this exchange meeting, the southwest wind will blow...

And what role will this man next to him, who has a flawless smile on his face but always makes people feel creepy, play in this?

A commander with a cruel style?

A cultist with strong beliefs?

A conspirator with ulterior motives?


Jia Wen stopped thinking because she suddenly realized that this was not an issue she needed to care about.

His boss, who has already received all the information about Lamorlock, will naturally make the decision he thinks is best.

And at least in a short period of time, even if the Southwest Continent is really shrouded in the flames of war and gunpowder smoke, the positions between the two sides will not change much.

[Tsk, it feels really good to have someone up there...]

Gawen crossed her legs happily, changed into a comfortable position and leaned on the seat, cheering up and looking at the big screen again.

She knew things would soon change.

Because Lamorlock just said that there is not much time left for Foster.

"As expected of Teresa's prince~"

In the red command room, Teresa, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly raised her head, with a faint blush on her face (Lian subconsciously took a breath), and said in an exceptionally bright voice: "Suddenly there was So excited!"

Lian was shocked at that time: "So you have always been very unmotivated in playing before!?"

"You can't say that. After all, being able to play deductions with Pastor Hei Fan is very happy in itself, but..."

Teresa took a deep breath, magically threw the five command cards to Lian, and said with a smile: "Happiness and seriousness are one thing, but motivation is another thing~"

"Little Teresa..."

"I'm sorry, Senior Lian, I'm afraid I won't have much time to chat with you next."


"I also ask you to fully comply with and take every instruction of mine seriously."


Chapter 1316: End

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