Quadruple split

Chapter 1275: Comparison, but not complete comparison

Although they could not see the command cards or hear the exchanges between the players and the staff, everyone could clearly see that the red side representing Lamorlock and the opposite blue side on the sand table simultaneously separated an arrow. It extends straight towards the direction that is closest to the two of them and is theoretically the easiest to carry out covert operations.

Slowly and firmly.

That is all the power that both sides can mobilize based on their current authority. The configuration is a mixed army of multiple arms with even proportions, and the strength is almost the same.

Lamorlock did not hesitate at all. In the second minute after the start of the game, that is, at the end of the 'preparation' time, he immediately gave an instruction. A very simple and clear instruction, that is, to abandon all baggage except the necessary food, so that His subordinates marched towards the enemy-occupied areas at maximum combat speed.

What is surprising is that as Lamorlock's opponent, the dwarf girl who was so nervous that her face was almost pale, also issued the same command, which could almost be said to be a replica of Lamorlock's order.

Of course, given that this randomly generated battlefield is not symmetrical, there are certain differences in both marching routes and maximum combat speeds between the two sides, so the performance on the sand table is not particularly pleasing to the eye, but this level of error will not affect The big picture.

Both sides are on the right wing of the main force of their respective camps, and the distance from the 'best area' in the center of the battlefield is roughly the same. Not only that, but according to the intelligence they have, that area happens to be one of the blind spots after both sides complete the basic defense. .

[The ideas are very clear. 】

Mo Tan shifted his body's weight to the back of the chair, calmly staring at the No. 1 screen in mid-air that attracted most of the attention, overlooking the sand table as the core component of this deduction, and nodded imperceptibly.

It is clear that both parties exercised impeccable judgment.

Needless to say, Lamorlock's level was good. Although the girl from [Mercury Military Academy] looked a little panicked, she did not lose her mind. She accurately grasped the key points of this confrontation in the first place.

It's not a plan, it's not a scheming, it's not a strategy, it's not a technique, a pattern, or a reaction.

But speed!

As the middle-level commanders of their respective camps, both parties do not need to make any decisions. In fact, they only need to make decisions themselves, and the tasks given above are even more simple and clear - invade enemy-occupied areas and destroy designated units. Sexual blow.

Based on the strength in the hands of both sides, a simple calculation can reveal that as long as 60% of the troops can successfully reach the target location, even if the opponent does not lose a single soldier, the execution time required for the final annihilation will not differ much. .

In other words, as long as you can reach the target location as quickly as possible without losing more than 40% of your strength, even if you can't win, at least you won't lose too directly.

And 'try not to lose too directly' is exactly the goal of the dwarf girl.


[Lamorlock's real-time command speed... is very terrifying! 】

This was the first conclusion that Mo Tan came to after studying the battle report from the Southwest Continent, and it was also the most valuable conclusion.

Therefore, according to Mo Tan's conjecture, even if both sides dropped the first stone at the same speed due to the two minutes of preparation time, as time goes by, Lamorlock only needs to use the strength he displayed when commanding the remaining troops of the Dream Kingdom in the south. At a speed of... one-third, he can maintain the ultimate efficiency of the team in his hands.

And this means that as long as the dwarf girl makes any mistakes, she will be severely thrown off the rhythm by Lamorlock, and will fall behind the latter step by step.

Of course, this is all based on the situation where both parties are playing single-player without any interaction between each other.

And this premise does not exist. As Black said, as long as they want to achieve their strategic goals, they will definitely have direct friction with the opponent at some point in time under this vicious map.

In other words, in this confrontation, which is currently just a test of 'speed' in the eyes of both players, the real core is actually the level of fighting in encounters. In other words, it is a test of the overall quality of the commanders of both sides.

The conclusion is obvious. No one thinks that Lamorlock will be at a disadvantage in this situation. In fact, those spectators who have guessed that the two sides will fight soon have begun to bet on each other. How long will it take to win the game?

Even Mo Tan is no exception.

By the way, he felt that Lamorlock should be able to win this game within twenty minutes without being too showy.


【so slow! 】

As the game progressed, Lamorlock, who received information every few minutes, did not continue to optimize the team's traveling speed through orders. Although he made several minor adjustments, there was nothing outstanding or subtle. If I had to find a word to describe this place, it would be 'ordinary'.

A very ordinary, very bland, very satisfactory order.

When everyone thought that Lamorlock was preparing some kind of magic stroke and was trying desperately to guess the intention of the orders, all Mo Tan saw was ordinary.

Twelve plans!

Even if he blocks the opponent's map and deliberately creates a fog of war on himself, Mo Tan has at least twelve plans that can greatly improve the efficiency of the mixed army in Lamorlock's hands, and also expand its effective control range. At least 30%, but Lamorlock just kept the team moving forward without making any major adjustments.

At this time, many people with open minds even thought that Lamorlock had realized the upcoming encounter and was desperately calculating the distance between the main formations of both sides, trying to prove that the well-known star of the Dreamland Theocracy was brewing something. What kind of ultimate move, such as putting yourself in a relatively advantageous geographical location when the two sides encounter each other, etc...

However, Mo Tan knew very well that this was simply impossible. With limited intelligence, it was impossible for Lamorlock to guess the opponent's location, let alone the time when the two parties met. It was even more impossible to deliberately guide the geographical location. Night story, you must know that although the area that is the first destination of both parties is considered a kind of 'translucent neutral zone', the terrain information is very general. Without specific feedback from the scouts, it is impossible for Lamorlock to grasp it in advance. its specific terrain.

Unless he individually ordered the scouts in the legion to perform some advance reconnaissance missions outside of regular marches, but he did not do so.

On the other hand, the dwarf girl who was Lamorlock's opponent took the risk to send several groups of scouts far away, but other than some additional information, she didn't gain much.

All in all, Lamorlock's performance at this moment was too mediocre in Mo Tan's eyes.

Judging from the frown on Day Black's face, it seems that he is not the only one who thinks so.

No mistakes were made.

Lamorlock just made no mistakes. Although this is indeed one of the advanced qualities of a commander, it is still too strange...

【What exactly is going on? 】

Mo Tan scratched his hair in confusion, feeling that he had overlooked something.

Although he had only seen Lamorlock's battle report before and had never seen this man actually commanding, the inexplicable sense of disobedience lingered.

The deduction continues——

In addition to emergency battle reports, the intelligence update rate of [Baizhan Type Six] is one set every two minutes, which varies according to the identity, strength and composition of the commanders of both sides; the speed of command input and the speed of automatic deduction will vary. It changes in real time, but will generally be at a fair frequency without bias.

In the next ten minutes, Lamorlock's staff went to collect intelligence five times in total, three of which entered the instructions given by Lamorlock, but it was still only a fine-tuning that was better than nothing.

On the other hand, the staff officer of the fifth-year female member of the Mercury Military Academy, although she also received five intelligences, ran to the central sand table a total of eight times, and each time she brought a large number of instructions to the macroscopic march. The route, down to the fine details of the formations used for each unit, is all-encompassing and looks very professional.

Finally, everyone who was paying attention to Screen No. 1, both laymen and experts, saw that if analyzed from the perspective of completing the share target, the dwarf girl had the upper hand; and even from a God's perspective, La The current rhythm of Morlock's team is unlikely to be helpful in the upcoming encounter.

"It's about to happen."

Mo Tan stared at the screen intently, murmuring in a low voice while desperately searching for the source of the sense of dissonance.

"The scouts from both sides have entered the other side's control!"

Blake also exclaimed at the same time.


The next second, a red light suddenly lit up in the single room where Lamorlock and the opponent's command post were located, which was the sign of an emergency battle report.

Without any hesitation, the staff officers from both sides immediately rushed to both sides of the final sand table, took out the generated data, and rushed back to their respective commanders.

And in the sand table where calculations are still going on, the scouts and vanguard troops of both sides have entered a state of war!

Change of formation! Engage the enemy!

Both sides immediately made the same reaction, and in terms of specific orders, Lamorlock gave three instruction cards at once, while the dwarf girl opposite frequently asked her staff to turn back on both sides, issuing although quantitative Not a big one, but a fairly high frequency of uninterrupted instructions.

In less than five minutes, this encounter, which was unexpected by both sides, entered a fever pitch!

The general direction of Lamorlock is very clear, and it is obvious that he wants to drag the opponent to death here; but the other party is just the opposite. The dwarf girl who has made up her mind resolutely focuses on breakout, trying to forcefully pass through Lamorlock. She even had to force her way through the blockade at the expense of some troops. In order to block the information, she even detached several light cavalry units to prevent the people on Lamorlock's side from passing the information back.

She has already calculated clearly that as long as she can get more than one-third of the people to break through here, she will definitely be able to achieve her strategic goal before Lamorlock.

This is not an difficult task to complete. In the eyes of this girl who has thrown away her nervousness and is already excited, even if the opponent is Lamorlock, even if the blocking side has an advantage over the breaking side, but In the current plain environment where both sides are located, as long as you are decisive enough, bringing out only one-third of the people is not a foolish dream!

After all, the deduction is not actual combat. The quality of soldiers in actual combat is not uniform. Once they are at a disadvantage, they will be easily defeated. Although there is also the possibility of "defeat" in the deduction, this kind of thing will not happen until one's own strength is weakened to 40%. The probability is less than 20% at most, so you can definitely take a gamble!

When it comes to fighting, the lady has never felt that she is better than Lamorlock, but she is also certain that the number of times the other party has used the magic sand table to play deductions and confrontations is even less than her own!


She held her friend's hand tightly and handed him an unknown number of instruction cards filled with suicidal containment operations.


My best friend, whose courage was also ignited, also became excited, her face flushed.

Finally, after another twenty minutes, the magic sandbox in the No. 7 battle area finally stopped the deduction, and the No. 1 screen, which was always broadcasting in real time, also reported the results of the game at the same time——

【Mercury Military Academy】Fifth grade student, Garavina Jesso, defeated, the combat goal was not achieved, and the remaining troops under his command: 0%

[Dreamland Theocracy Delegation] Ramolok, victory, the combat goal was not achieved, the remaining troops under his command: 27.7%

The whole place was in an uproar.

Including Blake, who had a big mouth, and Barty, who entered later than Lamorlock but successfully advanced five minutes ago, everyone was surprised not that Lamorlock won, but that it took him nearly an hour. It took a long time to achieve victory, and this was even after almost all the troops under his command were wiped out.

To be honest, no matter which side won the final victory, most people who witnessed this game from beginning to end would not be surprised, because the dwarf girl named Galavina did perform very well. , although the style of play was somewhat radical, the tactical ideas were always extremely clear, and they were desperately trying to reverse the situation until the unstoppable rout occurred.

On the other hand, Lamorlock, who won the final victory, received high hopes from countless people but did not contribute any shining points. He hardly received much applause, even if he did not make any mistakes. He calmly faced Garavina's surging offensive. Xia persisted until the end, literally dragging the opponent down, and still failed to live up to people's self-righteous expectations.

For him who carries the aura of a famous general, victory of this level is almost the same as failure in the eyes of others. The only reason why he did not lose was simply because he won.

However, unlike Blake, who was confused with a hint of disappointment, at the moment the game ended, Mo Tan suddenly showed a look of realization——

He finally discovered where that feeling of dissonance came from.


That man wasn't even playing!

He is serving as a consultant!

Without even the person involved being aware of it, he acted as his adviser! ! !

Chapter 1,268: End

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