Quadruple split

Chapter 1288 Danu’s Witch

"What about Pastor Hei Fan?"

Foster looked a little surprised. He lowered his head and glanced at the girl next to him, whose head was less than his shoulders. She was unconsciously holding her three-strand braid and scratching her chin. He asked curiously: "Why him? I thought you wanted more. Let’s talk about the Priest Lamoroch.”

Teresa shook her head slightly and replied casually: "I know more about Priest Lamoroch than you do, senior."

Foster didn't show the slightest surprise, and just asked calmly: "How do you say that?"

"I have seen all his battles in the 'border friction' between the Dreamland Theocracy and the Griffin Dynasty."

Teresa pursed her lips and turned her attention to the expensive projection equipment in the center of the research room: "I have watched his two games during the day no less than a hundred times."

Foster raised his eyebrows: "No less than a hundred times? I remember those two games were played for a long time. How did you..."

"Watch it at ten times speed."

Teresa smiled innocently and nodded to Foster very confidently: "So I think I know more about Lamorlock than you, senior."


Foster laughed dumbly and picked up a briefing sheet that was not soaked in coffee from the table. He lowered his eyes and glanced at the content on it: "But I also have the battle report of Priest Lamorlock in the Dream Kingdom. It’s worth watching.”

Teresa stood on tiptoe and glanced at the battle report in Foster's hand. She tilted her head cutely and thought for half a minute. Then she raised her face seriously and said to the latter: "Senior, the same battle report can be seen by different people." The amount of information in your eyes is different~"

"It's really hurtful. After all, I am also one of the six seeded players. I am the favorite to win this year."

Having said that, Foster did not show any "injury" at all, and smiled: "But since it is You who said such things, Theresa, I can only accept it."

Teresa glanced at Foster with some hatred, and said angrily: "Really, if you, senior, were willing to spend more energy on your studies, you would definitely be much better than you are now."

Foster shrugged, spread his hands and said, "Then what? Will he be better than you?"

"Senior, are you trying to make excuses..."

Teresa raised her beautiful silver-gray eyes and looked at Foster angrily.

"Obviously not."

Foster said something leisurely, turned to a set of experimental magic sandboxes not far away, and said lightly: "I just want to say that although things like 'spend more energy on your schoolwork' can indeed reap rewards. , but without enough talent, this gain is still not enough to make people stand at the top of a certain field. Teresa, we all have the trait of diligence, but I can never become you, nor can I become Lamorlock. .”

Teresa flattened her mouth and retorted: "But senior, you are obviously very good!"

"Perhaps my talent is that I can achieve 'excellence' relatively easily, but that is just excellence. If I want to go further, compared to a genius in a specific field like you, it will simply be half the result with half the effort."

As Foster spoke, he walked to the projection equipment, turned it off, and dropped the topic again: "So, Theresa, why are you interested in the Black Van priest?"

Teresa seemed to know that it was impossible to gain an advantage over Senior Foster with her eloquence, so she stopped worrying about the latter’s fishing behavior in the past few years and calmly replied: “Because I heard Senior Lian say, The reason why Priest Lamolock is willing to participate in this [War League] is precisely because he wants to have a little discussion with the Black Van Priest."

After hearing this, Foster nodded thoughtfully, and after a long silence, he said softly: "I probably guessed a little bit of your plan."

"Before I came here, I searched for all the information I could find, but there is really very little information about the Black Van priest."

Teresa entangled her index finger around her three-strand braid, pouting and complaining: "I only know that he was leading people in Misha County to fight against some, although not strong, but a very large number of plague-infected people. It only took a short period of time to calm down the disaster with force, but there is no record of the details of that [Operation Requiem] in the college archives, and what I can find has no reference at all. .”

Foster laughed playfully and walked slowly back to the table behind the girl: "I think that's because most of the lecturers in our college who have a little knowledge of the battle in Misha County feel that what Pastor Black Van has achieved is The record is quite high. Even if someone occasionally mentions it in class, it is basically to educate everyone about the gold-plating techniques in certain systems. In fact, Priest Lamorlock once doubted the teaching level of our college because of this matter. .”

"Uh...that's it..."

Teresa frowned, and then asked Foster curiously: "Senior, why did you talk to him about this?"

"Because I, like you, didn't understand at the time why the newly promoted star of the Dreamland Theocracy, who had shocked the whole world, would be so interested in a young man who was only well-known within the Dawn Sect. "

Foster pushed up his flat mirror, then turned around and walked towards the door of the research room: "Come with me, although there is nothing you want in the school archives, but I want to talk to the priest Lamorlock that day. After that, I collected some information from other channels, although it’s not much, you should be interested.”

"Thank you, senior!"

Teresa, who was originally a little depressed due to overuse of her brain, immediately cheered up and jogged to keep up with Foster. In the process, she accidentally tripped over the almost non-existent 'threshold' and exclaimed towards the door. The smooth fluorite floor fell away.

Foster, who was walking closer, didn't even turn his head, and just let Teresa throw herself to the ground in embarrassment.

the reason is simple--


There seemed to be a gust of fragrance blowing by. When Theresa came back to her senses, she found that she had stood firmly back on the floor, and a flower elf woman with long lavender hair, a soft appearance and an elegant temperament was standing there. Smiling and adjusting his collar.

"Senior Lian."

Teresa immediately bowed to this senior who was almost inseparable from Foster, was incredibly popular, and was very gentle and kind to everyone, and rubbed the toe of her shoes with a blush on her face: "Thank you... "

Lian Yuanrui just smiled quietly, and then said helplessly: "To be honest, little Theresa, I don't think I will ever meet anyone with worse physical coordination than you in this life."

Theresa: "...Senior Foster just said this to me."

"So you have to pay more attention, right?"

Lian rubbed Teresa's silky hair lovingly and suggested: "Why don't you, Little Teresa, come with me from tomorrow..."

"don't want!"

Teresa, who seemed to be reminded of the painful memories, let out a scream and ran away from Lian like a frightened kitten. In the next second, she fell onto her back with a 'snap'.

Teresa: "..."


fifteen minutes later

[Danu Military Academy] Main Building, 3F Student Union Office

Standing in front of the spacious floor-to-ceiling window, Lian helplessly turned her head to look at Theresa, who was sitting at Foster's desk and immersed in reading, and said with a rare twist: "Theresa is obviously a child with quick reactions. Although my body is a little slender, I am still relatively healthy. Why do I always...sigh..."

“When God gives people something, he usually takes away something to strike a balance.”

Foster next to him took a sip of coffee and said casually: "Aside from being a little sorry for the rather grand name [Witch], this is not a rare thing."

Although the person being discussed was less than three meters away from them, neither of them deliberately lowered their voices. On the one hand, it was because Theresa, who was frowning at a stack of battle reports, could never hear her now, and on the other hand, even if She would probably not have any objections after hearing it.

"If only she would do calisthenics with me."

Lian sighed and said regretfully: "That way, at least I won't take two steps without falling."

"I have no doubt about it."

Foster nodded subtly and said very objectively: "I remember that after she learned soft gymnastics from you for two hours last time, she didn't get out of bed for half a month, setting a record for the highest number of days without falling in her history. .”

Lian coughed slightly in embarrassment and said unconvincingly: "That's because it's only two hours. If she had practiced more, the situation would definitely be very different."

"I believe you, but you have to let her come out of the shadow of last time first."

Foster smiled, then rescued the topic from this dangerous area, and said softly: "But compared to her instinct to cause a little accident every now and then, I'm actually more worried about her character."

Lian Qing said 'hmm' and nodded in agreement: "Yes, that child's character is indeed a problem. Although he is still relatively precocious, he is still too delicate and kind. Well, at least most of the time he is too delicate. She’s kind, her friends are mainly senior students like us, to be honest, I’m worried about what she will do after you, me, Kaluz and Mellie leave school.”

Foster thought for a while, frowned and said, "Isn't there also... Qianniao?"

"You yourself don't believe that they can live in harmony. The temperaments of Little Qianniao and Little Teresa are simply two extremes."

Lian glanced at Foster's frown and sighed deeply: "But we can't take little Theresa away. This school is almost the child's home."

"I don't think it would be inappropriate for her to stay here. Even if we leave, I believe she can make some new friends with the help of Qianniao."

Foster rubbed his forehead, his deep eyes seemed a bit complicated: "What I worry about is, can she really live here peacefully and happily all the time? Can she really become a teacher in our college after graduation?" And will you inherit Teacher Richard’s position as dean in the future?”

Lian blinked and said thoughtfully: "Are you worried that little Teresa can't teach well? Well... that's right... after all, she's not good at dealing with others."


Foster shook his head and said solemnly: "I'm worried that sooner or later she will... be unable to control herself."

"Can't help myself?"

Lian was stunned for a moment, then immediately guessed the meaning of Foster's words, and hesitated: "Is it because of her ability?"

"Otherwise, could it be because she falls a few times or knocks over something every day?"

Foster turned to look at Teresa, who had completely blocked outside information and was focusing on the battle report, and said softly: "My strength lies in coordination and checks and balances; and you have the talent that every assassin dreams of, but Teresa is different from us. Her talents are more dangerous than ours combined. To put it bluntly, many times I feel that Teresa is simply a child born for war."

Lian pursed her lips with a worried look on her face and whispered: "But she is not compatible with war..."

"To be fair, Lian."

Foster raised his index finger, pushed up his glasses, and asked, "Have you ever seen anyone better suited to war than Teresa?"

Lian opened her mouth, but not a single word came out.

After all, even she who had seen Teresa’s most innocent and kind-hearted side knew very well that when the girl who couldn’t bear to hurt a nugget sat in front of the sand table, when her veritable [Witch] side was completely revealed. , the beast named 'War' will immediately turn into her most loyal, docile, and caring pet, no matter how she drives it.

Perhaps this statement is a bit exaggerated, but in Lian's eyes, there are too few people who can compare with Teresa in the field of war. Let alone herself and Foster, even their dean almost treats Teresa. Lesa thinks that Teacher Richard, who is her own daughter, is even worse.

This is completely illogical and makes no sense.

But the world itself is not very willing to reason with people. The Creator just likes to be partial. Even if it can make Theresa fall three or five times a day, it will still be partial.

"Do you know why the organizer chose me as the seed player this time?"

Foster rubbed his forehead tiredly and sighed: "Because the much-anticipated [War League] is no longer even a game in Theresa's eyes, that's why she asked me to become a player for her and become a player herself. Referee, it’s just…”

"Just what?"

"It's just that our thinking was too simple. Judging from Theresa's reaction, the officiant Lamorlock is obviously a monster, a monster that rarely makes the child excited."

"so what?"

"So... our [Witch] Highness, who originally offered not to participate in the competition, has itchy hands."

"Are your hands itchy?"

"Well, my hands are itchy."

Chapter 1,279: End

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