Quadruple split

Chapter 127 Make a stroke

"You seem to be confused." Mo Tan casually kneaded the note in his hand into a small ball and threw it back to Cole. He closed the "Pickpocket Tips" in his hand with a 'snap' and said with a smile: "Let's talk about it. listen."

The trainee thief, who had been hesitant to speak since just now, nodded. He arranged his equipment uncomfortably and asked in a low voice: "Do you want to do something to the thieves guild here?"

Although he is Mo Tan's follower, follower, younger brother, and horse boy, Cole never feels that he understands the gentleman in front of him, but he is clear about two things. First, it should have been handed over to Wanderer. A certain item in the hotel was taken away by Mo Tanshun. Secondly, that item seemed to be of great value to the Thieves Guild in Black Tower City! Worth at least fifty thousand gold coins.

The two thieves reached for the same pocket. Mo Tan was the thief who succeeded, the Thieves Guild was the thief who failed, and Wanderer Hotel was the pocket.

Although the victim, the Wanderer Hotel, is not strong in terms of physical strength, the other thief is not a bad person!

Black Tower City is not as small as Pato and Karan, and the scale of various local neutral organizations is also quite large. At least according to the intelligence collected by Cole during this period, the Thieves Guild here is definitely a strong one. Yun, there are hundreds of resident thieves above the intermediate level, and there are dozens of high-level experts.

And this gentleman's strength... doesn't seem to be particularly strong.

After all, Cole has been following Mo Tan for a long time, and he can still speculate on this level if the latter doesn't hide it at all.

Of course, Mo Tan's terror has nothing to do with 'hard power', but Cole is still a little worried.

Worried about the thieves guild’s all-pervasive ears and eyes...

Worried that his savior would be harmed...

Worried that Lorna has no hope of survival...

Worried that as Ma Zai, I cannot be loyal...

If the Thieves Guild, which dared to promise 50,000 gold coins as reward, knew that the thing was in Mo Tan's hands, they would never give priority to the 'negotiation' option.


"So you are a little worried..." Mo Tan raised his eyebrows and chuckled: "Maybe I, who have become a thorn in the side of the Thieves Guild, will have some shortcomings or something like that?"

Cole was silent.

"Don't worry~" Mo Tan yawned lazily and waved his hand: "I have never thought of being an enemy of the Thieves Guild."

"Ah, is that so? Sir, you want to sell them personally..."

"I just want to give them a break."


The young man was confused at that time.

"That's right." Mo Tan glanced at Cole and said with a smile: "It cost me a lot of money to buy you this outfit. I can't get nothing out of it, right?"

The corner of Cole's mouth twitched. To be honest, he still didn't understand what the gentleman in front of him was thinking. He spent a lot of money to buy himself a set of equipment just for some inexplicable 'powerful' reason. They are all expensive.

"After all, your acting skills are too bad~" Mo Tan stretched and didn't explain much to Cole.

Firstly, because he was too lazy to talk nonsense, and secondly, Mo Tan didn't want Cole to gradually become less thoughtful because he stayed with him for a long time.

Gay friend A is a very bad example...

But in fact, this problem is not complicated. Whether it is training Cole to put on a zombie face, or spending almost all the gold coins on him to buy equipment for him, there is only one purpose...

Without him, just show off.

Mo Tan is not omniscient and omnipotent, but he can still infer a lot of things from some clues, such as... that small box is very important to the Thieves Guild.

The previous mission has already explained a lot of problems. It is obviously a task to hand over things to the Wanderer Hotel, but the penalty for failure is [Wanderer Hotel Reputation -300, Thieves Guild Reputation -999]

Simple and clear~

Compared with the former, the Thieves Guild values ​​this thing in his pocket more.

The guy with a popular face in the Traveler Hostel in Black Tower City confirmed Mo Tan's conjecture. Although the other party's disguise was quite good and could deceive most people, there was still a certain... Some flaws.

First of all, almost no normal waiter or receptionist would be so dedicated that he could evenly distribute his eyes on each guest throughout the entire process, but that guy did it, and he was able to do so wherever he stood in the hotel lobby. It was a 'coincidence' that I saw everyone, especially at the door. It would be understandable if this happened to a certain manager or supervisor, but it would be very intriguing if it happened to a little waiter.

This was observed by Mo Tan within ten minutes before entering the hotel.

Secondly, his steps are very steady, the distance of each step is almost the same, and the error will never exceed two centimeters. This skill, which sounds easy but difficult to practice, is also practiced by Mo Tan. It has a wide range of uses, whether it is calculating the area of ​​a building. It is miraculous in measuring distances, judging positions without seeing objects, and identifying roads. Mo Tan is an unusual person, so it is normal for him to learn this technique, but if it were anyone else... Let's put it this way, those who have the perseverance to learn this trick will definitely find a job that is more suitable for them than serving dishes.

This was something Mo Tan observed at close range with his peripheral vision while chatting with the girl at the front desk.

Third, after Mo Tan deliberately took out the small box, the 'waiter' never looked at the others again. At the same time, he moved his position covertly and soon appeared in a place that was not close. , but it allows the girl at the front desk to see her place at a glance.

This was also what Mo Tan observed with his peripheral vision.

Next, he was naturally arrested by the front desk to guide Mo Tan. In the process, the latter saw more details that were inconsistent with his identity.

Including but not limited to the cleanliness of nails, breathing rate, details of movements, tone of voice...

There is also his extremely inconsistent belly and leg fat.

So the answer is already clear.

This guy's motives are impure, and he was most likely sent by the Thieves Guild~

So, Mo Tan, who confirmed his judgment, immediately took Cole back to Liuli Pavilion after getting the things, and purchased a set of low-key and luxurious-looking equipment for the latter the next day, and then gave Cole a lesson 'Yan Yi' then sent him to the Thieves Guild to make soy sauce.

There is only one purpose, and that is to obtain information as quickly as possible after the other party takes action.

After all, the stakes are high. As a trainee thief, it is probably difficult to get access to that kind of information, and there is no shortage of real powerhouses in the Black Tower City Thieves Guild. Besides, Cole doesn't pretend to be...

If it is just to inquire about information or collect clues, then it is wise to let a large number of second-rate thieves who are neither good nor bad cast a wide net.

For example, through the bounty within the guild...

In short, it is very likely that Cole, who has been carefully 'groomed', will get the news.

Of course, after all, nothing is absolute, and the other party may also adopt other methods, but even in this case, Mo Tan actually has no loss. As for the little money... Believe me, someone's ability to cheat money is definitely far greater than what he spends. Money level, not to mention he has several backup plans~

But so far, everything has been going smoothly, and the so-called 'place for a certain ruins exploration team' is a wonderful unexpected gain.

An unexpected surprise that was so good that Mo Tan couldn't help but laugh out loud~

"Do you think I can't defeat those bastards?" Mo Tan asked Cole softly, his eyes suddenly turned cold: "Just them?"

Cole broke into a cold sweat at that moment. The 'gentleman' in front of him who didn't look a few years older than him actually became extremely strange to him in an instant. It was different from the unfathomable mystery in the past, but that This kind of 'strange' seemed to have fought its way out of the mountain of corpses and blood in more than two hundred ways.

As if there was a sharp blade against his heart, and as if a big hand was strangling his throat, Cole's whole body was trembling slightly, whether it was Mo Tan's cold and piercing eyes or the murderous intention in his words. With the arrogance of looking down on the world, both.

"You are too naive." Mo Tan stood up, sneered and shook his head.

[Yes, I was too naive...I actually thought that Mr. was not that powerful. What a terrifying aura this was. Even the high-level Paladin who appeared in Pato City that day was nothing more than that! 】

"There's really no progress at all..."

[Yeah, I really haven’t made any progress at all...]

"You didn't even notice that I was faking it."

[Yes, I even pretended to be...ah? 】

Cole looked up in surprise.

In front of him, Mo Tan was staring with a pair of dead fish eyes, and his previous demeanor of a peerless master was long gone.

The young man turned pale at that time...

"I am indeed not that strong. It is of course impossible to compete with the Thieves Guild on my own." Mo Tan walked up to Cole, patted him on the shoulder, and then shrugged: "But this has nothing to do with my plan to beat them. There is no conflict in the idea of ​​one stroke.”

Cole was a little confused.

"You have to know that violence is always the final means to solve troubles, but it is never the best way." Mo Tan walked to the cabinet on the wall and took out a bottle of red wine, and said softly while carefully studying the words on the label. : "To put it in words you can understand, only idiots would try to solve all problems with pure force..."

The young thief who was not dirty enough nodded.

"Of course, the law of the jungle is the basic rule. You must keep this in mind." Mo Tan uncorked the bottle and turned back to Cole with a crazy smile. He raised his head and drank the scarlet wine in one gulp. After most of the conversation, he turned around and raised a bottle to his followers: "Okay, the chatting time is over, now let's talk about what to do next~"

After one hour

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]

[Reconnection begins...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, chaotic and evil Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

The Chauvinist Empire, the capital of Troon, the headquarters of the Knights of the Sword of the Tsar

A middle-aged man wearing a red-gold robe appeared in front of the camp. He had a very standard face with Chinese characters, and several jeweled rings on both hands. His body was slightly thin, and although his short golden hair was still It's thick, but the position of the hairline is not optimistic...

Of course, no one will care about Konda Bohe's hairline after seeing the dark golden coat of arms on his back. Although he is just a mascot-like prince, you are still your prince after all. He is the biological brother of Emperor William Bohe. Let alone a mascot, even if it is an explosive, you have to respectfully treat this dear friend as your uncle.

So the knights guarding the door knelt down as soon as they saw who was coming: "Your Majesty the Prince!"

"Ah, you guys have worked hard." Kondabo said slowly, "Please help inform Marshal Galahad. I have something to discuss with him."

Something's wrong?

What can happen?

Several knights looked at each other, and no one knew why the man in front of them, who could be said to be drunk, rich and wealthy, came to their land, let alone what he wanted to talk to the marshal.

You can’t just want to drag the Marshal to go to the ‘Pink Street’, right? !

Everyone knows that the prince, who was widowed in his early years, is a frequent visitor there, and occasionally brings his closer friends with him, but the Marshal...

Can the Marshal survive it? !

"Ahem..." Prince Kunda coughed lightly, waking up the knights with wandering eyes in front of him from some indescribable thoughts, and asked kindly: "Is there any problem?"

One of the young cavalry commanders immediately shook his head: "No, no, I will report it to the Marshal. Please wait a moment!"

"Well, please excuse me." Prince Kunda nodded, turned around and glanced at the still noisy streets in the distance, and sighed silently...

Five minutes later, Shuai Zhang

"Your Highness." Galahad, who was standing in front of the wall-mounted map, turned around and gave Kunda a knightly salute, and asked with a hint of confusion, "What's the matter?"

The latter quickly responded with a royal courtesy, waved his hand and said: "Grandpa Galahat, please don't be so polite to me. Kunda came here just to confirm something with you..."

"Oh?" Galahad blinked his seemingly cloudy eyes, quietly waiting for the other party's next words.

"What I want to know is..." Prince Kunda gritted his teeth and asked word for word: "Is it true that His Excellency Faraosis is treason?"

"Yes." Galahad replied without hesitation: "This news has been known to all trustworthy nobles before. Although it has not been disclosed to the public due to its excessive influence, the content is indeed true."

Prince Kunda couldn't believe his ears. He froze in place as if struck by lightning. After a long time, he shook his head tremblingly and said: "This... this is impossible. How could Mr. Farah be treason? There is no way he is treason!"

"It's a pity, little Kunta...that's the truth."

"How could it be possible! Grandpa Galahat, even you..."

"Feel sorry."

"There must be a hidden secret in this, I'm sure of it! Can you..."

"I can't, please go back, Your Excellency."

Chapter 124: End

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