Quadruple split

Chapter 1067 Fatal Game (V)

Within a moment, Futaba, who had a depressed face, and Mo Tan, whose face was once again made pale by the teleportation array, left the magnificent library behind them and returned to the sunshine again.

"I feel so upset."

The girl let out a long sigh and muttered in a low voice: "I was shocked."

Mo Tan staggered on the spot for a few steps, and comforted with a rather distorted expression: "Even those legendary strong men with long reputation must have... experienced this kind of thing, ugh, so Shuangye you don't need to If you don't care too much, just take it step by step and slowly, after all, you are a god... uh... genius."

Futaba glared at him and said dryly: "There is no need to emphasize this obvious fact. Instead of talking nonsense like this, can't you try to please me with some more technical methods? For example, you can stand in place. An explosion or something."

[The premonition has been triggered, and there are still 1 minute and 7 seconds left before being forced to go offline]

At the same time, the moment Futaba finished speaking, the system's cold tone, showing no emotion or gloating, rang in his ears.

[Have you ever opened your mouth? 】

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, and then immediately began to think with a huge amount of sugar at a thinking efficiency that was twice that of ordinary people.

[Tsk, tsk, sure enough, the expected scene has appeared~]

[Now there is a handsome guy who is about to go offline, and a mad woman who will probably wake up after discovering the fact that this handsome guy is "disconnected", sharpen her knife and prepare to kill. 】

[In this case, if this handsome guy is in a desperate situation, then he is very likely to acquire a brand new, fortressed life-saving skill out of grief and anger, similar to [Wise Man’s Foresight], although it doesn’t sound like much. It's not a good thing, but it's so easy to use that it just doesn't work. 】

[Then, this handsome guy will master that thing in a short period of time, and then rely on his smart brain that is higher than the sky and deeper than the sea to save the day, and finally achieve the HAPPY END of fooling this crazy woman into lameness. 】

[Then, here comes the question...]

[Am I considered to be ‘desperate’ now? 】

After asking himself this question, Mo Tan sighed quietly in his heart and quickly came to a regrettable conclusion——

It doesn’t count!

Although the game in front of him is indeed a bit difficult to break, it is far from leaving him cornered, at least subjectively.

Therefore, despite some regrets, Mo Tan still reluctantly took action in order to 'save himself'. The specific manifestation was that he took a sharp breath of cold air, and then suddenly stood upright, bending the entire body. He shifted his weight to his toes, quickly let go of his hands covering his stomach, and let out a strange moan from his throat.


Futaba was startled at that time, and in the next second she jumped away from Mo Tan like a panicked rabbit, pointing at the latter's nose from four or five steps away and screaming: "You're not it! You're not it, are you?" !You...you stay away from me and hurry up!"

Because of her irregular work schedule and unhealthy diet all year round, this girl immediately understood what Frank Hughes' sudden behavior meant. To put it simply...

"If you dare to show your shit in front of me!"

Shuangye gritted his teeth and stared at Mo Tan. In an instant, he laid out at least six layers of mana barriers flowing with various elements in front of him, and screamed: "I dare to put those things back from your mouth!!"

[Six layers of high-level elemental shields, and six layers without duplicates. You have the nerve to say that your magic power has been completely consumed! ? 】

Mo Tan first cursed in his heart, then nodded slowly with a livid face, and said with difficulty: "Hug...I'm sorry, Futaba, but I haven't...well yet! But I can't hold on for too long... Here...is there anything I can do..."

[There are still 59 seconds until forced offline]

System-chan began to urge mercilessly, and his voice was as mechanical and cold as usual, with no intention of gloating at all.

"I don't even fucking know!"

Futaba took a few steps back again and screamed with a crazy look on his face: "This is my first time here too! And you bastard, don't you know that beautiful girls don't have to go to the toilet!"

"Then...what will I..."

"Hey! Don't come towards me! You... you go somewhere else! Go and strangle yourself to death where I can't see you! Don't come here, you bastard!"

"Yes... then I... hiss!"

Futaba was furious, and Motan, whose lips were trembling, couldn't help but gasp. The two struggled to maintain the conversation, and no one dared to act rashly.

The one who broke the deadlock was a half-dragon boy with short hair and wearing the uniform of an unknown college who had just walked out of the library.

"This classmate."

The short-haired man stopped next to Mo Tan, whose face was livid because he had consciously held his breath. Then he took half a step back seriously and asked, "Is this your first time in the library?"

[There are still 48 seconds until forced offline]

Mo Tan nodded stiffly: "Yes."

"First time using teleportation array?"


"Your stomach is churning now?"


"About to squirt?"


"Haha, sorry, sorry, because I also had a stomachache when I first came here, so I can tell at a glance. If you go around this platform and turn left, you can see the toilet after walking a few more steps. If you hurry up, it won’t even take half a minute, so you should be able to make it in time.”

The short-haired half-dragon kindly pointed out a clear path for the 'comrade' in front of him, then lowered his gaze and let out a mixed sigh: "You are lucky to have met me. I was... I searched for it for about five minutes... but I still couldn't hold it in."

【grass! 】

Mo Tan and Futaba let out an all-powerful sigh in their hearts at the same time, and their eyes suddenly became kind when they looked at the short-haired half-dragon student.

"Sarah never spoke to me after that..."

The boy looked at the sky at a 45° angle with a melancholy face, and murmured in a low voice: "So brother, don't make the same mistake I did, hurry up while you can still hold it in... eh? Where is the person?"

"Go take a shit."

Shuangye pointed expressionlessly at Mo Tan's limping back not far away, and gave the answer with a twitching corner of his mouth.

"It's great... I have time to go to the toilet and poop."


"Ah, by the way, haven't you asked me your name yet? I am from Versaille Monkey School..."



"I said 'get out'! Get out of my way quickly, you shit-sitter!"

"Squirting... shit-squirting man!?"

Game time PM13:21

Academy City Central District, the top floor of the [Stars] high-end hotel chain owned by the Steam Foundation, Suite Zero

"I'm back~"

Mo Tan opened the door with the card that Diana had given him early, walked into the main hall happily, and smiled at the beautiful figure not far away who was leaning on the corner of the sofa in a daze: "It's so early today, my dear. of."


Diana immediately let out a short exclamation, and then 'bounced' from the sofa with agility that was almost unlike that of a mage. She quickly ran towards her lover with her skirt in hand. She was wearing a pair of trousers today. Wearing a simple but expensive dark blue dress instead of the previous dress, although it may look a little hot, this master with profound knowledge in the occult obviously knows how to make himself The clothes are kept at a constant temperature for a long time, so they don't feel stuffy.

I don't know why, although Frank likes to dress cooler when the two of them are alone, he always has a tough attitude and makes himself change into relatively tight clothes before going out.

Diana didn't hate this kind of dominance, on the contrary, she could vaguely guess the reason, and she enjoyed the slightly childish behavior of her boyfriend who was several years younger than her but extremely mature.

[Thank you for wanting to monopolize Diana's style, even though Diana is not a charming woman. 】

This is one of the passages in her diary that not even her best friend Ana Ta Rasha has read.

All in all, Diana, who was well-dressed but still couldn't hide her good figure, rushed towards Mo Tan, and Frank Hughes also opened his arms at the same time, wanting to give his lover a loving hug.



The petite, flat-faced, four-eyed genius beautiful girl mage suddenly appeared between the two of them, stretched out her little hand and forced Diana to stumble to a stop, and said sternly: "Don't hug me! This person just pooped!"

Diana: "Huh?"

Mo Tan: "..."

"Yeah, I mean, this guy just took a shit! Just a while ago!"

Futaba emphasized it solemnly, directly and unilaterally breaking the promise she had made with Frank not long ago, and said in a deep voice: "It took a long time!"

Mo Tan scratched his hair in embarrassment and whispered: "Actually, it didn't take long..."

"Shut up! Shit!"

Futaba glared at Mo Tan with disgust, and then continued to say sternly to Diana: "So you understand! This man just came out of the toilet, and he might still have... Damn it!"

"I missed you, Frank."

Diana walked briskly around Futaba and plunged into Mo Tan's arms, rubbing the former's chin and giving all her weight to the other person with a blushing face.

"If I had known you would come back so soon, I wouldn't have gone anywhere and waited for you."

Sniffing the fragrance of Diana's hair, Mo Tan began to consider whether to change the brand of air freshener in his home and asked with a smile: "How long have you been waiting?"

"It didn't take long actually."

Diana touched the tip of Mo Tan's nose and said softly: "Well, what Futaba just said..."

"Ahem... Actually, the two of us just went to the library in the inner ring area."

Mo Tan smiled coquettishly, hugged his lover in his arms and smiled: "Thank you for helping me get the certificate before. I found a lot of good books there."

"Hee, as long as you like it~"

"But maybe it's because I'm not used to the space teleportation array inside...I...had a slight physical problem when I left. Oh, don't show such an expression. It's just an ordinary stomach upset, so I was delayed in the toilet. It took a while.”

"Space teleportation..."

Diana frowned, then reluctantly left Mo Tan's arms, turned back to Futaba and stretched out her hand: "Bring it here."

Futaba rolled her eyes: "What?"

"The trial piece of your latest project is for Frank."

"Huh? I only have one piece of that thing, why should I give it to him?!"

"Because Futaba, you are already a mature high-level mage, and you have also studied space magic, so you should learn to neutralize the adverse effects of space teleportation on your own."

"God is such a mature high-level mage! Diana, don't go too far!"

"Your project was sponsored by Brother Kenneth..."

"So what!"

"I'm considering sponsoring you a little bit."

"This is not a matter of money. I don't want to lose face? How can I just give it to you!"

"In addition to materials, I can also provide a little experimental funding. You can spend it however you want without asking."

"Take it."

Futaba happily took out a hexagonal silver plate from his luggage and threw it to Diana: "Who among us follows whom? Diana, your business is my business, and your boyfriend is my boyfriend." friend!"

In an instant, a row of huge composite magic arrays shining with hazy starlight appeared above Futaba's head.

"Hey, hey! I'm just kidding! I don't like this kind of man who can still poop!"

Futaba immediately gave in to the large array that made her dizzy just by looking at it, that combined epic level magic knowledge and astrology, and that could blow her up alive in just a few seconds.

"I'm joking too. These are just star maps that I reproduced with my magic power. If you study astrology with me carefully, you won't be confused~"

Diana covered her mouth and chuckled, then casually scattered the 'star maps' that were actually not lethal at all, then handed the metal plate in her hand to Mo Tan, and said very proudly: "This is a topic that Futaba has been working on recently. , if you carry this with you from now on, you won’t feel particularly uncomfortable when teleporting through space.”

Mo Tan touched the tip of his nose and said sheepishly: "This... feels like it's a very important thing. I'd better not accept it. It'll be fine if you get used to teleportation and things like that."

"I am your lover, Futaba is my apprentice, you don't need to be embarrassed towards her."

Diana shook her head and firmly put the mithril plate in her hand into Mo Tan's arms: "Take it as long as you are told!"

Mo Tan was helpless and nodded reluctantly: "This... okay..."

[Trial type mithril resonance rune substrate]

Category: Special

Quality: only excellent

Manufacturer: Futaba

Technical Advisor: Kenneth A. Azizolti

Effect: To a certain extent, it offsets the negative effects that may be caused to the user during space teleportation.

[Remarks: This is a small-scale trial model that greatly saves manufacturing costs. The back is printed with the dog-like signature of Master Futaba. 】

【Smells so good~】

After a mouthful of soft rice, Mo Tan, who was refreshed, took the rune substrate into his arms and nodded vigorously to Futaba: "I will definitely cherish it."

"As long as you don't do anything weird with that thing."

Futaba waved his hands indifferently, and then glanced at Diana in Mo Tan's arms: "By the way, I went to the 31st District of the library..."


"I read a lot of books."


"I'm a little doubtful about life now, please enlighten me."

"You, you, you...you girl!"

Chapter 1060: End

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