Quadruple split

Chapter 1269 Leisure time in the preparation area

[Staff Officer] is an enduring professional title, and whether it is in the world of innocence or the real world, in most cases it is closely related to the word "war" and plays a decisive role in it.

In the world that Mo Tan is in at this moment, most of the military activities of most forces are inseparable from the so-called staff.

This is a profession that is inseparable from the commander, and its permanent workload can at least surpass those of the 996 Fifteen Streets outside. Correspondingly, in a war, the theoretical status of the staff group is also extremely high, and it can It is said to be second only to the commander-in-chief of operations.

An excellent staff officer can integrate valuable intelligence in the shortest time and present it to the commander in the most concise way.

An excellent staff officer can list countless battle examples and extract a large number of references that can help the current situation, discarding all subjective factors, and present them to the commander.

An excellent staff team can independently complete most tasks including but not limited to personnel scheduling, material distribution, and logistics coordination, thus minimizing the commander's burden.

If necessary, in fact... it is very necessary in most cases, the staff will even assist in formulating various combat plans to provide reference for the commander, and most of these plans, Almost all will be implemented on the battlefield.

In other words, usually the commander only needs to decide the policy, direction and focus of a battle, and most of the rest of the 'trivial matters' are taken care of by the staff or the entire staff group. In people's eyes, this is just one thing. It's a matter of course.

Under this premise, the higher the quality of the commander himself, the less pressure there will be on the staff group. The higher the tacit understanding between the commander and the staff group, the stronger the execution and efficiency of the camp will be. This is also true. This is a fact that every military fan in the world’s world view knows.

To give a random example around Mo Tan, Sun Black, the Holy Son of the Sun Sect, had previously participated in the conquest of the northern blood barbarians as a staff officer, and played a decisive role in it. Jeff listened to his advice. ·Knight Commander Harrington launched a surprise attack without warning, directly breaking into the hinterland of the Harpy Clan, which played an important role in the northern blood barbarians, severely injuring its leader, the Lacerated Queen, and killing the queen's subordinates. The elite guards slaughtered more than half of them, which directly caused civil strife in the northern blood barbarians.

It is precisely because of this that the City of Light can allocate troops to support the Holy Mountain Sumir. Otherwise, Knight Commander Jeff Harrington would still be stalemate with those barbarians at the border, let alone commanding support.

All in all, there is almost no upper limit to the role that an excellent staff officer can play, and it is not uncommon for him to influence the situation of the battle.

In the main game of [League of War], ‘staff’ is also a necessary element, because as commanders, the players on both sides cannot get close to the central sand table, and they must conduct remote command by transferring instructions to the staff.


Yuchen shrank his neck and said with a slight blush on his pretty face: "Well... if you don't mind, Hei Fan... Although I didn't follow Sumir when we were there, I also followed Yu Ying when we were in Misha County. I have served as your adjutant together, so... okay?"

Mo Tan couldn't help but couldn't help but reached out and gently scratched the tip of Yuchen's nose. He smiled at the girl's exclamation, "Okay, I'll trouble you then."

"Ah! You agreed!"

Yu Chen grabbed Mo Tan's sleeves in surprise and shook the latter's arm happily: "Is it really possible!?"


Mo Tan nodded briskly, trying not to look at the girl's proud figure that was hard to ignore even under the robe of a high-level priest. He looked around and said, "You know, I'm not an orthodox commander at all. In terms of officers and staff... I have read about it in the event description, but after all, I have never experienced a real deduction and confrontation, and I only have a vague understanding of it, not to mention..."

"What's more, Hei Fan, you have never used a staff officer at all."

Yuchen chuckled, blinked and said, "Yizhuo told me in a letter when you were in Sumir. She felt guilty and felt that she couldn't do anything to help, so she just brought tea, poured water, washed clothes and folded quilts. Warm the bed or something by the way."

Mo Tan's face froze: "What's the matter?"

Yuchen tilted his head and said uncertainly: "Want the bed by the way?"

"No! Absolutely not!"

Mo Tan waved his hands angrily, using fierce body language to prove his innocence.

"Eh? It turns out there isn't one~"

Yu Chen smiled sweetly, raised his eyebrows and said, "Looking at what those letters said, I thought that as long as you asked Yi Zhao to warm the bed, she would obediently do so. After all, she admires 'Senior Hei Fan' so much."

Mo Tan's face turned a little blue: "I have absolutely no reason to ask her to help warm the bed! No... I actually don't need to sleep at all!"

"It's not bad for two people to lie down and rest together."

Yuchen still chuckled in an obviously teasing tone.

"so sorry."

Mo Tan did suddenly laugh and looked at the girl's beautiful black eyes with two crescent moons in a calm manner: "'Hei Fan' has lived in the Sinless Continent for such a long time, and up to now he has only been with one person of the opposite sex. Been in the same bed and that person is standing right in front of me."

As soon as these words came out, Yu Chen, who was already introverted and shy, suddenly lost his temper, flushed, and hesitated, making it difficult for Yi Zuo to make fun of Mo Tan... That's how it should be.

At least according to Mo Tan's calculations, this should be the case.



Although the girl did blush, she was not as messy as Mo Tan imagined. Instead, she wrinkled her nose and muttered in a low voice: "Liar!"

Mo Tan was confused at that time.


What a lie?

Why did I lie to others?


As if he had sensed Mo Tan's thoughts, Yu Chen snorted softly, pouted his lips and whispered: "If I remember correctly, on February 19th, you should have a date with other people besides me. The opposite sex has been in the same bed.”

Mo Tan: (O_O)?

Yuchen glanced at him and asked leisurely: "Do you need a reminder?"

Mo Tan nodded desperately, trying hard to prove his innocence.

"Misha County, Hind Hill, Mobile Alchemy Workshop."

Yuchen stood on tiptoes and whispered in Mo Tan's ear.

Suddenly, a picture suddenly popped out of the depths of Mo Tan's memory.

The picture is in the first person, and the main content is of a girl. If you describe it more carefully, you will see a petite girl named Luna Lynch, wearing an old silver-gray robe and with light blond hair, holding her baby in her arms. This thick alchemy notebook lies within easy reach of its owner.


Mo Tan let out a short exclamation and turned to Yu Chen who looked triumphant with a bitter look on his face.


A dreamy, ethereal voice sounded behind him.

"I did not do it on purpose!"

Mo Tan clenched his fists, danced and explained to Yu Chen: "You also know that I didn't mean it!"

"What's not intentional?"

The disembodied voice seemed to grow closer.

"I didn't mean to sleep with her!"

Mo Tan looked at Yu Chen angrily, hoping that she would stop pretending to be stupid and teasing him.

Then, about a tenth of a second later, Mo Tan, who suddenly came back to his senses, turned around suddenly, cast an unbelievable gaze on the girl who had appeared behind him at some point, and exclaimed: "Luna !”


The girl named Luna Lynch rubbed her eyes sleepily, covered her mouth and let out a small yawn. She said slowly in her unique tone: "I didn't say you slept with me on purpose. ah……"


Mo Tan also imitated the other person and rubbed his eyes, and came to the conclusion after a second that he was not hallucinating. Someone who only existed in the topic a few seconds ago actually appeared! ’ this conclusion.

That's right, in the player preparation area on the first day of the [War League], as usual, trainee alchemist Luna was holding the huge alchemy notebook and the belt around her waist filled with bottles and jars. ·Lin Qi appeared in front of Mo Tan and Yu Chen inexplicably like this, with a vague arc at the corner of his mouth.

"Luna, you're here!"

Yuchen, who seemed to have known that Luna would come for a long time, ignored Mo Tan and quickly ran to Luna, who was rocking on the spot holding a big book, and happily held her arm: "Why didn't I see you just now? ?”

"I was just lying there reading a book."

Luna pointed to the row of chairs at the back not far away (the two young contestants had been looking here), then slowly turned her head to look at Mo Tan, and said seriously: "I didn't say you were Deliberately sleeping with me..."


Mo Tan immediately interrupted Luna forcefully and changed the subject with a sneer: "What about that, Luna, you..."

"As for Wang Chong, the investigation still hasn't yielded any results."

Luna didn't wait for Mo Tan to finish speaking, and said first: "I conducted a very thorough study of the wreckage you gave me. Well... maybe it was a little too much. However, although the composition and structure have been fully grasped, there are If necessary, I can even make it exactly the same, but I still can't figure out its origin, and I can't trace its user. Sorry... the other party used it very carefully."

There was a hint of apology on the pretty face of the girl who was half asleep most of the time.

"No, I didn't plan to ask you that."

Mo Tan shook his head slightly, looked at the other party's smooth and white forehead and asked, "Is the injury on your head okay?"


Yuchen was stunned for a moment, then turned to Luna nervously: "Are you injured? When! Where is the injury? Is it serious?"

Completely worthy of the words "physician's benevolence", Yuchen's fierce reaction was completely within Mo Tan's expectation. In fact, this was also one of his purposes. After all, he was good at both magical healing and orthodox medicine. She is very half-assed, and her level is not as high as Yuchen's, so as long as Yuchen 'accidentally' lets him know that Luna has been injured, no matter how stubborn the latter is, she will be carefully examined.

Mo Tan still remembers Luna’s words when we met at the Alchemist Guild last time, ‘I plan to take your advice and take a bath and have a good sleep. Do you want to come together? ’ This kind of curious eviction order forced him to send away the guests, but this method was not applicable in front of Yu Chen.

Sure enough, Luna gradually began to be unable to withstand Yuchen's barrage of attacks. She didn't even have the chance to cast a scolding look at Mo Tan, before Yuchen held her little hand and used a series of magical techniques such as [Eye of Dawn]. I checked up and down, and visually found that I couldn't get away for a while...

Mo Tan smiled and stopped looking at Luna, who was being questioned by Yu Chen about how she was injured. He walked briskly away from the two girls and found a place to sit down.

Luna Lynch has always had the habit of forcing herself. To put it bluntly, she doesn't seem to regard herself as a human being at all. Her living habits are a mess, and she always pursues the idea of ​​"as long as she's not dead, she's healthy." Treat yourself from perspective.

This bad habit has always been a headache for Mo Tan and Yu Chen. After all, Luna is not a player. As an NPC, she only has one life. If it is gone, it is gone.

And in view of her chaotic living habits (including but not limited to forgetting to eat breakfast/lunch/dinner, frequently staying up for forty hours without sleep, walking only reading books instead of looking at the road, and exploding at least five times out of ten experiments), two People are pessimistic and think that she is much more likely to die than normal people.

For various reasons, Mo Tan can't do anything to Luna in most cases, but gentle Yuchen can often persuade Luna to do things she doesn't want to do, such as sleeping or eating half a bowl more. Rice and the like.

So Mo Tan, who had always been concerned about Luna's physical condition and became even more concerned after learning about her injury, said those words deliberately before.

【I am such a genius~】

Mo Tan, who had solved two problems (Yuchen's teasing/Luna's physical condition) in one fell swoop, closed his eyes and thought happily.

"Hello, is there anyone sitting here?"

As a result, before he could relax for five seconds, a slightly familiar voice sounded beside him.

Mo Tan looked up in confusion and found a handsome young half-orc from the Fox tribe standing in front of the chair next to him.

"Oh, Barty."

Mo Tan said something subconsciously.

Barty Arthur, a top student at the Paladin Academy who had recently lost to the Diesel delegation in the team finals of the fighting competition, was immediately stunned: "Do you know me?"

"Ah, no, I just went to watch the finals of the fighting competition that day, and you performed very well."

Mo Tan reacted quickly to save the situation, nodded and said: "There is no one next to me."

"thanks, thanks."

Barty thanked him repeatedly, then turned his attention to Yuchen and Luna who were not far away, and said without looking back: "The view from here is great~"

Mo Tan's face froze.

"By the way, this friend, are you also a contestant?"

"Well, that's right."

"Tsk, tsk, I've never seen you before. Look at these clothes... Are you from the Dawn Sect?"

"Well, it's from the Dawn Sect."

"Which college is he from? Tianhui? Do you know classmate Richard Lane? He is also from the Dawn Sect. He seems to be quite powerful."

"I don't study here, but I do know classmate Richard Lane."

"Haha, yes, then you..."

"I am Hei Fan from the United Holy Religion Delegation. Some time ago, because classmate Richard tried to harass my girlfriend, yes, that black-haired girl you just kept looking at, I found someone to beat him half to death. .”


"Oh, by the way, Batty-san, what did you just say about the good view?"

"Brother! Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding!!!"

Chapter 1,262: End

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