Quadruple split

Chapter 1253 Fatal Game·Inheritance (End)

[Blank Book 2: The Road to Survival·Poison mission has been completed, and the reward is: the right to open the seventh floor of the forbidden book area. Since the completion rate of this mission is 102%, no additional rewards can be obtained]

After the system prompt sounded, Mo Tan sat up lazily, and then participated in the discussion between Futaba and Shuling.

"Anyway, this is probably what happened after 'Meifu' disappeared."

After Mo Tan finished telling the whole story, he breathed a long sigh of relief and shrugged: "Fourteen had no intention of letting Haru go, and I did a little calculation at the time. Even if I desperately tried to persuade him and succeeded by luck, the remaining time should be It’s not enough for me to escape from the pursuers at Sleepy Hollow.”

The girl narrowed her head slightly, looked up at Mo Tan for a while, and then said with a twitching corner of her mouth: "So you wiped your neck?"

"That's right."

Mo Tan nodded and said with a smile: "Actually, I am quite afraid of pain, so no matter what I think, whether I am killed directly by Fourteen or killed by the pursuers of Guillotine Cliff, I am afraid that I will not die too much." It’s easy, so I might as well just give myself a break.”

Futaba rolled her eyes and complained: "I really don't know whether you are a coward or a brave person."

Mo Tan smiled brightly and said without hesitation: "You're kidding, I'm so scared, okay?"

"None of my business."

Futaba gave him an elbow in annoyance and snorted: "Even if I am going to die sooner or later, can't you ask me a few more questions?"


Mo Tan looked away inadvertently and said nothing.

"Or, apart from the nonsense of 'reducing unnecessary suffering'..."

Futaba did not ignore Frank Hughes's strangeness and immediately asked: "What other reasons do you have?"

The result was unexpected. The latter nodded happily and whispered: "Probably."


The girl subconsciously widened her eyes and asked curiously: "What?"

"It's not convenient to say this right now."

Mo Tan touched the tip of his nose and said awkwardly, "Can I tell you later?"

Futaba frowned, and was about to say something, but then a strange look flashed in his eyes. He gave up the question in a rare move, and then changed the subject with an unhappy look on his face: "Okay, I don't have it anyway. I have too much hope for you, and the individuals in the story have nothing to do with me.”

Mo Tan breathed a sigh of relief and seemed to feel a lot more relaxed. Then he turned to Shu Ling and asked, "Um, Mr. Shu Ling, actually I have a few questions to ask, uh, if it's convenient for you."

The scholar sitting behind the table nodded slightly: "Please speak."


Mo Tan smiled and then asked directly: "I want to know why you don't let me board the [Slaughter]."

"That's because he doesn't know what will happen after Fourteen and his gang go to sea. He can't make it up. I've just asked him."

Futaba didn't wait for Shu Ling to speak, and lazily answered first.

"Uh...that's it..."

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded to Shu Ling, and then asked Shu Ling: "Then, I also want to know the reason why Shuang Ye's character 'Meifu Xiangluan' disappeared, is it because... …”

"Painless divine punishment."

Futaba once again gave the first answer and said with a dry smile: "I asked you this just now."

Mo Tan blinked, then turned to look at Shu Ling, and after the latter nodded slightly and said, "That's what happened," he smiled bitterly, and simply asked Futaba directly: "Okay, then in real history, Maeve Xiangluan and Haru Kutata..."

"Meif Xiangluan's ending seems to be the same as mine. She was punished to death by the gods on the coast."

Futaba gave the answer in a brisk tone, then spread his hands and said: "I haven't asked about Haru Kutata yet, but he should be dead."

Mo Tan then looked back at Shu Ling, who finally had a question to answer. Although the latter's expression had always been calm, he was extremely calm even if he was being rudely snatched away by Futaba.

"Haru Kutata did not board the Slaughter, perhaps because historically he did not show the value you showed Mr. Frank Hughes."

Shu Ling smiled and nodded to Mo Tan, and then whispered: "Of course, he did not survive. According to Mr. Kuton's memory, Haru was seriously injured in the process of escaping, although it was not fatal. But this still prevented him from escaping from the Gray Lizard Hunt. In fact, after noticing this, the [Medicine King's Poison] forcefully demanded to break off alone, and was brutally killed after buying enough time. killed."

Frank, who until just now was Haru Kutata, seemed a little depressed. After being silent for a while, he said softly: "That's such a pity... but at least he achieved his long-cherished wish."

"So there's nothing to be sorry for, sentimental little Frank."

Futaba laughed at Mo Tan in a kind tone, and then lazily said to Shu Ling: "Oh, by the way, I suddenly remembered, if we follow your standards, Shu Ling, how far must we go to win the prize?" Reaching 200 points? That’s the perfect ending for Maeve and Haru.”

As if he had expected Futaba to ask this question, Shu Ling replied almost as soon as the former finished speaking: "Kill Fourteen, recruit everyone, and then become the new owner of that ship."

Futaba and Mo Tan were both stunned and made the same noise: "Huh?"

"That's the ideal situation."

Shu Ling glanced at the two of them and said calmly: "But this is just the 'optimal situation'. Under the circumstances at that time, you have done your best, at least that's what I personally think."

Mo Tan, who was scolding his mother for missing out on the huge reward, nodded in agreement and said with a smile: "Actually, I am quite satisfied with this result."

"Just because you're satisfied doesn't mean I'm satisfied."

Futaba snorted, narrowing her glasses and staring straight at Shu Ling with her beautiful eyes: "Seriously, Uncle Shu Ling, do you think we are really capable of completing that 200-point answer sheet? Even if there is only one percent chance, do you think it is really possible for us to kill the fortressed Fourteen and recruit that pirate group called [Slaying]?"

"I have no idea."

Shu Ling answered without hesitation and said softly: "You should understand that the reason why we have this deal is precisely because I want to see more possibilities, so I have no way to answer your question."

"It's really useless~"

Futaba curled her lips, and then lazily stretched her petite body that was very soft but had no lines at all, and said casually: "In that case, you should quickly use your remaining value and take us there. The seventh floor of the forbidden book area..."


Mo Tan suddenly interrupted Futaba, turned to the latter and said sternly: "Forget it today."

Futaba immediately glanced over, wrinkled his nose and grinned, "Why?"

"Because it's very late now...no, I should say it's very early."

Mo Tan shook his head and asked in a rare serious tone: "If you go to the seventh floor of the forbidden book area, you won't just stroll around, right?"

Futaba suddenly showed a super cute smile: "I must be just strolling around!"

"Do you think I will believe you?"

"Yes, yes!"

"no, I can not."

"Fuck, get out."


Mo Tan shook his head helplessly and shrugged: "If I really let you go now, I'm afraid I won't even be able to pull you out before dawn. I can still stop you in advance now. If you really let you go on the third day, On the seventh floor, if you see something enlightening... I won't dare to disturb you."

Futaba let out a long "Oh" and smiled narrowly: "Why, are you afraid that I will blow you up casually?"

"It's partly because of this."

Mo Tan smiled coquettishly and said dryly: "One more thing is that even though I don't know much about mysticism, I always feel that disturbing you when you are concentrating on studying something may cause danger..."

"It's so annoying."

Futaba glared at Mo Tan fiercely, then stood up abruptly, and angrily walked towards the door they came from, while cursing without looking back: "You must have nothing to lose when you give birth to a child!"

Mo Tanfeng lightly ignored the girl's curse, then stood up and bowed to the tower spirit, then chased Shuangye and left this wonderful impression space.

ten minutes later

Game time AM04:25

Academy City Central District, in front of the Comprehensive Library

An angry Futaba walked in front without saying a word, and Frank, who was smiling wryly, followed with a look of helplessness on his face.

Of course, even though neither of them spoke, their minds were running rapidly.

Whether it's Futaba putting on a look like 'I'm very angry, if you dare to come here to mess with me I'll blow you up', or it's written all over Futaba's face: 'Although I know you're unhappy, I don't want Diana to worry even more', so she's extremely worried. Sorry' Motan, that's all the case.

[Although the book spirit did not answer, I also feel that both myself and Frank have achieved the ultimate, but since there is a reward for 200% completion...]

The girl walking in front narrowed her eyes and stared slightly.

[In other words, in principle, that task can be accomplished 200%. No matter how demanding the requirements are, there is definitely a route that can be completed perfectly. 】

Mo Tan gently brushed away a strand of hair hanging in front of his eyes and flicked the frame of the mirror.

[Compared with 'Sunset', this time's 'Road to Survival' is obviously several orders of magnitude more difficult. There are a lot of points from beginning to end that will directly lead to mission failure if you are not careful. 】

[In the previous dungeon, both I and the dead tablet had the conditions to be perfect. If I had not been offline for such a long time, if she had read the relevant records and let us know each other's identities, then what would have happened between us? There is almost certainly one person who can do it 200%. 】

[According to this rhythm, there should be similar elements in 'Road to Survival', but the question is, what did we ignore, and under what premise, Frank and I were able to successfully kill Fourteen and seek power. usurp the throne. 】

【Ha, I know~】


[If we want to hit 200% completion, one of the prerequisites is probably that we have a sufficient understanding of the story, and we must also confirm the identity and status of the other party as soon as we enter the dungeon. 】

[This is simply impossible. The preparation time left for me and Frank is so short. The probability of realizing that Haru Kutata is Frank from the basic information is too ridiculous. Or is it meant to be so blind in the first place? Is this really reasonable? 】

[It seems unreasonable, but shortcuts actually exist, haha, but this is basically driving me to death. 】

[Is it because there is no logic in the first place, and achieving full completion depends entirely on luck and tacit understanding, or am I missing something crucial...]

[Friend messages, they can only be friend messages. With sufficient preparation, if that woman and I can honestly join forces from the beginning and don’t hide anything, we can confirm each other’s status in the shortest time through friend messages. Not only that, plans and processes can also be discussed in friend messages, and information can also be completely synchronized. 】

[No, I can’t find a clue at all. Frank has already performed very well. Instead of having higher expectations for him, it’s better to expect me to do more. 】

[Although 'Frank Hughes' has done his best, the pairing of 'Futaba and Frank' is not comparable at all to the complete 'Black Sun' in terms of level. Both the degree of tacit understanding and the intensity are completely different. Concept, in the copy just now, the woman accommodated me too many times, and the accumulated time wasted was not a lot. 】

[Could it be said that the level shown by Frank Hughes is not ‘all’? Could it be that he can do better? Ha... If he really is 'BLACK', it would make sense...]

[Well, if nothing else, this woman may have become more and more suspicious of me. Although the situation has not reached the worst level, suspicion is just suspicion after all, but it is not an option if it continues like this. 】

[I'm afraid I have to find a way to test him again. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 】

[No way, let's make 'Frank' better in the future. Although I will show some of my true nature in this process, I can't care about that much now. At least I need to stabilize the situation. To the end of the exchange meeting. 】

[No matter what, the situation will change. If he is ‘BLACK’, it will only be a matter of time before I find him out if he continues to play like this, but the problem is...]

[In this period of time, can I complete the killing round and kill her! 】

The thin clouds like silver gauze slowly covered the moonlight with a filter. In the gentle evening breeze, the two of them stopped in unison.

"I'm relieved~"

"That's great~"

Chapter 1,246: End

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