Quadruple split

Chapter 1065 Fatal Game (III)

As we all know, space teleportation magic can almost be said to be synonymous with concepts such as 'convenience', 'quickness', and 'efficiency'. Correspondingly, whether it is used in the field of tourism or communication, it is those who only have identity, financial resources or A luxury that can only be enjoyed when one's strength has reached a certain level.

A team of adventurers with an average strength of high level, even if they work around the clock every day to complete tasks that match their own strength, they will only earn nearly a thousand gold coins in a month. This does not include consumable supplies and equipment. Maintenance, food and clothing, etc.

A 'registered letter' from the Mages Guild is the communication mode that Diana uses every time she writes to 'Frank Hughes', that is, the letter is directly sent to the destination in the shortest possible time through long-distance space transfer. The standard external price for this service of the Mages Guild nearest to the sender's address is 3,500 gold coins.

Because of her status as a great astrologer, Diana could get a discount of three thousand gold coins if she sent the letter herself.

The same is true for sending a letter without any attachments. The price for the Thieves Guild ranges from 5 gold coins to 30 gold coins. The fee for the Wanderer Inn is a stable 15 gold coins.

As for the price of living body teleportation, it will basically not be less than five figures...well, in most cases these four words refer to 'teleportation on the go' rather than some weird and scary things.

Comparing the air freight charges of Bangtan Airlines and the Dwarf Pan-Business Circle, they are simply in the sky and on the ground.

However, one thing needs to be emphasized separately, that is, although the four words "space teleportation" are indeed synonymous with concepts such as "fast", "expensive" and "luxury", this does not mean how "comfortable" it is. '.

In fact, most space teleportation has nothing to do with comfort. It is okay to send a letter or something. After all, the letter will not be vomited on the ground after the teleportation due to continuous space shocks, but a living person is another person. It's over.

It's okay for space mages above the epic level. They only need to create a layer of 'dynamic' space tremors around their bodies, and yawn during the subsequent teleportation process to offset the vibrations when traveling through space.

Or those who are not space mages, but their strength has reached the level of half-step legends. Even if these people do nothing, they will not be made uncomfortable by the mere "space shock for teleportation".

Although the strength has not yet reached the standard, certain beings with strong enough physical qualities or weird enough body structures can be immune to this effect, such as Cordoba who meets the requirements of both "physically strong" and "weird structure".

In addition to the above three types of people, there are only a very small proportion of people who are very compatible with space teleportation, or who are so talented that they can not be affected by teleportation through other means.

For example, Futaba, who has been studying the subject of 'how to effectively neutralize the side effects of long-distance space teleportation' for a long time in the City of Miracles, now carries a homemade [trial mithril resonance rune substrate] with her, even though it is only It was a trial type, but as long as a small amount of magic power was poured into it, it would be enough to form a barrier around her that could neutralize most of the side effects of space teleportation.

And because a large number of mounting spaces in the library come from the same source, both in design techniques and structural concepts, and the 'plane difference' between them is small enough, the teleportation arrays here are not inherently different. It will cause too many side effects to the user.

To sum up, the load transmitted from [Area 1] to [Area 31] is zero to Futaba and will not cause her any discomfort at all.

For Mo Tan, who did not have any neutralization means, this kind of load was unavoidable, which directly caused him to be confused by the first few teleportations when he was a Black Brahma.

Therefore, after his mental state changed, he logged in as 'Tan Mo' and casually arranged a situation that even he himself did not think could be implemented smoothly.

Although he did not use the identity of 'old comrade Hei Fan' to test Futaba during this period out of caution, nor did he try to learn from Diana what Futaba did when he was out of his monitoring range, he could still guess. One can also guess that this four-eyed dead tablet will definitely be interested in this prestigious [Academy City Comprehensive Library]. On this basis, the preparations he needs to do are very simple.

First of all, based on the information obtained when he visited the library as Hei Fan, he speculated that Futaba might be interested in the floors. After excluding the restricted book areas that he could not make effective arrangements for the time being, there were very few options left. , and the '31st District' where the two of them are currently located is one of the floors that Mo Tan speculates that Futaba is very likely to be interested in.

Then, make some ‘arrangements’ in advance on the floors that are likely to be selected by Futaba.

Third, be patient and wait for the opportunity.

Finally, when the time is right, he will immediately make a judgment by observing Futaba. If she is caught off guard and falls into dizziness like he did when he was Black Fan, he will create a murder here. If she is as expected, Without being affected, he sent out a secret signal to tell the co-ordinators who were waiting for an opportunity to stop their actions.

The results are self-evident. After discovering that Futaba not only did not suffer from headaches, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms after teleportation, but even jumped up and down like a Gyarados, Mo Tan immediately decided to terminate this unintentional plan. plan, then he covered his head, staggered a few steps, and stumbled out of the magic circle.


Futaba raised his hand with a look of displeasure, and summoned a weak breeze out of thin air to straighten Mo Tan's body, which had fallen straight to the ground. He curled his lips and said, "Can we not be so embarrassed?"

Mo Tan stood up straight with a wry smile, held his stomach and let out a moan that he tried to suppress, and said with a pale face: "I didn't want to either...but just now...well...I don't know why, my body suddenly... "

"It's just a normal reaction after space teleportation. Just get used to it."

The girl waved her hand nonchalantly and teased: "You have never experienced such high-end gadgets since you were born."

Mo Tan took a few deep breaths and nodded honestly: "Well, this is my first time to experience space teleportation..."

"What do you think?"

"I really don't want to do it a second time if I can."

"Go out."

Futaba rolled her eyes, then turned to face the maze-like collection of bookshelves in front of her, and said enthusiastically: "So where should we start? Let's go to the more basic [Junior Level] first. Incremental Element Control Example Area], [Entry-Level Epic Magic Detailed Explanation Area], or [Advanced Mixed Magic Principles and Architecture Science Popularization Area] with more useful information?”

Mo Tan: "..."

"Hey, you want to say something, aren't you competing to see who can read faster?"

Futaba saw the man behind him standing there in a daze with a lifeless expression, and immediately asked his opinion in a seemingly magnanimous manner: "Frank, where do you want to see first?"

Mo Tan was silent for several seconds, then slowly raised his hands under the unblinking gaze of the girl's big, bright eyes, and said helplessly: "I give up."


Futaba tilted her head and asked curiously: "Admit defeat?"

Although her expression was innocent and cute, the playfulness in her eyes undoubtedly revealed her impure motives of simply wanting to bully people from the beginning.

"Let's not say that I didn't want to compete in the first place."

Mo Tan looked around with interest at the area, which was divided into at least thirty major areas. Each area had space for at least tens of thousands of books. He shrugged and said, "Even if you want to compare, I am a person who knows nothing about magic. I can’t even see…”

"Okay, okay, don't explain it so seriously."

Futaba patted Mo Tan's arm hard and said with a smile: "Sorry, just come here with me to kill time this time. If there is anything you want to see, I can send you somewhere else first." Go to the next level.”

Obviously, Futaba didn't want to carry out her unreasonable behavior to the end. After all, she would still leave some leeway before confirming that Frank Hughes was Tan Mo. After all, based on this person's behavior so far, From the looks of it, he does seem to like Diana very much, and he doesn't have any other motives.

[However, it’s just a look. 】

The girl pushed up her glasses slightly and showed a harmless smile to Frank Hughes: "What do you think?"

“It’s an honor for me to witness the growth of a genius.”

Mo Tan also laughed, bowed to Futaba in a slightly exaggerated manner, and said with a smile: "It's rare to have the opportunity to come to a place like this that logically speaking I will never have the chance to set foot in, so I might as well just find a few books. I’ll read the book that feels relatively simple, just in case I can inadvertently awaken a magical talent no less than a genius like you, Futaba, like what’s written in the story.”

Shuangyepi twitched the corner of his mouth with a smile and said dryly: "Do you believe this?"

Mo Tan touched the tip of his nose nonchalantly, shook his head and said, "I don't believe it."

"According to common sense, anyone with the talent of a spell caster, at the latest twelve years old, should be able to sense the ubiquitous elements in the air without resorting to external force. And when these people try to communicate with those elements , communicate, or simply want to control them like me, a little magic will naturally be produced in the body, and the mental power will also increase with the tide, and finally reach the point where it can stably pull trace elements, enough to support the drawing of a simple magic structure s level."

Futaba smiled and said to Mo Tan calmly, "Normally, those who can achieve this level are qualified to go to the nearest mages guild to take the 'apprentice examination'. If they can pass, then they can be provided by the guild." Use the basic resources to improve yourself and slowly move towards the field of 'Junior Mage'."

Mo Tan nodded with a learned look on his face: "That's it~"

In fact, this kind of knowledge, which is relatively obscure for both players and ordinary indigenous NPCs, is quite clear to Mo Tan. There is no other reason. In fact, Jadeka has used it over and over again for more than ten years. The great achievements of Nian Cai from 'being able to sense elements' to 'entering the realm of entry-level mage' have been told so many times that even Ya Ya can almost memorize them.

"So, if you are still unable to perceive elements, evil energy, natural spirits, etc. at your age, then you will basically say goodbye to the path of being a spell caster."

Futaba stretched out his arms and patted Mo Tan on the shoulder, comforting: "Look at it, if you can really make a fool of Diana, you will be considered to be half of the peak of the mage field. , the wife of a great astrologer, and the brother-in-law who has a stable seat in the Parliament of Truth, even if you can't beat a Pikachu, you can still go out and brag about it."

Mo Tan blinked: "What is Pikachu?"

"You heard wrong, I said Nikachu."

Futaba snorted, and then strode towards the hexagonal bookshelf cluster in the distance with a row of large characters [Entry-level Epic Magic Detailed Explanation Area] flashing directly above it, and said without looking back: "If you don't go anywhere else If you are looking for something to read, come together. I can chat with you while reading to relieve your boredom. Is that an honor?"

Mo Tan shrugged, slowly followed the girl who was getting more and more excited, nodded and said: "It's a great honor~"

After walking briskly for ten minutes, Futaba and Mo Tan trudged hard to their destination. Then they saw the girl snap her fingers, and she had passed through the [Arcane Eye] half a minute ago. 】The dozens of locked books were immediately pulled out by gentle breezes, slowly rotating around the two leaves like satellites. It looked like... well, considering that this girl's figure is too petite, there are not many books here. It's so big and thick that it's basically invisible now.

However, because of the assistance of [Arcane Eye], Futaba did not lose her ability to see. She eagerly grabbed a book of "Half-Step Epic - A Complete Collection of Regular Element Magic in the Early Stage of the Epic①" from her side and flipped through it. He turned around and walked straight to the nearest small round table in the reading area and sat down.

The dozens of books surrounding her were piled up on the table to form a small mountain. At first glance, they looked extremely messy, but if you look closely -

Well, it might as well be at first glance.

Mo Tan, who was a little unsure whether the girl deliberately piled up these books to achieve this kind of virtue or was doing artistic modeling, coughed lightly and asked: "Um, double..."

"Shut up!"

While Futaba stared at the illustrations in the book in front of him, he raised his little hand and summoned a small fireball with a simple shape out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, under Mo Tan's rather horrified gaze, the small fireball turned from red to green, from green to blue, and finally settled into pure white with a bit too much brightness and temperature. After a few seconds, it made a 'pop' sound. It dissipated in the air like bubbles.


The girl frowned, murmured in a low voice, "It's a bit difficult," and then continued to flip through the book and gesture.

Mo Tan, on the other hand, obediently shut his mouth and began to pack away the pile of books in front of the girl without saying a word, without making any sound.

Chapter 1058: End

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