Quadruple split

Chapter 1158 Unknown (IV)

For those of us who have a God's perspective to a certain extent, it is not difficult to find that the famous Dr. Bai Zhen and the woman who is also Yu Chen's mother are not ordinary people, and this abnormality is not what it seems on the outside. Children, the wisdom is somehow not normal, but more outrageous, more mysterious, more abnormal, and more exciting content.

Bai Zhen is not the only one who has the same kind of people. For example, the man who was once called the 'Book of Heaven', Cui Xiaoyu's father, who talked to her on the phone a few minutes ago, also has the same qualities.

In fact, just like Yuchen's mother Bai Zhen and Cui Xiaoyu's parents, whether it is Yi Dong's parents, Wan Yang's parents, Kang Lan's parents or even the parents of the Ji sisters, they can all be said to be people from another world. .

Even Gu Xiaole, a contemporary of Mo Tan, these people all occupy a place far away from the daily world.

Among them are psychics, onmyojis, and marginalized people that Mo Tan has tried to understand.

It is unscientific, unrealistic, and difficult to explain with common sense, but it is a living existence.

In Mo Tan's understanding, these people have powers that are difficult for ordinary people to understand. Those things that only appear in fantasy games, animations, movies, etc., such as the ability to control thunder and lightning, erase memories, and expel evil spirits, are all It truly exists in them, and these people actually live in this world and are even allowed to become part of the worldview.


There are limits to this permission.

On the one hand, it is self-restraint. As 'supermen' with powers far beyond ordinary people, they know very well that they cannot be as active as the superheroes in literary works. Otherwise, most of them will not be greeted by flowers, applause and... A lot of romantic encounters, but quickly armed strong ships and cannons and cold experimental benches.

As the saying goes, those who are not of our race must have different minds. Even if these abnormal people claim to be human beings, they are indeed human beings. But when they come out of the other world, I am afraid that no one will be willing to treat them as human beings.

Jealousy, envy, fear and exploration of the unknown, these intertwined desires are enough to make them the enemies of the world unless they are willing to destroy the world.

In fact, for thousands of years, there have been similar outliers who tried to overturn this society and wanted to live in the sunshine legitimately and without pretense, but they all failed invariably.

The person closest to success was a certain genius nearly thirty years ago. That person almost single-handedly "corrected" the world from the origin of civilization, but he still failed in the end. The last step before.

Ironically, the people who stopped him were also a group of 'deviants'.

Of course, that's another story.

All in all, in order not to have too great an impact on the world, in order that you and your friends can live in peace of mind, and in order to continue to enjoy the daily life of normal people, the vast majority of 'abnormals' will not cross a certain line. Of course, There are definitely gray areas such as sidelines in this process, such as 'Ferry Rice' and 'Joe Rice', the brothers who sold to Motan's advanced hardware, but it is always innocuous.

At least as of today in 2049, the world is still relatively harmonious and stable, and the earth still rotates as it should. Even if there is occasional news like "a certain delivery boy rushed into a fire and saved fifteen people", everyone just You will think that the delivery boy is kind-hearted and has a sense of justice, but you will not associate it with "I am afraid that this guy may take out his pants and wear them outside at any time."

The above are relatively subjective reasons.

On the other hand, in addition to self-restraint, there is also an underlying force. Although it is just something infinitely similar to a 'concept', it is what really makes those 'abnormals' dare not The core reason for wanton behavior.

This is not surprising. After all, compared with morality, criminal law is the core factor in maintaining social stability.

And that 'concept' is even higher than the criminal law for all 'deviants'.

We can give a simple example. For example, there is a person with a low moral level named Zhang San...

If the third brother's poor moral standards led him to do something illegal, such as stealing someone's mobile phone on the bus and then being caught, even if he stole it from a comrade of the armed police and everyone on the spot got the stolen goods, then At best, the third brother will only go in and squat for a while after returning the things to others, leaving a disgraceful criminal record, and he will be released after a while.

If the third brother is more capable, a chopping boy who dares to fight hard and is nicknamed "Quick Knife Pig Head Three" by people on the road, then after he chops someone and is captured by the authorities, he will go through some relatively complete procedures. From taking a confession to entering the court, if the third brother is rich and powerful, can hire some well-prepared lawyers, and can even carry out some operations that are inconvenient to write in a book, then he may even be acquitted.

But, dear friends, but—

If the third brother is an ‘abnormal’ mentioned above, and also has a lower moral standard, and tries to use his ability to steal someone’s mobile phone, then...

Well, it's just a mobile phone, so there shouldn't be any big trouble, and the third brother will succeed with a high probability.

But if he uses his ability to hurt some ordinary people for no reason, this matter is of a different nature.

For the same purpose of chopping a person into a second-degree disability, the quick-knife Zhu Tousan who was ganging up on Daoer may be sentenced to ten, fifteen, fifty, or indefinite years.

But if the third brother of the 'deviant' uses skills like turtle style qigong to blow up an ordinary person to a second-level disability, then he is likely to encounter some very unfortunate things in the next period of time, such as drinking Choking on water, being hit by a flower pot while walking on the sidewalk, being struck to death by lightning instead of standing on a high place or making a phone call on a rainy day, etc.

All in all, he will be targeted by the whole world, as if the god of death is coming, which is scary.

Moreover, this response does not accept appeals, does not accept explanations, and has extremely strong execution. It can be said to be both simple and crude.

As for the reason, it is not difficult to explain.

In the words of the person who just had a phone call with Bai Zhen, it was ‘correction’.

To put it simply, when an 'abnormal person' uses 'abnormal means' to try to affect those 'non-abnormal' and 'daily' things, some very macro rules, orders, or alarms will be triggered. , this kind of thing will regard the person concerned as some kind of 'disease', and 'kill' it through thunderous means.

For example, Zhang San used Turtle Style Qigong to attack ordinary people.

For example, Bai Zhen used a power that could not be explained by common sense such as medicine and science to save the little girl who inexplicably made her feel sympathy.

It has nothing to do with morality, good or evil, as long as you do something ‘shouldn’t be done’, you will be targeted.

Once upon a time, the bottom line of this 'thing not to be done' was still very broad, otherwise there would not have been something like this that completely shattered balance and order nearly thirty years ago.

So, after that, that invisible rule became strict.

Of course, this severity also varies from person to person. If Zhang San, who can only produce Kame Sennin-level turtle qigong, commits an offense, he may be easily wiped out, but if Zhang San has Vegito-level combat power, even if he is No matter how that concept is aimed at him, it may not be able to accomplish anything.

As a very powerful being among the "deviants", although Bai Zhen is not as good as Vegito, she is not only Kame Sennin. Therefore, if she is determined to do something unreasonable, The consequences would actually not be too serious, not to mention that she also knew people who could offset this 'karma' through certain means, such as Cui Xiaoyu's father.

So even though Bai Zhen had heard the warning just now, because she had seen the case and felt that the child was really pitiful, and because Vice President Wang had always taken good care of herself, she still planned to take action.

All it takes is a slight swing of the knife to conceptually cut off the source of the 'disease' in the child's body.

Perhaps Tang Yujing's illness is difficult to treat in the eyes of many 'deviants', but for Bai Zhen, who is known as the 'White Angel', and for her symbolic scalpel called [Eradication Blade], this kind of Lesions of a certain extent can still be cut off.

Although he is a bit indifferent by nature, and his profession is the most emotionless doctor except for soldiers, after having Yu Chen, Bai Zhen is still much more emotional and softer than the previous 'White Angel'.

Unfortunately, just when she made up her mind to ignore her friend's advice and use means other than her status as a doctor to save the girl, she realized that there was a causal link between the other party and her daughter!

The scalpel with its hazy light disappeared.

Bai Zhen smiled bitterly and shook his head, leaning on the bed and closing his eyes.

This time she was really helpless...

As one of the core participants in the catastrophe that year, Bai Zhen and others were entangled with a large number of causes and effects, and had a huge backlog of 'retribution'. As those directly related to them, Yu Chen, Wan Yang, Yi Dong, Kang The retribution for Lan, Cui Xiaoyu and even the Ji sisters is equally huge.

This is not a good thing. Because of this, Mo Tan's friends who all have 'Superman II' without exception are ordinary people, and their understanding of these mysterious things is not even as good as Mo Tan's.

Spending their lives as ordinary people is the best outcome for these young people who are unknowingly entangled with 'retribution'. If they really step into the world of 'deviants', they will most likely end up... Inducing the 'retribution' inherited from the elders, and once that thing breaks out, these innocent young people, without exception, will probably die.

It is precisely because of this that Bai Zhen cannot use this sword under any circumstances.

Because when the disease in Tang Yujing is cut off, the accumulated 'retribution' will definitely be transmitted to Yuchen, who is related to both Baizhen and Tang Yujing, through a chain reaction immediately.

She will die.

So Bai Zhen gave up.

She has never been a saint, and even if she was a saint, she would never choose to exchange the life of her child for the life of a stranger.

Realistic matters can only be solved by practical means.

Just like Ji Xiaoge's father, who often played dirty tricks on his suitors. Although that man was an out-and-out "abnormal" like Bai Zhen, he had never used sacks or black bricks. For any special means, sacking is based on skill, and black bricks are also shot on skill. The reason why he can succeed many times is because he has enough heart and skill, so he will not be subject to any non-abnormal sanctions.

It's a pity that although Bai Zhen is also a very good surgeon despite putting aside another layer of identity, the disease suffered by the girl named Tang Yujing has been beyond the scope of her ability to handle.

"I hope she can survive it..."

After muttering something lowly, Bai Zhen smiled bitterly, put on his pajamas, lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Game time PM18:12

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, lawful and kind Wenqiu, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Southwest Continent, Eastern Border of Silver Wing Alliance, Cangyue Administrative District, Allison Town


The girl who suddenly appeared in a hotel room moaned with a pale face, and her delicate body fell weakly on the bed, startling the ordinary-looking young man not far away who was pacing back and forth in the center of the room.

"Xiao Wenqiu!"

A few hours ago, Wenqiu suddenly let out a scream and disappeared in a white light in pain. Gahres, who had been restless, immediately rushed to the bedside, grabbed the girl's cold little hand and asked in a panic: " Are you okay? What did you do just now..."

"Hey, it's okay, brother Lei."

Her delicate eyes gradually regained their luster, and the girl patted Gahres's hands that were shaking uncontrollably due to nervousness, and burst into laughter: "Wen Qiu just took a moment because he felt uncomfortable. , it doesn’t matter now, don’t make too much fuss~”

Gahres did not seem to relax at all. He smiled bitterly and held Wenqiu, who still looked a little weak, in his arms: "You said it was easy, I was almost scared to death before!"

"That's why I said you made such a fuss."

Wenqiu made a face, and then struggled violently: "Let me down quickly! This makes me look like a child! I am a lady, I am a lady!"

Seeing that the little guy in his arms was struggling so energetically, Gahres could barely control himself to hide the uneasiness that was about to come out in his eyes. He obediently put Wenqiu on the ground, tensing his body and preparing to deal with any danger at any time. Sudden situations that may occur.

"Really, I told you not to worry!"

Wenqiu pouted, then suddenly frowned, lifted up Gaheres' shirt, and pursed her lips slightly: "Brother Lei! Your physical condition has deteriorated again!"

"Ladies don't lift people's clothes casually."

Gahres' expression froze, then he took half a step back with a smile, put down his clothes and covered the piece of skin on his chest that was constantly repeating the process of ulceration and healing, shook his head and said: "I'm fine. "

"Something's wrong!"

"It's okay, really."

"You...hey...don't hold on, let me take a good look!"

"Haha, what can you tell?"

"Don't underestimate me! I'm..."

"The source of that plague, right?"


Chapter 1151: End

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