Quadruple split

Chapter 1077 Return

[Although I planned to do my best from the beginning and obey fate...]

Pulling up the stand-up collar of the priest's robe, and curtly returning a salute to the students who bowed ninety degrees to him with wide eyes after seeing the jury's certificates, Mo Tan quickly walked into the arena from entrance three, which was the least crowded, as low-key as possible. , murmured in a low voice: "But I always feel that I am 'working overtime' no matter how I calculate it now."

After all, the mission belonging to 'Mo' has ended.

As for the 'Black Brahma' of the United Holy Religion Delegation, whether it is with the Diesel family or Jadeka and others, it can be said that they are not related to each other. There is absolutely no need to take unwarranted risks to reach this level.

However, although it seems so, things are not that simple.

In fact, we who have a God's perspective know very well that although Mo said he would go all out when he was Mo, in the previous battle against Mu Xuejian, he did not use it in a real sense. All in'.

For example, if he has a blood contract with Wang Ba Dan, if he wants, he can immediately call the former after realizing who [Mu Xuejian] is. As long as he is serious enough, with Wang Ba Dan's footsteps, he can still Able to reach the arena in a short time.

In fact, it is not a foul to call the mounts to come together in the middle of the fight. Again, the mounts themselves are part of the "knight". The lower appearance rate in this kind of individual battle is simply because it is not easy to play a positive role. It’s just a function.

On the other hand, although he thought about using it in the middle, Mo Tan finally hid the [Reverse Scale] skill until the end, until Mu Xuejian lightly scratched his neck with his index finger, and then he simply used it When he surrendered, he never used the first-order reverse scale, which had almost no side effects.

The main reason why he didn't play these two cards was that Mo Tan felt that even if he called Wang Ba Dan, even if he opened a reverse scale to make his physical fitness a few percent stronger, it would probably not be Mu Xuejian. opponents, so it’s better to lose plainly and save Wang Ba Dan and Ni Lin for the team competition...

Because Mu Xuejian was unexpectedly exposed in the first round for 'teaching' Mo Tan, the plan of the Paladin Knight Academy has almost become transparent. To put it simply, it is to let Mu Xuejian kill in the individual competition first. , defeat all opponents and directly win the championship, and then, just like Gavin Ladd's arrangement with Mo Tan, let Mu Xuejian also appear in the team competition!

Admittedly, there is indeed such a saying as 'If a Diesel cavalry is less than a hundred, it will be invincible if it is more than a hundred', and it is not an exaggeration from an objective point of view. At least Mo Mo, who has trained with the young people of the Diesel family for a few days, Tan doesn't think it's an exaggeration. In his opinion, regardless of individual strength, as long as there are enough of these friends who have probably been trained in group warfare a long time ago, their combat power can definitely crush most knights of the same rank and size. , if it is those hothouse flowers in the Paladin Knight Academy who have never really seen blood and fought to the death, I am afraid that even if they are given twice as many people, they will be crushed by the great-grandchildren of Jadeka.

The premise is that there is no Mu Xuejian, who according to Marla and Gavin Rad's analysis, is only at the peak of the high-level, and has not even touched the half-step epic, but is able to exert outside-level combat effectiveness.

If the role of 'Mo' is already considered the ceiling among high-level knights, then Mu Xuejian has obviously become some kind of bug that exists outside the ceiling. Of course, although she has the strength to be considered as an outsider, she should not Being classified as a 'knight', in fact, Mo Tan felt that this girl would not have any profession that was not related to the 'sword'.

But this is not important. Mo Tan has enough reasons to believe that even if the Diesel family or the White Oath Knights Academy accuse the Paladin Knights Academy on this point, the other party will definitely have a lot of excuses prepared long ago to deal with it. I won’t talk about admission procedures, attendance records, etc. I’m afraid even the mount is ready.

All in all, Mu Xuejian, who has basically become the champion of the high-level individual competition of the 'Comprehensive Knight Fighting Competition', is not a knight. This kind of thing will not actually have any impact on her, as long as she is not a spell caster, ranger, or cleric. After a quick look, you will know that it is a profession that has nothing to do with knight hair, and it is in the high-level strength range. As long as you pass the registration level, it will be difficult to be deprived of qualifications for this reason.

Under this premise, with the skills she showed when facing Mo Tan, she can completely use her trump card tactics to defeat many in the team competition, and force the Diesel delegation's 'Quasi Iron Cavalry' ' Create a large number of gaps and subvert the battle situation by oneself.

No matter how high the average quality of the young people in the Diesel family is, and no matter how good one plus one is greater than two in group battles, the participants in the team competition of Paladin Knight Academy will not be just paper. Both sides do exist. There is a gap, but this gap can be completely made up after Mu Xuejian participates.

Therefore, Gavin Rudd made the judgment that ‘the hope of winning is slim’.

As long as the person in charge of the Paladin Knight Academy is not stupid and deliberately prevents Mu Xuejian from participating in the team battle, it will be difficult for this 'quasi-cavalry team' headed by Liadrin to find any hope of winning.

However, in Mo Tan's eyes, this is not a dead end that cannot be solved and can only be settled and accepted the reality!

The possibility of victory is real, although it is not easy to grasp it tightly.

At least, it would not be easy if only ‘Mo’, who was participating in the war on behalf of the Diesel family, was thinking hard alone.

But if you add someone who has participated in just six months... Strictly speaking, he has personally commanded two large-scale battles, and won both of them at an absolute disadvantage in all aspects, and finally achieved a comeback against the wind, it will be This 'not easy' thing can still be done with a little bit of water.

[Anyway, let’s go say hello to Yuchen and the others first. 】

Mo Tan, who had just learned the specific locations of Yu Chen, Feiyali and Yi Zuo from a friend's message a few minutes ago, spent a full quarter of an hour and finally successfully reached the westernmost part of the auditorium, and with the help of Luna a long time ago The [Wayfinder] given to me perfectly found the east stand where my friends were, and I squeezed through the large number of teachers, students and tourists with difficulty.

A few minutes later, the Saint of Fortune Fiyali, who seemed to be losing interest in the competition in the audience and had been looking around, was the first to find Mo Tan who was trudging through the crowd. She smiled and raised her arms and shook her head vigorously: "Hafan ! Hafan! We are here!"

Her Highness did not wear her bright saintly attire today. Instead, she wore a uniform from a women's college that she didn't know where to buy. Although it was not as noble as before, it matched her The smart and playful temperament still looks very cute, and the eye-catching degree is at least one-third of Ji Xiaoge's [left behind and independent] state.

"Ah! Senior!"

Yi Zuo, who was sitting next to Feiyali, stood up suddenly, quickly ran to Mo Tan and led the latter to squeeze back again. There was a saying, even though this half-dragon female knight was a red-blooded person, she wanted to She is a girl with a good figure but good looks, but as a high-level paladin, her physical fitness is more than a star and a half better than one of her seniors. Even if she leads Mo Tan politely through the stands, instead of looking like Yaya's rapid progress was much more efficient than Mo Tan who was almost squeezed into the air.

Frankly speaking, the physical quality of the character 'Black Brahma' in [The Realm of Innocence] is no weaker than that of Mo Tan in reality, and is even much stronger. However, in this sword and magic world view, people's physical fitness is not weaker than that of Mo Tan in reality. The average physical quality is ridiculously high, which is why this dignified man of seven feet (actually not tall according to the standards of the Han Dynasty) appears to be so 'feminine'.

By the way, Yi Zuo did not wear her knight armor today, but wore a rather conservative dark purple dress that she had bought with the pocket money given by Mo Tan.

By the way, when I was shopping for clothes, Fiyali actually recommended a skirt that was of the same color but slightly bold in style. However, she was confused because of an incident where she did push-ups in front of her senior in casual clothes. , although Yi Zou liked that one quite a bit, she finally chose a dress that would not be exposed even if she suddenly wanted to do a set of 'Jadeka-style morning exercises'.

"Hey, I thought you wouldn't come."

Yuchen patted the empty seat next to him, and smiled at Mo Tan, who was slightly out of breath because he lost a full 30% of his physical energy due to getting lost: "Sit here, luckily I saved a seat for you."

Although he went out without Mo Tan's knowledge, Yuchen was still wearing the very, very warm cloak suit that the former had recommended before. Apart from that innocent and pretty face, his whole person was... Cover it tightly.

"You won't have to worry about heat stroke if you wear it so thickly."

Because he had just been beaten by Mu Xuejian and his thoughts were confused, and because he was a little excited after seeing his sweetheart, Mo Tan said something that was extremely unworthy of beating and shameless without thinking.

"Well, I'm afraid of the cold."

Yu Chen was stunned for a moment, and then showed a clear smile to Mo Tan: "So I took someone's previous advice and wore a little more."


Mo Tan, who finally reacted, was stunned, and his eyes began to wander, wanting to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

And Feiyali said calmly: "If Wangyu suffers from heat stroke, it is entirely the responsibility of you, a stingy Hafan, Hafan. Really, Wangyu has such a good figure and you have wasted it like this."

Mo Tan: "..."

"Fiyali, stop talking nonsense!"

Yu Chen, who had wasted her good figure, blushed slightly, then grabbed Mo Tan's arm and pointed to a place on the edge of the three competition fields under the auditorium, and said with a smile: "Look over there, see where that is. who!"

Mo Tan blinked, and then looked in that direction along the girl's slender fingertips, and soon found a person who was jumping around desperately, waving vigorously, with wings on his back. Although his appearance was too far away, he couldn't see it. It was clear but definitely had an extremely good-looking figure, knowingly asked: "That is it?"

"It's Xiao...er, Yege-san!"

Yuchen smiled and raised his little hand to wave to the excited Ji Xiaoge, turned to Mo Tan and smiled: "Didn't we meet before when you were not online? Ye Ge said that her good friend's family also participated in this event. Competition, and that little brother Mo she often mentioned to us also... um... also participated in the competition."

After speaking, the girl's sweet voice suddenly became slightly deeper.

[Yes, I entered the competition, but I lost it. 】

Mo Tan complained in his heart, and then curiously turned his gaze to Ji Xiaoge, who was still jumping around, and Yaya, who had inexplicably started jumping with Ji Xiaoge, and asked: "Where is it? That Mo Xiaoge Where is brother?"

"That half-dragon guy that makes people like me very much, he came on stage early~"

Fiyali yawned and shrugged: "Then he was easily settled by a girl. It's hard to explain."

[No, I think you have summarized it very well, and there is nothing that is difficult to explain in one sentence. 】

While Mo Tan continued to complain in his heart, he showed a rather surprised expression: "What? Didn't I remember that Ye Ge said that Brother Mo is very powerful?"

"It's pretty awesome, but I'm not very lucky."

Feiyali spread her hands and explained to the only 'uninformed person' present: "In fact, in the first round, he met your 'foreigner' who was the fifteenth in the personal combat rankings. There is a girl named Mu Xuejian, good guy, I am so good! Even if I don’t have financial support, I will probably be killed easily by that white-haired girl.”

Yi Zou also nodded solemnly: "Although I don't quite understand what that ranking list means, the second-year student from Paladin Knight Academy is really amazing. No, I should say too amazing. His Highness Wangyu and I My friend's strength should be between equals. If I were to play in my place, I would definitely be defeated quickly."

Next, the three girls explained the contents of the previous four chapters or so in detail to the person involved, Mo Tan, and successfully made him understand the situation.

five minutes later

"Hey, I just asked Ye Ge if we could get together later."

Yu Chen wrung his fingers in confusion and whispered: "But she said that Brother Mo was defeated by that sister Mu Xuejian (Mu Xuejian looked to be only sixteen or seventeen years old, and was actually younger than Yu Chen) My self-esteem has been frustrated, and I have already gone back to hug my pillow and cry. In addition, I still have to prepare for the team competition. I’m afraid I won’t be able to make an appointment to get together in the past two days.”

[God, why don’t you go back and hug the pillow and cry! Xiao Ge, you’ve gone too far! You've gone too far! 】

Mo Tan roared in his heart, smacking his lips with a slightly stiff face, and sighed: "Isn't that man's psychological quality a bit bad?"

"I think Ye Ge is joking. That 'Mo' won't be depressed because of this kind of thing."

Fiyali shook her head, pursed her lips and chuckled: "If I guessed correctly, he should be thinking hard at the moment, thinking about how to get back a victory in the team competition, oh! Look at the game No. 1 Taiwan! Another member of the Diesel family!"

[Nothing wrong, so I came here just to see the situation and figure out a solution...]

Mo Tan sighed lightly, and then he and the three women turned their attention to the competition stage No. 1, cheering for Liadrin in his heart.

Chapter 1070: End

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