Quadruple split

Chapter 1141 A future in flames

Game time PM21:34

Northwest Continent, Eastern Territory of Toril City-State, Beaver Town, [Hard Seat] Tavern

"Pfft, pfft hahahaha!"

Aramis slapped the table hard and looked narrowly at Mo, who was sitting opposite him. Although he had simply treated the wound and washed himself, he still looked a little embarrassed. He laughed wildly and said: "So you don't actually want to die, but Did you want to go out for some air before fighting all the way to the bottom of the crypt? My dear brother, why don’t you think about it, who will go downhill when trying to return to the ground, haha, hahahahahaha!!”


She was hovering next to Mo with fluttering little wings. A petite girl wearing a mini dress and fluffy silver hair was smearing a brown ointment with an earthy fragrance on the latter's cheeks, while glaring angrily and almost laughing. Aramis, in tears: "If you say a few words, no one will treat you as a mute! Mo is already pitiful enough. You, the captain, just don't comfort others, so why do you still need to hit him!"

Although he said that he would only be in the "Fire Adventurers" team, Wu Nian has been helping with logistics work (doing cost-effective tasks in the Adventurer Association, purchasing consumables, and cleaning rooms) during this period of time. Because in reality she was already a young leftover... uh, a female graduate student with a bright future, so she took great care of Mo, the only one in the group who was younger than herself. I heard that she was only twenty years old.

Therefore, even though she laughed very exaggeratedly when she just learned the reason why Mo almost died on a low-level mission, and even rolled around on the ground as if possessed by Ji Xiaoge until she consumed most of her physical energy, but after regaining her After coming to his senses, Wu Nian still thoughtfully prevented Aramis from finishing his last attack.

"It's not me who lasts the last hit..."

Aramis wiped away his tears and took several deep breaths before pouring a sip of low-alcohol ale into his mouth that would only make the player feel tipsy at most. He smacked his lips and said, "The main reason is that this is too special. Outrageous.”

"Well, it would be nice if it was 'over there'."

Porthos sniffed, and while picking his teeth with his unclean nails, he shook his head and sighed: "I just bought a little genius phone watch for my wife's eldest niece a few days ago. To be honest, Yes, I think Mo needs this more than that girl. Although her child is only six and a half years old, she can already go to school independently every morning, which is up to 200 meters away from her home."


Although he didn't know what a 'Little Genius Phone Watch' was, after getting along with him for a while, Mo was no longer surprised to hear many strange rankings from the people around him, and he could also guess that the thing was probably Why? Because I really couldn't refute it, I could only continue to remain silent.

"Ouch! You two are so bullying, Mo Ye is having a hard time!"

The elf girl waved her fist at Portos angrily, then turned to look at the fisherman who was sitting in the corner by the window, silently picking out fish bones: "Shang Shang, why don't you give me a few words?"

The half-dragon girl with short purple hair raised her head and nodded slightly: "Pfft——"

I have to say that this laugh was a bit unkind.


Wu Nian: "..."

Aramis/Porthos: "Hahahahahahaha!"

"Ahem, sorry, I couldn't help myself."

Yu Shang blinked, nodded to Mo with no apology at all, and then showed a refreshing and bright smile: "It's very common to get lost. Many people don't have a good sense of direction. You Don’t worry too much.”

Mo's eyes suddenly lit up: "Really?"


Yu Shang nodded vigorously, then lowered his head and continued to use chopsticks to pick the fish bones in front of him: "But this is the first time I have seen someone with a poor sense of direction like you. Well, don't worry, my life is still long, and I may meet you in the future. To more, you definitely won't be the worst...probably."

"Tsk tsk, probably."

Aramis smacked his lips.

"It's probably..."

Porthos also sighed with his arms crossed.

"Well, that's about it."

After helping to apply the medicine, Wu Nian nodded vigorously and flew back to Portos's shoulder.


All in all, this is the daily life of the "Adventurers in Fire Team" during these days. Everyone goes to bed early and gets up early, performs their duties, and takes responsibility. Aramis, Portos, and Inkman usually start work immediately after getting up (going online) Start to deal with the task of looking for good things without thinking, and then stay busy all day long.

During this period, Wu Nian, who unknowingly became the head of logistics, would follow the instructions of 'Looking for tomorrow's mission', 'Looking for the bard passing by the town to listen to stories', 'Going to the library with a pitifully small collection of books'. Prioritize your activities by selecting reading material, 'The World View of the World of Evil', 'Go and read in your favorite tree', and 'Find a random place to relax', and spend a compact and fulfilling day.

As for Yu Shang, who was the last to join the gang, she was either fishing somewhere near the Beaver River, or she was in a fishing guild with pitifully few members and (leaving aside elves and other immortal species) the average age was over fifty years old. Although it doesn’t seem to have made much contribution to the activity, with this girl’s superb fishing skills and cooking skills that are far superior to Portos and Wu Nian, and can rival Aramis, the food standard of everyone during this period can be said to be on a straight line. Improvement, this is the core reason why Portos and Mo are willing to spend time digging bait for her after missions.

In addition, Wu Nian and Yu Shang, two non-combatants, occasionally help with small tasks such as searching for cats and dogs or cleaning up the streets. Although the reward is not high, the cumulative sum is quite considerable. income, and also helps to improve the level of the 'Adventurers in Fire' team.

In the evening, everyone gathered in this pub called [Hard Seat], chatting nonsense while enjoying dinner (a grilled fish + a randomly cooked fish + a few cheap side dishes), and then... The day is basically officially over. As the only NPC in the team, Mo needs to sleep, and Portos and Aramis will not play for 24 hours like mainstream players. The former has to prepare a midnight snack for his wife, and the latter has to prepare for the game. The two of them usually go offline before eleven o'clock in the game time, which is three o'clock in real time.

The two girls, Wu Nian and Yu Shang, play later, so they are the only ones in this team who have gaming nightlife. As for the content, in most cases, it is not Yu Shang who accompanies Wu Nian. We read books in the room together, Wu Nian and Yu Shang went fishing by the river, or chatted about private conversations between girls.

To sum up, just like most adventure teams in this world, the daily life of this group of five people during this period has been quite relaxed and happy, and if nothing unexpected happens, this kind of day At least it can last longer...

"About a month. I logged in there yesterday and the progress of the land reclamation is pretty good."

Aramis, who had eaten and drank enough, lay lazily on the table like a real cat, holding his cheek and said: "Most clubs and studios have basically moved here, including ours who are more capable. There are only two or three companies left, and we are the only fully-established first-line elite team. If nothing else goes wrong, we won’t be able to get away with the first kill. It’s a pity that we won’t be on TV.”

Porthos, who was half leaning on the back of the chair, yawned and curled his lips and said: "How old are you? You still care about that? Can you be a little bit successful?"

"As long as he's more promising than you."

Aramis snorted lightly, and yawned as he was infected by Porthos: "In short, after those bitches get the first kill, we should officially enter here. Silly and mighty, we can directly lead a group of people. , the second group will come together, and there are also many active substitutes in the substitute group. Together, there will be more than 80 people. What will happen when the time comes?"

Porthos blinked: "When the time comes..."

"Don't wait until the time comes."

Wu Nian pulled Boduos's hair twice in displeasure, wrinkled his nose and said, "Can you two stop talking about things we don't understand? You see, Mo is so bored that he is about to fall asleep."


Yu Shang said lightly while flipping through the book "The Strange Crucian Carp You Don't Know: New Edition of the Holy Calendar Year 9013" that Wu Nian read for her from the library.

"Well, I'm not bored at all..."

Although he had no appetite, he was still forced by Wu Nian to eat half of the fish. Mo shook his head and smiled weakly: "I'm just a little tired."

"Ah, I got lost after all..."

"Well, I'm lost so far..."

"I've been lost for too long, it's normal..."

"You're lost, that's okay..."

The four people invariably let out heart-wrenching sighs.


"But even though Mo is lost... Bah, I mean, although Mo is a little tired and you two don't seem to understand, there are some things that Portos and I still want to mention a little bit."

Aramis coughed slightly, and did not change the subject in a good-natured manner, but said in a rare serious tone: "First of all, Mo, after spending these days together, you should have noticed that the four of us are not normal people, right? "

[Not only is it abnormal, it is simply quite abnormal. 】

Looking around at the partner in front of him who was 'very individual' from any angle, Mo Rao groaned in his heart, but he knew that Aramis did not mean 'abnormal' in the conventional sense, so He just nodded slightly: "Well, after all, you didn't cover it up very deliberately."

"Well, it's good that you have an idea. We have been thinking about it for a long time and think we should explain to you clearly about us 'outsiders'. But let's forget it today. The focus of today is not this."

Portos smiled and patted Mo's shoulder lightly: "I or Aramis will find time to tell you in the next two days. After all, as you said, we didn't intend to hide it from you at the beginning, but this is It’s more complicated to explain.”

Mo smiled, nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

"Then, let's get down to business. You...well, Mo, Wu Nian and Yu Shang should have discovered by now that Bodos and I are the ones who are [bathing in the fire]."

Aramis showed a smile that he thought was extremely handsome, and raised the corners of his mouth reservedly: "That's the one [Bathing in Fire]."

Porthos also puffed up his chest, rarely trying to discredit Aramis; "That's right, it's the [Bathing in Fire]."

"Are you two okay?"

Wu Nian tilted his head, blinked and said, "Aren't we always called Yu Huo? You guys chose the name."

"No, judging from their tone..."

Yu Shang gently clasped the old fish illustrated book in his hand and muttered, "That [Bathing in Fire] should be quite famous."

【thing? 】

The corners of Aramis' mouth twitched imperceptibly.

"Eh? Is that so? Are you famous?"

Wu Nian's eyes widened in surprise, and he curiously turned to the fisherman girl with a calm expression: "Shang Shang, do you know?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard of it."

Yu Shang shook his head, and then launched the third combo attack at Aramis: "What is that?"

"I thought we were quite famous..."

The catman thief slammed his head on the table with a 'pop' sound.

"Times have changed, they really have."

Porthos also let out a long sigh and sighed with a face filled with vicissitudes of life: "Oh, so when it comes to people... I have to accept old age..."


"Ha ha ha ha!"

As a result, in the next second, Yu Shang and Wu Nian suddenly looked at each other, smiled, and said to them in unison: "I'm just kidding you."


Aramis's cat ears suddenly became twitchy, and he said in surprise: "Do you all know this?"

"No...I really don't know..."

Mo smiled bitterly and raised his hand, and then added: "But Aramis, you can go on and tell me what happened later. If I guess correctly, the 'Yuhuo' you are talking about is the same as you claim to be." Putting these two things together, 'foreigner', should explain it better."

Aramis looked at Mo Yi with special emotion, and exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Wow, Mo, why don't you be so considerate! If I were a girl, I would definitely call her giegie!"

Mo was confused at that time: "What giegie?"

"Gay, in Elvish language, means homosexual people."

Yu Shang pointed at Aramis seriously and said to Mo Zhengse: "What he wants to express is probably that he has fallen in love with you."

Aramis' expression froze, then he stared at Yu Shang's fingers and bared his teeth: "Do you believe I will bite you?"

"Yes, if you don't mind being reported for sexual harassment."

"I'll bite you clean."

"I will be firm in reporting it."

"I was wrong……"


Yu Shang nodded, and after easily defeating Aramis, asked: "Then, what do you think happened to [Bathing in Fire]?"

“It’s going to be in the game soon.”

Aramis shrugged, spread his hands and said: "The first group of people will be about eighty, and they will come to join us one after another in half a month. Portos feels that the city-state of Toril is not bad and is quite suitable for a base. "

"So? Can I quit the team in half a month?"

"No, on the contrary, what Portos and I want to ask is, do you three want to officially join us?"

"Officially join the fire?"


"Do you have the final say?"

"Ahem, actually before this game, I had always used the ID of 'Typing Warrior'. That's right, I am a member of the Yunhuo Guild..."

"give me back."


"Give me back the Spiny Shark."


"Give it back."


Chapter 1,134: End

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