Quadruple split

Chapter 1105 No sense of crisis

Game time PM13:08

Academy City Central District, Arena, West Stand


The Holy Maiden of Dawn, who was chatting with someone but was very poor at catching breath and far inferior to the two companions next to her, was suddenly startled. She suddenly turned around and looked not far behind her in a certain direction, and then smiled: " You're here?"

Mo Tan, who was holding the pathfinder tightly, panted and walked up behind Yu Chen, held the back of his chair, nodded and smiled: "Haha, you are all here, and I am a member of the jury after all, so I can't Too lazy."

"Isn't this called laziness?"

Fairy Graham, the saint of wealth, curled her lips and rolled her eyes: "After so many days of games, you basically don't show up in the morning, and even if you come in the afternoon, you only watch three or four games at most. Competition, tsk tsk, how do you say that, oh yes, you are simply committing a serious act of fishing, my Lord Commander Hafan."

"Senior, sit down."

Yi Zhao quickly stood up and moved away from the seat next to Yu Chen, and walked to the seat next to her while holding the shopping bag she had carefully used to occupy Mo Tan's seat.


Yuchen tilted his head and looked at Feiyali with some confusion, and blinked lightly with his large, clear, bright, and watery eyes.

"Hiss! Yours, yours!"

Feiyali, who felt an inexplicable chill rising from her back, shivered and said with a dry smile: "It's all yours, it's all yours."

"What nonsense are you talking about~"

Yuchen smiled and slowly turned his head back.

The chill is gone.

Fiyali: "..."

All in all, after a brief interlude, Mo Tan temporarily sat with the trio of beautiful girls from the Holy Religion United Delegation, watching the battle in the audience that really left no one with any enthusiasm at all.

Unlike many large-scale competitions of the same category, the Comprehensive Knight Fighting Competition does not have the concept of 'top sixteen' or 'top eight'. Instead, it will be determined through various methods based on combat. top ten.

Because the competition for the championship and runner-up is tomorrow, the last program before today's team competition is the competition for the third to tenth place in the individual competition. The competition method this time is the most clichéd and least innovative big melee.

At the same time, let fourteen people except the champion and runner-up compete in an individual battle arena four times the size, and try their best to persist until the end. Although this method is rustic, no matter how trendy the thinking is, people have to admit that This is the best way to test comprehensive strength.

The reason why native methods are called "earth" is because they are always used over and over again by various people, and the reason why they are used over and over by people is naturally because they are easy to use.

As a result, after the thirteen people had another championship contender besides Mu Xuejian, that is, Kevin, the Great Light Knight, defeated his semi-final opponent by a narrow margin, for their own desires (credits, bonuses, employment opportunities) The competition started and it was very lively.

By the way, the reason why there are thirteen people is because in addition to Mu Xuejian and Kevin who do not need to participate in this competition, Liadrin also abstained before the start of the competition, directly giving up the qualification to compete for the top ten.

There are two main reasons.

In the first major aspect, there are three small aspects. First, Liadrin is not a current student in Academy City, so she does not need credits; secondly, behind Liadrin is the Diesel family, and all kinds of resources are available. She is quite privileged, and she does not have the habit of spending money lavishly, so she does not need bonuses very much. Finally, as the leader of the second echelon of the younger generation of the Diesel family, she is destined to enter the cavalry team in the future, so she does not The trouble of finding a job.

The second big aspect is that she doesn't want to waste herself in this kind of troublesome battle. After all, someone has said before that she hopes to be part of the victory puzzle in tomorrow's team finals, which is crucial. Important part!

Therefore, Liadrin calmly chose to abstain amidst the massive boos from the spectators who did not see the excitement.

She is not the kind of person who cares about other people's eyes.

At least...she didn't think she was.

Turning her head to look in the direction of the VIP lounge where only one person was alone, Liadrin Blood Maple L. Diesel showed a smile that she was not aware of, and calmly admired the scene. A ranking match with low technical content.

"There is no technical content, it's just relative. After all, the performances of Mu Xuejian and Liadrin before were so brilliant."

Feiyali took a sip of the black coffee handed over by Yuchen and shrugged: "You know, in the last fighting competition, the level of the contestants was basically at this level, even worse than this group of people on the field. And let me tell you something, in the field of high-level knights, the following people can be said to be the best."

Yi Zuo, who was watching the game carefully, nodded vigorously. She felt that if she had not inexplicably broken through to the level of a half-step epic, she might not have been able to beat the knights who were fighting passionately on the stage. Even if the Paladins of the Dawn Sect were better than Ordinary knights have many advantages and can also use some magical skills, but if they really want to seriously fight with the top ten competitors, Yi Zuo still has no confidence at all.

I am just an ordinary high-level paladin in the Dawn Sect. Although I get along well with His Highness Xia Lian, His Highness Wangyu and their seniors, in most cases, things like 'popularity' should not be divided. Into the strength.

【In the end what happened……】

Gently clenching his right fist, Yi Zuo had a flash of confusion in his eyes, looking at the battle in the audience that maybe he could only look up to not long ago, but now he felt that it was "just like this" and fell into confusion.

"I think it's quite exciting."

Yuchen didn't think anything was wrong. He was still watching the game with the same enthusiasm as the previous few days. From time to time, he would exclaim in a low voice because the people below were in danger (if the person below was in danger, Mo Tan's eyelids would be jump).

"That's Wangyu. Anyway, I think most of the audience this year have been fed by that white-haired girl."

Fiyali held her cheek lazily and raised her eyebrows: "Look at Hafan, he is almost asleep."


Yuchen was stunned for a moment, then turned around and seemed to have not noticed the conversation between Feiyali and him. He also did not turn his attention to the competition field. Instead, he bent his index finger and lightly touched his lower lip, hanging down. I don't know what I'm thinking about.

After a brief hesitation, Yu Chen carefully approached Mo Tan, then leaned sideways and brought his delicate and cute little face to the latter's cheek——



Because the auditorium was not quiet in the first place, Yu Chen's "Wow" did not disturb anyone nearby. It just accurately frightened Mo Tan, who was immersed in thinking, and almost turned him over from his chair. Go down.

"What happened!?"

First he was frightened, and later he realized that Yuchen was almost pressed against him and blushed. Mo Tan awkwardly touched the tip of his nose and asked coquettishly: "Am I distracted?"

Feiyali snorted softly, raised her eyebrows and said, "Isn't that right? Whose girl were you thinking about just now? I... well, the commander of His Highness Wangyu?"


Yuchen rolled his eyes at the former angrily, which was really cute.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm just thinking about something."

Mo Tan finally breathed a sigh of relief after Yu Chen turned his face away. He leaned back on the chair and said helplessly, "There are so many girls to think about."

"I always feel like it's not a serious matter."

Fiyali wrinkled her nose, and then asked casually: "Is it really okay for you to be so lazy all the time? Don't forget that you are a member of the judging panel, the judging panel, can the judging panel really take advantage of it? "

"It depends on the situation."

Mo Tan, who has been carefully educated about the responsibilities of the jury by Lamorlock, shrugged and said with a smile: "Actually, the role of the jury is mainly to use the performance of both parties and the competition when the competition falls into a tangle, stalemate, endless loop or lose-lose situation. The details of all aspects give a 'conclusion' to avoid too long delays or danger to the players. This situation has basically never been encountered in this competition. The winning side is basically impeccable, and most of the defeated ones are convinced. oral."

Feiyali glanced at Mo Tan unhappily: "So you're fine?"

Mo Tan immediately shook his head: "You can't say that. You know, when there were several disputes in the team competition, I listened carefully to everyone's discussion of the results."

"Letting you join the judging panel allows you to increase your presence and expand your network."

Feiyali glared at Mo Tan with hatred, gritted her teeth and said: "It's best to let others appreciate you and brag about you later, not for you to sit in and watch!"

Mo Tan blinked: "No one told me."

Fiyali was furious: "Isn't that what I'm telling you!"

"From what angle are you telling me?"

"From the perspective of your good friend Fiyali."

"It's a personal point of view, then I don't need to listen."

"The most outstanding saint in the Fortune Sect for thousands of years, Fairy Graham!"

"Our Dawn Sect's most outstanding saint for thousands of years hasn't said anything yet."

"Hehe, I think it's actually good for Hei Fan to attend..."


Looking at the Saint of Dawn with a sweet smile, and someone who started to feel proud for no reason, Fiyali felt that she was not feeling well.

Especially after seeing the amusement in the latter's eyes, Fiyali understood almost immediately. The guy who wanted to package it up and throw it into the realm of aliens as a gimmick to make money must have figured out his intentions a long time ago. That's why they are so uncooperative.

Of course, based on my understanding of him, even if he didn't figure out his intentions, the guy with no ambition would probably not be too cooperative.

"But you're right, tomorrow is the last day, and I really shouldn't be lazy anymore."

Mo Tan stood up, smiled under Feiyali's surprised gaze, and then smiled at Yu Chen and Yi Zuo: "Then I will go to the judges' table first, and I may chat with you more after that. The sentence sounds familiar, so you don’t have to wait for me when you go back.”


Yuchen nodded obediently and gave this guy who seemed a little motivated a sweet smile.

"Senior, walk slowly."

Yi Zou nodded politely, and then inherited his previous habit with Sumir and asked in a routine manner: "Do you want me to accompany you?"

"I've told you many times, no one will attack me here, and you can't get in from the judges' table."

Mo Tan patted Yi Xuan's shoulder to reject the latter's proposal.


Yi Zou nodded somewhat uneasily, but finally did not insist on accompanying her under the authority of her senior.

"Actually, Yi Zou is just afraid that you will get lost."

Then Yuchen launched the backstab with a smile on his face.

Then Mo Tan clenched his [Roadfinder] in embarrassment and left quickly.

a moment later

Game time PM13:21

arena, jury stand

Mo Tan, who successfully arrived at his destination after only taking two wrong turns, walked to a corner as quietly as possible and sat down. He noticed that Priest Lamoroch, who often liked to chat with him, was chatting and laughing with others in the front row. Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, he really didn't want to have too much contact with that person who, although he had many advantages such as being funny, humorous, talkative, easy-going, etc., was inexplicably unable to get close to him.

[Anyway, it’s better to seize the time and do the deduction a few more times now...]

Mo Tan casually took out a chess piece from his bag, put it in his hand and rubbed it while closing his eyes, and began to think in his mind that he had been working hard to perfect it since a few days ago, and had optimized it countless times. 'plan'.

forty minutes later

When Mo Tan opened his eyes again, the first team match on the penultimate day of the match day had already begun.

On one side was the much-anticipated Paladin Knight Academy delegation.

On the other side, there was a delegation from a certain college whose name Mo Tan could not remember although they seemed quite strong.

"Very good. It seems that Liadrin's admission of defeat this morning did not make the other party wary."

Mo Tan, who had not expected that the young lady would give in decisively, laughed and saw with satisfaction that the configuration of the team had not changed at all. It was still headed by Mu Xuejian, followed by a team of forty-nine knight students. He breathed a sigh of relief.


"Haha, there really is no sense of crisis."

A familiar yet unfamiliar soft voice sounded behind him. Mo Tan looked back and found Lamorlock sitting on a chair diagonally behind him. He smiled cheerfully and said, "Hi, Priest Black Van."

"Good afternoon, Priest Lamorlock."

Mo Tan also greeted the other party in a friendly manner.

"Did you watch the game this morning?"

Lamorlock folded his arms and leaned on the back of the chair in front of him. He tilted his head and asked Mo Tan: "The individual match between Mu Xuejian and the Liadrin knight of the Diesel family."

Mo Tan was stunned at first, hesitated for a few seconds before deciding to tell the truth, nodded and said: "Yes, I saw it."

"What's your comment?"

Lamorlock continued to wonder.

"If you don't know that there is no hope, and you don't want to be hurt or embarrassed, then you admit defeat..."

Mo Tan sighed, and instead of pretending to be dumbfounded in front of Lamorlock, he stated his speculation very pertinently: "Then it can only be tactics."

"Personally, I don't think there is an 'if', because that Liadrin's eyes at that time were very bright, very, very, very bright~"

"so what?"

"So I felt just now that there was really no sense of crisis on the other side~"

Chapter 1098: End

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