Quadruple split

Chapter 1307 Waterway!

"Cough...cough! Now let's introduce the players from both sides!"

Lei Yisi changed the topic in a panic. Well, it can be said that she got back to the topic. She showed a pure and lovely smile to the audience, then cleared her throat and said seriously: "The one on the blue side is this round of competition. No. 52, a trainee member from the exchange group of the Principality of Scaran, Mr. Morrison Kalsi, is the nephew of [Superspeed] Admiral Mel Kalsi. I really hope that he can bring us a wonderful event. The blitzkrieg."

On the left side of the largest combination screen, a young man with black hair and a resolute appearance is sitting in front of the command seat, closing his eyes and concentrating. He wears the Canglan Eagle emblem of the Principality of Scaran on his chest. He looks fashionable. Very high.

"It's impossible. The so-called [Superior Speed] is not so much Admiral Mel Kalshi, but rather Admiral Mel and his [Sea Breeze Fleet]. Only by combining the two can we achieve that kind of lightning speed." Effect."

La Yisi lazily spread her hands and said calmly: "In this kind of confrontation where both sides have exactly the same strength and only focus on command skills, there is no force like the Sea Breeze Fleet that is specially created for a specific commander. , even if Admiral Meyer comes in person, he still won’t be able to display his full strength.”

Lei Yisi blinked, tilted her head and asked: "But sister, according to Lei Yisi's understanding, even without the Sea Breeze Fleet, Admiral Meier's command rhythm will still give people a sense of resoluteness. I always feel that even if there is no Sea Breeze Fleet, Even on the deduction table, he will quickly fall into passivity, and then he will be suppressed until death."

"Well, after all, Admiral Mel is a famous general. Isn't it the basic skill of a famous general to turn decay into something magical?"

Lacey did not deny what her sister had said, she just curled her lips and said, "But that Morrissey is not his uncle."

"Sister, don't pronounce someone's name wrong on purpose!"

"Okay, then from today onwards contestant Morrison will be named Morrissey."

"Don't change other people's names casually!"

There was a burst of laughter in the audience. It was obvious that the interaction between the two sisters was quite satisfactory to most people. Although the sister's words were indeed sharper and really unpleasant, the effect of the program was actually very good. Not bad.

In addition, there is another thing about these two sisters that everyone recognizes, that is, they are genuine professionals. You must know that many viewers who are not involved in the military field have heard of "Speed ​​Mel" and "Sea Breeze" for the first time. Fleet' of these things.

"Okay, okay, we can see that Moxison is very calm. I really hope he won't cry for a while."

La Yisi sighed, then waved her delicate hand, and said calmly the moment the right side of the main screen lit up: "Then, the red side is No. 51 of this round, a formal member of the Dreamland Theocracy delegation, La Priest Morlock, the man who became famous in a battle a few months ago.”

Lamorlock on the screen smiled and waved.


Lei Yisi let out a soft cry and asked in surprise: "What's going on? Why is Player Lamorlock looking this way? Could it be that the soundproof barrier around the battle zone has failed?"


La Yisi immediately shook her head and said seriously: "If the soundproof barrier really fails, Orison will definitely bear La Yisi's grudge, so the barrier must not fail."

Lei Yisi rubbed her forehead in confusion: "Sister, please don't do this..."

"Then let's do an experiment."

La Yisi frowned and suddenly said loudly: "Priest Lamolock! I heard that you seem to have some kind of special affection for a same-sex contestant that goes beyond interest. Is it true?"

Lightning bait wire: Σ(°△ °|||)

Audience: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Yu Chen: ( )

Mo Tan, who went online just five minutes ago, was sitting next to Yu Chen: "???"


Lamorlock, who could not hear the noise outside at all under the soundproof barrier, just smiled and continued to wave, then leaned on his seat and chatted with the staff officer next to him.

By the way, although the sponsor still assigned the staff, the teacher who played two rounds with Lamorlock yesterday had already asked for leave. This time, the league assigned him a staff member who was another teacher.

"Very good, it seems that the soundproof barrier is still in effect."

La Yisi crossed her arms and nodded vigorously, then said seriously: "Then let's talk about the relationship between Lamorlock and a certain player..."

"elder sister!"

Lei Yisi hurriedly looked to the side of the camera and shouted in a low voice: "Let's talk about the game, let's talk about the game!"

"The game hasn't started yet~"

La Yisi raised her eyebrows triumphantly, and smiled jokingly at everyone present who was watching the magic crystal screen in mid-air: "And rather than making deductions or anything like that, La Yisi feels that everyone should pay more attention to the emotional issues of Priest Lamorlock. Are you interested? Sorry, but if you want to hear it, please make some noise and let me hear your voice."

"Ouch! Ouch!!!!!!!"

"Lord La Yisi!!!"

“Listen, listen, listen, listen!!!”

"The competition is not important. Please tell us the details about Priest Lamorlock and the male player in great detail!"

"Layingsi! Layingsi!"

"Layingsi! Layingsi!"

The next moment, like a bomb that was suddenly detonated, the entire competition venue instantly became boiling. People's cries and howls were gathered together to form a huge sound wave, which exploded with a bang!

"Very good, this is the so-called bad nature of human beings."

After hearing such intense feedback, La Yisi nodded with satisfaction, and then said seriously: "Then, let's get back to the game now."

The whole audience: "..."

Lei Baisi: "..."

"The game officially started, and the system randomly produced a relatively diversified comprehensive map."

La Yisi calmly ignored the dead atmosphere she had created, and explained to herself: "The main terrain is woodland, rivers and wilderness, and the strategic goal of both sides is to occupy the target location, which is located in the middle of the map. It’s a high tower, a very interesting strategic point.”

Lei Yisi, who was very dedicated, nodded immediately and said hurriedly: "Yes, although all the players from both sides need to do is occupy the designated location, from our perspective, we can see that the high tower can cover about one-fifth of the field. Control the range, and this area is just enough to monitor at least three groups of key terrains at the same time."

"Watch here, here and here, laymen."

La Yisi raised her voice and said something, and then she operated twice on the crystal plate in front of her. In the next second, three red crosses appeared in the audience's God's perspective.

“The marker to the northeast is a perfect rallying point.”

Lei Yisi smiled sweetly, clapped her hands and said, "If we can capture that high tower, not only can we directly eliminate the possibility of the other party to regulate the area, but we can also continue to exert pressure and contain the effective strength of the local troops."

"The mark to the west is two-thirds of the plain below the red team's control area. If the blue team can capture the tower, one scout can play a role more than two full mobile reconnaissance regiments."

La Yisi yawned and said lazily: "As for the southeast mark..."

"It can directly block the penetration of the opponent's water warfare troops."

The two sisters said in unison.

The next second, the preparation time is over and the game officially begins——

"Those sisters, they look so powerful."

Yu Chen lightly bumped Mo Tan's shoulder and whispered in the latter's ear: "Even people like me can understand how important that place is after listening to it."

Mo Tan nodded, frowning as he observed the movements of the red side, and nodded slightly: "It is indeed very powerful. If this map is indeed temporarily generated, and the commentators did not know it before, just this observation alone I can already bear the word 'awesome'."

"What about you Hafan?"

Fiyali, who was sitting in the back, poked her head over and asked curiously: "Did you see it?"

Mo Tan smiled coquettishly, touched the tip of his nose and said, "About...probably."


Fiyali looked at him suspiciously, frowned and said, "What does it mean?"

The Son of the Sun, who was held in Elisa's arms, chuckled lightly, turned to Fiyali and said with a smile: "Brother Hei Fan said this, he must be being modest."

Yu Chen blinked with a smile, pulled Mo Tan's sleeve and asked, "Are you being modest?"

"The level of the two commentators should be higher than mine, at least in the deduction and confrontation."

Blake chuckled and said calmly: "But compared to Brother Hei Fan, there should be a long way to go, right?"

【What a kid! Why don't you return my favor by leaving it here? 】

Mo Tan glared at Blake, but after noticing Yu Chen's slightly admiring gaze, the corners of his mouth raised subconsciously.

After all, Blake was telling the truth, and he was indeed being modest.

at the same time

"The players on both sides seemed to be very cautious. They did not conduct any aggressive tests immediately, but reorganized their troops as quickly as possible. It was a very correct choice."

Lei Yisi's sweet voice resounded throughout the entire venue, and he spoke clearly and unhurriedly: "I hope everyone will pay attention to the fact that they are not deliberately cautious. It's just that for the players, everything in the opponent's control area is there." Being completely shrouded in the fog of war is different from what we see from God’s perspective.”

La Yisi sneered: "This is why many people disapprovingly think that they can replace themselves when looking at the battle examples of famous generals. In fact, the gap between on-the-spot command and post-war review is very big, and the enemy will not act stupidly. If you fight according to the content of the battle record, you will formulate many highly targeted tactics. Therefore, compared with review and so on, the difficulty of on-site command is much higher."

"Well... you're right, sister."

Lei Baisi coughed lightly, and then brought the topic back to the game: "So, through God's perspective, we can see that whether it is Lamorlock or Morrissey...ah, I'm sorry, I mean Morrie Mr. Mori, none of them are trying to optimize their position, but they are trying to be more aggressive."

La Yisi scratched her cheek and said casually: "To be precise, it should be mobility, because both sides know that the other party may not choose to attack them, but will try their best to conquer the designated area in a short time, so they There is no need to waste resources on defense, so that’s why…oh?”

"What's wrong, sister...ah!"

Before Lei Yisi finished asking, he also discovered the clues and said very quickly: "Priest Lamorlock has started to take action. He only left three brigades of heavy infantry and a squadron of rangers to garrison the position. Let all the other subordinates choose to... board the ship!"

Get on board! !

Even viewers who are not very good at it were stunned after hearing Lei Yisi's words. The reason is very simple. The two girls also mentioned it during the commentary before, that is Lamorlock's opponent, that is, that The man named Morrison is the nephew of the [Speed] Admiral Mel of the Principality of Skallan. Whether it is the Principality of Skallan as a whole or Admiral Mel personally, the most proficient in water warfare is always water warfare!

But at this moment, Lamorlock chose to let the large troops board the ship en masse!

"This is really... completely unexpected."

Lei Baisi looked at the abbreviated tactical map in front of him in astonishment and murmured: "This is a water war! There is no doubt that Priest Lamorlock wants to launch an offensive from along the river. He has dock authority and fleet control on both sides. In the case of the right, it was the Priest Lamolock of the Dreamland Theocracy who took the lead in choosing water battle! What about player Morrison!?"

"A mixed army with a continent-wide configuration."

La Yisi immediately answered and said in a deep voice: "Although he also has control of the fleet, Morrison, who is theoretically more experienced, has not considered taking the water route at all. No, it's not that he hasn't considered it. I I think he had already thought about it during the preparation time, but rejected the idea, Lei Bai Si Lei Bai Si, tell me what you think."

Lei Baisi did not hesitate, but while operating the control panel in front of him, he explained to the audience: "Because if you take the waterway, you will not be able to keep up with the speed. Under the current terrain, both the red side and the blue side have to go south. It takes one circle to get back to the river bank at the target location, but the problem is that although the fleet will move very fast from the docks of both sides to the departure, even comparable to the most mobile light cavalry, but...sister, help me find a point."

The next second, a huge red cross appeared at the confluence intersection at the bottom of the map.

"But after arriving at this location, we need to go north for about 17 nautical miles. Due to terrain reasons, the average speed of both fleets during this journey will not exceed 6 knots at the fastest."

Lei Yisi quickly made calculations while simultaneously reporting his conclusion: "That is, nearly two hours, and if an assault is launched directly from both sides' positions to the target location..."

"With Morrison's current configuration, the slowest time would be no more than two hours and 40 minutes."

La Yisi took a deep breath and said with a serious face: "The waterway is faster in the first half of the journey, but the army will overtake it in the second half. If Priest Lamorlock does this, he will be pulled out of the time gap by at least fifteen minutes! "

"Sister, with Morrison's strength, the time it takes to completely capture the target point is..."

"Nine minutes!"

Chapter 1,298: End

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