Quadruple split

Chapter 1126 Optimal Solution

Mu Xuejian is very strong...

This is nonsense. After all, there is no simple person who can be listed on the home page of the player power rankings. Although the average rank has not yet reached the standard of 'epic', if compared horizontally, it is basically the same among the same ranks. Regarding the existence of the outer level, it is definitely an exaggeration to say that it is invincible, but it is also difficult to find an opponent that can fight with it.

As mentioned before, before reaching the epic realm, players who can quickly improve their strength have a much greater advantage than NPCs. After their strength reaches the peak of high-level, this balance broken by "gameplay" will again Gradually recover and slowly reach equilibrium.

All in all, at least in the 'high-level division' of this competition, it is really difficult for T0 level players like Mu Xuejian to encounter any obstacles.

Regardless of whether the opponent is the established Diesel Knight, or the "Mo" who is also ranked very low in the player's personal combat power rankings, it is difficult to pose a threat to Mu Xuejian.

In fact, even now that the game has completely entered a fever pitch, Mo Tan and the Diesel heavy cavalry team that was initially split failed to cause any harm to Mu Xuejian.

Seven percent of their health was the answer they handed over.

This is obviously a failing grade, but it is extremely reasonable because there is such a gap between the two sides.

Even Mo Tan could not reverse the situation where he could be eliminated by a sword at any time. He stared at the white-haired girl not far away without even daring to blink.

He is also a player, and he is also very talented in combat. He can play the game for 24 hours a day, but the average online time of the character 'Mo' is just over six hours, which is barely a quarter of his time. , why can you beat it?

This world is absolutely unfair. Many players with average talent and average luck can only hover between T2 to T3 or even not in the top tier even if they are full for 24 hours a day. They have no chance to compete in the two rankings. Although Tan's average game time is not long, 'Hei Fan' is a regular in the overall strength rankings, and 'Mo', a character who hangs on the back of the car, has never left the personal strength rankings.

This world is also relatively fair. For example, even if Mo Tan is very talented in fighting in the game when he is a 'lawful good' personality, there is no way he can beat him. He is equally talented, but the game duration is almost four times longer than his own. times of Mu Xuejian.

To sum up, both talent and hard work are indispensable, especially hard work, because it can at least make you a few points better than those guys who are at the same level as yourself.

[If you can’t beat it... If you can’t beat it, you can’t beat it. 】

Mo Tan, who had exhausted all his cards except for the complete version of [Reverse Scale], raised his hand to wipe away the blood stains on his face, gave a helpless smile, and sighed silently.

Although it was expected, it was impossible to say that he didn't feel a little bit cowardly.

However, this negative emotion was nothing to Mo Tan under his current personality, and was digested almost as soon as it appeared.

So what if I can't beat him?

That’s right if you can’t beat it.

If he could really get rid of this girl directly, why would he bother so much?

Just let everyone on this side re-equip their equipment, and go directly to the main line of the Holy Lance Knight Academy to hedge at the beginning, and then go to a one-on-one challenge with Mu Xuejian. Even if they all die together, the final victory will still belong to Diesel.

Isn't the reason why it's so complicated just because neither you nor anyone else around you is a match for this sword?

Mo Tan, who barely managed to see through Mu Xuejian's attack path and tried his best to help Wang Ba boldly block the attack, flew out sideways and hit the ground heavily.

To be honest, if Mo Tan were not fighting side by side with Wang Ba Dan at this moment, and as his blood contract partner, the latter could constantly balance the health and stamina of both parties within a certain range, and even help share some risk factors in real time. With extremely high damage, he would have been defeated by Mu Xuejian just based on his own words.

However, the reason why a knight is a knight is precisely because this profession can only display its strongest strength when fighting side by side with a mount!

Even if this mount is a stinky hooligan with a black heart, a foul mouth, a shameless smell, and an unbridled talk.

After opening the conversation, this bastard almost never stopped for a moment. He opened his mouth to talk about all kinds of reasonable, unreasonable, realistic, abstract, fabricated, exaggerated, original and slanderous things. Mu Xuejian was a very mocking comment!

It's really a matter of judgment. From the crumbs in the corner of his mouth to the bandy legs that he just made up with nonsense, this evil beast was like a barrage of BBs. Not only did his shell not get stuck, but he also had a loud voice. .

It is no exaggeration to say that the reason why Mo Tan was able to persevere until now and still have the strength to get up from the ground was definitely due to Wang Badan, who shared his energy while attracting firepower for him.

Thanks to this bastard, Mu Xuejian, who originally wanted to open a gap in Mo Tan's body, completely lost control after saying "It's almost impossible to tell the front from the back." Although he still instinctively refused to use the most likely weapon. A move that directly killed the opponent, but the increasingly dense sword shadow of [Wu Shuang] almost completely transferred from Mo Tan to Wang Ba Dan, causing the latter's health to drop as if a floodgate had been opened!

So from a certain perspective, this turtle has made a great contribution.

Although Mo Tan was not happy at all.

Stab, slant, reverse spin, control the air, crush and kill——

Mu Xuejian was constantly rotating around Wang Ba Dan like a storm, using each move to suppress the bastard in front of him with sword skills that seemed simple but actually perfectly balanced speed, power and lethality. [Wushuang] flew up and down, drawing a series of dense sparks on the latter's extremely hard body with a sword speed that was difficult to discern with the naked eye.

But while maintaining an extremely smooth and elegant offensive, the girl's mood has never been beautiful. There are two reasons. The first is Wang Badan's mouth that refuses to stop for a moment, and the second is that he seems to be Mo Tan was coordinating his mount, but actually focused more on blocking and suppressing Mu Xuejian.

She is not a girl who is easily carried away by her emotions, so although Wang Ba's bold flirtation really makes people angry, what Mu Xuejian wants to do most at this moment is to break away from the constraints of the person and turtle around him and support the Holy Spirit. The main formation of the Lancer Academy.

Although Mu Xuejian doesn't have any strategic qualities, she is not a stupid girl either, and she can still see through some simple things.

For example, in the case of losing oneself, the average quality of the students of the Paladin Knight Academy is not superior to the other party, and can even be said to be at a disadvantage.

Under this premise, Mu Xuejian naturally understood what his existence meant to the Holy Lance Knight Academy.

It is a sharp knife, and it is the 'emergency measure' that can crush and counterattack the enemy at the first opportunity no matter what tactics the opponent adopts.

Barty mostly wanted to destroy Diesel's strategic intentions by himself, and then use the tactical changes that the Paladin Academy could smoothly execute to overwhelm the opponent.

One side is doing twice the result with half the effort, while the other side is doing twice the result with half the effort. Even if there is indeed a gap in strength between the two sides, they are both high-level knights and it is difficult to lose in the Paladin Knight Academy.

It's ideal, but also realistic.

The ideal thing is that as long as this plan can be successfully implemented, the Paladin Knight Academy will basically be invincible.

The reality is that if nothing unexpected happens, the probability that this plan can be successfully executed is infinitely close to 100%, because among the people from the Holy Lance Knight Academy who appeared this time are Mu Xuejian and Barty Arthur.

However, the unexpected happened.

Mu Xuejian bit her silver teeth lightly, feinted Wang Ba Dan with a sword blow, and then seamlessly used the move [White Horse Crossing the Gap] to dodge to Mo Tan's side, and then immediately followed up with [Drunken Immortal Moon-Watching Step], dodge to the distance from her. It was already far away, but the war horse was brought closer by more than half the distance by the move [White Horse Crossing the Gap] just now.


A heavy whistling sound suddenly sounded from behind Mu Xuejian. In desperation, she had no choice but to stop and turn around with her sword.

Boom! ! !

He was obviously holding a heavy war hammer, and he attacked from a blind spot in his field of vision. However, in front of Mu Xuejian, who had switched to holding a sword in his left hand, he relied on the combination of [Crazy Charge] and [Charging Stab] to quickly attack. Mo Tan, who was coming, flew out backwards, but was easily blocked by Mu Xuejian, who was just doing a defensive stance.

In fact, if Kevin hadn't used [Obstacle Breaking and Judgment] in the morning to attach a negative state to Mu Xuejian's left wrist that was difficult to dispel, making it impossible for him to fully exert his full strength, Mo would have been killed as early as a few minutes ago. Tan and Wang Ba Dan were gone.

Or, if Mu Xuejian could use his killing move, with the central idea of ​​'killing' rather than 'knocking down' the target, Mo Tan would have already gone to rebuild the character by now.

Or maybe, the girl didn't get interested because Mo Tan and Wang Badan cooperated in fighting and activated the first level of scale reversal, so she used the [Devil Sword] which would bring huge side effects to her and it was a painful battle. , but chose to leave with all his strength immediately while his strength was still intact.

If even one of these 'or's' had been true, she wouldn't be stuck here at this moment.

Batty did not allow himself to be the 'core', but instead set his position as an 'emergency measure'. There is nothing wrong with this idea at all, but judging from the current situation, I am afraid that the other party has seen through this long ago. Let this guy who can cause trouble for you rush into battle alone as if committing suicide?

It was not at all to affect the speed of the Holy Lance Heavy Cavalry. The purpose of his rush was to separate himself from the main formation!

He succeeded, but his reaction was not too slow.

So, there is still a chance!


Just when Mu Xuejian breathed a sigh of relief and was about to charge towards her horse again, based on her innate talent [Sword Heart], she suddenly didn't even see the person 'Mo' in her sight. Under the circumstances, he took a step back suddenly, narrowly avoiding the sudden appearance of Zhan Ying beside him, quietly and without even the wind carrying a ray of Zhan Ying!


Without any hesitation, Mo Tan, who had a long sword in his hand, once again threw out a sharp sword energy and slashed straight at Mu Xuejian's waist.


It was absolutely impossible. It would have been easier if he had switched to other weapons, but Mo Tan, who had switched to a sword weapon again in order to be able to use [Li·Jiangfeng] perfectly, hit nothing after the sword passed.

With the blessing of [Sword Heart], Mu Xuejian took two steps back in a casual manner, avoiding the sword energy that burst out less than half a meter away.

"A very beautiful sword, but it's a pity..."

Mu Xuejian subconsciously wanted to comment, but suddenly froze in the middle of the sentence.

"What's a pity?"

Mo Tan smiled, raised his hand and swept towards Mu Xuejian with [Fei Kong Slash].

He used a sword.

Mu Xuejian can see through most sword moves.

Mo Tan knew this well.

Therefore, he knew very well that his seemingly sharp [Scarlet Slash] might have been seen through by the opponent when the skill was still in the brewing stage.

It is simply impossible to think of causing harm or anything like that.

And Mu Xuejian indeed raised [Wu Shuang] faster than Mo Tan's move, and blocked the crimson sword energy without warning, then shook his left hand slightly, and smoothly Crushed the [Sword Wind] and [Two Swordsman Style Eagle Waves] that followed closely behind.

React perfectly.

Impeccable cracking methods.


"so perfect."

After using six skills in succession, Mo Tan, whose physical strength had dropped to a very dangerous level, smiled palely and said with a smile: "But this 'elegant and beautiful answer' is easy to judge."

These words were spoken by Mu Xuejian to Mo Tan in the second half of the coaching battle in the first round of the individual competition.

"It seems that you are listening to me very carefully."

Mu Xuejian just nodded and said calmly: "I remember I said later, 'If every sword can choose the optimal solution, if the optimal solution is really 'optimal', then the so-called 'Moves' have no meaning anymore.'"

Mo Tan raised the [Sharp Sword: Wind Cut] in his hand, and while rushing towards Mu Xuejian, he said calmly: "You have shown me too many moves."

"Actually, there aren't many, but most of the rest are more deadly skills."

Mu Xuejian shook his head, subconsciously twisted sideways, raised [Wushuang] and knocked it lightly, strangling Mo Tan's ready-to-attack [Angry Red Lotus] in the initial stage.

Then she found helplessly that the cumbersome half-dragon knight in front of her took another step closer to her, and her position was a little further away from the war horse that could take her to support Barty and others.

Because it was a sword, Mu Xuejian knew exactly how to crack it.

But Mo Tan, who was also very aware of this matter, used this to 'manipulate' Mu Xuejian, who had gradually learned the truth, and went against her intentions...

This is Mo Tan’s ‘optimal solution’.

Chapter 1,119: End

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