Quadruple split

Chapter 1153 Rumor

The end of the memory is the morning light that was quietly obscured by clouds.

After regaining consciousness, everything he could see was darkness that was obviously monotonous to the point of being boring, but for some reason it made him feel extremely muddy.

The splitting headache became more and more serious.

This didn't bode well, but since there was nothing I could do to change it, I ignored it.

The same illusion is the consciousness becoming increasingly blurred.

In fact, I seem to be particularly awake now, just because I don't want to delve into the turbid darkness around me, and I deliberately want to stop thinking.

However, the more I think about it, the more I can't stop thinking...

It's funny to say that even though there are large gaps in memory, I can still think uninterruptedly in this situation.


What on earth was I thinking about?

This man who originally thought he was about to reach the end of his life suddenly began to feel curious.

According to Aramis, before death, people seem to have a revolving door of important or unimportant scenes in their life, which is a review similar to a summary.

But I seem to be different...

The sun rises and the night fades, the moon sets and the stars sink. At this moment, I only have these common sense things in my mind.

Something must be wrong.

If Aramis is right, his out-of-control emotions should probably be diverted to impressive places such as the Fire Adventurers Team, rather than these boring experimental theorems.

But it makes sense. After all, Aramis has never died, nor have the people who told him about what will happen before death, so this kind of thing cannot be taken seriously.

It's really ridiculous, just like those poor people who blindly believe in countless invisible and intangible existences and hypnotize, deceive and even completely brainwash themselves.

It's like...

A person who has been completely blinded by paranoia, brainwashed by countless similarly pitiful people, firmly believes that there is a paradise in this world, and holds that as long as he does what he does and others do, he can go to another place to enjoy himself after throwing himself on the street. Ridiculous theory.

You ask him, does bliss exist?

He said it exists.

You ask him, have you ever seen bliss?

He said, I know it exists.

You ask him, why do you know it exists?

He said, this is what is written in the scriptures.

You ask him, who wrote the scriptures?

He said it was written by a moral person.

You ask again, were the masters dead or alive when they wrote the scriptures, or did they die and then come back to life?

He stopped talking.

You laughed and said that dead people cannot write books, only living people can write, and living people have never died, so they have not verified the existence of bliss, so it is a fabrication at best, and deception at worst.

He was angry and felt that people like you did not deserve to have bliss and should go to the eighteen levels of hell to repent.

What is ridiculous is that the existence of the so-called hell cannot be proven by anyone by any means.

So this kind of thing cannot stand scrutiny.

It is true that there may be things in this world that we cannot understand, and many experts do have their "higher" principles. There may be "cause and effect" or similar concepts in the world, but after all, they are unknowable and Unverifiable.

There is no need to completely deny it. After all, if those great powers do exist, you may suffer serious consequences if you are too stubborn. However, blind fanaticism is also undesirable, because the stupidest people are those who are determined and convinced of the unknown.

"Bliss may exist, and good deeds may be rewarded." People who are rational and wise enough will often say this. No one will be offended, and you will not be beaten if you believe it, and you will not be struck by lightning if you don't believe it.

He burst out laughing. He had no idea why he was thinking about all this nonsense. He only knew that there was countless knowledge that he should have heard and asked pouring out from the depths of his consciousness, but it did not make him feel dizzy.

Those unbelievable things were accepted unbelievably by my even more unbelievable self.

But it doesn’t matter, because it’s something you can see and touch, so it doesn’t matter.

Nothing that is difficult to accept or cannot be verified appears in my thoughts, just like the illusory bliss.

Wherever I can see, there is only the absolute among absolutes, the reality among realities, just like...

"This muddy land of sin."

Having regained what was his own, the corners of his mouth narrowed, his expression neither sad nor happy.


[Connection completed, reading character information]

The voice that had frightened Mo just now echoed in his ears again, but it could no longer disturb his mind of this crime.

"very good."

He raised his hand, waving away the reality that had never dissipated in front of him, and returned to the solid wilderness. At the time when there were no stars, the shadow of the moon disappeared, and the morning light was obscured by clouds, he opened his eyes again. Opening his eyes: "It's just the right time to come back."

[Welcome back, chaotic and evil Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

As the last system prompt sounded, the adventurer named Mo completely disappeared from this world. This young man with black hair and eyes, wearing a suit of fairly well-made armor, regained his identity as a player. , brought the curtain to a close for this not-so-grand preview.

Everything in the previous days was like a confusing dream, although he was not moved at all after he woke up.

Uncontrollably, an invisible energy swept out, sweeping across this uninhabited wilderness like a strong wind.

The original sin that has been proven again by this world is raging crazily, and even its possessor cannot easily calm it down.

If Mo was not wandering alone in this place at this moment, but was still in the tavern in the center of Beaver Town, even if it only leaked a little bit of atmosphere, it might be enough to turn that town into history.

"have a finger in the pie."

The bard's face that had become blurry for some reason flashed across his eyes. Mo sneered and put on the [Seal of Sin] after the first round of explosive 'concepts' dissipated.

Along with the rapid decline of various attributes in the character panel, the 'concept' surrounding him that could drive any intelligent creature crazy also disappeared.


"You should have noticed it already."

Turning his head and looking in the opposite direction of Tianzhu Mountain, he slowly took a step forward.

The already overburdened armor on his body suddenly shattered, and was replaced by a finely crafted black dress. A large cloak named [Broken Cage] danced ferociously behind him, and the low-level sword on his waist The enchantment instantly disintegrated and was put into the backpack the next second. What replaced it was a pair of pale, shuttle-shaped short blades about 80 centimeters long with a large number of black runes flowing on them.

The mask [Sealing Sin] that originally only covered the upper half of the face began to twist, and soon turned into a full-covering mask as smooth as a mirror, completely hiding the owner's face.

At the same time, along with a series of crackling sounds on his body, Mo's figure suddenly increased by nearly ten centimeters, and the outline of his muscles that were not visible became much more obvious than before.

In an instant, Mo became another person.

Then his body swayed and he shot forward at a speed far beyond the reach of ordinary epic level thieves.

three minutes later


A crisp warning sound suddenly sounded under the night, and at the same time, a green stream of light fell from the sky like a shooting star.

Mo stopped silently, letting the stream of light fall in front of him, and transformed into countless branches at the same time, and his body was tightly bound in place.

"Hello, monster."

The elf woman with long golden hair appeared silently on the vines that tightly bound the target's torso. She looked down at the strange existence that exuded an ominous aura and said coldly: "Introduce yourself, my name." It's Qiulu Zhuye, currently an unemployed ranger, and by the way... also serves as the agent of Tianzhu Mountain."

"Hello, scum."

Mo raised his head slightly, and the voice under the mask was low and hoarse: "Do you have anything to do with me?"

"Yeah, I plan to depend on the situation..."

The woman named Qiulu Zhuye casually took out a crystal from her pocket and said calmly: "Should I choose to kill you here, or take you back to be studied by those high-level observers."

The next second, the [Apocalypse Crystal] exploded, and a black beam of light shot into the sky.

"Looks like you're in luck, Mr. Monster who killed Farah Ossis."

Qiu Lu's eyes narrowed slightly, and she threw the two seeds that appeared in her palms at an unknown time on the ground, and said coldly: "You can live a little longer..."


From behind, he simultaneously used the two [Scissors of Sin] on his waist to pierce the throat and back of the female elf ranger. Mo said calmly: "But your luck doesn't seem to be very good, elf."

As a result, in the next moment, the figure of Qiu Lu Zhuye suddenly disappeared from the place, and two rattans with a diameter that required two people to hug suddenly emerged from the ground and rolled towards the man who broke free by re-developing the Shadow Step. ink.

"Maybe my strength is indeed not as good as Ossis, but what about you, monster?"

Three sharp arrows in the shape of an arrow shot through the air, perfectly blocking Mo's evasion angle, forcing him to choose between 'being caught in the cane' or 'being shot through both arms'.

[Half-step legend...]

When Qiu Lu took action again, Mo had accurately judged her strength, and then with a flick of his finger, he summoned several thunderbolts out of thin air, barely containing the momentum of the three arrows, and sprayed another arrow as he approached. Several scorching fire wheels were released, forcing back the vines that rolled up from below.

"Oh, not only a thief, but also a mage?"

The female elf, who is also proficient in ranger and druid skills, smiled, but her eyes became colder: "It's really kind to you~"

A low roar that was seriously inconsistent with the style of her painting sounded from Qiu Lu's mouth. She jumped up on the spot and turned into a pure white giant cheetah in mid-air with the moon wheel emblem branded on its body.

Mo, who was trying to distance himself, had just taken half a step back when the murderer came around behind him silently. Although the [Scissors of Sin] in his right hand was cut out with his backhand immediately, he still could not complete the counterattack. In just a few seconds, he was forced back to the two thick vines by the fangs and claws of the 'Moon Saber' in front of him.

This half-legendary agent did not demonstrate any advanced fighting skills, nor did she make the scene as cool as a fight between gods. She just methodically and gradually expanded her advantages, and every blow was elegant enough. , deadly, just right.

She didn't want to make too much noise. In fact, Qiu Lu Zhuye didn't even think about keeping the monster in front of her by herself. The only effect of her previous words was to paralyze the latter. Smart The female elf had only one purpose from the very beginning, and that was to hold the opponent back!

At this moment, at least three agents are rushing here as fast as possible, and Tianzhu Mountain has probably sent out a special team responsible for precision operations, so I just need to try my best to get rid of this person who has finally revealed his whereabouts. It is enough for the monster to be restrained.

It's a pity that although her thoughts are thorough enough and her acting skills are flawless, the 'monster' in front of her who had anticipated this scene a few days ago will only be more prepared.

To be honest, the way to break the situation is a bit simple, and can even be said to be a bit boring.

After receiving Qiu Lu's claw, his health dropped by 18%. Mo casually took out a random teleportation scroll specially prepared for him by Bishop White Osiris from his bag, and tore it from the middle with a little force. It became two pieces.


Although Qiu Lu immediately returned to her human form and threw out a gleaming amulet in an attempt to interfere with the teleportation, she was still half a beat too late and watched helplessly as a dazzling silver light exploded in front of her, swallowing her up. That damn monster.

It wasn't until the opponent's breath disappeared into the air that the amulet filled with holy breath suddenly exploded, creating a dazzling golden ripple like the morning sun, disrupting the flow of elements in the air.

"It's really... a big loss."

The young elf, who was less than four hundred years old, gritted his teeth and stamped his feet. Then he leaned down with a dejected look and picked up the amulet, which was still exquisite and intact but no longer glowing. He murmured in a low voice: "If this is discovered, I just used it casually, I’m afraid I’ll be beaten to death.”

But after all, he is the representative of Tianzhu Mountain. Qiu Lu Zhuye quickly put away the look of sadness just now, took out a small green notebook and quickly recorded what he had just seen, because of the importance of the matter. Extremely high, so she recorded it in great detail. She wished she could write down every detail of her actions with the monster opposite her, just like writing a novel...

To sum up, this is an epic story that "caused the tragedy in Banser City and single-handedly contributed to the fall of the agent Farah Ossis. It is highly suspected that he is the Shadow of the Apocalypse and has recently appeared in the northwest continent. His strength is both a mage and a thief." The report was completed naturally.

Chapter 1,146: End

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