Quadruple split

Chapter 1265 Time flies

Lies are one of the compulsory courses for most intelligent creatures, and they are also an indispensable part of the world. For people, in many cases, they are as important as air and sunlight, and are the core of our survival. elements.

Since we have discussed this beautiful yet cruel word many times before, we will not go into details here to avoid digressing too seriously.

All in all, no matter which angle you look at it, Mo Tan is very proficient in the art of lies. It is worth mentioning that Mo Tan here refers to 'Mo Tan', not Mo Tan under a certain personality. sandalwood.

In fact, if there is a reason or necessity, even a 'lawful good' personality with a relatively upright outlook on life can tell quite sophisticated lies, and given his temperament at the time, his credibility is often higher than The same level of cheaters is much higher.

As for when his personality is "absolutely neutral", Mo Tan, who laughs at himself as an ordinary passerby, is actually very good at telling lies. This is mainly due to some wise sayings related to pork and pig running. In short, although his mood swings will have a negative impact on the effect of lies. Impact, but most of it is very real unless it involves a girl.

However, no matter how high his business proficiency is in the above two states, in the field of lies, Mo Tan will never be able to compare with himself under the 'chaotic neutral' personality. In fact, except for the excessive otaku elements Apart from young girls, there are probably very few people in this world who can compare with Mo Tan under that personality in this regard.

Perhaps, Mo Tan under the other two personalities can deceive others, but only when he is a pleasure criminal (called by Yidong) can he deceive himself perfectly.

Deceive your own heart, deceive your senses, deceive your subconscious.

Even if it is just improvisation, the man who goes by the pseudonym 'Tan Mo' in the Innocence Realm can casually say a large number of remarks that are clearly labeled as 'lies' but have an inexplicable core of 'honesty'. Only he can do this. While convincing others, convince yourself at the same time, isolate the 'concept' from the 'label' and 'core', and banish it from your thoughts before you need it.

In fact, even if Yao Qianhan can really read minds, as long as Mo Tan under the 'Chaotic Neutral' personality enters the state earlier and is determined to unfold a subtle lie before the so-called 'mind reading' takes effect, then unless the former can turn the page like a book Just read Mo Tan's mind at will, otherwise even if you perform real-time mind reading, you will never be able to find any clues.

Of course, Mo Tan knew very well that those guys with great powers could still dig out their deepest secrets if they were willing, but he thought the probability of this was slim, because he was just a small person after all. Although he was Yi Dong's best friend, This factor may only make those people more tolerant of themselves.

All in all, Mo Tan's decisive decision in the chairman's office that day created an insurance for him, an insurance that was extremely reliable even though it was full of loopholes. From the moment he got home, he had made up his mind that he would never be in the same position as Yao Qianhan in the future. Under any circumstances, try to keep yourself in a state of 'chaotic neutrality' as much as possible.

Although this is likely to cause a lot of inconvenience to his future campus life, as long as it is effective, it is worth it.

In addition, during the three days of August 16th, 17th and 18th, Mo Tan also carefully recalled the blank period in his social life, and carefully checked whether there was anything that could reveal his spirit. The clues to his status were hidden inside. It had to be said that he was very satisfied with himself, because even during the period when he lost contact with Yi Dong, Mo Tan, who knew that he would one day be on the right track, was very careful and did not leave any traces behind. any conspicuous evidence.

As for the imperfections that were not very obvious (for example, sometimes he bargained for a good deal until the vegetable stall owner became a monk, but sometimes he obediently paid the marked price), he felt that he could use 'lack of parental care', 'departure of friends' and ' I tried to explain my premature puberty, but if I couldn't, I admitted that my IQ was indeed very high and I was extremely precocious, so I stayed anonymous and behaved strangely during that time when I was feeling world-weary.

In any case, regarding the troubles in the real world, Mo Tan believed that he had done the best he could, and in the realm of innocence, he spent three relatively comfortable days and nights, although he still It was as compact as ever, but there was no serious trouble.

To briefly organize it——

The previous battle with the Awakening Dragon in the public space was not in vain. Although the battle did not last long, [Xiao]'s proficiency did not change at all after the character 'Mo' returned to the game, but when he was in When I was sparring with Yaya in the backyard of Linyin Inn, I found that [Dawn·Ruthless Sword] accumulated weapon experience points at an incredibly fast rate. The two of them fought back and forth for less than ten minutes. 】The experience value of the form has increased by a full 0.8%. Adding the experience value accumulated by Mo Tan before, it is exactly 1%.

Don’t underestimate this 0.8%. You must know that Mo Tan had a passionate fight with Anthony Dabbs for such a long time, and it was only after both parties tried their best that his sword form experience improved. 0.18%.

Needless to say, after Mo Tan discovered this result, he immediately fought with Yaya for another ten minutes. As a result, [Xiao·Ruthless Sword] did not gain any growth this time, and the experience value remained stubbornly at 1%. superior.

Mo Tan was not disappointed, but Yaya enthusiastically proposed to fight for a while, and even borrowed Jadekar's staff to blow himself up. As a result, Mo Tan, who had planned to stop, had to hold the quality of the staff. The broken weapons continued to fight against the teeth until they were exhausted and unable to get up again.

Living up to expectations, the experience value of [Akatsuki Ruthless Sword] has indeed increased, from 1% to 1.01%.

After that, Mo Tan (after recovering his physical strength) tried several other forms, but because he only used the sword form when fighting the awakening dragon, there was no reaction at all in other forms.

Ever since, after two days of experimentation, the rules were summarized.

First of all, click until it’s over... or in other words, the experience value that can be provided to [Akatsuki] by sparring without harming life is very small, almost to a ridiculous level, and in a real fight, even if the fight takes place in a public space , [Xiao] is still able to grow relatively significantly.

According to Mo Tan's speculation, the experience he gained when fighting in public spaces should belong to [Hidden Experience Value]. These experiences will not be directly added to the corresponding form of [Akatsuki], but will be added to the realm of innocence when he is in it. It is added up little by little through fighting. Before the experience reserves in the public space are exhausted, even the most perfunctory discussions can add a lot.

Although he has not yet had the opportunity to actually fight in the Innocence Realm, Mo Tan feels that the effect should be the same as in public space. Even if it is different, the effect will only be better, and experience will most likely be added directly.

In fact, during the past three days when he was 'Mo', he was mainly studying this. The people accompanying him were Jadeka, Yaya, and Ji Xiaoge because of the recent business between Artisan Town and the Saint of Fortune Fiyali. He was busy again, and Cordova walked around Academy City absent-mindedly every day. He seemed to have something on his mind, and Mo Tan didn't ask.

The chaotic neutral 'Tan Mo' has also been relatively leisurely recently. Since the process of this exchange meeting has come to an end (in fact, the real 'exchange' of the big shots has just begun), Diana has been very busy during this period, almost I have to go to the Academy City Mages Guild in the inner ring area every day. Occasionally I go to the Elders Council in Academy City with the Tuning Sage and Evie Lehman from the City of Miracles, and I will definitely take Futaba with me. .

"Diana!! There's nothing wrong with me, so why do you have to let me go with you? Are you afraid that I'll be alone with Frank?"

When Diana was forced to make an 'appointment' again and had to postpone going to the library to double queue with Frank Hughes for the eighth time, Futaba couldn't bear to complain: "How do you think he is lovable!"

But Diana just smiled lightly, said 'everything', and then kissed Frank Hughes on the cheek and dragged Futaba away.

It has to be said that his girlfriend's 'understanding' really made Mo Tan relieved. After all, he knew very well that as they continued to conquer the dungeons given to them by Shu Ling and the tasks given to them by the system, even if everything developed according to the most ideal situation , Futaba's evaluation of Frank Hughes will become higher and higher, and accordingly, his suspicion of Frank, Tan Mo, will become more and more serious.

All in all, thanks to Diana's thoughtfulness, both 'Tan Mo' and 'Frank Hughes' gained a lot of free time. Naturally, he did not let these precious sands of time flow from his fingers. Seize every moment to do something that makes you feel happy.

For example... to create trouble for a lady named Philly Graham who claims to be a high-quality local woman from the Innocence Continent, she casually added her part that seemed to be very beneficial to her, but in fact used several kinds of lace in the lace. The language added at least thirty additional clauses to the contract, tore it in half, and mocked the person for three hours in a gentle manner without a single curse word.

It's so pitiful that this was the first time that the Saint of Wealth had been insulted like this. What made her even more aggrieved was that she couldn't even reply.

Because manipulating a contract is like cheating in gambling. If you are not discovered, everything will be fine. But if you are exposed on the spot, no matter what people do to you, it will be reasonable.

In other words, Feiyali's little trick not only failed to trap Mo Tan, but even trapped herself. After all, Mo Tan used magic tape the next minute after tearing the contract in half. He restored it and claimed that he didn't mind plastering it all over the streets of Academy City, saying that this would not only attract investors such as the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce and the Steam Foundation, but also popularize Devil's Language, Ancient Elvish and sylvan.

It is foreseeable that although this negotiation about the beverage business has not yet been finalized, it is difficult for Philly Graham to get too much advantage from it. In fact, it is difficult to hear what she said inadvertently. , it seems that as long as you don’t suffer too much in this business, you will be thankful.

However, although 'Hei Fan' heard these words, 'Tan Mo' did not take any action after Feiyali's bottom line was lowered. Otherwise, Feiyali might soon react to this Link Zelda How did the gentleman see at a glance that there was something wrong with the contract lace?

In addition, he still 'reluctantly' communicates with Ms. Evie Lehman who likes to change eyeballs... To be precise, he should be dragged into the latter occasionally, and he will definitely not be. Diana was wandering around wherever she was caught. Ever since Mo Tan bought her a bottle of [Qian Kun's Toss] worth 888888 gold coins at the [Black Mary] bar, the property owned by Feiyali, he also ordered a bottle of 666666 for himself. After the [glorious] gold coins, she became more and more tired of Motan.

Of course, the girl named Evie Lehman didn't think that Frank Hughes or Link Zelda... or anything else would actually spend the money to buy two bottles of juice. She What she saw was the fact that she couldn't see anything.

If Evie Lehman's previous claim that she wanted to be Motan's lover was just a joke, then after this alluring unknown gradually swallowed her up, she seemed to have taken her words a little seriously.

However, this does not mean that she is not a threat. In fact, in this Academy City, Evie Lehman is even the third most threatening threat to the concept of 'Ink Tan'!

Above her is Futaba who can kill 'Tan Mo' at any time.

At the top of the list, the person who seems to have become a problem for Mo Tan is the one who pretended to be Cole Shuren a few days ago and attended the gathering as 'Mo' in his place. His acting skills were so superb that even Mo Tan I've been deceived by this crazy bastard.

But strictly speaking, it may not be a mystery. After all, Mo Tan always has a hunch that the shadow hiding in the dark is most likely the person who almost exonerated the Marshall family in the Violet Empire.

In Mo Tan's mind, strictly speaking, no matter which personality Mo Tan is under, figuring out that person's identity and purpose is firmly ranked first, even more than killing Futaba and negotiating a soda business. Waiting for matters.

He must take action before the Academy City exchange meeting ends!

August 19, 2049 AD

Game time AM07:02

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, the absolutely neutral Black Brahma, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Academy City Central District, No. 11 Milhouse Avenue, [Chuiqing Hotel], 205 double bed room

The moment Mo Tan had just finished controlling the body of 'Black Brahma' and opened his eyes——

"Ah! Mo... Hei Fan, you are finally awake! I thought you forgot!"


"Yes, come downstairs quickly, I'm waiting for you."

"wait for me?"

"if not?"

"What are you waiting for me to do?"

"League of War! Yeah, I have to clean it up for you first!"

"League of War?"

"League of War!"

Chapter 1,258: End

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