Quadruple split

Chapter 1312 Interlude·Confidential Information

"You could have said it more clearly, Arthur."

Gently putting the two experimental reports on [White King] back, Mo turned his head and glanced at Arthur, then turned his attention back to the subsequent test data on [Bishop White].

Arthur laughed dryly and shrugged: "To put it clearly... I think your 'transformation' of me is not thorough enough. Do you understand? My King of Sins."

"I have not 'transformed' you in any way. Although you are indeed the [White King] in the Godslayer now, in the final analysis, you are Arthur Bohe. This is a fact that I have no intention of changing."

Mo turned over a page of the report and said without any emotion: "Similarly, the same goes for [Bishop Bai]. The so-called Osiris is just a code name. They are undoubtedly Farah Ossis and Luther King."

Arthur was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed crazily, and the laughter got louder and louder, as if he had no intention of stopping at all.

Mo Ze didn't give any reaction. He just took out a thicker stack of experimental reports and read them. They were Dora Shika's physical data during this period.

Two minutes later...

"I said, can't you step down a little bit?"

Arthur, who finally stopped laughing, glared at Mo angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "If you didn't respond at all, wouldn't I look like a fool for laughing wildly here all the time!"

Mo didn't answer, it could even be said that he didn't react at all, as if the White King beside him didn't exist at all.

"Seriously, haven't you noticed that when it's just the two of us together, you talk a little more? And when your younger siblings are around, you talk less."

Arthur winked at the man in front of him who was a full head and a half shorter than him and had no expression on his face under the mask. He grinned and said, "And when it's just me, the content of your words is also different from other times. , such as the definition of the White King and the White Bishop, hehe... You told Osiris before that the reborn 'him' has nothing to do with the past 'them'."

Mo turned his head and glanced at Arthur, and said calmly: "The fact that you are always Arthur Bohe has nothing to do with the fact that you no longer have anything to do with the Chauvinist Crown Prince who died in the Griffin Imperial Capital. , there is no conflict.”

"Boy, aren't you tired?"

Arthur suddenly asked a question that was far from relevant to the current topic.

"Outlanders don't get tired."

Mo shook his head, his abyss-like eyes reflecting no light as always: "Did you really read carefully the information I asked Merlin to compile for you?"

Arthur shook his head very frankly: "I probably read it once, but I didn't look too carefully because it was too troublesome."

"Look at it carefully several times."

"To be honest, I'm not that curious about your existence..."

"This is an order."

"Okay, okay, you are the king, you have the final say."

Arthur snorted and said in a bad tone: "But you should know that what I just said about 'not too tired' is not literal."

Mo did not respond with silence, but simply said: "It's redundant and meaningless."

"Haha, what do you think you are, a sacrificial weapon... uh, what's that called? Oh, right, a robot? It's the kind of thing that has no real thoughts and minds, let alone emotions... something similar to engineering armor. Son?"

Arthur laughed and shook his head: "No, no, Your Majesty the Sin King, you are not that kind of thing. Otherwise, you would not be able to deduce those exquisite and clever lies. Think about everything you did in Chauvin." , People without heart cannot play with people’s hearts.”

But Mo just said in his usual tone without any emotion or warmth: "I have already given you an answer. It is redundant and meaningless."

"So, you didn't deny that you have emotions..."

Arthur rolled his eyes, spread his hands and said, "You just think that thing is useless?"

"If you are referring to this occasion."

Mo turned his pair of deep black eyes that seemed to be able to swallow everything to Arthur, and nodded slightly: "Yes."

Arthur made a very unbeatable face: "But in fact, you are chatting with me now, and the content is redundant and meaningless."

"But this topic should not be pursued any further."

Mo put back the report about Dora and walked slowly through Merlin's large matrix-like 'database'. His voice was two points cooler than before: "I know what you want to say, Arthur."

Arthur, who was following Mo, twitched his lips and took a deep breath: "Yes, I also know that you know, so since I was able to beat Dora, I have to persuade my younger siblings almost every day. This time, let her leave this place that does not belong to her."

"Maybe you could try harder."

Walking through the dark path that only Merlin would find spacious, Mo Tou said a word without looking back.

"No, I don't want to try harder. I'm almost giving up."

Arthur shook his head vigorously and said listlessly: "Although my sister-in-law is different from you, she is still a reasonable person, but she seems to have made up her mind to stay in that depressing and disgusting ghost place."

Mo's footsteps paused slightly: "Which one?"

"It's right next to you, His Majesty the Supreme Sin King."

Arthur smiled narrowly, but secretly slightly opened the distance between him and the other party.

Mo cast his cold gaze on Arthur, and his voice remained calm: "It seems that those boring misunderstandings have not been lifted from your heart..."

"That's my business, man. Since you haven't deprived me of my eyes and brain, you can't stop me from observing and thinking. You can keep your opinions, but I will keep mine, okay?"

Concluding with a sentence of broken English, Arthur looked into those dark pupils without being humble or arrogant. After a while, he smiled and said, "Forget it, let's continue talking about Gaweier."

Mo nodded noncommittally, and then continued walking slowly down the aisle, saying in a calm tone: "You said she is a hidden danger."

"Yes, Gaweier Logan is a huge hidden danger."

"That's why you don't want to go to Griffin."

"Yeah, that's the whole reason."

"What are you afraid of?"

"Oh, I'm asking you knowingly."

Arthur sneered and shrugged: "Of course I'm afraid that 'love' and 'sin' are equivalent."

Mo didn't speak, and just continued walking seemingly aimlessly.

"Speak clearly, Mo."

Arthur's expression finally became serious, and he said in a deep voice: "Although at this moment, I, the [White King] Arthur in the God-killing Star, am willing to be the sword in your hand, will this sword be able to kill Gawei?" Son, is an unknown number..."

Mo seemed to have not heard these words and continued to pace in the aisle, his expression slightly gloomy.

Arthur smiled with a pale face, and lightly scratched the tip of his nose with his index finger: "It seems that you also understand. If you want to minimize the accident, I can't go to Griffin, or you can choose to go to Griffin." Then give Gaweier to..."


Mo, who seemed to have just come back to his senses, stopped and turned to look at Arthur: "What were you talking about just now?"

The rather forced smile on the latter's face froze at that time. He knew very well that in this situation, the person in front of him would not act knowingly or pretending to be stupid. In other words, he was really I didn't notice that I was talking just now.

What else can I do? After all, he is the boss...

Arthur sighed helplessly and repeated what he had just said.

Then he was interrupted again by Mo at the same place.

"You've got one thing wrong, Arthur. 'Sin' is not the equivalent of any concept."

Shaking his head slightly, Mo pulled out a stack of blue-covered documents with no annotations, no titles, and no marks. While flipping through them slowly, he said casually: "'Sin' is not above everything else, but It is an abstract concept independent of everything else, and no matter what you put it next to it, it is meaningless.”

Arthur narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth: "Then tell me why whenever I think of Gaweier, I will..."

"Because your love for her is not inconsistent with your being infected by sin."

Mo interrupted Arthur impatiently, with a rare flash of astonishment in his eyes, but his tone remained calm: "You just caught a glimpse of a scenery that you have never cared about in the past, Arthur, this scenery will not Let it confuse your memory, distort your personality, blaspheme your soul, and tamper with your cognition. If you like meat, you will not suddenly fall in love with vegetables because of it. Nor will you who admire Gaweier Logan because of it. And lose this feeling.”

Arthur crossed his arms, leaned on the shelf behind Mo and shook his head: "This doesn't mean that it will be fine if I just rush to Griffin."

"Yes, I just slightly corrected your understanding."

Mo did not refute, but said in a tone that clearly meant ending the current topic: "As for what you are worried about, I have my own arrangements."

A fierce light flashed in Arthur's eyes: "What do you mean?"

"literal meaning."

Mo turned his head and glanced at Arthur, his eyes seemed to be a little strange: "This is not what you need to know now."

Arthur, who didn't miss the wavering look in the other person's eyes, was sweating at that moment. He had never seen Mo so 'lost' before. He subconsciously took a step back and said in a trembling voice: "You...you, what on earth do you want to do?" ! Why are you looking at me like that! You...why are you panicking!?"

"I'm not panicking."

As Mo said this, he looked away.

In all conscience, Arthur dared to swear that he had never seen his former friend look like this after he revealed his true face. Although he looked the same as usual, it only 'looked'!

Mo is wavering!

Although it was only a fleeting moment, at that moment, the person in front of me was really shaken!

Before that, the two were talking about things between themselves and Gaweier.

A chill like falling into an ice cellar quickly spread through White King Arthur's body, and the uncontrollable fear almost froze his soul.

damn it!

What exactly is it!

What exactly is it! ?

To make this miserable monster show such an expression!


Finally, Arthur, who was almost swallowed up by fear, suddenly raised his head, gritted his teeth and looked at the man who had turned away at some point, and said sternly: "What on earth are you going to do..."


As a result, Mo suddenly raised a hand and said softly: "You...have you been under too much pressure recently?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!?"

Arthur took a step forward suddenly and shouted angrily: "Who do you think is putting the pressure on me..."

"I don't intend to apologize, nor do I intend to force you to do anything in the name of guilt."

Mo shook his head and handed the page of information in his hand to Arthur: "But I still hope you can think about it again."

"What are you considering!?"

Arthur subconsciously took the information handed over by Mo Tan and said angrily: "What on earth do I have to test for... What the hell is this!?"

[God Killer White King: Artoria]

Maker: Merlin

Development patent: Nasu mushroom

Experimental project applications: Chaos construct technology, soul extraction technology, bionic technology, cognitive confusion technology, Kawasumi Ayako's voice changing technology

The quality determined by the Innocence System: tentatively planned to be an epic

Synchronization rate: pessimistic

Positioning: Replacement construct, spare body

Prefabricated Core: Arthur Boho

Cuteness: Silly hair, no feeling of fullness

Hidden settings: After removing the dull hair, he fell into rampage mode, his hair color was changed to silver, his clothing was changed to a suit, and the sin infection was forcibly dyed to 70%.

Height: 154cm

Weight: 42kg

Measurements: 73/53/76cm

Eye color: green/red

Hair color: gold/white

Accessories: Explosive Toy Lion Bear

Design drawing: See appendix M999-Saber

【@#¥%\u0026*? ? ? ? ? ? 】

Arthur Bohe opened his mouth wide, as if he had lost the ability to think.

Then, Mo handed him an exquisite character... er, design drawing, and the title on it was exactly [M999-Saber].

Taking the piece of paper numbly, Arthur lowered his head stiffly, and then saw a beautiful blonde girl with green eyes and a sweet smile smiling at him.

The voice of a former friend came from the side——

"Although I don't want to interfere with your personal preferences, but... don't be impulsive, Arthur, this kind of thing will happen the second time. You also mentioned just now that you have no feelings for Gaweier Logan. It’s emotional.”


"Without affecting the overall tone, I will make some adjustments as a compromise. When Gawen comes back, I will let her..."


"You need to calm down, Arthur, let's do this, you go find Osiris to play..."

"I'm so fucking calm!"

Arthur roared and interrupted Mo, and at the same time shattered the design drawing in his hand with the power of the epic peak level, gritted his teeth and said: "I don't know what this is! This is not my idea! I completely Completely unaware!”

"You didn't know?"

"Of course I don't know! God knows why Mr. Merlin wants to put me into such a body!"

"Hmm...I see."

The emotionless face under the mask seemed to relax a little.

"Do you think I have been stimulated and become a pervert!?"

"It'll be fine if nothing happens."

"It's nothing! Come on, come with me to find Mr. Merlin for an explanation!"


"Uh what, uh, let's go! What are you doing standing around?!"

"...You go ahead."

"Damn! I'm sorry you've been hanging around here with me for so long because you can't get out, right?!"


Chapter 1,303: End

Innocence Academy (11/Part 1)

Lunch break, Student Union Office

"Please, Mo!"

Cui Xiaoyu, who had gauze tied on his head, clenched his fists and gritted his teeth with a livid face: "Please find the prisoner!"

The expressionless student union president nodded slightly: "I will let the discipline committee members pay attention."

Cui Xiaoyu nodded, cursed and left.

five minutes later


The music class representative from the same class lazily opened the door and walked in. He said in his usual frivolous tone: "The hemp leaves I planted on the rooftop are gone."

"What's missing?"

"Hemp leaves, I planted them in a small flower pot."


"You can ask your horse boys to help you find it~"

"You grow hemp leaves in school and then ask the student union to help find them?"

"That's right, you are the student union."

"You have a deep misunderstanding of the 'student union'."

"I don't want to go to the lost and found office to register. I'm embarrassed."

"Go find Cui Xiaoyu. He saw the small flower pot this morning."


The guy who likes to cause trouble to others is gone.

five minutes later

Arthur Bohe rushed into the office in a hurry, showing a rare look of panic.

The tired chairman raised his head: "What's wrong? If there is something about Maye..."

"What's wrong with you? I'm telling you you're in big trouble!"

Arthur interrupted Mo rudely and took out a pamphlet: "The doujinshi I just collected!"

"What happened?"

"BL doujinshi!"

"It doesn't matter, the school regulations on unhealthy reading materials are very loose."

"Our BL doujinshi!"


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