Quadruple split

Chapter 1174 Exploring the unknown

Throughout the ages, in the advanced field of occultism, ‘auxiliary spirits’ have never been a rare existence. In fact, they have a wide range of uses, diverse functions, diligent work, and extremely high cost performance, so they have always been enduring.

He studied under the guidance of Ana Ta Rasha, the magician of the whole line, and Diana A. Achizolti, the great astrologer. These two people are powerful, wealthy, lonely and widowed (Diana is no longer widowed now) and many other things. As a lady with excellent qualities, it is impossible for Futaba not to know what a guardian spirit is. In fact, she has seen many auxiliary spirits since she has been playing the game for more than half a year.

The simplest example is that most independent mage towers have tower spirits, and these 'tower spirits' are a type of auxiliary spirits.

When Futaba was studying with Ana, he often saw the tower spirit named [True Red Clausser V. Shutalian Schwarzer] in the latter's mage tower.

He was a handsome man with long, silky hair, wearing a colorful dress (the color would change depending on the weather and day), handsome and feminine, extremely gentlemanly, and with a deep and magnetic voice.

Although Ana's theoretical strength is not very strong, the tower spirit that cost her a lot of effort and whose name is...well, Xiu Talian for short is quite 'advanced'.

First of all, that tower spirit is quite handsome, and to make an artificial life constructed entirely of elements so ridiculously handsome, the amount of work required is absolutely very, very, very outrageous. You must know that the shapes of most tower spirits are arcane. Things like eyes of magic, crystal balls, flames, whirlwinds, and more advanced ones are cats, dogs, or faceless men (the models are too difficult to make, and there is nothing underneath the cloak). As for humanoid creatures...especially Shutalion. Raising a handsome man who works as a cowherd and earns at least a thousand gold coins a day is not so much incredible as it is unreasonable.

Secondly, this tower spirit named Shutalian is very smart. Although it is an artificial creature without a soul, after Ana tried her best and spent all her money, the former's intelligence is even higher than that of ordinary people. The higher level, of course, is just pure intelligence, without soul or personality.

Third, Shutalion is very strong.

How strong is it exactly...

Simply put, it is the epic peak of the four schools of light, darkness, space and arcane.

You must know that the master and creator of Shutalion, Ana Ta Rasha's paper strength is only high-level.

A mage with only high-level strength creates a tower spirit with epic levels from all four schools. To ordinary people, it is simply a fantasy. Even if this tower spirit can only move within the mage tower, it is still impossible. A fantasy.

But Ta Rasha did it, and did it easily.

In her words, she spent much more effort on the appearance and character of Shutalian than on his strength.

It was from that day that Futaba truly understood how terrifying his mentor was.

Loneliness and widowhood make people strong. This seemingly outrageous statement is definitely not groundless.

As the saying goes, "If there is no woman in the heart, the god of nature draws the sword." And female magicians like Ana Ta Rasha who have always wanted a man but just don't have a man (literally) are obviously superior in terms of realm. .

Especially after Futaba herself got stuck at the epic level, she discovered more and more that Ana, as a high-level mage, could become best friends with a 'big shot' like Diana, and she could sit firmly in the Salamun Mages Guild as a deputy The position of president is no accident, and Diana's often said 'Ana is better than me' is not a sentimental compliment, but a true statement.

Futaba had enough reason to believe that as long as her mentor, the widowed king, was willing, she could step into the epic realm at any time as naturally as breathing.

But God knows why, until today, that person has always been stuck in the situation where he thought it was cool when he first entered the pit. Now it seems that it is just that, even a high-level a la carte.

Well, back to business.

In short, after seeing Shutalian, who is not only handsome, gentle, and personable, but also has many DIY personality packages including but not limited to tsundere, scheming, sister-control, warm boy, etc., he can be said to be a freak in the industry After the existence of the freak in the game, Futaba thought that her understanding of "auxiliary spirits" was quite good.

In addition, Futaba also works with Diana’s auxiliary spirit ‘Little Star’ and Kenneth’s auxiliary spirit ‘Trim’.

The former can be said to be Diana's assistant in the field of astrology. Although he has solid basic knowledge and reliable work, he is a particularly cute crystal ball; A high-quality maid who looks similar to Kenneth's fiancée. She is a capable person with a serious sinister streak, a serious tendency to tremble, strong overall ability, and a ruthless man who doesn't talk much.

To sum up, Futaba's understanding of the existence of auxiliary spirits is relatively good.

On the other side, Mo Tan also has a good understanding of this aspect. The reason is very simple. Although he doesn't know any of the auxiliary spirits that Shuangye has seen, contacted, talked with or even flirted with just now, no matter they are building towers Li An, Little Star or Trim, Diana had all given detailed knowledge about the relevant aspects to her lovers who showed great enthusiasm at the time, so his understanding of those people was actually no worse than Futaba's.

In addition, Mo Tan also had the honor to meet an auxiliary spirit who was older than Diana, Kenneth, and Tal Rasha combined——

That was the tower spirit ‘Dorami’ he had dealt with in the [Chrono Tower] at the End of the Dragon Clan when he was ‘Mo’.

In other words, this dirty-hearted duo of 'really understanding' + 'pretending to be confused' immediately realized that the self-proclaimed 'book spirit' in front of them was not telling the truth.

The difference is that Futaba just slapped the table and asked, while Frank Hughes sat on the chair with a calm expression and willingly became part of the background.

By the way, the other part of the background board is a piece of gray mist, and the wooden door that looks awkward in the mist, which is the entrance when the two came.

Shu Ling was silent for a long time, and after a full two minutes, he continued to ask Futaba in his flat tone: "How do you say this?"


Futaba rolled her eyes and laughed dryly: "Do you think we are fools? This place is one of the largest libraries in the entire continent. There are as many people as hungry for knowledge, even if you leave out only people like me. The only people who have the opportunity to come here to read at this time are the largest group in this city, that is, the students... Their thirst for knowledge when cramming before a large exam or test must not be the same. It will be worse than us.”

"However, before today, I had almost never heard of legends about the 'Book Spirit'."

Mo Tan also added at this moment, smiling harmlessly: "I have heard no less than twenty versions of Academy City X's incredible story, but you do not exist in them."

Shuangye reluctantly gave Mo Tan an approving look, then looked at Shu Ling again, and chuckled: "So, if the facts are like what you just said, as long as the desire for knowledge is strong enough, you can be defeated. After getting high, and with the bonding and resonance, etc., the name of your old Shu Ling has already spread throughout Academy City."

"But actually……"

Mo Tan smiled slightly and said softly: "Even if anyone really knows about your existence, Mr. Shu Ling, the number is probably quite small, so -"

Futaba blinked lazily: "There must be some other reasons for being invited to this place by you, right?"

"That's right."

Seeing that the two of them sang and analyzed for a long time, Shu Ling stopped hiding it and said calmly: "Although I have not hidden my existence too deliberately, the number of people who know about it is indeed not many."

Futaba nodded with interest and smiled: "Can you tell us the reason?"

"The reason, I've actually said it before."

Taling looked at the girl in front of him and said bluntly: "My personality is based on people's desire and appeal for knowledge. In other words, the meaning of my existence is the pursuit of knowledge, and here 'Knowledge' must satisfy the condition of 'unknown'."

Futaba was stunned for a moment.

Frank narrowed his eyes slightly.


Shu Ling raised the corner of his mouth and smiled for the first time in front of the two of them: "The half of the sentence I didn't say just now is, 'Even if the other person's thirst for knowledge resonates with me, if he doesn't have what I'm longing for' , unknown knowledge, I will not send out an [invitation]'."

Frank Hughes' expression was more subtle.

Futaba, on the other hand, regained her previous careless look, stared at the book spirit in front of her with burning eyes, and asked word by word: "Do you know?"

"I know."

The Shuling gave the answer in a serious manner (although it had always been serious).

"What do you know?"

Mo Tan scratched his hair in confusion.


Shuangyeliu frowned slightly, his expression uncertain.

Obviously, Shuling had discovered the secret that she was not a local, and Futaba actually didn't want the man next to her named Frank Hughes to know about this.

So it was rare that she got into a tangle.

"Mr. Shu Ling."


"Can you kill this man without anyone noticing? He's of no use to you anyway."

"Does not."

"whispering sound……"

After the failure of the plan to kill and silence Frank broke into a cold sweat, Futaba continued to be entangled.

However, this entanglement did not last long, because——

"Okay, actually I know...well, probably."

Mo Tan scratched his cheek in embarrassment and nodded to Futaba, whose expression became increasingly gloomy.

"you know too?!"

Futaba was shocked at that time and said in astonishment: "How do you know, how can you know, could you..."

"That's right."

Mo Tan nodded, and shrugged a second before Futaba showed his murderous intent: "I heard it from Diana, uh, of course, she didn't intentionally expose your secret, it's just that ...Maybe it’s because she likes you very much, so she often mentions things about you.”

Futaba froze in place as if struck by lightning.

She desperately discovered that with Diana's character, the possibility of accidentally exposing her identity as an alien was simply not too high, not to mention that Frank Hughes was a really smart man.

"And after we got to know each other, Futaba, you often say things that I don't understand."

Mo Tan spread his hands and said helplessly: "In addition to what Mr. Shu Ling said just now, if I guess correctly... Miss Shuangye, I'm afraid you are not from our world."

"Don't make me sound like a summoned creature from another dimension."

Shuangye glared at Mo Tan with a serious face, gritted his teeth and said: "Although I am indeed an 'other world' to you, we are creatures of a higher dimension, and existences like yours are basically the same as those of cloud and mud." No, I am Yun!"

Mo Tan nodded obediently: "Well, I am Mu."

"Okay, now that it's all said and done."

Futaba ruffled his hair in displeasure and turned to look at Shu Ling who had been silent since just now: "Tell me, Fatty, you called us two outsiders here. What's the purpose?"

The latter shook his head and corrected: "If we talk about the concept of 'alien', only Ms. Futaba meets the requirements. As for Mr. Frank, I'm just worried that he will meet him in the forbidden book area alone." Danger."


The girl snorted softly, and her eyes softened slightly: "So, what is your purpose of coming to me?"

"I just want to get in touch and have a chat."

Shuling shook his head again, indicating that he had no special purpose, and then added: "However, if Miss Futaba can tell me something that is 'unknown' to me, then I can give you some A small reward in exchange.”

Immediately afterwards, the system prompt sounded in Futaba's ears as expected.

Without even opening the task panel, Futaba immediately stood up on the table: "For example?"

“For example, recommend some books that may be helpful to you but are easily overlooked.”

"Okay, then what's the approximate level of your current knowledge reserve?"



Futaba frowned and asked, "What should I say?"

The book spirit calmly gave a desperate answer: "I know the contents of all the books in this library."

"Okay, I knew it."

But Futaba did not despair. He just nodded slightly and glanced at Mo Tan, and said to Shu Ling calmly: "Let this person avoid it."

"this way please."

Shu Ling didn't let Mo Tan avoid him, he just stood up, walked to the wooden door in the mist that didn't exist a second ago, and extended an invitation to Futaba.


Futaba stood up immediately, and then glanced at Mo Tan, who was a little at a loss, with a smile——

"I'll come back as soon as I go. You stay here and don't move around."

Chapter 1,167: End

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