Quadruple split

Chapter 1111 Undercurrent (II)


Lamorlock was silent for a long time, and then suddenly he pressed his face and laughed infatuatedly. At first, his laughter was normal, but then he laughed louder and louder, turning Yin Tian who was standing behind the Sin Lord and his own sleeves Tom laughed so hard that his whole body went crazy. It was only half a minute later that he suddenly opened his eyes. He stared at the sin lord who always kept a decent smile and said in a deep voice: "Your chauvinist empire... no, it should be your ambition, lord sin lord." It’s really big enough.”

The Sin Lord smiled, shook his head slightly and said, "I'm just preparing for a certain possibility. I can't call it ambition."


Lamorlock leaned lazily on the sofa, and the eyes behind his lenses were no longer soft, but were filled with cold red light. "I think you should know very well that with the help of my Dream Kingdom... Oh, that is, the strength of the Southwest Diocese of the Whispering Sect. Although it can take a lot of advantage from the lion who is trying to scrape the bones and cure the poison, it can only 'take advantage'. From a strategic point of view, even if our If the Rector of the Rector is completely decentralized, I will never be able to defeat Griffin from north to south in one go. At best, I will just pick some carrion for their royal family."

The Sin Lord nodded slightly: "As expected, after all, whether it is the national power of the Dreamland Theocracy or the foundation of the Southwest Diocese, it is far behind the Griffin Dynasty. Even if the Blood Lion Emperor brought those nobles who seemed to be incompatible with each other, If we break up and give it to His Highness Lamorlock for you to fight, it will be difficult to achieve results in a short period of time."

"It seems that Your Majesty, Lord Sin, is not completely crazy yet."

Lamorlock curled up his lips viciously and chuckled: "Let's put it this way, even if this war breaks out, the Adolf Free Territory and the Silver Wing Alliance will find a great and upright banner to step in. The Griffin Dynasty It’s also very difficult to collapse.”

"There are no absolutes."

The Sin Lord shrugged his shoulders calmly.

"That's right, nothing is absolute."

Lamorlock pushed up his glasses and said casually: "For example, if everyone can hide their inner ghosts, establish a united front organization, and then promote me to the position of supreme commander to command the three armies, directly destroy Griffin The chances are quite good.”

The Lord of Sin shook his head: "But this is not realistic."

"This is of course unrealistic, not to mention that the united front will never be established. Even if it is established, it is impossible for the person in the upper position to be me. After all, in most cases, few people can get the status and status that match their abilities early. Power, not to mention that I am not the kind of person who is keen on power."

Lamorlock took a sip of the red wine in his hand and said with a smile: "So, Lord Sin, if you want to tell me who you rely on, then let's stop going in circles. After all, everyone's time is precious."

"What are the responsibilities of the jury?"

The Sin Lord blinked and said calmly: "I am also very interested in today's finals. We can go together later, but... just as His Highness Lamorlock said, let's stop here first."

"very good."

Lamorlock smiled with satisfaction, then put down his wine glass and leaned comfortably on the back of the sofa: "Try to convince me."

"First of all, I want to correct something. I didn't come to you this time to 'persuade' anything, Your Highness Lamorlock."

The Lord of Sin tapped the outer edge of his mask lightly and said leisurely: "Whether I asked you to come over, or what I said to you before, or even what I'm going to say to you later, are actually just I want you to be prepared. Admittedly, it is only a small possibility, but there is a difference between thinking about it and not thinking about it."

Labrock nodded noncommittally: "Very good, so what do I need to prepare?"

"For example, you can imagine in advance what would happen if Griffin's southern defense line suddenly collapsed, for example, if the Chauvinian Empire suddenly broke into the hinterland."

The Lord of Sin spread his hands and said with a smile: "I am not a commander. It is okay to play some conspiracy. I know nothing about fighting, but even a person like me can guess that if that situation is indeed If this happens, the Griffin Dynasty, whose center is closer to the south, will definitely be in turmoil, and some flaws that may be fatal or not fatal will be exposed.”

Lamorlock frowned, but did not immediately laugh at the 'possibility' proposed by the Sin Lord. Instead, he became strangely silent.

He did not think too much about this whimsical and daydreaming hypothesis put forward by the Lord of Sin, but tried hard to capture the 'sense of disobedience' that the other party had just revealed unintentionally...or simply deliberately showed to himself.

Something is wrong.

Although it has nothing to do with the topic the two are discussing now, it cannot be said to be completely unrelated!

Finally, after about two minutes of silence, Lamorlock turned his attention to the Sin Lord in front of him again and said slowly: "As far as I know, the Sin Lord of the Chauvin Empire is amazingly talented, although he is not a top powerhouse. , but during the previous rebellion led by Prince Kangda..."

"If you want to ask why the man who is said to have great commanding skills, who cooperated with Arthur Boho to successfully break through the rebels' final defense line, and made a huge contribution to that victory, claims to "know nothing about fighting", the reason is simple."

The Sin Lord slowly stood up, turned around lightly, and said with a smile: "That is the person in front of you, not the person who has done many, many interesting things in half a year and single-handedly destroyed the northwest continent. The situation has become what it is now - Sin Jue Mo."

Lamorlock narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the man in front of him who was a calm masked man in noble clothes a second ago, but in the blink of an eye his appearance had completely changed, and even his gender no longer matched. He praised softly: "This is really an unexpected surprise~"

"Reintroduce yourself."

One second ago, she was the 'Sin Lord', but now she has turned into a silver-haired dark elf woman wearing a dark red dress. Her appearance is beautiful and delicate, but it makes people feel a little lacking in reality. The delegation of the Chauvin Empire is essentially talking to each other. Morlock smiled slightly: "I am Gawen, who is currently working under the Sin Lord. If I remember correctly, we should have had a pleasant chat in the friend message before."

Lamorlock was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the woman in front of him was the one who assassinated Arthur Bohe in the Griffin Dynasty before. She directly added him as a friend afterwards, and made the decision in advance before the two parties met in Academy City. Guys who have reached a rough consensus.

"Ms. Jiawen, ha, I have to say that you really scared me..."

Lamorlock shook his head, and then raised his glass to the elegant girl in front of him: "Cheers to your beauty."

"Thank you, although this beauty does not actually belong to me~"

Even after taking off the disguise of the 'Sin Lord', Jia Wen, who still didn't show his true face, smiled. As a result, he took a sip of the wine brought by Yin Tian, ​​blinked and said, "Then, shall I continue?"

"never mind."

Lamorlock waved his hand, then raised his index and middle fingers and shook them twice: "You just need to tell me two things now. First, your boss, the real Lord of Sin, 'Who exactly is this person? Why would an outstanding person like you, Miss Gavin, willingly serve him? Secondly, what do you think you can rely on to break through Griffin's southern defense line? What does he want to do?"

"Those are three questions, my friend."

Gawen folded her legs gracefully and said in a leisurely tone: "But it doesn't matter. Since I have talked to this extent, I am naturally willing to answer these not-tricky questions. So, first of all, the first question, I can What I want to tell you is that my boss is a player like us. He is about 23 or 24 years old. His real identity is unknown. His camp in the Innocence is 'Chaotic Evil' and he has no anti-social tendencies in the objective sense. ."

Lamorlock nodded noncommittally, looking very nonchalant.

After all, apart from the fact that "the camp is chaotic evil" in Gawen's sentence just now is a bit of useful information, the other information is basically useless, and Lamorlock himself is also chaotic evil, so naturally he will not be interested in this relatively non-mainstream camp. Too much fuss.

"In addition, he is also the question mark that has always been number one in the player combat power rankings since the server was launched. Well, he is also the question mark that ranks first in the player comprehensive strength rankings."

Gawen added casually, and smiled with satisfaction when Lamorlock suddenly widened his eyes: "Although it is just a more subjective idea, in my personal opinion, although the boss is not old, he is qualified enough." It can be said that there are no blind spots. Not only that, he also knows very well what kind of people should be allowed to do what kind of things, instead of relying on his own strength or talent to do everything. He is very hands-on and knows how to bring out a person’s value. This type of boss is rare in the workplace.”

Lamorlock smacked his lips and stared unblinkingly at Gawen's warm and peaceful blood eyes: "How about letting a smart person like you contact me proactively, or even go to Academy City for a meeting on his own behalf?"

"It's a valuable trust, isn't it?"

Gawen laughed happily.

"I don't know if that counts as precious."

Lamorlock shrugged and casually provoked: "But I think this trust must be very useful to you."

"Yeah, he always knows how to make his tools feel good."

Jia Wen nodded indifferently and said with a smile: "Isn't this how perfect workplace environments come about?"

Lamorlock looked at the powerful 'agent' in front of him with some surprise. After a while, he raised his eyebrows and said: "To be honest, I don't mean to offend you, Miss Gawen, but for a 'player' Say, don't you feel a little humble for being so capable? After all, no matter how real or incredible this world is, it is still just a game to us."

"Yeah, you're right, this is just a game."

Gawen shrugged and said without pretense: "And I just made the choice that made me most happy. Isn't this exactly the essence of the so-called 'game'? And for someone like me, I can breathe as easily as I can." For those who betray anything, the working environment is never a 'restriction', and certainly not a 'humble' one."

"very good."

Lamorlock clapped his hands and suggested with a chuckle: "Then can I understand that if this place can provide you with a more comfortable 'workplace', Miss Gawen, you can easily betray that great Lord Sinner" Woolen cloth?"

"Of course, but I highly doubt you can do that."

"Haha, it's just a joke. To be honest, my position in the church is actually very embarrassing, let alone providing you with a comfortable workplace environment."

"So, let's get down to business?"

"That's natural. Now I'm suddenly interested in your hypothesis."

Game time AM12:30

Academy City, Central District, Arena Rest Area

"The day has finally come."

Hopkins Leon, the talker of the Paladin Knight Academy, took a deep breath, turned to Mu Xuejian, who was sitting in a daze on the bench next to him, and smiled: "How is it? Do you have confidence?"

"It's hard for me to answer that question."

After Mu Xuejian reacted for a long time, he shook his head slightly and said calmly: "I'm hungry..."

"It's better to eat less before the game, uh, although this kind of common sense is actually of no use to you."

Hopkins smiled casually, then turned to look at the other young man next to him: "What do you think?"

The handsome fox half-orc with long, silky red hair, who looked to be in his early twenties and wearing a heavy knight armor, shrugged: "I noticed that the guy named Kevin did not abandon the game. , and including Mo, whom Miss Mu is very concerned about, there are exactly fifty fully armed people in Diesel's quasi-cavalry team, so in my personal judgment, Kai, who has never missed a team competition before, Wen will probably not play this afternoon, and correspondingly... he will probably want to try to snipe Miss Mu in the individual competition."


Mu Xuejian was slightly stunned and asked subconsciously: "98K?"

Hopkins' favorite apprentice, Barty Arthur, the seventh-grade prefect of the Paladin Academy, was also stunned: "9 what?"


Mu Xuejian, who played several shooting battle royale games in the afternoon but never made it into the top fifty, shook his head and ended his strange association.

"Well, in short, what I mean is that Kevin may try to interfere with your performance in the team competition, Miss Mu, just like my previous misjudgment of Liadrin Diser. Please pay more attention to it later. "


"Also, as we said before, I will be responsible for some scheduling matters in the afternoon team competition. I will treat you, Miss Mu, as an ordinary member of our Paladin Knight Academy team. Please forgive me."

"It doesn't matter, I will listen to your arrangements."

"Well, then the finals of the individual competition are about to begin. I wish you good luck in martial arts."

"I'm hungry……"

"Ah, if you don't mind, I did bring some snacks today."

"no thank you."

"Eh? But didn't you tell the instructor before..."

"Mom said to be careful of suspiciously handsome guys. You are very handsome, so I have to be careful. Hopkins is not good-looking, so it doesn't matter."



"Yes, mentor."

"Your scholarship is gone."


Chapter 1104: End

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