Quadruple split

Chapter 122 Ward

When Dice brought Mo Tan back to the blockade, the inspection work was still going on...

"This is Hei Fan, the priest of the Dawn Sect." Dice pointed at Mo Tan and introduced the two companions, then glanced at the orc shaman before: "Give me another bottle of burning dew, Basa."

The latter nodded silently, took out a small copper pot from his waist and threw it away: "That's all I have left. I'll give it all to you."

Dice raised his hand to take it and pinned it to his waist. He laughed dryly and said, "Do you think I really like using this thing?"

"Thank you for your hard work." The old priest who had just drank half a bottle of magic potion nodded to the dice, then turned to Mo Tan and shook the cross in his hand: "I am the lower priest of Dawn Church in Inai Town. May the goddess's favor be with you. I'm with you."

Mo Tan also shook the cross in his hand in a decent manner, and said with a smile: "Hello, senior, may the goddess's grace be with you and me."

"Just call me Owen." The old priest also smiled at Mo Tan, then slowly stood up and nodded to Barcelona: "I'm fine, let's continue..."

The orc shaman glanced at the other party's face and hesitated for a moment, but in the end he said nothing and silently ran to the crowd to continue the inspection.

Owen made a blessing gesture unique to the Dawn Sect to Mo Tan, then turned around and walked to the front of the team that started to move slowly again not far away. While softly comforting the subject who was obviously deeply infected, he used divine magic to 'Check' it.

"Senior Owen's condition seems not to be very good." Mo Tan whispered to the dwarf thief beside him: "Is he...?"

The latter rolled his eyes covertly while sharpening his spare dagger: "Use magic to check whether those people are infected with the plague, stop those who are infected, and let those who are not infected, it's that simple."

"That's what I thought too." Mo Tan looked at Owen's somewhat stooped back and sighed with a complicated expression: "I think I understand..."

Real time PM 19:35

City T, a hospital, in front of the PICU ward

An extremely suppressed moan came from the room.

Several tightly wrapped nurses were chatting in low voices.

"It starts again..."

"Yeah, it's been like this since half a month ago."

"This little girl is only fourteen this year, isn't she? Is this God any less fair?"

"There's nothing you can do about it. This kind of disease is all congenital. If you live one more day, you'll earn money. Don't think blindly. Which ward on this floor has children who are not pitiful?"

"I don't know how long her parents can survive. The prices here..."

"Well, it's not like you haven't seen her family before. She must be able to hold on as long as she can. That child will die if she leaves here."

"So, is she allowed to continue playing that game?"

"I don't know, but it was fine before, but ever since I started playing that game, that kid has been... ah! Vice Principal!"

A white-haired old lady appeared behind several nurses at some point, and it seemed that she had been standing here for a while.

"How is the situation in Xiao Yujing?" She asked seriously: "Has the situation worsened?"

A nurse with a round face shook his head hesitantly: "Well, at least judging from various monitoring data, everything is normal, but she just keeps crying out in pain..."

"I understand. You go ahead and do your work. I'll go in and see her alone." The old lady ordered in a low voice, and then waited until the nurses had gone to do their own business before opening the door and walking in.

This is a single ward, surrounded by various sophisticated and expensive medical equipment, and in the center of the ward is a small white bed, with an even smaller girl lying on the bed.

She looks very sweet and cute, with a pair of big misty eyes and a sickly pale face. Her body, which is much thinner than her peers due to lack of exercise for many years, is wrapped in a large hospital gown. , the long twin ponytails did not make the girl energetic, but instead highlighted her haggardness...

"Yu Jing, Grandma Wang is here to see you." Vice President Wang walked to the girl's bedside and asked softly: "Has there been any changes in your body recently?"

The girl named Yu Jing reacted for a moment and stared blankly at the old man in front of her for a long time. Then she showed an extremely innocent smile and said happily: "You came to see me! Well...it hurts... …”

"Are you okay?" Vice President Wang was startled by the girl in front of him who suddenly cried out in pain. He quickly carefully held the other person's little hand and said nervously: "What's wrong with you? How is it different from before..."

But the girl interrupted her softly: "No, Grandma Wang, don't worry."

"No?" The vice-dean looked at the girl in front of him who was trembling with severe pain, held her in his arms distressedly, and comforted in a low voice: "That's good, that's good, what do you want? , tell grandma, can grandma buy it for you?"

The girl's pale face immediately turned rosy, and she smiled happily: "Then I want to play games!"

"You mean, that one?" The old lady smiled bitterly and pointed to a game cabin in the corner of the room: "The birthday gift your father gave you half a month ago?"

The girl nodded vigorously: "Yes! I want to play!"

"But grandma doesn't want you to play, what should I do?" The old lady shook her head with a smile, stretched out her hand and gently scratched the tip of the girl's nose.

"Then kill grandma~" The girl also replied with a smile: "And those nurse sisters who are very good to Yujing, kill them too~ Then no one will stop me from playing! Hehe, I was kidding! "

The old lady was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: "You kid, don't make such a joke. Come on, tell grandma why you like playing that game so much?"

The girl tilted her head, then clapped her hands vigorously: "Because it doesn't hurt! Ah, it hurts..."

"Be careful." The old lady quickly rubbed the small hands of the girl in front of her, who was about the same age as her granddaughter, and then shook her head and said, "But someone told me that Yujing has been crying out in pain since you started playing that game. Grandma is worried. ah."

The girl frowned in distress and bit her finger gently: "Well, who told grandma, you deserve to die!"

"Grandma is telling you something serious!" The old lady glared and asked with a straight face, "What on earth is going on?"

This time the girl thought sadly for a long time...

"Because when I play games, it doesn't hurt at all. My body feels very comfortable..." The girl organized her words awkwardly: "That is, I don't feel uncomfortable, I don't feel dizzy, and I don't feel any pain anywhere. It's nothing like usual. It’s the same, so I want to play.”

The old lady nodded and asked, "Then why have you been saying you feel uncomfortable during this period?"

"Because when I don't play games, it hurts again, here...here, here...and here..." The girl stretched out her little hand and pointed at almost every corner of her body, her little face without any blood was leaking. Cold Sweat: "It hurts so much. Although it's the same as before and not worse, I just don't know why it hurts so much."

That’s how it turns out…

The old lady understood immediately.

The girl in front of her was not in pain because she was playing a game, but because she had been suffering from illnesses almost since she was born. She felt so-called 'health' in that game, so she didn't know what she was like until she left the game. How uncomfortable it is.

This principle is very simple. To give a nondescript example, the same poverty is nothing to the poor who have long been accustomed to living in the open air and having a meager diet, but if a person who has been rich for most of his life suddenly falls to the bottom and loses his After losing everything and then facing the same poverty, the sense of gap is too great...

A child who is in good health and only gets two injections of vaccine a year may cry loudly in front of the needle, but a child who has been in poor health since childhood and has been dealing with the hospital all year round will not care about getting one or two more injections.

The same pain has completely different results for people who grew up in different environments.

It's that simple...

The girl named Yu Jing did not become more miserable because of playing games. It was only after she understood what 'health' meant that she realized what she had endured.

"Grandma knows..." Vice President Wang leaned over and hugged the girl, and said with a smile: "In the future, as long as you complete the routine examination and treatment, you can play whenever you want, okay?"

As a result, the girl stuck out her tongue: "Yujing is not that playful. Yujing only plays at night. During the day, he will eat well, take medicine, and cooperate with the doctors for examinations. He will definitely not cause any trouble to everyone~"

【This child...】

Looking at the innocent and radiant little girl in his arms, who was fourteen years old but seemed as light as nothing, the respected vice-principal almost exhausted all his willpower to hold back the tears.

"Be good, don't move, grandma will carry you in~"

"Hehe, it's so itchy~hahahaha~"

"Hey, little ancestor, don't fall!"

"Grandma Wang is so kind, I like you the most!"

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, the chaotic and evil Wenqiu will soon enter the realm of innocence. I wish you a good night]

Innocence Continent, Misha County, Dawn Church in Inai Town

A young female priest was carrying medicines at the door of the church. Of course, these were just some simple painkillers and bandages. They were not even comfort to the vast majority of people infected with the plague, but with the current resources here, Yan...it is already rare to be able to achieve this level...

"I heard that the two saints from the City of Light have already arrived. Other sects in the alliance will also organize a group of support teams in the near future. I hope everyone can cheer up. They will definitely be saved. They will definitely be saved. ..." She tiredly distributed the medicines to the ashen-faced plague-infected people, repeating this sentence over and over again, occasionally casting a few healing spells on some tortured children that were better than nothing. Soon, a The box of medicines was just distributed.


"Ah!" The exhausted female pastor suddenly let out a scream, then turned around and looked at the snickering little girl in front of her. Her eyes softened instantly, but she still scolded: "The little girl fell asleep. Trouble me when you wake up! You...you...are you hungry? Do you want me to get you something to eat?"

Facing that innocent and lovely smiling face, she was defeated after all...

"Haha, Xiao Wenqiu is naughty again~"

“I’m full of energy today too!”

"Damn it, I really want to touch it..."

"Get out of the way!"

"Little girl, be good, stay away from us, it will be bad if you are infected with the plague."

"Yes, yes, stay away from us."

The originally lifeless crowd at the door of the church gradually became lively. Everyone looked at the little girl not far away with fondness, who was sticking out her tongue and making faces at everyone. This girl who was picked up by someone not long ago seemed to be She always exudes inexhaustible vitality and vitality. No matter how desperate people are, they will always laugh unconsciously when they see her naughty pranks, and then want to rub her little head lovingly, but …

"It's okay!" The girl actually jumped up to the infected people who had been staying near the church all day, and said with a smile: "I'm not afraid of everyone! I'm not afraid of getting sick either!"

"Don't make trouble!"

"Get away from me now!"

"Damn girl, if you take one more step forward, I'll spank you!"

"roll roll roll!"

"If you come here again, I'll wipe your neck first!"

Everyone put on a smile and then left in a hurry...

No one wants to be too close to this sweet and lovely girl who is like an angel, and no one wants this energetic little guy to die for no reason.

【She deserves a better future! 】

Everyone nearby who knows the girl ‘Wenqiu’ thinks so...

"Pfft, everyone is running so fast, it doesn't look like they are sick at all~" The girl ran to the female priest whose breasts she had attacked before, and shook her hand while saying: "Sister Mona, I have Is that scary?"

Trainee pastor Mona gently pinched the girl's cheek, shook her head and said: "How could it be? Wen Qiu is the cutest. Everyone is afraid of hurting you, so they avoid you. You are the same, don't always get close to others. It's actually quite...dangerous to go around."

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay, I'm so healthy, I won't get sick!" The girl blinked and suddenly asked: "Where's Grandpa Owen! Didn't Grandpa Owen say he wanted to tell Wenqiu a story yesterday? Why did he still do it? Not back?"

Mona smiled: "Senior Owen should still be at the blockade at the moment. It will probably take a while before he can come back. You go back to the church room to play by yourself for a while. I'll go get you something to eat first... "

"Wow! Angel!!" The girl suddenly pointed at the nun's back and exclaimed.

"Where? Where are the angels?"

Mona looked back subconsciously, and then turned around quickly, but...

That girl has already run away...

Mona stamped her feet in annoyance and ran towards the south of the town with a look of helplessness.

"Damn girl, don't let anything happen to you!"

Chapter 119: End

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