Quadruple split

Chapter 1226 Origami

"You want to get the place back?"

Gu Xiaole was immediately stunned and looked at Cordoba's pretty face with confusion: "Avenge Mojiang?"

Cordoba nodded aggressively: "Yes! Get it back!"


Gu Xiaole opened his mouth. He originally wanted to tell Cordoba that in fact, the two of them were not at all interested in each other before, but after thinking about it, he thought that this thing seemed to be quite fun, so he gave up the idea and waved lightly instead. My little fist: "Come on!"

Cordoba grinned and touched the tip of his nose with his thumb. He looked extremely confident: "Sister Xiaole, do you want to watch the battle?"

"I have something else to do, so I won't go and see it."

Gu Xiaole shook his head, and then asked curiously: "But Xiaoyu Jiang, how are you going to find a place for Mo Jiang? Is Lucky and Xinglong Sang a match?"

Cordoba shook his head and shook his index finger cowardly: "The mountain man has his own clever plan!"

"oh oh!"

As a result, Gu Xiaole had no intention of pursuing the question at all, and just patted Cordoba on the shoulder: "Well, Xiaoyu-chan, you have to work hard!"

Then it went offline.


Cui Xiaoyu, who wanted to give up the situation but ended up being lonely, twitched his lips and felt depressed for a long time before he left the place in frustration, deciding to take a walk to relax while implementing his 'ingenious plan'.

Five minutes later, the same place

"So, our theme today is... sweets?"

Mika Yuk, who has a lively personality, has refreshing shoulder-length blond hair, and wears the robe of a priest of the Sun Cult, while eating a crepe, rolled his eyes and complained: "That's it?"

Lucia Youke, who had a pretty and pleasant appearance, but rarely had vivid expressions, narrowed her eyes, raised her marshmallow, took a small bite, and said sternly: "Gather everyone to eat."

"Xiao Qian, what you said..."

The petite Christina Youke rubbed her forehead helplessly and whispered: "I always feel that we are doing something illegal."

"Ah! Mimi, you've got it in your mouth."

The only girl with a foreign surname in the group of best friends (the limit of innocence is defined), the girl with the game ID name "Chen Wangyu" took out a handkerchief, came to Mika's side, wiped the latter's mouth gently, and looked directly at Mika. A crowd of passers-by stayed.

"Chen Chen is so virtuous, marry me!"

Mika grinned, and then "chirped" on Yuchen's cheek. Considering that her sexual orientation was normal and she had been on the latter's white list for a long time, the system did not prevent her from being intimate.


Yuchen, who was caught off guard by Mika, immediately let out a soft cry, then jumped up behind Lucie with a blushing face, grabbed the latter's shoulders and carefully exposed half of her head, and refused softly: "I won't marry! "


Mika took a deep breath, then raised his hand suddenly and pointed at Yuchen: "Don't be like this! If you continue to be cute, I might want to get serious!"

Yuchen's face was full of grievance: "It's obviously Mimi, but you are not talking seriously!"


Lucie, who was walking in front of Yuchen, turned to look at Mika and said seriously: "Our country's criminal law is very complete."

Mika grinned, rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "Let's not say I'm joking. Even if I really want to be serious with Chen Chen, the law will not punish me because I confessed to her!"

"I'm not talking about confession."

Lucie shook her head and said solemnly: "It was rape."

Yuchen shivered at that time and his face turned pale.


Mika swore directly and glared at Lucie: "You want to die!"


Lucie said calmly that she just said a wisecrack, and then touched her chin thoughtfully: "But if Mimi, you really... I happened to take the lawyer's license exam out of boredom some time ago. I can be your defense lawyer at that time... But if Chen Chen, who is the victim, also needs a lawyer... Well, we are all good sisters, so you can bid at that time."


Mika, who was able to scold a whole square of middle-aged and elderly dancers without changing his expression, but could only blame the sisters around him, especially Lucie, clenched his fists and angrily pulled the one at the end. Kasena Youke, who was in the front, started to complain: "Brother, please say something! Xiao Qian is too bullying!"

Kasena nodded slightly, then immediately turned to Lucie and said in a deep voice: "When did you take the test for the lawyer's license?"

"About half a month ago, I took the exam because I was a little bored during the day."

"is it hard?"

"It depends on the situation."

"Um, do you find it difficult?"


"What are you giving for free?"


"Oh! Then Xiaoqian, do you think if I take the exam..."

"...for free."


"You give it for free."

Kasena: "..."

Mika, who originally wanted to complain that Kasena not only refused to comment on her, but asked Lucie about her lawyer's certificate, raised the corners of her mouth crazily and laughed so loudly.

After that, Kasena asked Lucie a few similar questions such as, "If I poke the eyes of those perverts from the next class out, can you help me avoid criminal responsibility?" and got the answer. After giving a negative answer, he lamented why he and Mika were not as popular as Yuchen, Lucie and Christina.

"Because big brother, you always want to poke the eyes of the people who welcome you."

Lucie once again revealed the secret.


Mika, who always felt that he would be hurt if he continued this topic, quickly changed the topic, shook the crepe in his hand and said with a dry smile: "Are we really here to gather for dinner today?"

Kasena nodded solemnly: "That's right, because I always feel like I can't see Chen Chen."


Yuchen stuck out his tongue in embarrassment and said with a smile, "You can come and play with me."

Christina next to her immediately pouted and feigned anger: "It's not fair! I'm obviously also in City B, and I'm so far away from you three, so why do I just say that I don't see Chen Chen every day?"


Kasena blinked first, then scratched her cheek subconsciously: "Yes, Nana seems to have gone to City B too."

Mika looked confused: "Is that so?"

Lucie nodded calmly: "Yes, that's right."


"Oh, it must be because I can encounter it in the game every night, so it doesn't feel real at all."

Cassena smiled coquettishly and continued to eat the crepe.

"Hmm, I didn't notice it at all."

Mika also nodded and continued eating the crepe.

"Nana is about to cry."

Lucie shook her head, and then walked quickly to Christina, who looked like she might cry at any time, and gently hugged her shoulders: "A man will not shed tears easily."

"I'm a woman!!!"

Long Meizi, who was firmly on the top of the personal combat power rankings, let out a wail.

"Oh, right."

Ignoring Christina who almost collapsed, Lucie suddenly said thoughtfully: "If everyone feels that gathering together to eat is boring, maybe we can talk about Chen Chen's relationship issues."


Mika immediately stopped eating. The crepe in his hand no longer tasted good.


Kasena directly stuffed the remaining crepe into her mouth and gave Lucie a thumbs up: "This is good!"

"Ah...ah? Huh?"

As the person involved, Yu Chen subconsciously hugged his shoulders, took half a step back seriously, and said with a blushing face: "Hu...Huhu suddenly said something! You guys!"

"After all, I just remembered that Nana is not with us, but with Chen Chen."

Lucie clapped her hands in conclusion, her expression very serious.

"So Xiao Qian, have you also forgotten that I am already in City B?"

Christina flattened her mouth and lowered her shoulders feebly and said, "But I do have some good stuff here!"

"Nana, you are really weak!"

Rao Shiyuchen was forced to complain by some of her girlfriends, and she clenched the two little hands that had been raised in front of her at some point.

Christina smiled, then cleared her throat: "Then..."

"More than friends."

Yuchen interrupted her softly, then pursed his lips and added softly: "...Probably."

All four of them were stunned.

"I told you, we are more than friends!"

Yuchen angrily glared at Christina, Lucie, Mika and Kasena in turn, and whispered in a low voice: "Don't you just...want...to gossip! I can't say it myself!"

The four people nodded and said in unison: "Yeah, you say it, you say it!"

Yuchen shrank his shoulders: "No more..."

Kasena's eyes were as wide as copper bells: "No more?"

Mika curled his lips: "I don't believe it."

Lucie turned to look at Christina and said succinctly: "Say."

"Uh...actually...Chen Chen's summary is quite accurate."

Lucie, who actually only had more limited information than the others, sighed, smiled bitterly and shook her head: "But if that classmate Mo Tan is like our Chen Chen, I think we should be able to add a lover." Full'?"

So Lucie turned to look at Yuchen again: "Really?"


After a full minute of silence, Yuchen smiled and shook his head. A hint of complexity flashed in his clear eyes: "That guy is different from me."

Four people: "..."

After another long silence——

"Okay, then I have two proposals now. Let's study the feasibility together."

Although she was not the first to come back to her senses, since Lucie didn't express anything, she could be considered the first to come to her senses. Kasena coughed slightly and said seriously: "The first one is to let Nana Go directly to Mr. Mo Tan..."

Christina was immediately stunned: "Huh? But I didn't know that Mo Tan lives in..."

"Then I'll turn into a dragon and be trampled to death."

Kasena said the second half of the sentence expressionlessly, which immediately confused Christina. By the way, Yuchen was also confused.

"I have no opinion."

Mika nodded seriously and asked, "Where's the other proposal?"

"Go offline now. Mika will buy a plane ticket, Nana will check the address, and didn't Xiaoqian just get her lawyer's license? Be my legal advisor."

Kasena cracked her knuckles, her eyes filled with murderous intent: "I'm going to teach that ungrateful @#¥% a lesson!"





Game time PM22:17

The Boundary of Innocence, Southwest Continent, Palmyra Free Trade Zone, [Intimate Sickle Blade] Tavern, a room on the second floor

"How do you feel, Origami?"

Wearing a long black-and-white robe with no pattern so it was impossible to tell the rank, while combing her hair absentmindedly in the mirror, Gu Xiaole asked lazily: "Is the speed of soul transfer still fast enough?"

Standing respectfully behind Gu Xiaole, the shikigami, who was exactly the same as his master in terms of clothing, figure and face, tilted his head, then nodded briskly and said, "It should be okay!"

"That's best."

Gu Xiaole also tilted his head and smiled at his 'self' behind him in the mirror: "After all, it seems that you skipped a lot of steps to get the task. It's not surprising that anything unexpected happens. You have just woken up. What if something happens to you?" It’s going to be troublesome.”

The shikigami who was called [Origami] immediately shook his head and said: "Don't worry, Master, although he is not as powerful as Master, he is still very powerful as long as he is serious!"

"Da da da da da~"

Shaking his soft legs wrapped in beige pantyhose, Gu Xiaole shook his head and hummed an unknown tune for a long time. After half a minute, he turned around and smiled at his highly intelligent shikigami. : "Origami-chan, don't underestimate me. You lost the fight before~"

Origami pouted and said in a low voice that Gu Xiaole could hear and she also knew that Gu Xiaole could hear: "That's not because Master, you only need other people's paper tools and basic onmyoji! If Master gives Origami a try..." Super Spirit Body] or unfold [White Zetsu Ghost Realm], origami... Origami will definitely be able to..."

"What can I do?"

Gu Xiaole winked at his shikigami with a smile.

"Origami will definitely make him cry!"

The shikigami, whose voice was exactly the same as his master's, flattened his mouth in embarrassment.

"Haha, you really dare to say that~"

Gu Xiaole unfolded the bat fan in his hand with a 'swish' sound, which is - [White Jue·Shura Hell], covered his mouth and chuckled: "If you really want to use the super spirit body and the ghost realm, let alone you, even if it is... Let the [former ghost] deal with that uncle easily."


After letting out a small cry, Origami lowered her head and stopped talking.

"Okay, okay, you've just woken up, haven't you?"

Gu Xiaole put on the clogs next to the chair, walked briskly to Origami, and gently pinched the latter's cheek: "And although you have great potential, you are different from 'Baqi' and 'Tai Shang'. He’s the type who specializes in combat.”

"Yes... Origami knows..."

"Be good, it's good to know."

"Then, I'm off, Master!"

"Be careful along the way~"

Chapter 1,219: End

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